Transforming My Daughter Into A Cheerleader ft/ Anna McNulty

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today anna mcnulty and a national champion cheer  team have seven rounds to transform my daughter   into a cheerleader no way if they succeed i get  a brutal consequence round one they have five   minutes to make salish look like a cheerleader  oh i get to wear red lipstick there's lipstick   no i'm a gymnast not a cheerleader but i did hang  out with the cast of cheer so maybe that will help   me we got to get you changed wow she needs some  shorts whoa looks awesome now it's time for hair   i got two little sisters let's go you don't  even know how to do your own hair yes i do   ow you gotta get all of this all right i'm not  good at this okay we gotta fix it two minutes the lipstick is so bad it kind of it's great i'm a level six gymnast how  hard could cheer be oh my i'm going to take a photo of them and then drew  is going to decide how close salish looks to anna   as a professional cheerleader ready no yeah i  i don't know anything about cheer uh but they   gave me the shirt and i look good in it jordan  what am i doing here again yeah why don't we do   like a needle like this ah we could do like a heel  stretch actually get that leg up straighten that   leg say oh my god five seconds overextend you what  salish needs to get 50 points in seven rounds to   win this challenge look at my little girl she  got her leg over as far as Anna mcnulty   how close did salish get to anna for round one  i'm not gonna play favorites just because we   guys want the little girl to win oh 8.75 8.75  way to go little girl let's go to round two   toe touch yes okay if salish gets all the points  and wins she gets to give me a consequence if   she doesn't i get to give her a consequence and  i've got a great one in my mind so i'm kind of   rooting against her a little you're going down  oh you're going down there no i've got the best   i've been cheering for nine years and i'm a  flyer so i'm going to make sure salish nails   all of her stunts you want to be in the  air like this with your feet rolled back elbows together jumping toe touch  and then snap down like this   i can't get like this if i don't do an awesome and they're all professionals they're  really good but they're supportive you   you can do this i believe in you okay never  mind don't just stop them here you want them to   follow through like that this is  so much harder than gymnastics   anna and salish are going to go at the  same time and you're going to judge me was not that great whoa just flat out hold on  jordan i would say it's a five but flexibility   was there the height was there i even saw a  slight toe point i'm going to give it a 6. next round toss hands it looks like this um i don't know if i can do that i've always  thought salish would love to be a cheerleader   so today we'll find out i'm a former top gun and  uk cheerleader and we're going to be teaching   salish how to do some cool stunts toss her up  in the air and get her flying go up on your toes are you about to throw her in the air my  little girl yeah let's make sure we catch her   we got this you know that ain't thing  you're gonna jump as big as you can   okay okay brit here anna i'm back anywhere she  goes sandy if she comes to the camera catcher   down okay good that was fun i'm a little  freaked out but we got this just got done that was so good yes stand up okay roll back salish's expression  when she went down no drew you saw brit do it and then you saw my little  girl salish do it what's the score i'm gonna   give it because of your courage because i would  never do that a seven point seven okay okay that's   a terrible score oh and that's just the beginning  you're not even ready for what's to come   uh-oh this is by far the hardest round yet  it's called a kewpie this is what it looks like   can't believe i'm letting them do this  to my little girl what no no no no no no   no i'm a two-time national cheerleading champion  i'm going to make sure salish hits all of her   stunts and tumbles perfectly step on my hand  step on his hands you're about to throw her   from there straight in here yeah right now no no  no you're dead i love you to spot i'm terrified   okay squeeze your butt and don't move okay stay  tight squeeze your feet together tight look up   don't look down you got it you got it you're gonna  spin a little bit but you don't do anything okay   squeeze please squeeze your butt squeeze your foot   squeeze your butt whoa wow that was fun  in gymnastics they call me spello because   i'm spaghetti and jello because i'm very loose  we can't be spaghetti and jello because you're   in the air one minute before the judging yeah  one more chance that you squeeze arms down this one is for the judge it's  official just hold that pose okay   perfect yes wow my little girl  look at her look at that girl oh i'm so proud my little girl is nailing  this thing man and that means i'm gonna get   a consequence i'm actually impressed  with this one i'm not gonna lie a 9.1 next round you guys have five minutes to make  up a cheer teach her that cheer and then you   have to perform it at the top of your lungs  right here in front of everybody come on if   you want to win a pair of free airpod pros  subscribe and like this video comment why   you want them down below it's a youtube video  so maybe like subscribe or something like that   subscribe to me subscribe like and share  right so add that into this into this routine   share hair look at her hair two minutes you  have to go right in the middle of this grass   and do it at the top of your lungs by yourself  i don't want people to notice me everyone watch   this this little cheerleader is performing here we  go okay you just did a whole rap video that five   million people saw what up everybody named salish  i'm going to be judging this 50 on your moves   and 50 on how loud you are one of the things you  might not know about me i'm really shy so that   salish feels a little more comfortable all of us  for five seconds do something really embarrassing that did not make me feel better we're going to   put a cheer ometer right there the  louder it gets the higher her score suv subscribe to me like and  share cuz look at my hair   and you weren't that loud i'm gonna have to give  it like a four but if you can right now do it with   everybody and nail it i will double your score  subscribe to me like and share good luck in my   hair you know what that's not your thing i'm going  to give it a four still what are you kidding me i   agree so the next round is flexibility challenge  okay all right let's be done ouch this is gonna   be easy flexibility is my jam by the way it's  gonna be in a stunt what like in the air uh-oh 100 000 likes or we're not letting her down  there's no way i can do that you're just   gonna stand super tight with one leg up keep his  knee locked okay if it bends you're gonna fall   and get your weight forward stand up wow whoa  yo oh oh okay are we good oh this is what   anna did right and the sales are going to try and  repeat it if the score is low i don't have to get   a consequence thanks oh stayless yes oh my gosh  whoa got it that was the best photo of my daughter   ever ever in the history that was so great that  was fun by far the best thing you've done yet 9.5   yay it's looking bad for me but little girl man  that was crazy next round basket toss it looks   like this ready go guys i can't do it i can't oh  my god oh my god what'd you eat for dinner okay   okay it looks like this dip one three and set  out and clean this could be kind of scary but   it looks really fun this is the final round and  we have a guest judge coming in it is gabby butler   from cheers has a 45.05 she needs a five to score  50 to win this thing and give me a consequence   gabby is going to be judging by competition  standards so there's no guarantee you're   going to get a five little girl and you might be  getting a consequence from your dear old dad okay   let's see what happens you guys have five  minutes you're gonna ride up and lift your   arms as high as you can you're the judge have  you ever done this this is my first time jordan   maybe stand back there in case we launch your  car way back there i've never done this trick   before and it's scary this trick is hard and  with competition standards her toes are gonna   have to be pointed her technique is gonna have  to be flawless and we have to make sure this   can go as high as possible we want her touching  the clouds really fast and go on your toes yeah here we go gabby butler can judge the final round  right now let's go make sure to subscribe and   follow everybody links in the description and 100  000 likes if you want to see salish transformed   into a ballerina with a special guest they've  had five minutes to teach her a basket toss yeah i was decently high you did a  great job with putting your arms up   and then just the catch you see  how like it kind of went like that   but other than that it was beautiful i mean if she  learned that in like 5-10 minutes then yeah that's   that was pretty good one to ten what are you  scoring this basket toss i'm gonna give them a seven it's time for my dad's consequence i made him  there's hashtag nalish bracelet if you don't   know what an nalish means it's me and nidals ship name name and it drives my dad crazy you have to wear this nail-ish bracelet and post  it on instagram with no explanation no
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 28,155,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, dance photography, challenge, Anna mcnulty, cheer, gabi butler, salish matter, drew dirkson, britt hertz, flexible, bendy, cute, funny, adorable, netflix, cheer team, toe touch, contortion
Id: sR0DLq2lMzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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