Chuck Grassley Asks Witnesses Point Blank About Corporate Funding

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have a point of personal privilege before I start my questioning I want you to know that Senator Johnson and I were accused of spreading right and disinformation for two and a half years and everybody now knows that we were not spreading Russian disinformation on an investigation that we were doing uh Dr pelkey you were fired from your position at 538 Wikileaks later revealed an explicit campaign against you the editor of Think Progress a website that's part of the lobbying arm of a far left-wing Center for American progress wrote The Following in an email to billionaire dark money Democrat donor Tom steyer quote I think it's fair to say that without climate progress the environmental armor of Think Progress Pilkey would still be writing on climate change for 538 why do you believe you were fired from 538 and smeared in the media yeah thank you um I had written a piece I was hired by Nate silver to write for 538 um and since climate change was so contested I said well if you let me write something about sports I also write about climate change my first piece was to summarize an ipcc report um in 2012 the ipcc released a report a special report on Extreme events and it was straight up ipcc consensus science that I wrote about what I said in that piece was that disaster costs are increasing but they're increasing because we have more stuff more property more buildings In Harm's Way that's what the ipcc concluded there was an organized campaign released years later and you know where you'll find yourself I was in the Wikileaks and it was organized by Center for American progress along with a climate scientist named Michael Mann and they were very explicit why they wanted me to be removed my message even though it was on consensus science was not politically comfortable or acceptable so it was a very clear reason why I was attacked my only uh regret is that the editors at 538 didn't stand firm and say we're going to support strong science Mr Walter Witnesses called to testify before this committee this year by the majority worked for organizations that have received dark money from Arabella advisors the president of the niskanen senator even admitted on the record to receiving funding from Anonymous donors in the past but in 10 climate hearings Democrats have never asked a single one of their Witnesses about their receipts of dark bunny let alone attempted to impugn the Integrity or accuse them of conspiracy why do you think that is and how does Arabella advisors influence Democratic legislators and why is the Democratic dark money conveniently ignored by the left uh thanks for the question Senator uh I can't explain uh exactly why your colleagues aren't willing to look at the dark money ties of their own Witnesses because of course they're very extensive and our website will provide lots of information on that um Arabella is a stunningly powerful it affects the executive branch it affects regulations uh it affects legislation uh with as I said billions of dollars a year um some of it from from foreign donors now uh one of my favorite examples this would be that the almost the entire Biden regulatory agenda has been shaped by an especially uh dark bit of Arabella called governing for impact um and uh interestingly that has ties to uh witness that appeared at the last hearing where I had the honor of testifying to Chairman chairman Whitehouse are any Democratic Witnesses on this panel linked to the web of uh liberal dark money donations uh yes just today you have a witness for instance who spent years at the group called crew uh which is tied to the dark money of Empire of David Brock and other dark money uh you have a witness who's connected to a non-profit that receives money from the Rockefeller Brothers fund uh which is one of the donors tied up in the Arabella Network Mr doctor or rescue the environmental law firm Sharon edling receives funding by way of the resource legal fund and the Arabella advisor's new adventure fund from foreign and domestic Elites to promote Progressive climate policies Democratic dark money Giant George Soros and Leonard dip Caprio are among their donors are you currently or have you ever been retained by the environmental law firm share edlink to talk about the case that I consulted on San Mateo versus Chevron where the people of San Mateo County have sued for redress because of the damages that that County and the state of California is experiencing from sea level rise caused by climate change caused by their product oil and gas my time's up thank you senator stabenow
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 80,844
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Length: 5min 25sec (325 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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