24" Pipe Spool Welding & Fabrication (MIG/MAG HOW TO)

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welcome back to the channel my name is calvin also known as art from welding in this video we have this we have this a fat old 24 inch piece of pipe that i'm going to be welding for the first time so first time doing 24 inches no that's a lie i've done 24 inch once before using a manipulator use what i've been saying how much i need a manipulator i weren't trying to turn this pipe by hand so now i have one let's see how it goes but listen this is the experimental this is the first time i'm doing this so i'm trying in new ways i don't have a template this one here has a 10 inch square branch on it i do not have a template nor do i know the way to make it a lot of the template making methods is all in inches it's an american sort of thing so i don't at least my knowledge i don't know that we have a book in millimeters for me to make a template so i am just going to trial an error and then once i manage to get the profile the right way then i'm going to make my own template for next time i have this type of fight but enjoy this is going to be a fun one lots of world and a lot of welding oh damn it's going to be a lot of welding [Music] so so so the machine i'm going to be using is my cronius kempi or tempe fronius however you like to call it tps 400i and i'm going to be welding it um probably pulse i'm going to be probably doing some pulse welding for the cap and synergic welding for like the first one or two runs um rooting when i'm doing the square branch i'm going to be rooting it on a standard mixed synergic setting it's going to have 12 co2 make sure i get this 12 co2 for the gas running at quite a high flow rate around 25 liters a minute and the wire is one mil solid four wire copper free coating right here is the wire that i'll be using [Music] my welding mask will be speed cloth g501 [Music] so guys now the intro is over and that was hectic i'm just sitting on my sofa right now got a beer in one hand the microphone in the other hand just relaxing gonna talk use lot through what i'm doing here so the first thing i'm about to do now is make my square branch because i'm in a factory i have a lot of variables that i can change that you can't change in the field for example i can make a square branch as small enough that i can hand ball it then i can make it make a template out of it and do what i need with it i'm sure on site there is no way you are hand balling a giant length of pipe but for me i can make things as easy or as difficult as it needs to be so yes this here is a part where i'm lacking the skill but i i just have to make up with it in another way and that there is oh i don't know but yeah anyway back to what i'm doing so i've marked up the pipe the two of them i've i've i'm trying to get everything as square as possible so the chances of a good square branch would be higher so i've marked on the 24 inch piece of pipe the center and i've also marked up on the 10 inch piece of pipe and i've basically got it in my calculations exactly in the middle with equal distance either side and i'm just using a cut-off disc and i'm just you can see how i'm marking around here it's working fine what the issue is is you usually trying to keep the exact distance from the pipe to the pen that you're marking that is usually what messes you up is is one side it might move more than it does the other side and you have a bigger gap here than the other side but in this case it was able to come out about 90 good i was happy for that just the final little bit of shaping to do at the end and here one of my friends he he had a head start on these pipes he was making it a few days earlier he was doing like 14-inch and i jumped into the 24-inch and he was just showing me how it was how it came out and yeah it's nice checking out his settings they're a bit different from mine again everyone kind of work welds and works in their own way so whatever suits you but once you split the difference there's a slight gap of about three mil here but i'm wondering whether i should keep it like that because when i burn when i burn the hole what tends to happen i always have a huge gap this side here and a tiny gap here so i'm hoping that if i leave it like this i can burn the hole and then have um this piece here extend it down a little bit more to bring that gap closer and also just gap here closer too so usually our template material that we use is just cheap sandpaper from the shop you can buy like a 10 meter length of it for like free pan which is at that cheap of a price you could you could say you've got almost unlimited amount of it so this stuff here is a bit different i don't know it feels like flashing it was quite thick it's plastic vinyl on one side double-sided tape on the other side you need something that just just doesn't crumble it it can be used over and over again as well as have a hard enough edge that the chalk line or the pen that you use doesn't kind of crease when you're trying to trace around it but yeah this here is a template either now or later on i have done alterations to the template to make sure it is exactly good there's no point making a template that you have to clean up every time in the future you want to clean up the one time now and then get the template good and not have to worry about it later on 610 here [Music] 610 so right here 425 is what the square brass needs to be out from the center of the pipe so i need to chop this down so the way i go about doing this i draw it out so here's the pipe here's the square branch and then right here would be the flange so that would be the plan it's drawn so crap i'm hiding behind the camera so from the center of this pipe to the face of the flange is 425 so i know that from this point here to this point here of the pipe is 610 mil so if i divided that by two that gives me from this point here to this point here 305 425 minus 305 120 so i know from the top of the pipe to the face of the flange is 120 mil now so i know it's 120 so what i need to do now is minus my gap or my root and then minus enough height so my flange can have space to weld so as a standard it's normally 15 mil for a flange but i might do 20 mils just so i've got a bit more tolerance and then i do a three mil gap so 120 minus 20 minus three mil gap 97 mil 97 so i know this piece of pipe in the middle needs to be 97 mil long which then will give it the correct center to face measurement so that was just my process of understanding the drawings i will definitely make a video soon enough for you not explaining how i do my drawings with me i understand that i have the ability to mess up my measurements on a daily basis so i always use the calculator do not ever attempt to try to think that i'm some math genius and try to um do the most simplest calculations i'm always using a calculator so yeah i like to draw things out sometimes that makes it a lot easier i've done enough square brush i don't particularly draw the square branches out but in other things i'll draw them out just so um you don't make mistakes i i do do all my drawings all the time [Music] 1900 what i couldn't measure the top of the flange because these cuts are so bad i couldn't measure across so and what i've done i've measured obviously the butter which i could get the measurement for now i'm bringing the bottom to the top so now i know that this part of the pipe is the correct measurement so now i need to bring this flange in out to get that flash good so this right here is 22 mil that lands there 23 mil and i wasn't joking when i say i work alone all pipes that i do i work alone so i could ask for help i could i'm not kind of i'd rather i'm just so used to just doing it by myself that it's easier to do it myself so just in case you didn't understand what i was saying there about getting the measurement so we use oxyacetylene to cut the pipes and it basically tracks forward ever so much so your cuts aren't perfect it grows about five to seven eight mil so because the flanges are already on the pipe they weigh 93 kilos each so what they do when they was bringing the pipe into my bay they had to had it on the forks and it was low enough that you could drive it into one flange and then they put the pipe and one flange onto the manipulator and then i use the crane on this side of the flange to lift it up and slide it on so the flanges are on top meaning i could not measure the top top part of the pipe and that's the best way of getting the measurements because that's where i'm going to use my chalk line to to pull the flanges out the required amount so what i done i could weld i could measure the inside of the pipe and that's what i did and then i brought that 180 degrees all the way to the top and in theory that basically gives me the correct pipe length so then i can pull my flanges at both sides 23 mil which will then give the required face to face measurements and what i'm doing now with the tacking so basically if you sit the pipe if you sit the flange straight on the pipe you will have a like a 15 mil gap at the bottom and a no gap at the top and if you try to weld that one is is extremely difficult to weld because your first run would be fine on one side but then when you come to the gap there is too big of a gap for you for that run to to even touch the pipe so you just have a freestanding weld on the flange on its own and it's not good it just does not work so by having so many tacks sometimes attacks are a bit too big and and i had to grind these ones here dan but having so many means that even if it's not perfectly centered there's a higher chance that it centers itself better than if there was less tax i give you an example imagine doing four tax twelve six three and nine you could be um good on the height from six you sorry you could be good on the height from 12 to six that could be good but then the flange could be off to the left or right too much so that there's an uneven gap between three and nine so having so many tacks it means that there's a greater chance that the flange is centered to the pipe i've been babbling on and i'm missing some key moments in this video so if you see me i was fighting this side of the flange like crazy there the thickness of the flange i think is around 50 to 60 mil thick and it has to hang off by 23 mil so there isn't such a easy chance that you you hit it out too much and it slides and drops on the floor or worse lands on your foot so i was being very cautious with that but it's done the two of them are on now i've put a plethora of tax on it because i do not want it to have issues this is the second part now this is what made this pipe take so long it has a 45 it has it has a square branch coming out of 45 so this here is my method of making sure that i put the 45 on the right way basically i make my 45 90 degrees to the pipe but with the correct bolt hole orientation so try this if you ever have to on all your flanges mark from top to bottom left to right and then split the difference in between here i'm doing such a mistake you see how i'm doing the 45s i was wrong it's not a two-hole 45 it's a one-hole 45 so you see me correct it there that's why i like to visualize things rather than just assuming so yes so for my calculations splitting up the flange like this one whole top will be the equivalent to having it at 45 and again i even now visually make sure that it's in the correct orientation before i even attempt to put the square branch on so now it's marked out one whole top now i can put the square branch on in a conventional way with it facing the top basically and then when i bring the one whole top flange to a two hole top flange it will be in the correct orientation with this square branch coming out out of 45 because yes again i do not want to make a mistake i have made so many mistakes so easily and that's usually by not checking or rushing so i want you to take my time that's why even here i used the grinder to mark the burn holes because i know once i put this flame to the mark it's going to disappear we was told that the flanges cost nearly 400 pound each so that's why i i did not want to um to mess it up and also i put a lot of work a lot of effort into my work i take a lot of pride in what i'm doing so with that being said i have a bit of a reputation in my workshop that it it drives me especially if you use a lot watching as well you look definitely affected it drives me to go above and beyond because one i'm showing and teaching you a lot certain things even though i don't want the moral pressure of teaching news i'd rather use like just enjoyed his video and also two because i have that reputation of of doing proper work in my workshop it means i don't have um the ability to just make casual mistakes if that makes sense like for me to for me to do certain mistakes versus other people some people will be like oh he made a mistake for me yes calvin you made that mistake how's that even possible that's not like you so in one way the pressure isn't good it's uh it's a bit crap but in the other way it keeps me on my toes it makes me know that i have to go above and beyond the rest of the guys i can't just settle for doing work that other people be doing because um yeah like i said the reputation i i have to try to do the best and with that being said that's that's that's i take that responsibility on board because in the next few videos i did the an elbow piece i did i done a double elbow piece of this pipe here which was huge i recorded the positional so you're gonna see one video on that next but because they trust me to not make a mistake and to go above and beyond that's why i got certain pieces like that so in in my case being on price it's a bit crap you know i don't make as much money doing this big pipe though you think you would because it just takes this took me all day to do versus making other pipes i can make a lot more other pipes in the day versus this guy but now i am just welding it up so i rooted it this this pipe work is i believe for a data center so chilled water is probably going for it cool water low pressure nothing high um that's why you the the world in specifications for something like this isn't no crazy crazy high thing so it just requires a root run um then i grind out my i put tram lines in my route my root run to make sure that the cap goes on nicely and then i do a two run cap the cap would have been done at over 250 amps under 280 over 250 i controlled the amps on my gun and that's the two runs um it was a bit difficult because the pipes like you can see i'm welding at neck height but this is what you have to do with this manipulator and it's on a frame so nothing that can be done again now the the main flange is two whole top now i can put this square branch flange on standard two whole top on this one here because this isn't coming out at 45 degree angle this is just coming out of this the pipe at 45 degrees so i've done my two two tacks leveling it off and then another two attacks i try i try not to hit the flanges too much but what can you do sometimes they go on a bit wacky so you have to hit them and all of this work that i've put into this pipe and i have sockets at this point here they drive me crazy because if you put them on in the wrong spot 50 mil in the wrong spot 20 mil in the wrong spot this whole pipe the work that i've done all day is basically um scrapped so i'd have to get a new pipe i'd have to chop the flanges off and reuse them the square branch will be pretty much scrap and it's easier to probably cut a new square branch out and clean it up then to try burn and save this one so there is always a lot of pressure a lot of pressure when it comes to putting on square branches and then again the pressure on making a mistake in this big pipe as well was was was real yeah it like i said this pipe took me all day to do and half of that was just checking i checked maybe four times before i burnt the hole you know i preheat ready to burn and then i'll jump down after what i'm like well let me quickly check the flange let me make sure there's one hole top let me make sure the measurement is good this is the right size socket and then i go to burn again no no no let me check maybe the measurements wrong maybe i've got it flipped upside down and it was like that over and over again until i finally had the the balls to cut the hole there's no going back once you cut the hole so yeah there's another socket on the opposite side um mark it burn it all the swarf that's on the pipe on the inside of the pipe i clean at the end i use a um a piece of file a sharpened piece of file um and i just basically scrape the insides with that i find when you use a file not sharp and sorry a chipped piece of file yeah i put in the vice and i smack it off and i find the hardened material the file does not um deform when you're trying to clean the insides of the pipe so yeah comes out nice rooting it i couldn't tell you the amps around 130 amps synergic to 150 amps it's the frontiers machine so wire speed and voltage is automatically controlled and i just adjust the amps and stuff like arc false dynamics it makes the worlds come out nicer but at the same time i don't i don't know the correct settings i i could not i could not manually set this machine up to to weld as good as its synergic route setting is it's just the front when i spoke to the people at frontiers basically they do thousands of runs at different wire speeds and vaults and they program that into the machine so that you can control the amps and then you get the correct wire to voltage speed the correct wire speed to voltage to make a optimal weld so root run and just a single cap single run i don't need to do two runs on this i could but i don't need to so i'm just gonna move on i trust i trust the worlds because because this is is a thick pipe as well as a big two inch socket i can pump some juice into their 200 amps it just fuses nicely there's a root run all the way around on the inside of the pipe as well even though it's not needed it's not an x-ray job you you can have um you can miss part of the route with your with your initial run and it still will pass so i know this is more than adequate for this type of job and then when it comes to my start stops if i don't grind it i make sure that i turn up the power on my gun before coming to a stop and then i go over it about 20 mil and i've never had an issue with that so far finally the flange i'm gonna weld the flange before doing them the main big 24 inch flanges it's at 220 to 250 amps it's not um completely flat i've got a bit of an angle not quite 45 but it helps me to um to do a smooth weld you have slight stoving which means gravity is dripping the pipe down while also pushing the weld back up with the wire coming out and it's a nice balance of quality speed and comfort so yeah i'm basically dragging the world it comes out nice you get obviously penetration and everything like that the worlds don't crack none of that sort of stuff the worlds are nice it's a nice profile to it so that's what i do on both sides versus if i had to do it completely flat i'd have to straddle the pipe and be on top of it and that'll be that'd be uncomfortable so this half is gonna get done and then the other half turn the pipe upside down and do the down hand flange on the outside now what i have decided to do for this video is to split it up into two parts i don't want to rush showing you the welds of the main pipe so this part part this pipe here is going to be part one and then part two will be a nice long format with nice beautiful noises of of the the welds on the 24 inch flanges and it works out perfectly because i basically had to film this pipe in over two days i had two of these exact pipes to do just a square branch in a different location the first one i used a hundred and gigabytes of memory to film just this stage that i've got to now minus world in the flanges 128 gigs on just to set up the prep attacking and the welding of this square branch so i come in fresh the next day and i i just initially weld only the flanges first and i and i filmed welding only the flanges first so yeah i think it'll be i think it'll work out a lot better rather than just who wants to sit down and watch an hours long video i don't forget about you so i'm gonna sign off right now i have been talking nonsense for the last 20 odd minutes my mouth is dry i need a drink of this beer i need to go carry on doing some more video editing but yes i'm signing out you
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Id: oclMS9Zvmk4
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Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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