Coding an Exploit to Beat Minecraft in 3 Seconds...

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Minecraft's world record is 7 minutes and 45 seconds and we are gonna do it seven minutes faster sounds like a deal Fox boy and then Trade phone numbers and leave okay before you judge me this is this is a regular normal Stone ax and it does a regular Stone thing okay no um did the pictures die I thought I saw a pig is it God I'll settle for that so now you might be wondering how do we actually get spawned with the chainsaw so once you spawn in a world this happens you immediately get a backpack and check this out check this out this took five hours oh and watch watch it Bobs it Bobs it Wiggles and and and and you see that that took long really long but look so you can actually use it you press one and there's your little ax you're totally normal ax you go to a tree and I want to show you guys something really cool about the backpack so because I found out how to animate it nicely you know like it goes It goes wiggle wiggle wiggle right we could do anything with this for example okay yeah this will this will look great okay I'm I'm confident in this I'm an animator yay so as you can see I can literally do everything with the backpack that I want that's gonna allow some really really neat stuff so I initially was gonna give up and I was just gonna you know mow down the trees or something with like axes like this but honestly I think this is quite good and look at the amount of wood you can actually get now you just exploded trees I mean the AK is still it's still cool but it's much cooler it's just I think that's just more satisfying we're getting tangled too long let's carry on so next up I think it would be really cool if you can you know make something with the wood you're gonna get a huge amount of wood so I think it's very important that you can actually you know use it so let's go make some wooden armor baby wow [Music] okay okay we're getting somewhere all right let me let me do the rest because the rest doesn't exist yet so stay just give me a second okay this is gonna be really stupid helmet okay chess we got our Oaky legs and we got our Oaky bootsies and I'll and I'll watch this all right so I'm gonna equip them first of all I I look good I look amazing look at how but as soon as I equip this helmet something's gonna happen and I need to react quick oh one second uh I need to make some money Hawkeye star rail is a new free-to-play game on PC and mobile it's about anime people living in space fighting massive creatures getting loot being awesome and drinking tea while you fight a giant demon with an orbital laser it's got puzzles side quests giant maps to explore and a huge quantity of monsters to fight one thing I notice about this game is how vibrant and artsy all the visuals are that are actually introducing not one but two new characters say hello to the five-star Katana and gunsling and Kafka Kafka Kafka if you get her she can do this little awesome spin with the guns like you know like a Tom Cruise action movie but we also have blade and you wouldn't believe what his signature weapon is that's right it's a trebuchet it just looks like a sword and he uses it like a sword isn't that awesome there's also new maps and limited events and oh my God please get the game it's insane using the two codes in description you can get these two characters together with 50 Stellar Jades my God you're being spoiled so finish the video get the game be awesome and let's get back to coding okay okay okay first of all nice little animation I got a little leaf spinning above my head you see that um Also let's address the elephant in the room as soon as I open my inventory that happens because there's this window it does it as soon as it sees the animation on the screen weird way of coding but it's my way of coding so now we're op but it's still not speed running this however is speed running so I added two more items uh wooden wood and uh wood citian uh so now we're just gonna place this down it looks great there we go and then uh oh it really just looks doesn't look good does it oh man it's good enough for me let's go to another okay so now that we're under another there's actually two things find a nether fortress and we need to who buys you know with Enderman uh reason being well we need ender pearls and blaze rods right so I need some sort of mechanic that no matter where I spawn even if it's like in the weirdest spot right here I can get there instantly that's the goal let's think okay in the meantime um I want to show you guys something and I need you to not judge me for my programming come here so I was thinking what's the fastest way of getting ender pearls right like one way would be to kill them but I was thinking what if you like do this instead you make it a dating simulator [Laughter] it's a reference to Batman and what I wanted to do is I wanted to like like spin so you click and it goes and then you're here but we gotta make that for real okay so I'm running into uh into a Minecraft issue basically in Minecraft you can't really rotate anything on the GUI and that makes sense because if you think about it you know you never need to these Hearts don't need to rotate your Hotbar doesn't need to rotate nothing in your screen really needs to rotate which means they never implemented something that allows it to rotate I mean this is as far as I got it as you can see it does some cool things but we're not gonna stop there and I found a little bit of a loophole let me explain if you just grab the original image high quality it make multiple rotate them all by hand fix the issues and program are entirely self-made animation controller then we get this that's actually unironically pretty good well guy he's spinning oh my God okay ow ow that hurts my eyes stop oh my God okay I might be absolutely nerding out right now but it's working okay check this out right watch this don't stand on this no okay good watch this are you ready [Applause] [Music] that's so cool oh dude this might not be as cool to you but it is very cool to me please subscribe now I need to make it work uh across Dimensions all right first try let's see if it works maybe this might actually why did it spawn me then wait it doesn't work Forester wait it actually was right would it spawned me like in the lava wait so what if I stand like here and I use it [Applause] no way this works this is actually first try work oh well I mean I would have fallen to my test but it works if I stand here and I go on survival and I hope that I don't spawn in lava okay well I mean you win some you lose some right uh let's fix that okay oh uh can I make this joke how do I okay fixed one problem found another uh you little bastard no come on [Music] Labrador okay but no check this out so we made a little microphone I didn't I didn't name it yet but watch this are you ready oh no wait oh that's bad there we go um well I mean it shows off the uh uh it shows it off nicely outside of the fact that I'm about to die so yeah here's here's Ellie she's very happy as you can see and we got a little dialogue thing so we got Ellie the Ender woman hello Fundy I'm speaking to you and in responses that's right I'm making a dating Sim farm and their burls I don't want a farmer and we're gonna seduce Ellie and get our ender pearls there is it weird I I hope it's not weird I think I'm normal I hat stop okay it's taking me a second but check this out you're gonna you're gonna love this so here we go it has dialogue and then watch you can actually interact with it so if I click response one this is a response option one and I can click yes no let's say no and the image updates and everything updates and conversation bye oh my God I am so awesome oh I can't wait for the actual images on the right to be finished it'll be interesting to say the absolute very least but we'll we'll check in on that in a second let's continue with the actual fox man thing uh because this thing I mean it needs to work and uh it doesn't I broke it okay so we already know when I use it here it does teleport me to a warped Forest right wait that's it that cannot oh okay this is still tiny wait I can't find an enem in here what okay well that's not the point right now let's let's ignore that so if I place another portal and I go into this and I use it in the Overworld check this out here's what's gonna happen so I use it here oh it teleports me to the stronghold with a lot of Health left so once you get here I don't know how I survived that so it does teleport you directly to a stronghold and then we will need to find obviously that place right now here's the thing I'm very lazy as you can probably already tell with you know this so uh let's find something to make that stronghold a little bit easier okay uh all right I mean not bad it's gonna be really hard to find things with this let's figure something out here okay so I'm trying to like you know find it but it's honestly harder than I expected so I was thinking what if we make an upgrade version so we got Fundy might which um should hopefully be a little bit better oh man I don't know oh this is this is making it harder what is this what uh okay that's that's better okay but I want to see so if I do something like this and I'm gonna hide it a little bit and now I use this yes okay that would be a little bit easier to find okay so I think there's a stronghold down here so if I do this and now I do this oh yeah there it is wait yeah I found it and this world really is just like progressively getting weird last little bits let's do it okay so you have funny what's your name someone you should subscribe to on YouTube and give me your ender pearls now if you tap Fundy what's your name I'm Ellie what are you doing here I'm actually looking for your ender pearls and then I don't know how bad it's gonna be but oh how forward why should I give you them how about trading them for my number oh a little bit a little bit of smooth fox sounds like a deal Fox boy and then Trade phone numbers and leave and um and then once you trade your phone number you get um Alexander pearls I think the only thing that's left to do is make the blaze work and do something for the final battle in the end once we've got that we can get a world record so uh let me get to work on that okay so as of right now we can teleport to here we can't teleport to here um and if you shift click uh I um I tried really hard okay I couldn't get it to work so I just made it like this I couldn't make it uh here's up you could just TP yourself to it so hopefully I want to find some blazes because I really want to show what I made let's see if we can find a single Blaze and then we'll uh have a chat with her all right here check this out Blaze at the fire princess halt what's this cutie doing in my Fortress I'm looking for your blaze rods okay let me actually show you what happens if you do a wrong answer so let's answer dot dot dot mother pathetic and then um so that's what happens if you get the wrong answer here's what happens when you get the right answer you know we got this and then I'm looking for your blaze rods you want these blaze rods do you and why should I give them to you uh because I can come by later for a thank you and then I need to blur this this is this needs to be blurred I literally cannot show some of this I think I don't know if you want to see this stuff I mean it just look up look look elsewhere like look on my Twitter or something like this is not just take them I love how it says enter the Fire Relief a blaze from its Rod no this is we're done we're done we're done with the game we're gonna speedrun so it was fun time to record my run the absolute first run was going to be a test I wanted to see how fast I could do it without ever resetting I immediately spawned on a mountain bike which was kind of tricky because the wood that my chainsaw could mine is only oh after getting enough wood and making my gear we made the portal and entered it in under 30 seconds which was already very promising my spawn however was not too great and even worse I could not find any Enderman for a very long time once I did get the ender pearls though I made it to the nether fortress Phantom blazes got my blaze rods and left as soon as I could we ended up leaving an under 1 minute and 30 seconds which is insane this is still world record Pace once I did get to the stronghold however it was very dark and pretty hard to see what was going on I had to pull up my funny Mite to discover the portal the issue is I didn't see it in the end I did get there though from there I entered the end I mined up I got to the center and I waited for the dragon to purge I roared the dragon I beat the game and I did it all in under three minutes for my first run this is incredibly promising I knew that with a little bit more practice I I could get this Run in under 40 seconds and after a few attempts I managed to do it hey man hello dude it's crazy yeah I wasn't expecting to see what I did this morning he wasn't expecting to lose your world record and now be number two there's no way there is a way I found a method to speed run in like 10 seconds maybe oh what's what's your like world record at the moment and random seed is like 10 minutes 53 seconds I found something and I recorded a bunch of Silent runs until I got something sub one minute it's insane you want to see it yeah there's something in your voice I can't tell if you're serious or not but I guess we'll find out all right here we go it's just a regular one check this out all right check this out so I'm spawning in right pretty bad spawn so I'm grabbing my backpack I'm not sure if this is an item in Minecraft but oh yes it is well I just grabbed it and you saw hold on hold on hold on pause see that all cheats off game mode survival unrefutable right so you get your what like everyone does in Minecraft let's get some more get some more wood yeah because what it is is the most important element in Minecraft seriously here's what's crazy right everyone goes for like iron gear why not just make it out of wood make sure to get that armor on you get your fruits of Labor get your wood City in oh yeah the woodsidian oh how have people not thought of this yeah right like that sort of mistake no one uses this oh and the wooden steel well it's wooden wood oh wooden wood and what what are people doing nether always get pearls to get rods yeah you got pearls right so like hold on let me like yeah I get the microphone and then and then I get the pearls right by dialoguing chatting up right I hope we never thought of you you give her your number and you get the Enterprise like right then and there immediately and then obviously I use my Batman teleport yeah I didn't know you could teleport with cheats off yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so there we go I immediately get to the Fortress a lot easier we're still only at 24 26 seconds yeah yeah it's actually it's actually going quite good yeah that's one of the in-game timers like not going up that much it is 29 28. what do you know what yeah I just went up it just went up you saw go up so I just gotta find some Blazers what's what's your method of getting blazes by the way just just kill them you know it's kind of spawner yeah yeah I just ask them our diamond sword if I happen to have them uh yeah mistake number two yeah I should have known I should have just rinsed them up again um I never thought to do this yeah that's that's what's crazy to me as well no one's ever done that and then you know you get your blazes there you go wow yeah you're good to go let's see the game timer can you can you tell me the time the in-game time yeah uh I wanted to ask about that your timer seems to be accounting by really slow second I think that's just perception of how fast I'm going I just grabbed my Batman and oh the transition there we go there we go so we get there I get a little bit stuck so I use some dynamite and I immediately am at the portal right that is so smart bringing the dynamite this is the one part in the run where I struggled a little bit because I couldn't actually find the Portal I did prep something for this luckily I did have as opposed to the dynamite I had the the Fundy mic luckily it's a little bit stronger oh gosh oh yep there it is oh yeah yeah I know I see it that's pretty good that's a good I've never thought to do that before yeah I see that's what I mean right like it's a bit it's a bit weird that people don't do that of learning so much now here's where it actually gets crazy so so like this right and then I broke that to check I already had one crazy look and then you're already in the end I was gonna make a pickaxe yeah timeline would probably be pretty good here yeah you know what I I realized that a little bit late it's dangerous yeah this is Disco This got crazy no no you're you're good though I mean you got the fruits of your labor yeah I got fruits of Labor I had my Oaky armor on I Dynamite at them so they're gone oh that backpack's looking good the backpack's looking great and then how do you usually kill the uh the Ender Dragon in a normal run oh there's two methods you can wait for it to perch and use beds on the dragon before it comes down what did I expect it really was that simple right I got a little bit of damage so I had to do two things at the same time but I was able to do it so I'm dialoguing right now gotta get the right ones otherwise otherwise you lose there we go okay there we go and now and now watch this yeah I'm watching are you ready check this out in Game Time Yeah final time 20 seconds three seconds isn't that crazy oh my gosh that was three seconds yeah the perception of the time really got messed up with those chairs that was fast I think that beats you right wait it goes quick right like it it fell it felt faster I mean you said under a minute I was expecting 59 so three I've been six whole months it had to come someday right you're really underselling yourself thanks man do you vouch for my record you know if I uh it is 100 legit there's nothing wrong with it and yeah yeah in the you submitted to the leaderboards and in the description say it's smaller already verified this you can I mean if you know them you just you send them a message right now right just like yeah text them yeah I'll text them awesome thank you so much I gotta have a little chat with the speed run people but dude thank you so much I'm so happy you verified it all right goodbye congrats on the record thanks dude bye I also ended up showing some actual moderators and they verified my run immediately everyone incredibly amazed and they all gave me a thousand dollars for doing such a crazy Feast within seconds I became the world record holder in all of Minecraft speedrun I became a king no a God and I think that that deserves your subscription [Music]
Channel: Fundy
Views: 2,713,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fundage, fundy, itsfundy, fundy minecraft, minecraft fundy, fundy modding, fundy mod, itsfundy mod, fundylive mod, fundy speedrun, speedrun, minecraft speedrun, fundy minecraft speedrun, world record speedrun, world record minecraft, illumina, smallant, minecraft world record, minecraft fastest, fundy speedrun mod, fundy speedrun video, fundy fast, fundy mods, fundy mod download, fundy latest mod, fundy difficulty, difficulty, minecraft difficulty, minecraft memes, minecraft mod
Id: kMrdrNlaRps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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