BRANCH Test Layout | Using Pipe-Fitters Blue Book | Pipeline Welding Test

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what's up World 2 feminist Abraham from Houston Texas coming at you from South Coast one Academy in today's video we got a special treat for y'all we got a crew coming all the way from Salisbury from Henderson Texas I got a welder and a fitter and in tonight's video they're going to show you how to lay down a branch test using the template nah not really you can be using the Blue Book all right y'all this is Grant Shannon I'm a specialty welder for Salisbury Industries in Henderson Texas and I'm pipefitter for Salisbury Industries in Henderson Texas today we're going to show you how to do a branch test out the blue book I'm about to get ready to lay out this 12 inch by 12 inch Branch instead of using a template we're going to be going over this laying it out on page 29 out of the W Graves pipefitters Blue Book 12 on 12 Rising [Music] all right first you're gonna lay out the pipe it's gonna be a 12 inch riser and you want to Mark your zero your one two three and then four and then at four you go back to three two one zero and then one two three four three two one zero and that should be 16 numbers right there and you're going to enter your numbers right here on the 12 by 12 riser which they give you 7 16 on the it's gonna be number one then you got inch and five eighths number two three and a quarter on three and then you got four and a quarter on four all right first number we're gonna do four and a quarter we're going to add an inch so we could take an inch off for a burn mark five and a quarter and then we got to do what we're gonna do one foot one foot all right all right so the reason why our last measurement on here is actually Four and a quarter but if you'll notice that we measured this Crow's foot one inch back we burned an inch from this side because sometimes in the field you'll deal with pipe that's not Square on the end so if you have a pipe that's not Square on the end it'll mess out your it'll mess up your layout in the long run when you go to put your seams up yeah tell them about the seams too and then so before we cut anything before we measure anything else if you look right in here you want to locate where your seam is so if you have this seam that gets in the spot of where they're going to cut your straps out from a bend test it'll bust because of that seams in there so the first thing before we do anything we're going to locate the seam and Mark it out with soapstone so we know they're moving away from The Cutting area in the welding area all right so we're going to roll this over I'm Gonna Roll It Up we'll mark it on the outside of the pipe that's good right there all right so now we know where the seam is so we're going to work on we're going to put the seam on the bottom of the pipe and then we're going to go lay out our Branch so let's roll it back over all right seams on the bottom all right so now we're going to take a piece of our seat tape and we're going to wrap it all the way around here around the pipe and then we're going to cut this out so we can make 16 different marks and if you remember we got 16 marks over here on the table for 16 different measurements all right so we'll take our seat tape set this to the side wrap around the pipe wrapping around the pipe yeah all right I'm gonna overlap it too so we can get a straight cut all right so you want to make sure that you don't have any creases or any folds in this so that we can get the receipt paper to be square on the pipe so what we're going to do I'm going to take my hand from the bottom I'm just going to push it up and smooth all that out to where it's all flush against the pipe so that way it makes it really Square mark this is this is important guys so you got to really you got to really make sure this is your where you're going to pull everything from so if this measure if this line isn't Square then the rest of your cut is not going to be square so we're going to make sure that we get this as Square as possible all right yep so now he's going to take a knife everybody should have bucket knife and you just mark it between two and then it's going to give you your circumference of the pipe all right so now we got our circumference of the pipe right here so then the next step put this receipt paper to the side and we're going to take it and we're going to fold it in half fold it in half once and you want to make sure that it's close as you can get it when you do your Folds fold it in half one time fold it in half again fold it in half again I want to make sure all your Corners match up guys this is real important right here all right we're going to pull it in half one more time so we folded it in half a total of four times what we're going to do now is Chris is going to cut all four corners out of the pipe and you'll see why here in just a second all right so now that he's got all four corners cut out it should look like this when you get through with it so now we're going to take it we're going to wrap it around remember we're still going off of our same Mark that we had on the first time so we're going to line our receipt paper back up get all the creases out and all the folds out so it's flush against the pot all right take pan smooth it over take my hand from the bottom side get that crease out and then just let it hang from the top all right now that everything matches up we're going to use these to make crow's feet so we know where to put our measurements from the Blue Book all right we're going to mark it I know some people only like to mark it on one side but we're going to mark it on both sides just so whenever we put our straight line on there we've got two different points of contact to make a line even strainer [Applause] so we got all of our crow's feet laid out and 16 different spots on the pipes for our 16 different measurements now the next thing we need to do we need to get a straight line from right here all the way to right here and I know some people they'll use a two foot square but sometimes a two foot square can turn just like this to where the measurement's not true so my boy Chris here's got a piece of angle line that we're going to use just from experience just from experience in the field guys always keep a piece of scrap angle iron somewhere to transfer measurements and you don't even know that if like the piece of angle iron is kind of hanging off to the side you'll know to just push it back to where both sides are flush like right here if we mark this right here the line is going to go crooked and it's not going to go true to the on the center of the pipe so all you got to do is just make sure the angle iron's flush and then we'll transfer our marks from right there all the way down to the end and we'll do that 16 times guys all right [Applause] all right guys so this is a typical pipeline test typically anywhere you go in the country or anywhere you go in the world it's going to be a 12 inch butt weld or a 12 inch and a 12 inch by 12 inch Branch test so some companies don't want you to use a template for when you go to take a test so you have to know how to make these measurements and make these cuts to lay the blue or to lay it out from the Blue Book most of the time if you go out in the lay down yard somewhere the pipe is going to be what's called Fusion Bond pipe so this stuff is going to have a real thick green paint coating on there so before you do this you want to make sure of course our pizza pipe doesn't have any coating on it today so we don't have to worry about it but if you go to a yard somewhere just make sure clean all the all the coating off of the pipe before you start on there you always want to make sure you got a real sharp piece of soapstone the sharper you can get your soaps on the better your lines and the better your branch is going to come out all right guys so the next step we're going to do we're going to take a wrap around to get a square line coming off of our Crow's foot that we measured five and a quarter from the edge of the pipe so let's do that all right we're going to treat the wrap around the same way we did that receipt paper guys you want this as flush on the pipe as you can get it but take it I'm gonna wrap it around overlap it [Music] all right guys so we're going to take all the creases and all that out so we got the most Square line we can get where it's all the way flush up against the pot you gotta tight got it tight yep all right all right guys so now that we have our we're going to call this our reference line so every measurement that we pull to lay the branch out is going to come from this line so it's real important that this line is as Square as you can get it because it fits off an eighth of an inch over here and an eighth of an inch over here then your branch is going to come out an eighth of an inch and you'll have to do a lot more grind then it's going to be a lot harder to fit it up so you want to really make sure that you get this line of squares you can get it with the wrap around yeah we're going to put the seam on between what two and three yeah so whenever they cut your straps out on your branch test they're going to cut it from the whenever they do the throat in the ear and that's going to be a four and at zero so you want to have your seam somewhere where they're not going to cut the strap for your tests because the seam could possibly have a defect in it that you don't know about and this is something that a lot of people won't tell you you got to make sure that you put your seam away from your strap all right let's roll it up this way all right guys so we got our seam right here marked on the outside of the pot so we're going to go ahead and put two three four then this will be one and then yeah go ahead and roll it up zero let me go ahead all right and then we're gonna relate back to our circle from over here on the table but it's going to be zero one two three four and then go back to three two one zero all the way around the pipe guys all right guys that's all of them and so now the next step we got it laid out here on the table but we're gonna go back to the Blue Book always double check your measurements guys all right so we got our first number the first measurement they give us for number one is 7 16. so now the next thing we're going to do and we're going to figure out where we have number one on the pipe and we're gonna pull seven sixteenths away going this way for our measurement on the number one so number one is our first number two is our second and so on and so forth so he's going to Mark 7 16 away from a reference line that we made with the wrap around all right 7 16. and then we're going to go back to number two our second measurement is an inch and five eighths so he's going to go to number two on our line and he's going to go an inch and five eighths away and what he's doing right here is he's burning an inch guys or burning the foot so he can make a better measurement all right so inch and five eighths then we got number three our third measurement is going to be three and a quarter all right so now for our fourth measurement our fourth measurement is going to be four and a quarter so he's going to mark four and a quarter all right now you guys should be already already able to see the curvature of the branch that we're laying out and start to come together so we're going to roll the pipe just a little bit all right and now we're gonna go back from four to three so he's gonna go for three three and a quarter all right he's gonna go to number two which is an inch and five eighths he's gonna go back to number one to seven sixteenths all right so now we're at zero and zero does it get a measurement all right so we're gonna roll the pipe all right and then we go back to one you do a whole you did the same thing all the way around guys so one we're gonna go back to seven sixteenths these steps are important guys just whatever you do don't get in such a hurry that you miss a measurement or put the wrong measurement on the wrong line so just really make sure to take your time with this all right so we're going to make the number one we're on the pipe so the next thing we have to do is we have to trace all along our measurements that we just pulled from our reference line so instead of having to try and freehand this you know you want to use something like a straight edge or something that you can figure out how to make the curvature of your lines match up and I've seen some people not like to use a wrap around but what we find is sometimes the wrap around doesn't bend very sharp or doesn't Bend in the right way so sometimes it can be difficult if you're doing this by yourself and you don't have somebody here to help you like we have here today so sometimes your lines will come out on a straight line instead of a curved line so what we came up with here at the shop and this is only if if you think this it will work for you then try it out by all means guys there's always more than one way to do something you may find something this may work better for you so what we have here is a 3 32nd diameter piece of TIG wire so we found that you use a smaller diameter TIG wire will bend to the curvature of the pipe a lot easier than say if we were trying to use like a 532 or a 3 16 diameter wire if you have a piece of TIG wire handy I recommend you guys really try this out because we found it helps a lot making the marks so what we're going to do with this now I'm gonna give it over to Chris we're going to start at zero we're going to start at zero on our reference line you want to mark you first three points is which is zero one two and then zero one two so you don't want to try and lay this whole thing out at the same time guys so what he's going to do he's going to match them all up to these crow's feet and these measurements that we made he's going to match it and we can make six marks right here right so we're gonna check it over to make sure always double check your stuff guys all right all right so he likes it so we're gonna Trace around our TIG wire on the way until I can stop right there so we're going to roll the pipe just a little bit and on zero one two zero one two this way now you gotta flip Now flip it over right because we're making a saddle and another thing he's doing is he's setting his TIG wire down and he's bending it over to where it matches up with all of our measurements we got right here guys all right hit them three all right all right so roll the pipe and we're gonna hit one we're gonna do the same thing all the way around guys three all right so he's got it so we're gonna make sure all of these are matched up to our crow's feet which they are take it can be real light on your hand when you're making your measurements or when you're making your line you don't want to push the tig wire away from The Mark guys all right now we're back to zero one two zero one two so we're gonna lay out four points of four measurements we start on zero bend over one two and you're gonna bend over one two right there and if you like it Mark it all right now we gotta flip back to this way go ahead right there [Music] all right this is where it's gonna meet back up and we'll have to have it all laid out right there all right all right guys there it is now roll it so now you can see we got the curvature of our pipe to lay out our saddle now if you can see right there all right so Next Step that we're gonna have is to ask your QC man or whoever's administering the test to you how long they want this how long they want your Riser on your branch to be sometimes they may want it eight inches from right here are they mon or they may want it a foot from the zero Mark or the foot from the form Mark so you always want to make sure and ask to specify before you make your cut how long they want the test to be we're going to go a foot from zero just so you can it can have a good height yeah height distance on it so we'll burn a foot on zero and then Mark a foot here all right so we have one reference Mark right here and then we're going to do the same thing on the other side guys that there's good all right this one's Mark here Mark here and the reason why we're marking this in two different spots is so whenever we make our wrap around line we have two different points to make sure that our line is square all right so he's got to burn the foot right there from a reference Mark and we're gonna go back to right here Crow's foot now we got a foot for our testing mentions so now we're going to come back to our wrap around all right so we're going to make sure again guys you want your wrap around to be as flat on the pipe and see like this right here you don't want any overlapping your wrap around so what we're going to do we're going to bring that back you want to flatten all of those bubbles back out to where it's completely flat on the pipe and this may take a little bit of time but that's okay guys because it's really important [Applause] all right guys we got it all flat up against the pot and it's all square so we're going to go ahead Michael Martin all right guys so sometimes that we ran into in the field before whenever you go to cut this as our next step if you cut it just off of a soapstone line sometimes your glasses are really dark and sometimes the torch will actually burn away your line that you made so a tip that we have for you guys that me and him kind of came up with is to take a center punch and a hammer and punch all of your lines right where they intersect our measurements on each reference line so what he's going to do is he's going to go through there and punch that with the uh with the center punch so now that we'll be able to see that a lot easier when we go to cut it with a torch [Music] now what you do is connect the dots [Music] just so you can see better because when we go to cut and then we're gonna have that face shield so you want to connect your dots make it a little bit brighter so you can see and as you can see now how much better that looks than the soapstone mark [Music] I always get you about an inch when you're setting your torch and then turn your oxygen on that you don't want that right there when you're saving a torque so what you do is you blow it that's a good setting right there for what we couldn't all right we're gonna start cutting this right here three points at a time there we have our 12 on 12 Rising [Music] [Applause] all right guys we got our saddle cut out now we're about to do a rough clean with the grinder to get all of our slag off of it and then we're going to come over here and set it back on a horizontal piece to make sure it fits right all right guys so we just got went through with the Tiger Paw in a seven inch 1 8 grinderness and got a rough clean on here and then after we get done with this we're about to go set it on top of the pipe to make sure it sits flush right now we got to take off about two at least two inches so right now we're going to take off about two inch about about right here where I have that grind Mark right there and make sure to do it with the tiger paw so that way it's real smooth on the inside and it doesn't leave any Jagged Cuts all right guys you can see we've got the seam grinding back to about an inch and a half to two inches so that way there's no possible way for this seam to interfere with our test cut and that's real he used the tiger paw so it's real smooth guys you want to make this as presentable as you can the inspector is not going to like to see a bunch of cut marks or anything like that if you were to use the eighth inch grinding disc or a cutting disc Next Step we're gonna set it on top of the pipe [Music] and we're going to look straight down in it this way and make sure we don't have we want this piece to sit as flush on top of the horizontal pieces we can get you don't want any kind of gaps or any kind of light showing through the inside because if the light means that there's no metal there so you're going to have a big gap when you go to fit it up I cannot stress enough how important the fit Up is on this test guys the way around that's what you want it to look like all the way around guys you don't want any light shining through [Music] so all this light right here we got to grind it down to where it shuts where you see no light we'll take a piece of soapstone on the inside you got a piece of suction right we'll take a piece of soapstone on the inside and we'll lay it down in the pipe on the pieces where it is touching so about right there we'll mark it so that way whenever we go take it to the grinder table we'll know to smooth that back down so it sits flush on this horizontal piece we got one spot right there and it looks like we got one more right there and guys this may take several attempts from taking your your Riser piece back and forth to the grinding table to smooth it down and setting it back on here and back and forth but like I said I cannot stress enough that you really got to make sure that this fits on there as flush as you can get it so you can come out with the best test result so it may take several times of cleaning and grind and it's going to take a lot of work but it'll it'll definitely pay for itself in the end and also too don't forget to roll your seam right here we have it on the top so we got to roll this seam back down to the bottom so when we cut our hole we're not cutting into that seam [Music] all right guys so we got a rough cut or we got a rough clean on this and now we're going to go through and explain the the beveling process of your vertical piece so if you'll look from our three mark on the way over here to our other three mark this is going to get a slight bevel on it but if you look over here from this three Mark and back on the throat this right here isn't going to get a bevel on it so after we're done after the final cleanup this is going to be flat so whenever they cut your test straps out they're going to cut one from right here to right here and they're going to cut one from right here to right here where they cut your straps out so these are the most important parts that we're going to worry about on the fit so that way you got the best chance possible to pass your test in between here here and here for where they cut your four straps up all right guys we got the pipe all sucked down we did our grinding on the outside to make sure it would fit on the pipe flush and we got it laid back on the bevel right here and on the sides now we're about to trace the inside of the cookie so we can cut it out to set this piece inside the horizontal piece so what we're going to do we're going to take a scribe I know sometimes you may not have a scribe handy but if you don't you can take an eighth inch or whatever size welding rod and just sharpen it with the grinder and get the same you know get the same result sometimes you may not have a scrub all you have to do is just sharpen this with the grinder and mark it on your inside so now I'm gonna get Chris to hold the rods are on steady and we're going to take our scribe Mark and we're going to scrub on the inside and on the outside guys so we're going to mark all the way around on the inside [Applause] all right guys we got our scribe line traced out and if you guys want to come take a look we're about to trace over this with the white paint marker as you can see when we put our shield on we could barely see that scribe Mark so that's why we're going to use this metal pro white paint marker we're going to trace over all this so we can get a good cut remember to always cut to the inside because we're going to keep this piece so when you're blowing your torch cut to the inside of the cookie and just being extra precautious we're going to go ahead and punch a little bit on it that's why we're doing this because when we blow through sometimes the torch will blow this Mark away and you want a good precise cut all right so what we're going to do here is we're going to want to keep outside of this perfect so when you're cutting you want to cut straight into the center of the pipe so when you when you pull out you want to pull out to the inside so after we get this heated up just watch as I cut it [Music] [Music] as you can see when I was cutting I skipped around that way I wouldn't transfer too much heat onto one side of the pipe come over here let this cool off for a little bit cut this and then come over here it's just called spacing the heat out when you're cutting [Music] and now what we'll do now is we'll clean inside of this clean all the slag off get our good bevel on it so when we put our Riser on it we'll have a good fit and remember we're going to have to keep this piece over here that we cut out we normally call it the cookie you guys may have heard it called something else but we're going to have to keep that for later on and we'll show you why at the end of the video [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right guys we got our hole cut out and cleaned up we got everything prepped up now we're about to put the Riser on the horizontal piece go ahead and tell them what kind of Rod you're using for the space all right guys so we got a 332 aluminum wire TIG wires use them if you got them if not you can use 332 60 tins and just knock the flux off this is what we got here today since we're going to use just you can get some tape any kind of tape this masking tape electrical tape just anything to hold it down when we do our fit up and what he's going to do he's going to tape those TIG wires on there all right now we've got our TIG wire tape we're going to take our horizontal piece our riser all right so what you do is you put it on there you want to check all your high low and as you can see it's pretty damn perfect you want your Rod to fit in there perfect for the welder and we got the 332 Gap remember guys anytime you check the hollow you always want to check the hollow on the inside because that's where the Root's going The Roots going on the inside not the outside so everything looks pretty good in here all right guys did all that hard work to get a perfect fit now we're going to remember you don't want to mess it up when you put your tax in here here's a pro tip whenever they cut the straps for your test piece they're going to cut right here right here and the same for these other two sides so anywhere you put attack you don't want to put a tack in here in case you have a bad tack so you don't want to put it anywhere they're going to cut a strap out so we're going to have them tack right here right here and then the same for these opposite two opposite two sides you want to give yourself the you want to Stack all the cards in your favor when it comes to taking a well test so they're going to come in a strap right here so you want to put attack right there and one more right here guys he's using an eighth inch 6010 he's got a 332 Gap 1 8 land and he's gonna he's gonna be running about 77 amps Maybe now you want to make sure you quarter your tax guys another thing we're going to pull these wedges and we're going to pull these uh spacing wires out before he puts the tech in because if he attacks this back side while we still have these spacers in you'll never get them out so what we're going to do we're going to lift up on this other side just a little bit and he's going to lift it up with the wedge and then before Abraham takes it we're going to peel the tape off and pull our spacers out guys it's also a good idea to have more than one wedge just in case it shrinks you'll have the wedge in there to keep it from shrinking so much guys this Gap and this fit up is freaking perfect all right guys so remember now I told you earlier we got our cookie so what's going to happen is we're going to set this on top just like this and then whenever he gets done tacking it we'll set it on a jack stand you may need somebody to help you out with this because this is a pretty heavy piece right here so what we're going to do you're not going to get to welding like this you're not getting out that easy you're going to set this piece right here onto a jack stand and turn the whole thing over and weld it overhead all right guys there you have it a 12 inch on 12 inch 375 wall Branch I just want to say thank you so much for Salisbury Industries letting us come out here thank you for South Coast welding Academy for the invite I'm Grant Shannon Chris Mendoza and we'll catch y'all next time [Music]
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 736,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, cwi, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, welding supply store, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, tulsa welding school, american welding society, weldporn, welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test, Pipeline welding, Branch test
Id: LuMaVWioS-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 11sec (2051 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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