How to Fit and Weld Socket Welds in Various Fixed Positions

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welcome back well dude i'm andres moya pipefitter welder from el paso texas and today i'm here with my buddy david sadisa hi guys my name is david cevisa pipefitter welder from el paso and today we're going to be showing you guys how to fit and weld some inch and a half carbon steel socket weld [Music] all right guys we're going to get ready to start fitting up this inch and a half carbon steel tee we're going to simulate that this pipe is fixed so we're going to have to start tacking on the bullhead side first we'll get it all squared up and leveled dave is going to be welding today and i'll be fitting all right so you may be wondering uh what is a socket weld basically this pipe is going to go into this socket of this fitting in here sit down in here so go ahead and stab this on here so this pipe sits in here and we are going to give this pipe a 1 8 gap here you don't want your pipe bottomed all the way out into the bottom of the socket there needs to be room for thermal expansion as you can see he bottomed the pipe out into the fitting then he marked the line and then he backed the fitting up and we're going to double check here i've got 1 8 filler wire as you can see it's got a 1 8 gap right there so we're good there we're going to go ahead and level it out and we'll tack it up i'm running 150 amps here ready for attack on top as you see before the tack cooled off he actually lifted the fitting makes it a little easier when that tack's still warm try to square it up a little bit we did tack the fitting was kind of leaning a little bit we're level there it's going to go ahead put the level in the same plane level this uh fitting out right there good there okay back on bottom go for it we are now square you know this direction now we need to check that our fitting isn't you know turned left to right right now so this is kind of hard to do you know these fittings are never kind of forged correctly they're never really straight you know i kind of like to eyeball it kind of look at the the center line and see what we got so moya here is going to take a look at it you can tell as you can see he's having to move it this way to my left good there man attacking on this side so going to go ahead and tack on this side switch over attack on this other side as well all right so we're going to go ahead and tack this top one up sitting the pipe all the way down putting a mark i'm just gonna go ahead lift it up how does that look we got our eighth inch gap right here all right so you're ready for attack you see before it cooled off again he pulled the pipe straight now it makes it very hard if you let that tack completely cool and then try to straighten it out all right so as you can see he's double checking the level there and now he's gonna level the pipe up right there putting it on the other side there so that way i have room to tack all right so we've got it level this direction here now we're going to double check that this line and this line are square so another way to double check you know that these two pipes are square is actually just using a square instead of that level so just make sure this is locked down on your tri-square you know a regular square fold back just a little bit forward right on two a little more okay what we're doing right here is moving the square to an even number measuring the inside first then coming up to the top and measuring here you can see it needs to come in a little bit good there attack the throat all right so we're going to go ahead and fit up this overhead socket weld here so he's doing the same thing bottoming out the pipe marking it up so we can give it the 1 8 gap and just as a note guys you can see he cleaned this end here we've got a nice square end you don't want to have a you know a really crooked cut when it sits into that socket it's not going to have an even gap all the way around anymore you know you may have an eighth on one side you may not have any gap on the other so always make sure that your pipe is pretty square when you cut this and put them in the sockets i know you can't see it once it's installed and stuff but it's very important you know sometimes they do shoot x-rays on these to verify gap and you can really see if the gap's in there and if that pipe is crooked now insufficient gap or too much gap that pipe will be rejected and you'll have to cut it out and redo that well right there open it up just a little bit okay we got our 1 8 there double checking it packing it up all right so those two pipes are now in line with each other now we need to check it check the square with this one here he's gonna go ahead and hit it in come in just being threads here we go back to the throat all right i'm gonna go ahead and start putting the first pass the root pass here kind of on this first weld this first flat weld here which is our easiest one to do i'm running 140 amps running 1a 7ds6 wire i'm basically having my wire all the way to the corner you know i'm melting up towards the pipe trying not to undercut that and melting down towards my fitting here reaching the outer edge of that socket fitting now i'm just trying to keep a nice consistent walk as well just adding the same amount of filler metal that way that first pass is nice and even all right so i'm gonna grind the stop get rid of that little silica that builds up okay for our second pass i lowered the machine to 130. you know the fitting is a little bit hot already so i'm going to kind of compensate by lowering the amperage you see my stops over here i'm going to start in a different area you don't want to overlap starting stops here you will you know if you get any indication and you kind of stack them on top of each other that's an easy way for that weld to leak and again guys i'm holding the wire up on the high side don't want to undercut the pipe that's like the most common indication you'll see on a socket weld is undercut keeping the wire up and basically pulling the puddle down all the way to the socket edge i'm gonna grind the stop right here i'm gonna go ahead and brush it clean it right up so i can put my cap all right so going to go ahead and put the cap pass on here using 332nd 7ds6 running 125 amps and again and try to go all the way around here without stopping the reason i'm adding a little bit more this weld is kind of a little bit concave here and what i want to do is make it a little more square give it enough filler i just personally i like the way that looks better to me it looks more presentable than just leaving it like this you know it'd still be okay like this but i prefer adding a little more on there all right we're going to go ahead and tackle this weld here i'm going to start putting our fill passes in here the trick on this one in this position here is keep your wire up on this upper side comb down like this socket weld up here we had it up here combing down even down here we're going to keep it always on the top side on a socket weld you're basically just putting a fillet weld on this joint here it's not a penetrating not a full penetration weld or anything all you're doing is putting a little fillet weld on the edge of this joint here just to seal it up okay we're going to put our second fill pass here 130 amps still and the goal you know just try to fill in here and try not to upper to undercut both edges here i'm going to go a little past right here on this fill i don't want to stop directly on top where i did the first pass want to stagger them a bit no start on this if you finish on this end next one try to get over on the other side [Music] use 332 i lowered it down a little bit we're at 120 amps [Laughter] [Music] cap up the other side okay gonna go ahead and start filling up this overhead socket weld here and on this particular overhead weld keeping the wire up on top all the time and we are fighting gravity on this well you can tell it's it's probably the most uncomfortable weld of the three got our first pass in there go ahead and grind our stop go ahead put our fill pass in filling in the same way as the other two just here keeping our wire up on the socket since it's above us the main thing here just keep a nice even fill on the spill it you know if you guys are just starting out you may not be able to move around you know that's okay you guys have to stop just make sure you clean everything when you stop restart coming up on our tie-in so we're going to let this cool for a bit and then go ahead and put our cap on it all right so going to put our last cap pass here using a 70s6 332nd i'm running 125 amps keeping the wire again up on top trying not to undercut the fitting that's why we let it cool off a bit if it's too hot you guys will start undercutting the pipe and the fitting possibly [Music] there you have it guys i'm moya and i just showed you guys how to fit up the socket weld i'm david sadisa i showed you guys how to weld these you know from my experience these are the three most common positions you'll encounter and if you guys like any of the cool gear you saw us use here the medium cup pipeliner flip adapter the new clearview hd lens visit pick you up one and don't forget to like comment and subscribe see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 118,961
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Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, cwi, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, welding supply store, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, tulsa welding school, american welding society, weldporn, welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test
Id: vtjQd1EOl20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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