Fitting Up a Piping Spool | PIPEFITTER SERIES

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three two one zero [Music] available [Music] all right guys so we've got all our pipe pieces cut here and we have all our fittings cleaned up on this end here as you can see [Music] after i cut and i prep these i like to write the dimension of our of the length of it here and i also like to put you know what goes on each end just so to avoid any confusion any rework here so you notice on this one this is our our pipe piece for a flange and 90 here this piece here this one's going to have a 90 and 90 on both ends this one here wrote it down this will have a 45 on either end and our longest piece here that one's going to have a 90 and 45 i mean it's not necessary to do this step but i feel it helps avoid any confusion any rework and stuff and it just helps you keep organized especially when you're working with multiple welders and multiple weld booths you know where your pieces are you know just by taking a look at it instead of having to go verify dimensions each time all right guys and as you see we've prepped the ends of these pipes and our fittings here basically for tig welding so if you guys want to see how to do that you know you can look at our previous video it shows you you know an in-depth view of how we're grinding it how we're preparing it and how to leave that ready for to get it to this point and you can see guys i'm going to set this flange up on the rollout wheel here we're not actually going to you know use it to weld and roll out we're just going to use it to help us hold this flange a little steadier be able to hold it a little a little easier so going to go ahead and get our two hole pins there's there's lots of different styles of them we have the threaded kind and we have the step kind here personally i like using the threaded kind they usually stay in place a little better but they both will get you the same result so when you guys put these two these two hole pins in you want to make sure you put them on the adjacent bolt hole you don't want to skip a hole you know don't put them here and here they need to go right next to each other you basically put your level over the top of these you know you make sure they're nice and snug make sure they're centered in the hole and we're going to put this level lock it down here then i'm also going to verify the level here of our flange by putting our level here we're pretty close right here so let me go ahead and go with that and i'm going to go ahead and put this piece of pipe here go ahead and get a second jack for it okay [Music] we catch back up to you here and straighten this out i like to lock these down on our jacks one it just it's safer in case you do hit that washer and two it helps keep the jack from moving as much so what i'm doing here is i'm lining this up and i'm looking at the inside edges of our bevel here making sure they're lining up with the inside of our flange here i'm looking you know top and bottom side to side looks like we need to come down just a little bit okay so we're looking pretty close there so i'm gonna go ahead and we're gonna put our spacer in here and tack this and i know guys we did two hole this and it is a straight piece of pipe but this is going to be for our next step when we actually continue on putting our 90s so you don't need to two-hole it if it's just a straight run of pipe there's no orientation here there's nothing to orientate so as you can tell our gap here looks pretty good so we know we're pretty close previously we've checked this pipe and our the squareness of our bevel so we should be very close you can also set a level on here just a good measure see how close we are needs a little bit of adjustment but because our our hi-lo and everything is looking good we're going to go ahead and tack it first and then we'll make our adjustments so i'm going to pull this pipe back insert a 5 32nd spacer here and again i'm going to just double check our high low since we moved it around a little bit all right sam so i want if you can put a little bit of pressure pushing it forward here keep it tight against our spacer here you know that looks good there okay i'm going to go ahead and put the first hack here on top you guys can see i have my machine set about 84 amps i'm going to attack with a 7ds6 1 8 wire here again guys i like putting like a one inch tack here that helps keep our fit from trying to twist and roll on us when we do go to move it all right sam can you lift that pipe up a little bit so i can get the spacer out okay so i'm gonna go ahead and put this level here on the face of our flange here you can see we're pretty level there [Music] we actually do not need this jack anymore so i'm gonna go ahead and get this jack out of our way [Music] move it behind us make sure you guys wipe your your levels for the magnet you know you do have a lot of grinding dust around and we'll get stuck to the bottom of that magnet so we do need to come up so we're going to use this jack here to actually lift and raise this pipe [Music] and as we can see our levels are corresponding now they're both level so that's telling us our flange and our piece of pipe should be square to each other so i'm going to go ahead and tack the bottom side now [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so now we need to square this flange up in the other axis basically meaning left to right right now so since we do have this on this nice roller here we're gonna remove our levels here hold our level here on our two hole pins we'll rotate rotate this exactly 90 degrees tighten this wheel back down here and then we are going to check our flange level on this end and we'll put this here it's pretty level so in our magnet off again and we're showing we're level there so i'm going to go ahead and tack both sides of this this will keep it nice and square [Music] i'm going to go ahead and attack the other side now all right so i'm going to go ahead and rotate this back up with our two hole pins pointing up and that's just for us to be able to see for the next steps here you can see we're back a level there just going to double check a level again this way showing it needs to come up just a little bit i'm going to move this jack out of our way for our next fit so going back to our drawing we have a 90 that goes here so i'm going to go ahead and tack this pointing up for now our drawing showing it to the side but when we roll these two hole pins like this they will still orientate this is a 150 flange and you have another set of holes here that correspond to 90 degree quadrants here just a note guys if you use these two here these will be at 45 but this only works when you have an eight hole flange so i'm going to go ahead and get a 90 and a jack we're going to go ahead and set this jack about the same height as here you know it doesn't have to be perfect right now we're going to adjust it i'm going to have sam here pull this 90 up right here we're actually going to rest it on the jack right here we'll adjust it up it looks like it needs to go that way as well come down just a hair okay so i'm going to go ahead and install our 532nd spacer here and then uh sam's job here is going to be to maintain this still and maintain this level as well so i'm going to go ahead and pull it back put our spacer in here all right you want to make sure that it's touching both sides of the spacer there that'll let you know that you're pretty you're nice and even you don't have it what they call bird beaked or opened up you know we're going to verify our sides here this is a little hard to to do with the the spacer there i kind of like using my hands to kind of feel around the top and the bottom though is open and you can physically see those so high low is good up and down so i'm gonna go ahead and tack the top as you can see there our two hole and our 90 here are in the same axis they're both level and now we're going to level up our 90 and our pipe here to ensure that they're both square all right sam if you can lift it up so we can get the spacer out get our spacer out i'm going to move this kind of on this far side of this pipe since i'm going to be attacking from this end then you can kind of let that rest with its weight there now we're going to rotate this this level this direction here checking to see our level we are a little bit high right now so i'm going to go ahead and pull it that wedge out just a little bit see we're pretty close to level there it's just a hair on the high side but when i do attack the tac does tend to contract and that will put us right at level so let's see our tack pulled it level there so i'm going to go ahead and remove our wedge here again i'm gonna remove this jack here this is no longer needed since we have two tacks and then what we're gonna do now is rotate this 90 degrees so i'm going to go ahead and loosen this roll this 90 degrees remember to remove your levels because you don't want to drop and damage them okay guys so now i'm also going to verify that we're leveling this way to come down just a little bit i'm going to check our 90 which it is level also and then we're going to put this level right over the high side here the 90 you know kind of eyeballing it to keep it you know nice and even you kind of see it does want to kind of go downward and our gaps kind of showing a similar thing so i'm going to go ahead and actually use our wedge to kind of move it over that way just a little bit and i'm going to go ahead and tack the bottom side here since that's the direction we need it to go as i attack the bottom here guys you should be able to see that level kind of uh start to draw start to move in the direction we want it to as you can see as that tack starts to cool it does tend to start drawing that [Music] yeah pulls the pipe to that side there so we're actually very close there i'm going to go ahead and tack the top side here we got these this flange and this 90 fitted up now we are going to go ahead and continue on this end put our section of pipe that goes next so i'm going to go ahead and set up some jacks for that yeah and we check our drawing here it's telling us one foot ten this should be that one there and a good practice guys to do is after you tack your your spool piece like that you verify the dimension you have on your drawing here just in case you had any mathematical errors or you know you got the wrong take off from the the cards so i'm going to go ahead and check that we have two foot six and a half from face of our flange to center of our 90. so this is a little hard to see here but if we kind of follow the center of our 90 going this way we are very close there to two foot six and a half so we know our measurements are correct it might look a little long right now since these two are not welded up and after you weld those it will pull in a little bit go ahead and set that piece there and move this jack back start leveling this out here put our level here and as you guys are doing this make sure you guys look at the gap here you know if if you're grinding and everything was nice and straight nice and square your gap should look very even you know the closer you can kind of eyeball this the less you have to kind of wedge it or hit it or move it around to try to square it up looking at our high low again you kind of repeat the same process you look at your your inner edges making sure they all line up once you see that you're you're very close with this we're going to go ahead and and install our spacer here i'm going to go ahead and go ahead and have sam push on the pipe there okay add just a little bit of pressure on it just to just to hold the spacer in there okay after that we're going to double check our hi-lo again these things kind of do move you know the jacks are not as stable you know me as a welder personally you know the hi-lo is important to me so i'm gonna kind of feel around with my hands and take a good look at it before we tack you know avoid any issues before we actually tack it so this looks good we're gonna go ahead and tack this on top okay repeat the same thing lift it up get the spacer out so now we're gonna verify that our two hole and this level and everything are looking correct put our level here we're level there okay we'll go ahead and raise this jack up a little bit it's right about there that looks good okay now we're ready for another attack here okay so we got that tacked up now we know we're level this way we're gonna check the squareness of our pipes in this direction here making sure it's nice and square and for that we actually have this nice pipe elbow square here this actually has a cut out for the the throat of the 90 here when you actually use this here you want to make sure that this is nice and straight here sitting nice and even and you'll slowly move it forward looking at the gap of your pipe over here we're looking we're very very close maybe feel that it needs to come in maybe just a little bit it's kind of a little tighter on the inside so with that we're going to go ahead and tack the inside here let it dry in just a little bit i'm gonna kind of quickly move to the other side just so it doesn't pull too much on us go ahead and attack this other side i'm gonna go ahead and remove this jack here don't need that right now so so our next 90 is actually going to be pointing in this direction here pointing south on our drawing all right so i'm going to go ahead and put our spacer in here and sam is going to go ahead and hold this 90 here so what you're going to actually have to see here and hold with your hand and the level is try to rotate this until we're level here okay and i will go ahead and be adjusting this end here let's get our let's get the pipe clamp on here to help us out [Music] let me get our spacer back in there hold that level here and then i can adjust the high low with our screws here on our clamp so we got the high low all kind of spread apart here nice and even so now we're actually going to go ahead and tack it spacer in there sam's holding that level so now i'm going to go ahead lift it up just a little bit pull the spacer out of there and we're going to go ahead and get this clamp out of our way [Music] we actually have to check our level on the on the side here on the top see it kind of wants to come up a little bit as well we're going to use this wedge here lift it up kind of see our gap looks pretty good there maybe a little bit high and then i'm going to check here that's looking good as well so go ahead and adjust there level there going to go ahead and tack the bottom then we are going to go ahead and double check our square to our pipe here so for this for this squaring here i'm actually going to have sam here hold this square on these two edges pressing it firmly against the pipe here and try to give it as much length as you can this way you know then reason what we're going to do here is we're going to verify the distance here and the distance here and that'll let us know if if it's square if it needs to go in any direction there [Music] so you always measure to the side closest to that 90 there whatever you're measuring [Music] so we have 5 and 11 16 there go ahead and check on this side i have 5 and five eights so it actually wants to pull a 16th opening so i'm gonna go ahead and just wedge it just a little bit i'm gonna use this wedge kind of to pry it just a little bit that way you guys can see it it does flex the tacks do flex a little bit it will move i know a lot of guys like to get crazy with a hammer and you know hit it out and try to move it out that way you know i don't like doing that that ends up leaving marks on the fittings and and dense i think that's a cleaner safer way okay we check it back we've got five and 11 16 again and we are very very close there it needs just about a 30 second more so i'm gonna go ahead and tack this back side so it can contract and open it up what we need there now we can go ahead and double check our square again see if it did pull we needed to with that tack 5 and 11 16 there we have five and 11 16 right there as well so we know where 90's nice and square there now we are going to go back to our drawing and verify which piece we need now so our next piece is going to be the 4 foot 4 and 3 that's gonna be our longer piece there so i'm going to go ahead and set up some jack stands here so four foot four and three eighths you see here i have it marked 90 and 45. so we'll go ahead and put the 90 side this way we'll start kind of getting this somewhat close and kind of eyeball the level before we start putting anything on there so let me go ahead and raise this you want to keep an eye on this side is it's going to kind of come down you can go ahead and raise your jack as that goes look pretty close to level there doesn't have to be perfect since we're going to set the first tack what i'm going to do here is kind of eyeball the square from what i see it needs to go out a little bit so we can move that jack out just a little bit okay should be pretty close right there gonna go ahead and get our spacer again and we'll go ahead and pull this pipe back just a little bit okay sam go ahead and push it forward okay kind of a good little trick guys you kind of hit that jack backwards it'll send your pipe forward and help you give a little bit of pressure on it without fighting the jack stand as much our sides look good top and bottom looks good so i'm going to go ahead and put that first tack on top we actually forgot to verify the center center dimension here on our 90s so before we get too far we'll we're going to go ahead and double check that and we go we'll refer back to our drawing and our drawing is calling for a three foot four inch center to center so that's center of 90 to center of 90. so i'm gonna go ahead and verify that what you're gonna do here is we're gonna what you would call burn nine inches here for our knighting that is our take off for our 90. it's actually gonna burn nine inches there then we're going to kind of look over here as you can see our three foot four is lining up to the center of 90 here you know pretty close a second way to do this if you don't want to try to eyeball looking this way through it is we can actually burn both of the 90s which would give us 18 18 inches we'll hold that at the end of our pipe and then we'll measure here to the end of this pipe and it is three foot four so we know we have the right dimension here center to center so continuing back on to this fit here we're going to make sure that this line and this line are both parallel with each other so we're going to go ahead and double check what we have here as far as level and we are level here we are level there okay so we still need to get the spacer out sam so if you can lift that in i'll pull the spacer out all right so are we still level there okay so we know they're both parallel i'm going to go ahead and tack the the bottom side here i'm actually going to go to that side it's a little easier that i'm right-handed so it's obstructing my way there for this one here i'm actually going to do the same thing this square is very handy it's a little harder to do it with a traditional square but can be done we did that on one of the previous videos you see here making sure this is nice and even following it up again we do have a little bit of a gap here on this inner side so this pipe does need to come in a little bit so go ahead and kind of push it and kick that jack stand in a little bit sam there we go okay go ahead and double check this again make sure you run it i'll run it this way here she's very close again so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and tack on this side let it dry in this way where we need a little bit go ahead and double check this after the attack and it's showing square now so i'm gonna go ahead and attack the other side so we'll go back to our drawing here i also have marked right here it says 45 so go verify our orientation of our 45 it's showing pointing sideways towards the direction of our 90s this way as well so we're going to go ahead and fit our 45 up all right so our next fitting to fit up here is our 45 so we're gonna go ahead and we have our jack stand set up here i'm gonna have sam hold this here and these 45 guys they can be really tricky you know the way you're going to know that this 45 is rolled and orientated correctly is by putting a level but you also have to be nice and square when it comes this way or else that's going to affect your level when it moves around this way so i'm going to go ahead and we're going to set our spacer in here and get a torpedo level and what sam's job is going to be here is to make sure that this 45 is hitting on all four corners of that space here nice and tight and we are also going to be rolling this as you can see right now it is not level there so we are actually going to roll it just a little bit until it comes into being level here and always verify that it is touching the spacer here moved a little bit too far there okay we're level there so you're good there we're gonna make sure now that our high low our size is good that looks good and then we're gonna check our high low up and down and then also double check that our pipe here is level and that our run this direction is level which we actually need a little bit of adjustment here so go ahead and move that this is going to move our fit up here but need to double check everything so now we're going to have to raise this 45 up okay now we're gonna verify again our roll we need to roll just a little bit there we go okay hi little top and bottom looks good going to go ahead and tack the top there give a quick once over to our sides just a little bit [Laughter] okay so we'll go ahead and get that spacer out and actually move this jack a little bit towards the back end here or 45 then we're going to go ahead and check our level here showing that it wants to come up a little bit and our gap is saying the same thing so go ahead and raise that up to your level flip this around for you guys okay so gap looks good here go ahead and tack the bottom now we have to check the square of our 45 here with our pipe so i'm gonna go ahead and grab a two foot level here grab our tri-square here so sam i'm gonna have you hold this square up right here and this end up you can see there we have a little bit of an opening there so that means our backside needs to open so let's go ahead and we'll make some adjustments to it yeah we're going to wedge this side out here i'm going to kind of walk it over here seems pretty close there so you know making sure your squares are are touching all in all edges there nice and straight yep looks like we went too far so i'm gonna go ahead and move it back a little bit see there guys is pretty square there actually very close i'm gonna go ahead and tack this side i saw that it's a little just a hair tighter on the back side so now we're going to go ahead and fit up our next section of pipe that is our last piece here so we'll go ahead and set up two jacks [Music] same thing start eyeballing it see how we have a bigger gap there go ahead and start to walk that over go ahead and put our spacer in all right sam go ahead and push on it all right guys so got our hi-lo all set up here got sam putting a little bit of pressure on our spacer here going to go ahead and tap tack the top [Music] okay well let's get we'll go ahead and lift it up and get the spacer out our level is showing it wants to come up just a little bit right so we need to raise this up a little bit [Music] so now let's get our two squares in still ones just a little bit i'll go ahead and attack that backside make sure everything's still level that's like the main thing just in case anything tries to shift on you okay there we go you pull your squirt just a little bit back we're actually pretty good right there [Music] so this one i'm gonna rest the flange in here like so [Music] my net up like that double check our level [Music] [Music] it all looks good we're actually gonna check our level here we're actually actually good [Music] [Music] one of the final things we got to do is now we can go and verify all of our dimensions again and go here i have seven and a quarter for fitting makeup to the center look here seven and a quarter there okay our next dimension center to center there so if you want to hold the tape here at this center right at that mark okay then our next dimension 45 to tonight here is five foot five and an eighth [Music] so we're going to hold this at three and three quarter right to the center of the weld right there okay see that three and three quarter you come over here five foot five and one eight to our center that looks good our next one here i know we've double checked this but we'll do it again it's three foot four from center here to center here go ahead and do that hold that at nine and we have three foot four there the center of pipe okay and then we had two foot six and a half from face of flange to center of 90 here so i'll go ahead and pull our tape measure here [Music] all right guys so my name is david cerisa i showed you guys how to fit up this piping spool with a from this iso we have here if you guys like the video don't forget to like comment and subscribe and see you guys on the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 423,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, cwi, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, welding supply store, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, tulsa welding school, american welding society, weldporn, welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test
Id: slAipcO3YLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 34sec (2734 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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