new trick to cut 90 degree angle round pipe the welder never told before #pipecutting
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Channel: BKS Creative
Views: 4,543,179
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Keywords: 90 degree angle, 90 degree angle profile pipe cutting, 90 degree round pipe cutting, Cara memotong pipa besi 90 derajat, New trick to cut pipe, budak kemarin sore, cutting 90 degree angle round pipe, easy trick to cut 90 degree angle profile pipe, how to cut 45 degree angle round pipe, how to cut 45° round pipe, how to cut 90 degree angle round pipe, potong pipa besi 90 derajat, round pipe 90 degree angle cutting, round tube angle cutting, trick to cut 90 degree angle
Id: 5f6qoL3DieE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 34sec (154 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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