British Highschoolers react to Bri’ish Memes! (Part 2)

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I love how British they are.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/InternationalSalt1 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2022 🗫︎ replies
Alright guys. We thought this afternoon we  would show you some British memes. I've seen the bottle of water  meme one too many times. Yes, that one is... Sorry, let me just delete some.... First up. Right, okay. Tuesday, I don't get how you  can say it any different. FROI-day? No, I don’t get that one. Saturday as well. Saturday. Sa-a-day. Oh, I hear it now, I hear it now. Saturday. Sunday is correct... American barbecue, British barbecue, British chocolate, American chocolate. What have they done to the Pope? I have to get my man back in a church. Is that the same person? - No. - It really looks like him. British barbecue is quite basic. It's just a little, maybe like sausage, burger. Yeah, it's not great. But our chocolate is top tier. But that's delicious though. They serve that for our breakfast club at school. Now that is beautiful. You can't get better than that. That's just the definition of English. And with a cup of tea? What do you think about how  unhealthy English breakfast is? I don't really think about it.  I just want to eat all of it. I don't care if that's bad for you. - That's peak English food. - I had that for breakfast this morning. That's rank. And that's not British cuisine. That is disgusting. First of all, that's a hot dog sausage. - Yeah, that is a hot dog sausage. - It's not even a true sausage. - That's not sausage. - Stick and mash. Fish and chips Sausage and mash. Oh, they're fighting. So you're saying this picture right  here is number two? Well, not with hot dogs, but actual sausage, like, yeah. Good Lord. British food. Welcome to Britain. All 6 of my brain cells assembling So I can pronounce... I don't even know what that says. What is that photo? It is a pretty hard word to pronounce, to be fair. W-Worchesterstire? Worchesterstire? I'm English and I don't even know. Break it down, you've got  war, then you've got sest. Then you've Wor-sest-ershire. It's actually pronounced......Worcestershire. It's like Leicester., I can spell Leicester,  because of Leicester Square, yeah. Do you know how Leicester Square is spelt? - L-E-I... - L-E-I... - ...S - ...C! Oh! Oh! We just say woo-ster, don't we? With the sauce, you mean? Yeah, Worcester sauce. But does it say Worcestershire on the bottles? Yeah. But we just call it Worcester sauce? Yeah. Do British people still do the... What accent? We still do the accent when nobody's  around, because we are the accent. It is the accent, yeah. It's completely authentic. I think they mean like, "Oh tea and crumpets, oh yes". Can you guys do a good American accent? I think I can. Do you want to read that  meme in an American accent? Do British people still do the  accent when nobody's around? Do British people still do the  accent when nobody's around? Do British people still do the  accent when nobody's around? See that, see that? That was beautiful. That was pretty good. Normally, people just go  for the complete caricature. Full cowboy. *Awful cowboy accent* Do British people still do the  accent when nobody's around? Yeehaw! Harry is adjusting great to America. Every time I ask for a  biscuit, they give me a scone. So to them, a biscuit's a scone? Do you want me to show you  what an American biscuit is? Well, that isn't a biscuit. That is not a biscuit. That's not a biscuit. Wait, what? How do we eat things that  look like that in England? Probably cut it in half, maybe. Cut it in half? Have it with jam and cream? Jam, yeah. In America, they have those with gravy. Gravy? Oh. I thought we were weird  having gravy with everything. How can you have gravy with a biscuit? Biscuits and gravy. It looks like that. That's worse. That's worse. That is actually disgusting. What is it? That’s not gravy. What is that? Biscuits and gravy. The way they describe it sounds a lot nicer. Oh gosh, not in one of these boostershires. Borchestershire shot. Booster. Ohhh! Wow. A bit of a pickle, yeah, it's  not good when you hear that. That's a bad sign. The thing is, everyone in Britain understands it. It's like a code. Accurate? Accurate. I've done that. You've done that. I've done that. I don’t want to do it. Can’t be *****. Exactly. It’s a community, everyone understands it. I always say that. When my friends are like, do  you want to come out on Friday? I'll say. Oh, I'll see. Maybe I  might be a bit sick on Friday. I'm planning to be a bit sick. Let me check my diary. Oh, yeah, no, I'm sick on Friday. I've used that a couple of times. Might have used that with you. Yeah, yeah, that is so true. That is so true. That’s true though. British people are very good at  underplaying what's actually like. You see something that's beautiful and say, "Ah, that's interesting". Or you see something that's totally whack, and you say, "Ah, that's interesting". Why do you think we do that? Because we're trying to be polite. So you'd be polite to the devil? Yeah. They put tea in the microwave? We mentioned this last time but... A lot of Americans, not all, But I'd say, probably the majority of Americans don't have kettles. But you can just buy one. Do they not have a kettle? I thought they came in every house. They're like 15 quid in Tescos. Less! Oh, no. That's happened to me before. It smells. That happened to you, really? You open the door, you have to push in. There's wafts of just kind of, it's disgusting. That room is not fun. This is so relatable. You get there, and you're wearing  like a crop top and a skirt. When I was at school, if there  was nothing in lost property. You just had to go in your pants. What? Dave, would you be allowed to do that? Oh, yeah. No, you're right. I was about to say. Last up. Shall we say it together? Can I park here, mate? Yeah man, sure. Yeaman Shore is a real place? Yeah, apparently. Can I park here, mate? Yeah man, sure. OK, fair enough. Yeah man, sure. A little taste of some British memes. Did it live down to your expectations? It's just funny because  you're laughing with someone. Like, if I was sat here alone laughing,  it might be a bit sad, probably. Apologies to everyone watching this video alone. In your room. They're laughing with us, all altogether. We'll see you JOLLY soon. Bye! Thank you. Thank you so much.
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 6,244,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOLLY, josh, ollie, British, UK, English, englishman, comedy, duo, food, react, try, tries, best, weirdest, craziest, series, online, guest, memes, Gentleman, Brits, international, spicy, spiciest, hottest, fire, noodles, snacks, fast food, best friends, infinite possibilities, gabie, kook, carrott, kendal, review, taste, test, steven lim, watcher, travel, sorted food, highschoolers, meme, tiktok, weird, rappers, actually good, paris, london, L.A., mcdonalds, michelin, crazy
Id: 11ak2FgIq60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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