Breaking Minecraft with your Dumb Ideas

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conspiracy theory every time he makes a cut his game crashes what no that would take like a hundred hours to record one of these videos they're right this happens every time I try to do anything for these videos on average in the past it's taken me three to four months to complete one of these videos but weirdly enough the rest of the videos on my channel I never have a problem so it's almost as if my computer is rejecting these videos specifically I can't really think of why though it doesn't really make any sense oh wait you know what maybe it's because today I'm testing your dumb ideas on how I can break Minecraft did I get you my comment section is constantly filled with weird ways to crash Minecraft I'm sure you know the drill by now if your comment manages to crash or freeze my game then you as the audience get one point if my computer survives then I get a point and if you win this episode this banana duck thing becomes legally yours there's a contract in everything I promise it's totally legit Amazon suggested this to me I don't know why but I have it now so so that being said who's first make a command that gives you totems infinitely and die as fast as you can starting off with something really interesting this little system essentially does exactly what the common says this command gives me infinite totems this command deals a ton of damage and this one kills entities because there's a lot of totems involved in this and if I flip this lever this process says oh there we go there we go that's working this is a lot of particles but I think we can do better it also wasn't crashing me this video is going to use a lot of carpet mods so I installed it for this one too and that means I can set the tick rate to something ridiculous here we go oh my gosh what just happened I just flipped this lever and it just uh oh well this one's off to a great start my word it didn't crash my game I do have one more idea for this though something I set up with these commands is that they apply to every player in the world and carpet mod allows you to spawn more players and as you can see they can hold things so just give me one second all right it wasn't this world that I don't think they all show up on the tab list but if you see yourself say hi there's a lot of you and now you all have totems I'm sure you see where this is going I'm gonna start by just letting all of them go let's see what oh no oh the particles oh what is happening Captain Sparkles what did they do to you okay this doesn't work quite as well as I thought it would uh that's insane I guess there's a limit to particles oh geez oh the lag oh the lag is real that is a lot of totems I never understand how I survive these videos all right so that didn't work I've added one more commands that'll probably do something did it work oh there's players writing from the sky oh this clearly worked perfectly both of these times so now we're gonna try it one more time [Music] there they go oh oh oh oh oh there they are hey guys this is really working way they go into the sun I guess all right well I guess that didn't quite work the way I expected it's fine I tried it it could have oh hello it could have worked but I guess it didn't so I guess I get the point the particles though that was insane make a world of TNT and use carpet mod to turn up the tick speed really high and then ignite one block of TNT The Tick rate is really high as you could tell oh my gosh and this goes down to bedrock let's see what happens [Music] it's working it's it's working quite quite well uh the way we go yay I'm just gonna stand here just working our way down this is going quite well I must say it also appears that a lot of things have died but just can't despawn so rip villager hey we made it to the bottom let's let these explosions catch up oh my gosh wow well that was cool but that wasn't the comment we want to see what the entire world would look like give it a second yes this should do very nicely obviously it's not the entire world but I'm sure this will be plenty and yes of course this goes right down to bedrock so I'm gonna go ahead and light this and then I'm gonna just fly back here and uh we're just gonna take a look and see how this uh see how this does from a distance turn up my render distance all the way so you guys can see the whole thing happen three two one explosions and there's the beginning of it and uh I'm just gonna literally time lapse this because I have a feeling it might take a while and will probably crash so I'm just gonna go do something oh I'll see you soon I'll see you in a bit bye-bye that's a lot of uh a lot of lit TNT there very cool very cool um I'm gonna go to Sonic I'll be back I'm gonna literally go to Sonic right now going to Sonic buy PC see you later thank you thanks you too hot I like these I don't entirely know what they are well I should probably get home for the next bit and to see if my computer is still intact fill a 100 by 100 area of upwards facing Pistons put lightning rods on top with channeling tridents thrown into them repeatedly pulse the Pistons and watch the chaos unfold 575 people like this comment and so do I but it wasn't quite as simple as just throwing channeling tridents onto these um because that's great but they despawn so I had to figure out how to set up all of these command blocks and before we start actually doing anything else with these Pistons we need to summon all the tridents so let's just see what all of these look like [Laughter] that it made was so insane oh my gosh oh my gosh wait I want to stand in the middle of this and just see what happens alright so we know that but now we need to figure out how to get these Pistons to start firing correctly oh I can set them all to air all that makes my life so easy okay so now in theory beep that pushes all the Pistons up and now beep that pushes them all down okay awesome that's easy but why exactly are we doing this well if you see we have a lightning rod here on top of this piston which is replicated ten thousand times over there and we throw a channeling Trident perfectly on top right there you'll see there's that initial blast but then if you break this it's another blast and if you push the Piston back up it's another blast so if we just do this repeatedly a few times it could be really interesting so let's figure it out honestly that might be all we need uh just setting them like that here we go it's gonna be insane oh my gosh oh yeah oh yeah it's definitely working oh yeah we can totally just like breaks the Pistons look at look at all half of them are up half of them are down what is happening that's so much lightning clearly though it seems that 10 000 tridents wasn't enough so there's ten thousand and there's 20 000. I really just want to see what happens if I press one of these buttons oh this sound every time this video is just all super excessive you know honestly I'm here for it I'm down for this this is what we signed up for all right 20 000 was enough what about thirty thousand all right there's thirty thousand tridents out there what could possibly go wrong ah whatever 40 000 trains let's go because what could possibly go wrong right whoa whoa It's a circle why is it a circle I'm ready for it give it to me that comes out of nowhere this has definitely rendered my game unplayable I'm adding another 10 000 Trident so we can see what happens adding even more 60 000 Trends all right you've officially made it to zero and one frame per second which I consider a success on your part that does make this completely unplayable so in that case even though the game didn't quite crash I will say you get the point yeah that sound is worthy of the point by itself [Music] oh wow [Music] you should get a looting 255 pickaxe in mine 100 diamonds well I'm sorry to tell you this but looting doesn't do anything on pickaxes but I gave you the benefit of the doubt and give you Fortune instead the name looting 255 pickaxe though is very fitting this here is 100 diamond door and uh there's your 100 diamonds but I do see what you're going for so let's try something how about over 3 000 diamonds also my pickaxe is faster now let's see how many diamonds this provides just give me a second oh yeah this is already getting better it's a lot of experience points dang 30 levels so far and a lot more experience to go geez it's getting to a point now where I just can't see the actual or I'm just in a carpet of diamonds this is definitely better than the 100 so that's a plus foreign it's funny I can't see these breaking necessarily but I can hear them I made a couple tweaks to this prompt but it might still crash it's the idea that really counts not necessarily the wording oh man I feel like I'm just oh geez there's still so much more to go and we have this many already and I even make it I don't even know if I'll be able to make it before they start despawning oh oh I'm out of the thing yeah this is this is a slideshow now I'm just still mining as many of these as I can where am I going where am I going I'm just gonna walk away from it real quick I'm just gonna walk away oh freedom but anytime that chunk is loaded in it is now unplayable I definitely deem this unplayable I think you did a good job with this one even with the wording weirdness I would say you won this point so GG this episode is not looking great for me delete the game honestly with this new icon um I'm kind of feeling it I feel like I've done this before but uh I guess this does mean a point for you question mark I mean it's I broke it did it break it though hold on I gotta review the footage of the previous one oh wait that's right deleting the launcher blew up everything man thank goodness it didn't do that this time otherwise I'd have to give you guys the hey I'm back with Sonic um looks like the game's okay that's considerably more chaos than when I left I don't know if my computer's gonna make it that's kind of wild all right well I'm gonna eat my Sonic and I'll check back in in a second it's been a solid 15 minutes since I've checked on this and oh my gosh there's so many lit TNT there I definitely anticipated this segment would take a while but I've been recording for an hour so that's kind of a long time anyways I finished my Sonic I'm just chilling watching the video so I'll be back soon see you later have fun [Music] all right fine it's been an hour and a half and you've rendered my game and computer completely useless I thought I would be able to kind of get away with it by just going places and doing other things while this kind of figured itself out but nope I couldn't so with that I just clicked on the game and this showed up so that counts so well done let's move on to the next one okay you need to make more videos with system Z like that was amazing bro energy between you guys well hey how's it going hey welcome welcome back to the video I was recording something but I guess I'll do this too uh yeah welcome yeah I'm just taking over no big deal what if what am I here for well you see use the slash Place command to place Pillager outposts in a repeating command block if that doesn't work try some other structures a village maybe I broke Minecraft okay so the plan is we gotta place a ton of structures this could be really weird do we want to do it on top of this mountain this could be right no no we need a flat land let's go to a desert okay okay oh there's a Mesa whoa what uh what structure should we start with let's do the villages Okay so we've got an ancient city Village desert village Plains oh yeah you know I also want to see a mansion wait wait first let's just do one and see what one looks like oh oh it's working on it is actually kind of cool oh my gosh this city like growing in I feel like we just spawned into a Minecraft server what yeah oh man that's really I have an idea I don't think it likes it wait Chad turn it off [Music] slowly teleporting towards things [Laughter] oh the lag oh this might do it there are so many shulkers what's up with the grass all the pigs what in the world I've got a 40 90. and it's I feel like I'm playing on a old Toshiba Mitsubishi uh uh Suzuki motorcycle the cows there's so many there's a rave going on in here there's so many camels the amount of iron golems are crazy honestly I think we since we placed them all in the same spot it just kind of placed on the same spot so I wonder if there's like a way we can place them in other I got an idea I'm gonna break Minecraft I'm breaking Minecraft with a dumb idea I'm gonna do that oh you die oh no wait wait wait wait I have a better idea more fun watch this bought a few you gotta break the game over all you're trying to do is break the game go wrong nothing could possibly go wrong everything should go wrong that's what we want we want everything to go wrong there's so many villagers down there now this is what I call a good time if my calculations are correct this is going to spawn structures at every villager which means when the structures spawn villagers it'll spawn more and more and more and more three two one goal the Mansion has pathways on it I'm gonna be honest I I would say we are unable to play Minecraft it's true technically it has broken Minecraft I'm actually shocked that it's still going I'll be too honest hey wait wait I have an idea they added a new thing where you can stop all commands if you do alt f4 oh that's a good that's a good suggestion did it happen did you do it I can't tell you're still in the game it's still frozen so I pressed it it and it just didn't change so okay all that four doesn't even break it then nothing will yeah that definitely counts keep up the good work free points oh my gosh I needed that one I'm being destroyed you guys might have this one in the bag you've really picked it up since last time pick it up to slack well done I will take my free point though I at least want to be competitive man okay go in 1.0.0 and middle click on a cow hey guys it's me Steve and now I need to find the cow where are the cows hey you sheep hey hey sheep you know where cow is do you know where the cows are hey yo doctor Trayaurus you know where cows are tell me where the cows are tell me where the cows are wow there's a lot of pigs so many pigs out here there's gotta be cows out here somewhere right I mean it's a plane's biome like this is this is their place there's sheep there's pigs there's more pigs cow I told you they'd spawn here I didn't doubt for a moment hey there cow I'm told the middle click on you it's where a middle clicking it doesn't do anything it doesn't do anything I thought there would be some sort of special thing or like a bug or something with this but no it's just free point I guess cool GG free points for me then I guess create an automatic cactus farm with five floors set the tick speed to 500 000 and watch your game will crash I'll do you one better ten floors this bad boy is gonna produce so much Cactus and if I hit this button it sets The Tick speed to 500 000. oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh it might be working actually this is this is working quite well um this is yeah oh this is a slideshow oh my gosh look at that that's insane oh yeah oh this is this is definitely working oh my look at all that what if I made it a hundred layers yep that's a hundred layers right there and now the game is just Frozen awesome love to see it for sure I love not getting points so much okay all right we're just gonna add this to your current crazy number of points whatever it is take that point take it take your Cactus and leave do slash kill Minecraft ah see I found a loophole in your strategy that doesn't work what wait a minute uh I don't uh don't know what I don't know what that means what does it mean that there's no more Minecraft what is it does it left to the game but the game's still running here I don't I don't understand as far as I can tell my game's okay even even though I killed Minecraft what does it mean having a crisis all right everybody calm down calm down calm down calm it's all gonna be fine everything's okay I'm taking this point don't worry about it this wasn't just a distraction so that I could take a point it's fine don't worry about it it's no big deal yeah another point for me let's go hopefully that lasts next episode try the gravel thing again but on bedrock and have your render distance all the way up to 96 chunks render distance 96 chunks this could be very interesting boy oh boy I can't wait to just suffer let's see what happens oh wow uh why am I why am I not in what oh it's because I'm stupid and did the wrong World here we go ah starter chest what do I get oh boy oh here it goes oh here it goes oh well why am I this skin there we go I think it's just gonna be the same thing it did last time yeah this isn't this isn't gonna change it but that means I get another point yay I got another Point guys I got it I I got the point it's I got it um I still lost it man I am here to present the contract to whom it may concern in regards to Banana Charles duck custody shall henceforth belong to Northeast viewers by the power invested in me from this moment forward and until the end of time we declare this truth to be self-evident now take your dumb banana duck and leave I dressed up for this clearly guys why are you laughing I dressed up for this what are you talking about comment what I shoot it for the next one and enjoy your banana duck [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 1,345,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Knarfy, Knafy, Minecraft, Mods, Funny, Showcase, family, clean, safe, minecraft, mods, funny, breaking, break, breaking minecraft, minecraft chaos, chaos mods, immersive portals, modded minecraft, minecraft popular mods, showcase, minecraft update, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, mod showcase, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, funny commentary, best minecraft mods, mod, minecraft fabric, minecraft memes, java, chaos, minecraft custom, no swearing, family friendly, memes, challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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