Breaking Minecraft with your Dumb Ideas

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here's a suggestion try not to break your PC for 10 seconds challenge all right all right here we go I'll try it nah it's just too much fun today I'm crashing Minecraft with your dumb suggestions I'm sometimes astounded with the dumb if your comment manages to crash or freeze my game then you as the audience get one point but if my computer can handle it and doesn't crash then I get a point most points at the end of this video wins but what do they win a crisp high five but before you get a chance at that huge thanks to Upper GX for sponsoring this video guys they sent me a house and this house isn't any ordinary house this house has Opera GX in it and would you look at that we're already watching my videos on the TV this is off to a great start here's a question are you tired of boring old regular browsers that only have one design or maybe like a dark mode well opera GX allows you to customize your browser just as much as you can customize your Minecraft worlds we use a lot of mods here on my channel and Opera GX allows you to use mods within their browser just head to this mods tab then head to the store Page and download a few to get started want to make everything Lo-Fi and chill try using Lo-Fi chill what about cyber deck where everything is cyber punkin cool check out these sounds I can even turn Opera GX into this beautiful blockified version with music look at that I actually kind of like this one I might keep this one but what if you don't want to change the entire experience of Opera GX you can just get an animated wallpaper from Opera add-ons like this one and now it's beautiful but I've got another question for you is your browser using up so much RAM that your game is struggling well opera GX actually has a feature for that as well it's called GX control and it allows you to limit the amount of ram CPU or network that your browser uses at any given time I'm just gonna set a couple parameters here now just take a look at that crazy difference but narfa you may be saying I've been using another browser for years and I don't want to change anything because all of my bookmarks in my browser history is out there and everything is there and I don't want to move oh don't worry Opera GX has a solution for that too like seriously what can these guys not do it's called the quick import tool and it allows you to import literally everything from a previous browser so you can pick up right where you left off this includes settings browsing history bookmarks cookies and even browser extensions just hit import and it'll all be there to use upper GX completely for free today check out the link in my description to download it I've been using it for a super long time now and I highly recommend it thanks again to Opera GX for sponsoring this video make all Stone TNT and make dirt into fire well I've done all the stone as you can see there this looks absolutely ridiculous and I've gone ahead and turned all the grass into dirt so that I can very easily just turn it all into fire this is the limits of where this is going to explode and oh man I think this is gonna be insane and here we go this could be really interesting we just replaced freaking 448 000 blocks oh my gosh yeah this Village doesn't stand a chance and everything is about to go extremely ridiculously oh no I can already see it happening um this is gonna take a while so we'll see you shortly how to crash step one make a sword with level put it in a grindstone crash game unfortunately I couldn't make a sword with that many nines but I could make a sword with this many nines even though it only shows up as level 255. how many hits does it take to kill the board did four what about you oh my gosh three hits in the hospital is a pretty good sword so what happens when we remove all the enchantments not much unfortunately with the way that Minecraft Works experience points combined together you will notice that I'll go up a few experience points but nothing close to crash the game but what about a sword with all of the enchantments let's find out still not quite so unfortunately for you I win this point subscribe I agree Please Subscribe in fact if you take a look at this graph of watch time from subscribers you'll notice that 79.1 percent of people are not subscribed so if you want to be part of that 20.9 of people that are subscribed you should hit that subscribe button down below today it's completely free and you can always unsubscribe later would you subscribe if I gave you this Gremlin take the gremlin please please take the gremlin that's right subscribe for child anyways ask your PC to blue screen hey man would you consider just like a blue screen for me thanks that'd be great of course sir initiating malfunction hey I'm kidding it's not real uh we'll get there someday police a floor of chests with all the items in it like usual and use commands to destroy all of them in one go interesting idea let's see what happens by now I'm sure you know the drill we're just gonna put a couple things in these chests and today we're just gonna use regular items because I don't want to write a book four layers deep and it gets laggy so let's use this one oh no as I was placing things it started breaking no [Laughter] this no really this only this one okay let's just use this one oh no I tried cloning it up and it's breaking things oh man we haven't even done the prompt yet oh no what happened here what in the world oh no it's already Frozen this poor World file what did I do I got too greedy with the Clone command all right fine New World all right once again only three layers deep but it should be much more performance intensive after we break everything okay we're only gonna clone this once that's the wrong spot okay we'll just clone it two times but I'm not gonna get greedy I'm not gonna get greedy just those Jed that's it all right I have the command let's do it oh yeah that's hmm that's cool uh yeah I don't think this is gonna recover from this yep that's a successful crash even if I wasn't gonna give you points before you definitely got points just now oh wow some of it hasn't even turned yet look at that that's actually kind of wild look directly underneath me though look at that absolute chaos that is about to happen you can see so many of them are lit up my frames are non-existent but we're we're making it we're making it oh my gosh do you see those two cows on top of that house there's no way you can make it guys there's nothing that could possibly go wrong break 356 block tall drip Leaf times 64. hey I'm stuck down here what have you done so this is 64 tripleaf plants and I need to figure out how to get them all the way up to the top of this hole oh oh oh oh boy this is gonna be interesting okay so I have the big drip Leaf up here I wonder if I can do this go all the way back down into this hole oh my gosh oh my gosh big drip Leaf stem snap up here this whole thing is very small because this is eight by eight uh which means it's 64. so we're testing the comment directly but here we go first what I'm gonna do is I'm going to run this comment and that is going to destroy all of them that's a lot of items and it's just gonna keep coming it's just going and it's just gonna be raining these for a little while that's a lot of drip Leaf all right that's the end of the rain look at them all it's not really lagging me out though so I think this one is a win for me that one actually went way better than I thought it would so great idea but uh yeah the point goes to me I think the trick is to blue screen your computer to blue screen your computer oh of course why didn't I think of that all I gotta do is hit enter of course of course of course I probably shouldn't have done that but technically that's a blue screen so fine take the point just take the point it's yours uh hi Terry do you wanna You Wanna Say Something you guys I'm gonna say Terry uh Terry Terry calm down Terry Terry Terry no Terry stop take a point is that enough if you do another one of these you should do something similar to the chest thing step one make a pitifier trust me it's important bam I've started a grass fire step two grab a chest and fill it with netherride ingots netherride is required okay all righty step three copy the chest awesome fill a separate chest with copies of the first chest all right rinse it repeat until it's filled with enough now the right to craft a full netherite Beacon for every player on every server or at least it feels like it would yeah that's getting there that's pretty good I see where this is going all right this chest is here take the final chest and drop it in the pit of fire all right if I just hover over it it does this so what happens if I just throw it oh it just uh it just burns I guess it just burns uh huh what if I break this chest yeah they all just burn um hold on I have an idea okay so this only works with shulker boxes but the trouble is you can't put shulker boxes inside of shulker boxes unless of course you use commands but the command that I was trying to use is too long for a command block even this right here is the full command it starts right up there and then it goes all the way down but that would have done if it had worked would give me a shulker box full of shulker boxes that had a bunch of nether riding hits in them but unfortunately it doesn't but what if I trim it oh that might have worked wait oh oh what happens if I place this down oh my gosh and what do these shulker boxes have absolutely nothing okay but wait what this so it just doesn't work oh man I really like this idea but unfortunately I don't think it's gonna work uh if you have any idea how to make it work leave a comment down below we're gonna leave this one as a tie because I actually don't know who would have won also I just don't want to steal it from you so time boy oh boy I love sitting here doing nothing for hours at a time this is my job now somehow those cows are still surviving I don't know how they're still surviving everything is just slowly getting brighter those cows are kind of killing it right now I did not think they would survive this long but here they are there's also a pig up there so Props to that guy I'm waiting to see some actual damage happening it looks like things are just kind of lighting up slowly but surely otherwise there's not much happening so I'm Gonna Leave You be until next time prove you're smart all right just gonna leave that there use Bedrock first spawn a horse and use command slash effect at peace speed 999 255 on the horse and ride the horse man I have not played Bedrock Edition in ages but here we go here's a horse let's tame it be my friend please wow that was actually first try oh my gosh and saddle and beautiful we're wandering around this one's actually kind of slow but we can change that all right here we go now the horse is ridiculously fast let's see what happens oh oh no oh all right we got stuck in the water hey come on let's go get out of the water please there we go bro come on get out of the water let's go don't speed here we go here we go got into the shallow area let's see what happens let's get into like the middle of this field what if I also give him jump boost all right jump boost and oh uh let's hope the fall damage doesn't do anything here we go back to Earth come on buddy I need to get you to a shallow area oh okay all right he's going back to the land by himself cool great ah here we go oh oh oh okay we're good and I just realized you can move with the horse in the air and so now I'm going at the high speed of the horse in the air at the same time let's hope we landed in the ocean oh it is the ocean uh wait we might not wait wait wait oh oh the horse is fine all right oh no hey oh I got it in the air yeah well this is definitely a great way to travel but uh doesn't seem to be breaking the game so uh points to me this one's gonna be a while this one I'm I'm just I'm just gonna wait this one out oh explosion sound that's a first we haven't heard any explosions yet I think we're gonna start hearing those more consistently uh so that's cool I don't visually see any of the explosions yet but we'll see what happens close Minecraft [Music] a place way too many enchanting tables all right yep none of them spawned with books oh oh some of them did what if I like Boop do one here and then go there what if I do this yeah they don't spawn the books uh oh here we go here we go all right this might actually work first we gotta set it all to dirt where's my dirt where's my dirt at oh wait is it all oh here we go first we gotta set it all to dirt this is just over 2 million blocks that we're going to change here and now we set them to enchanting tables which should in theory hope it froze in theory this should spawn them all with books um yeah that's those those are books those are certainly books that is certainly a lot of books that's insane I'm getting like a solid one frame every three seconds oh my gosh that is a sight right there the thing is it's not crashing my game but it is making it unplayable in the past I've definitely given points out for being unplayable so that's what we'll do today good job points to you breaking minecraft right delete it man this is cool and all looking at a screen that's not changing at all but I'm gonna go get a snack anything anything happening over here anything going on uh no uh okay back to my snack [Music] no way it actually crashed the snack was very good I got goldfish it was delicious but now it looks like everything broke that is exactly what we wanted uh that took like 25 minutes to actually fully crash so well done you get the point congratulations you won again at this point I don't even know what I'm expecting you guys are so good at destroying my computer then I don't think I can keep up but it doesn't mean I'm not gonna try so I'll give you this crisp high five but you have to give me a comment of what I can do next maybe just maybe I'll pick yours until then ladies and gentlemen
Channel: Knarfy
Views: 673,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Knarfy, Knafy, Minecraft, Mods, Funny, Showcase, family, clean, safe, minecraft, mods, funny, breaking, break, breaking minecraft, minecraft chaos, chaos mods, immersive portals, modded minecraft, minecraft popular mods, showcase, minecraft update, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, mod showcase, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, funny commentary, best minecraft mods, mod, minecraft fabric, minecraft memes, java, chaos, minecraft custom, no swearing, family friendly, memes, challenge, ad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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