British Highschoolers try American Snacks for the first time!

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The fact that they thought Cheez-it had no flavor is weird as hell to me because that is one of the saltiest snacks in America.

You can definitely tell the bias in this video. They were very respectful for all the Korean foods and snacks. But they go full-on teenager when it comes to American snacks. It’s funny that one of them said America doesn’t know snacks when we are the land of food-like products aka snacks.

All the twitter accounts said there were 4 videos that were filmed. It was the korean snacks, korean convenience foods, american snacks, and the next one would be the korean bbq video for KE.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Heytherestairs 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's difficult to think that British kids haven't had American snacks for the first time when they are literally in every world food isle in supermarkets. Format is becoming a bit stake like the cheez-its

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/brunchafuk 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Hi I’m Josh. - I’m Ollie. Are you ok Malachi? I’m fine, I’m fine. He’s not doing well. This is just so confusing. That’s hot, that’s definitely not mild. My tongue is on fire! Have you guys got anymore? - What, Twinkies? - For later! Today we’re going to be introducing American snacks to British school boys. How familiar are you guys with American food? Oh you’re kidding me. Good experiences with American food? Yeah, once or twice. I haven’t tried many. We eat McDonalds, KFC This is going to taste the same. Look, it's not that different from British food. Have you had any American snacks before? What comes to mind? I think... Hershey’s. Too much peanut butter. - Very very very sweet. - Like Reese’s cups No, they’re nice. I like them. It’s like eating a bowl of peanut butter as a whole. No, I like them. Three seconds in and there’s shots fired against Reese’s peanut butter. I’m originally from America. Oh really? You may have tried all of these before. That’s totally fine. We’re gonna start out with some classics. Alright. What is this? So you’ve never had goldfish before? No… I used to have them as a pet. But they died. Go for it. Geez. It tastes like it has onion in it. That’s nice. Yeah. That’s actually nice. I like these. This is a lot like Mini Cheddars. I’ll definitely have Mini Cheddars over these. They actually eat this? What do you mean? No, like people go into a sup and they’re like yep I’m feeling like some goldfish. Yeah! Yeah they can go. Get them out of my sight! Alright, not that impressed by the Goldfish. Maybe Cheez-It would be better. I don’t like how many z’s there are. It’s always the Americans innit? Always with the z’s. They had to put a ‘z’ at every possible opportunity, realised it doesn’t have a ‘z’ in it. They’re all pretty plain, aren’t they? I know. They don’t taste of anything. They’re a bit umm… plain. I genuinely can’t taste anything. Which one was better? Definitely those. Goldfish. 100 percent. I’d say I prefer those. Just because there’s a bit of... umm I’m not quite sure what it is... but it’s a vinegar taste to it, I feel like in this one. It gives an interesting texture, which I still have in my throat. When you say the word ‘interesting’ there, it’s a British ‘interesting’. ‘Interesting’ is like a really English way of saying ‘bad’. Next up we have Combos. Combos. Combos. Stuffed snacks. Baked Pretzels. My grandma is Italian, and I feel quite a lot of allegiance towards my home country. It shouldn’t be called pizza. And again, it has the ‘z’ in it. Okay, hahaha. There’s two z’s. Have you ever had Combos before? No, never seen it in my entire life. Never, only sausage rolls. His Italian blood is repelling it. This is just so confusing. That’s not real cheese. No way. No way. Aw, no! No! What is this? Do you not like that? I think they love them. Haha, Ollie! Never had something like this before. It’s different, right? Mate, that don’t taste like pizza. I can taste pizza. Kind of like Domino’s. - Basically a pretzel but it’s nice. - How? It just.. is. How do you want me to describe pizza? There’s like a whole slice but like that big. My mum’s watching this. I’m going to swallow Yeah, my mum always told me to finish food, so. You’re not going to waste it. Aw, that’s disgusting! They violated that snack so hard. We’re going to stay on the pizza theme. Pizza flavoured Pringles. That doesn’t sound good. They’ve gone crazy. It’s strange to see two very familiar concepts. The Pringles and the pizza, combined into one thing which probably shouldn’t exist. Is it supposed to taste of pizza or is it just the name? I think that's what it says on the box. But like.. It doesn’t taste of pizza. I don't think there’s anything like significant about this. Because it tastes like every other Pringles I’ve tasted before. If I didn’t see it was pizza I would’ve thought it was BBQ flavour. Okay. Okay. Interesting.. But I think it’s slightly better. Yeah. - This is nice. - I can eat that. I can eat that. Like if I walked into a shop I could buy them. Next up. Now I don’t think you will have tried these before. Here are Rap Snacks. Oooh! Cardi B! Why is Cardi B on this? Cheddar BBQ Cardi B… Do you know who Cardi B is, Malachi? Cardi B? The Rapper? Do you know Cardi B? Oh, of course I know Cardi... Who doesn’t know, I mean... My grandma probably doesn’t but... If the food is the same quality as her music then I think I’d rather throw it in the bin. Okay.. Woahhhh! Burn! What, are they just like normal crisps? Basically, a bunch of different rappers have their own flavours. And they launched these different Rap Snacks. So these are like Cardi B flavoured? No no... Oh oh.. They taste like a BTEC cheddar cheese. Malachi, why are you using slang? You never use slang… BTEC is not slang... Yes it is... BTEC. What does it stand for? Like a worse.. It means a worse version. You expect them to be like kind of basic and not have very much flavour and taste. You taste them and there’s just so much flavour in your mouth immediately. These are nice. I would actually buy these. I mean, probably not one that says Cardi B on it, but yeah, that just puts me off. Yeah, no way. No way. Cardi B tastes weird. I mean I guess they are artificial but they taste even more artificial than.. Artificial. Being successful in life and in music. Business is all about being true to who you are. Knowing your self-worth, never sweating the small things and always following your gut’s instincts. If you follow this, it will eventually create a recipe for success. There’s no way Cardi B said that. That is so fake. Continue on the crisps theme... Takis. Let’s go. Yes. Do you know Takis? - Yes! - I do not know these. - I’ve heard rumours about these. - Are these like hot or something? What are the rumours you’ve heard? They’re hot. Oh dear… Yeah, definitely artificially flavoured. These are red! What?! Oh my days! Wh… Wow. - You didn’t know they looked like that? - Oh my gosh… I’m fine. Yeah? Yeah I’m fine.. Ooooh man. It’s like being kicked in the mouth. Really? They’re too spicy for crisps. Mmm! I’m fine with spicy food. That’s like.. Chicken wings. Spicy. It’s not too bad! It's not that bad. I'm proud of myself. How do you feel about that? I actually really like it but it’s got a lot of flavour to it. Yeah it’s a very intense flavouring. It tastes great but I don’t think I could eat more than 3. Next up we have.. Carolina Reaper flavoured. Extra hot. That’s intimidating. You barely survived the last one. Let’s see how you get on with this one. Malachi, are you sure you wanna have this? Pass the water. It smells like danger. Smell it. I guarantee these are not as spicy as those. Ohh you took like half of it in one bite! It’s not that bad.. No it's not. Just wait. Just wait. Give it a couple seconds. No it’s.. it’s pretty bad.. It’s pretty bad. I’m waiting for it to kick in but it’s not. Boy, you’re tempting fate! It’s gonna kick in any minute! It’s fine though! It’s not even spicy.. Come on now. Hmm. Hahahahaha! Are you ok, Malachi? I'm fine, I'm fine. Alright, Dan, where would you put them on a Nando’s ring? It’s, like, underneath medium. I'm feeling it now. Hahahahaha! Ooh! Whoa! That's hot, that's definitely not mild! You've outed them of water. My tongue is on fire! Well, time to give you guys something to wash it down with. This is an American classic. A and W root beer. Root beer? Yeah. Oh.. You've had root beer before? I've had root beer before, it's awful. This is one of the few things I miss from the US. Wow. It's nice. That's disgusting. Hahahahaha! Kind of tastes like good tasting medicine in a way. Yeah hahahaha! It tastes like, em, mouthwash. Yeah. It actually does. That is exactly what that tastes like, that is disgusting! You can do it with ice cream as well, you just take a scoop of ice cream and you have a root beer float. I'd choose this in a shop, for sure. But why would you drink that for pleasure? You don't actually enjoy mouthwash. I think I'd rather rip my tongue out. It's better than nothing. Hahahahahaha! That's the most British conclusion ever. The water was nice. Next up, we have another American classic. Twinkies. This is what you think of when you think American snacks. Golden sponge cake with creamy filling. I can already hear peak American people in the comments. ‘Listen to how they talk, ‘creamy filling’, 'oh my gosh, they're so posh.’ This is like one of those French, I’ve forgotten what they are called. Like.. an eclair! Yeah, like an eclair. Oh, it's got cream in it. Mmhmm. Mmhmm. Mmm. Nice. It's quite good. Yeah, they should sell these here, definitely. Really? Ok. A British person saying "quite good", that's basically like that's a ten out of ten. These are really nice. I like it. I mean, it's kind of plain. It's just cream in a bun. No, it's nice! It really is. It's nothing more than just cream in a bun. It's like brioche. Brioche? Are you mad? No. Like, the first bite is nice but I think they're a bit overrated to be honest. You can just taste that, it's kind of like almond essence. You know the things that feel like artificial flavouring. Wow. Look at those, gone. Gone. So quick. Have you guys got any more? What, Twinkies? For later, for later. Yeah, you can keep that. - Next up, we have... - That was nice, I liked that. Yeah, I know you did, you wouldn't shut up about it. What we have next is probably the least bland thing so far. Warheads. Warheads, extreme sour, yay… Are sour sweets like a thing in England? Yes, and I hate them. Ok hahahahaha. I love them, I love them. I'm really not looking forward to this. Whoo. Oh, no! Mm. Keep on going, it gets sweeter. No, that is weird. Hahahahahahahaha What the hell? He's not doing well. You alright? You ok? You can spit it out if you want, you don't have to have it. Yeah. Good man, it looked like your body was rejecting that. Oh hahahahahahaha Oh my god, this is bad. Have you ever seen anything that looks like that before? No. Maybe like a hairspray or something. Ready? 2 ,1. That's nice. It's nice, it's entertaining. How is a sour spray 'entertaining'? Well, there's something extremely satisfying about pressing down on this thing, and like.. You get, like, a kick of flavour. It keeps missing my mouth though. Ooooh woah, sorry. Seems counterproductive. You buy a sweet to enjoy it. And you buy, like, the least enjoyable sensation. I love this, I love this. I really like this though, cause with these ones you suck them for like 10 seconds and the sour’s all gone. But with these ones you can keep refreshing it. Final one, some American chocolate. Oh yess! I have mixed feelings about Hershey’s. I think Dairy Milk is a lot better actually. My chocolate standards are quite high, I must admit. Tastes like chocolate? Tastes like chocolate. Pretty average. Tastes like M&Ms, it’s the same kind of taste. It’s like M&Ms chocolate. Why is that one so crunchy? He’s getting through the sour sweet. You know when you have Christmas chocolates or something and then they sort of go off, cos no one’s eaten them throughout the year. It tastes like that. Ohhh, you’re right. It tastes like hot chocolate, actually. Exactly, exactly. It tastes like hot chocolate. I like it, to be quite honest. It’s like the mixture of Galaxy and Dairy Milk. I’m a big fan actually. I wouldn’t have it again. It’s good, but it’s not the best. So American snacks, guys, what do you think? I like the spicy crisps and stuff, and the root beer, and the Hershey's. - The Twinkies. - Yeah, Twinkies. I was about to say that. Twinkies are the best? I think whoever came up with the Combos… I don’t know what you’re doing. I must say I’m a bit disappointed by the Twinkies. Like I was really looking forward to my first Twinkie and I thought it’d be a big moment. And we’ve got it on camera, and everything was just built up for it. And then I have my Twinkie and it was just a bit meh. Disappointed in Twinkies. I just don't think they've quite grasped the essence of what a snack should be. I’m a big fan of the water as well. That’s the level we’re on. Do you have a video of Americans try British snacks? We probably should. Because I think they’d be like “Wow! Oh my God, there’s no oil.” Americans. Your food is good. I like it. Yeah, it’s quite nice. It’s quite good. Twinkies! I congratulate you for that cos those are amazing! If you are American and you see this video. I would advise you to at least try the snacks in Britain. They are not substantially better, but the quality of them is definitely higher. I don’t know how you put up with this every day. Alright, thanks very much guys. No problem. Thank you very much. I hope you guys enjoyed that. In the meantime. We’ll see JOLLY you soon. See you later!
Channel: JOLLY
Views: 6,004,690
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Keywords: JOLLY, josh, ollie, British, UK, English, englishman, comedy, duo, food, mukbang, react, try, tries, best, weirdest, craziest, series, online, priest, guest, memes, Billie, Eillish, Gentleman, Brits, Korean, lesson, international, spicy, spiciest, hottest, fire, noodles, snacks, fast food, best friends, infinite possibilities, gabie, kook, carrott, kendal, kpop, bts, blackpink, army, rations, MRE, review, taste, test, 영국, 졸리, 한국어, 음식, 반응, 신기한, 이상한, 맛있는, 리뷰
Id: gPHgbh-2Gno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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