Pipe fitter Basics. Welded Pipe

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welcome back everybody uh today on this episode we are going to be talking about um the blue book and the black book and how to use the books and what everything means and things like that so it's actually going to be a really good episode it's going to hopefully really dumb things down a lot simplify it make it easier and hopefully it's just something that is super educational something that when you get your blue book you feel confident and you are able to do what you need to do which that blue book is hands down that thing is it's worth its money in gold alright but first things first as always it's cold it's wintry down here we are starting a fire and i don't know if you guys ever make any of these but these little cotton balls in vaseline they're the best thing in the world welcome back everybody thanks for hanging out with us thanks for coming back to another video guys earlier i believe it was in the very first video we did um we talked to or no it was fractions i believe it was infractions we talked to you guys about a couple books that are essential to have and in today's episode we're going to be talking about these books where to find your answers how to use the book things like that all right so um as we go through this pipe fitting course as we start going through more of the videos we're going to be referring to the blue book 99 of the time all right this black book has lots of good stuff in it um a lot of things that are fun to do or that are like um if you don't want to spend the money and you're at home for like a project you can use a lot of things out of this like orange peels and things like that you know bull plugs for grills that all comes out of this black book but like i said guys 99 of what we do is going to be in this black book now this is the pipe fitter's blue book by wv graves and i highly highly recommend that you go buy this book this is going to be your number one reference book to about everything you're going to do as a fitter all right as far as your take offs how to lay something out if you have a if you have to do a branch test this will tell you how to lay it out if you're not allowed to use a template um the pipe fitters and pipe welders handbook by thomas w franklin now this is a really good book for like um miters and things like that now in some industries uh they don't want to buy fittings and they don't want to do things like that so you actually have to cut the pipe to make the to make the angles and things that's where this book's gonna come in handy and uh i'll have links down at the bottom to where you can get these books because hands down you're gonna need them i've always had them this is probably my third blue book i bought because i go through them i mean just using them all the time just always in it eventually the spine on the glue will start to break down so i always i always tend to have one or two of these somewhere around that way i've always got one this black book still pretty brand new because uh everything we do is with fittings so i'm barely in this one but there is always good information in this book so that being said guys in this video i am going to show you how to use your book how it's going to help you um where your branch template is or your branch layout is going to be found in the book um where all your takeoffs are going to be found in the book um your flange takeoffs your t's your 90s all this stuff is in this blue book and i'm going to show you where to find it and how to reference where you need to be all right so guys stay tuned it's really important you know how to do this because as we go on through this thing we're going to be referring back to this blue book quite a bit and it's going to be able to help you guys a lot all right so everybody stay tuned thanks for hanging out with us and we'll see you in just a sec all right everybody so here we are we are getting ready to get started in this blue book now as you start opening up this blue book and stuff i tend to oh this is josh's josh rivers so as as i open up this book and stuff there is so much information in this thing um tank layouts how to find your degrees for different fittings how to do all sorts of different things in it and it's really good to go through this read it understand what a tangent is and and your degrees and just everything set run angles i mean this is teaching you all sorts of things on on how to find whatever degree you're doing this is a rolling offset how to draw it out how to figure it out how to find it with a square all sorts of stuff in here all right but one of the most used pages you're gonna use i'll get to the branch first how's that tends to be everybody's big deal is the branch okay guys on page 29 this is going to give you your branch layout now through this video series i will lay out a branch for you i have one on my youtube channel there's a three or four part series on laying out the branch how to fit it up how to weld it all sorts of things like that but on page 29 your 12 inch riser on a 12 inch uh branch basically is what that is so those are your measurements for that and that's on page 29 now this will give you a layout for all sorts of different different size pipes and and whatever else but where we are going to be 90 of the time and my book is like permanently open to this this is uh this is a newer book um just figured out this is josh's book i don't know how i wound up with josh rivastah's book my old helper but uh 95 to 108 okay this is your number one this is where all your information is going to be so these are your take-offs now the way you're gonna reference this so as you guys can see so we have uh just a regular long radius 90 we have a a reducing 90. i've never really noticed that because i've never used that really so we got a reducing 90 we got your uh your 45 short radius your 180s we got capped we got all this information that we're going to need as we start laying out this pipe now the way that you reference this now you can see that there's a marks and basically what's happening is they're taking center of pipe to weld and here in just a second i'm going to explain what a takeoff is and that is going to be so freaking important because everything we do is center of pipe and um and so you're going to need to know how this works all right so say we have a 4 inch 90. we're trying to figure out a for a long radius 90. now if we were going to do a short radius we would figure out d all your a's and b's are up here so a all you got to do is reference down to this and you'll just run down here uh your d would be here you'll run down this you know so everything is labeled on what the takeoff is your e is gonna be here so right now we're gonna figure out what a four inch 90 is and you're gonna go four inches run over to the a mark we know it's a six inch takeoff so that's how you use the takeoff book you you just pay attention to this run it over now the flanges and guys as we go through this this is going to make way more sense uh here's your keys we'll do t's here really quick now you can tell that there's a c in an m now this is for a straight t and a reducing t now your reducers are normally going to be up here oops sorry they're gonna be up on the bullnose part of it but so say we have a four inch t a four to two t and we need to know what the top of this bull nose is right here so we're gonna go to m which is gonna be center to weld so we're going to come down here to a four inch t boom four to two we're gonna come over here we're gonna run over this is your m three and a half inches now we know that a four to two t from here to here is three and a half inches that's what it says so guys something else to think about um now if it was just a four to four t you can just save four or four move over to here we're four and an eight so if this was a four to four that would be four and eight these are the same so now flanges are just a little bit different um here's 125 pound flanges uh weld next we got slip ons we got all this other stuff for a slip-on flange i always just do a half inch that's what i do well like there's a 300 pounder let me find the 150s where the heck are the 150 so they're oh there they are right there 150s this is what i deal with most of the time on mechanical piping is the 150s on the weld next say i would do a two inch weld neck let me get this focused up two inch weld neck now this is a weld neck flange or a slip on flange all right slip on threaded and socket but ninety percent of what we're gonna do is right here so two inch we're gonna come over we know that the takeoff is two and a half inches and that is going to be from top of here to here you can tell that this is still labeled with letters on what your takeoff is so we know that y is what we need to take off so like i said guys we're going to come over here get focused in two and then this is the y length through hub y come down two and a half inches so that's how this works so whatever size weight you have on a flange 1500 pound flanges we got 2500 pound flanges um looks like that's as much as it goes about 2500 pounds but it's just as easy if you if you have the flame just sitting there just run a tape measure up hook it right there and then just pull back and that'll be your take off as well so okay all the takeoff is is when you have a piece of pipe okay piece of pipe here we go that's my pipe um you have your fitting which we're just gonna do a 90 right here okay something like that there's your 90. and then we have another piece of pipe coming down here and say you have to make a field weld right here okay um this piece of pipe over here and like i said guys we're going super simple savvy so this is a t oh get some blacker lines here so we can see what we're fricking doing and it's got to tie into this piece of pipe right here and then say this one's got a flange this is a side view of this deal all right really simple drawing um as we get going through this we're going to start doing some super complex stuff as in we got to hit three points and everything's got to hit this beam and then come up and wrap around over here as we get going through this pipe fitting course that is the stuff i want you guys to know how to do this is bringing you to that point you've got to have a good foundation before you move on to bigger stuff like that so uh what we're going to say is we're trying to build this piece right here all right and we know that it's got to hit this point and it's got to hit this point so in pipe you have everything is measured from center of pipe to center of pipe hence the take-offs are center to the end of weld all right so from here and all we're gonna do is make this super simple whole numbers that's what i like whole numbers so we're gonna say that this is four feet so from here to here four feet now to explain it take off the best that i can if you cut this now this is your puff this is your pipe okay this is what we have to cut to in order to make all of these line up where they're going all right if you cut this piece of pipe at four feet and we're gonna say that this is four inch pipe just to make it easy this is four inch pipe okay so this is gonna be a four inch 90 and a four by four teeth which maybe i'll just i'll write that right here how's that 4x4 t 4 inch 90. now if you cut this four inch piece of pipe at four feet guys you remember me going through the blue book with you just a second ago a four inch 90 is six inches okay so what's gonna happen is you're gonna cut this piece of pipe center of this which is four foot so here's your pipe and you're gonna go center of this four foot this is what you cut your pipe at because now it says four foot right center to center four foot well now i want to show you the best way that i can you still have to weld your 90 on we are now six inches past where this thing's gonna be tying in so this is tying in here this thing center to center here is now six inches out you've pushed it out because you did not take into account for the 90 that you need to take into account for you have to cut off what that 90 is so in the blue book it shows you what that is this is a four inch long radius 90. in the blue book it talks about from this weld from right here where you're gonna make this weld to the center of this piece of pipe which this is measured in centers right this is six inches so you should have and let me bring it over here and this is the way i lay out all my masks so that i can go back and check and make sure that it's right we got four foot center to center that's our total length we need to minus out six inches or a 90. okay now since we cut this at four foot our tee is pushed out here as well hopefully you guys are getting all this all right so here's our tea and here you are right here man we've messed up bad all right if we've gotten to that point we've messed up bad and on page 97 we're doing a four inch t so it's actually on 98 4x4 t is four and an eighth inches so right here four and one eighth inches okay four by four teeth you have pushed this key out four and one eighth inches so you're literally ten and an eighth inches long ten inches almost a foot long because you did not take out for these fittings now fittings are super important you have to take out for them all right so like i said if you cut this piece of pipe at four foot because that's what it says center to center four foot you are now four foot ten and an eighth inch is long you are too long it is not gonna work so like i said we're over here now we lay it out four foot center to center that's our goal that's what we need it to be minus six inches for a 90 so we're minusing out for this 90. then we're going to come in and we're going to minus out four and an eighth inches or a key this is the way i'd lay everything out all right i want to know that when i go back to do my math boom everything's on the money i write down what the fitting is what it's doing blah blah blah now the other thing you've got to take into account in this piece of pipe that we are cutting we're trying to hit this center here which is a piece of pipe coming down and we're trying to hit this center so that everything goes in just right you have to come into account for your weld gap now if you're welding stainless you might be taking 3 16ths gap or you know whatever you prefer you have to take into account for that we're going to take into account as if this was a downhill weld so i'm talking a 16th gap that's what we're gonna wind up taking for it so we know we got two gaps that we got to take care of we got one here one here this is gonna be a weld this is gonna be a weld now um like i said if you're welding stainless or bigger pipe or you want a bigger gap or whatever you're doing you just need to make sure you take into account for that gap so we're going to go minus 1 16 inch for a gap minus 1 16 inch for a gap boom now guys we're gonna pull out the calculator because i prefer calculators now i've talked to you guys about the pipe trade calculator pipe pipe trade pro this calculator is where it's at it's a great calculator i love it so what we're gonna do is four foot minus six inches for your ninety minus four inch one eighth for your key minus the sixteenth minus the sixteenth which is gonna be an eighth inch all right so we know that in order to get this to fit we need to cut a pup at three foot one and three quarter inches that is what this is going to be so from cut to cut is going to be three foot one three quarter inches okay once you put your 90 on once you put your tee on from center of t to center of 90 will be four foot that is what that is saying that is the easiest way i can explain a take-off and why this is so important to know all right later on as we get through this we're going to show you how to shoot lasers off of this and pull a measurement from here and make sure that you don't need to add pups into all this or whatever but this but like i said guys this is just a super simple way of knowing how important a takeoff is what a takeoff does and what would happen if you did not do your takeoffs all right so that is just such a big thing as far as this goes um you have to have to do your takeoff there's just no way about it uh it's just that important so guys like i said go get your blue book make sure you have it get the black book read up on anything you can about what you're getting ready to do as we go through this we're going to start talking about copper takeoffs we're going to show you how to do copper we're going to show you how to do threaded pipe we're going to show you how to do slip-ons weld necks all sorts of things socket welds how to do all your takeoffs how to make sure it fits because guys the guy that knows how to do it and how to be the best at it is going to be the one that continues to stay busy and pushes your career ahead of everybody else's that is what we're trying to do for you right now if you can weld freaking awesome but can you fit okay if you can fit can you weld you need to be well-rounded do both be the best that you can be all right if you don't know how to do autocad learn autocad this is what we're trying to teach you guys in these courses is how are we going to make you better we want to make you better so anyways guys pay attention to this easiest way i can think of explaining what the takeoff is how it works why it works and why you need to know this all right everybody thank you for hanging out with us thanks for sticking around with us as we kind of explain the take off how the blue book works and whatever else guys in the next videos we're going to start getting in the depth on how everything is working we're going to start pulling measurements on pieces we're going to start showing you how to fab things when you look at an iso what are you looking for what are the main things that you need to know on an iso all right on the on an isometric drawing is what an iso stands for um the other things we're going to start teaching you is when you look at a drawing what can you roll out what is the fastest things that you can get done and knock out and the least amount of position wells that you can make that's super important when you're trying to talk speed you're trying to talk getting getting your inches and making sure that you're staying productive and out in front of the next guy and being fast enough to keep going your rollouts knowing what has to be welded in position where your field welds are if you can go pull your measurements and build everything on the ground you need to be doing that if you're stove piping stuff up in the rack it's probably no good we need to get you to the point of where you can go up there with a tape measure pull your measurements do whatever you got to do and then take it to the ground build it on the ground fly it up and it's going to fit every time all right hope you guys all enjoyed the video be blessed and we'll talk to you here in a bit alright
Channel: Jacob Schofield
Views: 20,675
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Id: NHSbbPHNnnk
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Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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