SADDLING 6 inch PIPE to 8 inch PIPE on a 45 ° - 8” CUSTOM PIPE ENTRANCE (Part 3)

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hey what's up guys welcome back today we are going to fit the six inch 45 pieces for this eight inch overhead that we've been working on super excited about it if you haven't seen the first two videos of this project we will link them in the description below if you're interested in any of the tools that i've been using the blue book the soapstone this welding shirt or even the circle burners haven't used the circle burners on this project yet but if you're interested in any of those tools you can find them on my website let's get started all right this is what we've got right here we got our uprights cut to 20 foot 20 foot from right here to the end both of them got our one weld made we got 24 inside to inside of our uprights i left three foot hanging over here and now the next thing we're gonna do is fit the six inch to go right here so we're gonna have a piece of six inch pipe but it's gonna have to be saddled and on a 45 so that's what we're fixing to do so on these eight inch saddles we found the quarters by just taking a soft tape and wrapping it around and seeing what the circumference was and dividing it by eight well now i'm going to show you all a different way which is using receipt paper don't need a tape or anything picked a good day to do it nice and windy with receipt paper that's always handy so you want to overlap it and then cut it in the middle that way you have an exact measurement then you're going to take this receipt paper and just fold it eight times that right there would be a half this right here will be a quarters and this right here will be should be eight eights so all we're doing is dividing this into eighth inch sections so once we get that we're going to take some scissors or something similar in my case it's going to be a pair of dykes okay so we're going to cut off this corner and this corner technically that's all we need but let's go ahead and do these two in case in case we just want to now take this wrap this bad boy back around here now we can go ahead and mark our eighth just like so then we're going to take our piece of angle go ahead and make our lines all right now we're gonna go to page 38 in our blue book and you're going to find on page 37 you can kind of see exactly what we're gonna need to do here with this six inch to the eighth inch and i'm hoping i've never done one of this size i've actually done a two inch it looks like and they don't have two inch but i made my own two inch right here but i'm hoping since this is all that they give us six inch to eight inch versus like if you try to go eight inch over here and six inch they don't give you any numbers i'm guessing that's because you're never going to have a six inch just swap it out what we're doing here we got eight inch just swap it out six inch and then an eight inch you're never going to do that because your your piece that's going over most generally you're never going to do that like i'm not saying you can't but it's not it's not proper without manipulating without heating up the pipe and like bending it to to make it match if that makes sense so i'm guessing through process of elimination that these are the numbers that we need so eight inch to six inch right here and these are going to be the four numbers that we need inch and 11 16 4 and 13 16 six inch and six and a sixteenth this is the picture we're going to be using because it's in eighths here i've already made a reference line which is here according to this picture zero is either the throat or the long part here uh i usually call it this number four i usually call that zero but either way it's they're directly across from each other so zero we're going to call this the or i want to call it the longest part here hey karen what are you doing today you're here at the shop you're not out there catching mice spool cat tell you what and then the next one is going to be a little bit longer at one and then two and then three and directly underneath is four so we're gonna go one and eleven sixteenths right here one and eleven sixteenths four and thirteen sixteenths one two three four 13 16 number three is six inches i always like to burn an inch or two or three just to get a real accurate measurement so three one two three six six inches and then our last one is six and a sixteenth now we're going to connect the dots which is so very tricky in my opinion so i feel like i want to just going off this picture i feel like i want to connect these three dots like not the very end one here but here here and here so not the very end one but one two three maybe that's what i'm hoping i'm going to connect to the throats here that's so interesting not much changes here just 16th it says so we'll see what happens i hope you all are excited as i am to see how this fits but we're not gonna know for a minute because once i get this cut i'm gonna have to measure from here to here whatever this measurement here is here to here which is about 31 inches 31.8 hot diggity all right let's go ahead and make a cut try not to catch my grass on fire karen what are you doing get out of here it's not your house [Music] so [Music] hmm all about being comfortable do whatever it takes to get comfortable [Music] boy if that ain't exciting i don't know what is boys i'm so excited i can't even wait holding tootin forfect negan now the only thing we've got to hope for is that that's an actual uh you know 45 [Music] a little gap here which those had some gaps too i could stand to grind them but the difference between this and pipeline work is it's not x-ray you know you can literally just drag a couple of rods fill it up and still look good you know i mean ain't terrible gap but it's just not what we're looking for on python but we're not on a pipeline austin calm down calm down boy yeah i like it i like it a lot now we go down here and measure 31 and an eighth now i'm gonna go double check my measurement we'll go 31 and an eighth all right so before i mark this other one i almost forgot i already did mark it all but we'll want to find the center put this number four directly on top by using this center finder this is also flange wizard brand i say also because i've talked about flange wizard brand before maybe not in this video but i'm gonna go ahead and give that a little bump and then get her to level so pertinent level i'm gonna come over here to our reference line and then this bad boy level bad boy oh too much too much here we go give her a little bump all righty folks all righty folks now erase the marks that i started to put on here good i only had two of them on there that's good find my uh receipt paper that i used where's that thing out there it is down here in the toolbox nice and safe didn't blow away that's good now i'm just gonna make sure i line one of these notches up with that punch mark i'll go ahead and just put my starter right there yeah boy go ahead and make our marks all the way around this thing [Music] i better say that i'm doing a few more of them huh i'm not gonna lie i get in the habit of throwing that stuff away once you use it because unlike a pipeline test you once you uh you know you normally only have one branch to take not always but just most generally so so you just chunk it you know but i need to keep in mind i'm fixing to cut uh see two four six more of these so i'm gonna try to save it call this zero and then from our reference line over 11. [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] already [Music] you all ready are y'all ready for this [Music] well it does not fit the greatest yet see this big old gap what in the world folks what in the world folks so that tells me that we need to do a little fitting sand this sand these throats down a little bit get her to get her to come too you know what i would like to do though i'm gonna go get my center finder and put a center mark here and a center mark here and i can line this center mark up in this center mark up or out here this center mark to make sure i'm in the center so this goes back to the branch test also anytime you're fitting something like this you want to put it in the same place every time because see like i could be rolled this way or this way or whatever if you go to sanding on it one place you put it up there different you might you might try to sand a different area and it'll throw you all off so it's a good idea to get everything square and centered you know laid out where you want it that way you have a goal and you're going back to that same place every time you try the fit that makes sense looks great on the inside too far from negan if only it was that good everywhere let's see oh here not good everywhere give her a tap [Music] a little reference line here okay [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right so i think we're going to be able to live with this here there's a slight gap here about an eighth on each side if i divide it up evenly but that is definitely within tolerance whenever it comes to fence and structural work you know i've welded a lot worse on pipelines so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna waste my time trying to get it perfect whenever i can just whip a little you know filler pass and then put a pretty you know cat pass over all of it but yeah there it is i'm pretty pleased with it that is pretty neat so this 45 right here i think we'll come to about eight and a half and i marked nine and then i just came you know so i mean it's not it doesn't have to be directly on that line that's just what i was shooting for so that was my main concern whenever i laid this all out by the time i cut this 45 i didn't want this to be you know running in my 45 but there's plenty of room there so that will work now only one two three more to go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so if you haven't seen the first two videos of this project you might be wondering austin how are you going to haul this this is way oversized you're right we're going to be cutting the top tacks everything that is tacked to the overhead section the one horizontal the main horizontal piece we'll be cutting all those tacks that way we can haul this in three pieces [Music] [Music] all right so to explain what i'm doing here anytime that i'm trimming something back with a grinder specifically a branch situation like this i mean technically i do this with square tubing plate anything anytime i'm trimming it back with a grinder i always lay a bevel on it as you can kind of see here i've already laid the bevel on it and what that bevel does is it allows me to gauge how much i'm taking out so i put the bevel on and then i sand down the bevel but by putting that bevel on there i can gauge how much i'm taking out if that makes sense it helps me keep everything somewhat even that way i don't take out too much [Music] [Music] my advice for this week comes from mike rowe the guy off of dirty jobs kayla actually told me about this this past week i guess she heard it from him somewhere i don't know on a podcast or something that in one of his classrooms growing up a teacher had a poster up that said work smarter not harder i heard that growing up also you know my grandpa you know we'd be doing something he'd say work smarter not harder and even though that's good advice in the sense of like you know if you have a an a-frame or a tractor sitting around don't try to lift a don't try to lift something that's going to hurt your back that's where that's good advice where it's not so good advice or where i think some people have started to start to get it skewed is society has told us that doing labor-intensive jobs is not a good career because you're tearing up your body or you're doing this it's not so it's kind of taking away the appreciation for people blue collar people like you and i that work with our hands and our backs and our knees and our sweat to make a living and so mike rowe changed the poster to work smarter and harder and i really liked that because it's so true there's such a demand for blue collar or trade work you know welders carpenters plumbers electricians all of us there's a need for that in the world here in america so don't be ashamed be proud to be blue collar work smarter and harder not all of us are made to sit in an office all day so like micro said work smarter and harder thank you all for watching and remember if you're interested in any of the tools that i've used the blue book circle burners these welding shirts or any other thing that you may have seen me use in any of my videos check out my website thank you all for all the support thank you for watching and remember learn something every day
Channel: Austin Ross
Views: 262,948
Rating: 4.9126801 out of 5
Keywords: Austin Ross, AROSSWELDING, Austin Ross welding, pipe entrance, pipe fence, welding pipe fence, Pipe gate brace, Pipe gate, Saddling pipe, Fish mouth pipe, Coping pipe, Pipe fitting, Building pipe fence, Pipe fences, Custom pipe fence, Pipe fencing, Branch test, Branch welding test, Fitting pipe, On site welding, Welding shop projects, Metal fabrication, Custom pipe entrance, 6 inch pipe, 6” pipe, 8” pipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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