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today my daughter salish and her friend nidal   compete to see who will be the last to leave   a creepy haunted house they will be given seven  scary challenges including squid games and   pitch black hide and seek and the last one to run  screaming from the house it terrified me gets to   hunt for a buried treasure first challenge they  have five minutes to find the skull they haven't   even seen this house yet and they are going to  have to go through some really creepy obstacles to   find the skull one two three go how do we  find it hold on this is bad times you go first salish you go first you try it be a man so creepy   what the heck feel around you've got 20 seconds   it's warmer hot hot five  four three hot two one what okay okay so it's blue you have  two minutes to find the name of   the next challenge or you automatically forfeit what's in there nope here what the heck is that ugly behind you uh it's terrifying we are so close to 8 million  subscribers that i am going to give away 800   to one lucky person all you have to do is  subscribe like this video and comment below   what you're going to do with the 800 good luck  next challenge is from squid games chug of war   first person to be pulled over this line  gets a severe consequence one two three go you're getting close you have to sing the abc song  and if you mess it up at all   you have to sit in here for  10 minutes a b c d e f g   q r s t u v w x y z dad get me out of here get  me out of here okay okay that was great but   stay safe seriously that wasn't that scary yes it  was you try it it's no big deal you just sit here i'm locked in a creepy basement and whenever  i need to relax i play solitaire grand harvest   solitaire grand harvest is a themed solitaire game  based on harvesting your farm with each level you   complete you advance through a field and plant  a different crop as you move through the fields   you uncover new crops and maps i was so excited  to discover this game because i played solitaire   all the time when i was a kid it was my favorite  card game i know how to train my body but i didn't   know that i could train my mind by playing  solitaire grand harvest it has thousands of   levels with various features and with the help of  power-ups that you can win along the way and that   help you progress in the game it really allows  me to relax and unwind and yet it challenges me   at the same time there is calming guitar music  soothing artwork and really cute characters   it really takes you on a journey use the link  in my description to download solitaire grand   harvest for free right now okay salish joke's  over they say this is gonna get so scary when   it gets dark stick around and comment below  what you think is in the buried treasure if   either of you wants to quit you can and then  the other person gets the buried treasure oh   i'm not quitting i'm not quitting each of you  has a bucket it's filled with eyeballs worms   and all this other stuff wait are the worms  real yes you each have to find the red eyeball   the last person to find it has to eat it that's  disgusting go yo what the heck is this an earth oh actually i found it oh salish found it nana you got to eat  that right now just eat it you got to eat the eye okay i'm out of here in case he pukes oh you gotta eat it or else  i'm gonna slap you thinking   oh god this is grossing me up you can't slap  anyway you slap it anyway comment below who   you think will be the last to leave this haunted  house next challenge is a creepy photo challenge   you have five minutes to find a costume in this  very creepy room and come up with a photo i will   take them both put them on instagram and allow  the fans to decide who took the better photo   the winner is gonna get something really delicious  the loser is gonna get something really gross   are you ready one two three go i think i'm  gonna wear these this mask this thing and then i   yeah i want this axe okay so i've got this creepy  on i'm gonna put this here behind that one you   look so much better than you look oh they're so  rude i know it's kind of like a cheerleader's   outfit i'm either gonna do a bent leg hold like  that like you're gonna cut your own head off   yeah or should i do a needle or a scorpion i'm  gonna use this axe and make it look like i am   trying to like so the theme here is cutting your  head off yep kids today i'm a cheerleader i'm a   cheerleader i'm a dead cheerleader that was creepy  remember guys whoever gets the creepier photo gets   something yummy and the other one you don't  want to taste it all right nadal face against   the meat right there right there hold it oh that  is super super creepy i got it is that a ghost that's really good he's gonna win where's  the creepy spot in here that we want okay go   oh it's so creepy yes creepy   got it now time to post on instagram see who  wins subscribe like and share or good got it pretty halloween photo for nail-ish  but seriously do not ship them   this is a vanilla bean frappuccino this  is a mystery drink with these ingredients   ew the winner of the instagram poll gets to pick  which one to drink the loser has to drink the   other one the winner is salish i knew it i knew  it yes sailors which one would you like to drink   this one i want him to be able to drink the  good one wait what no no no no it's okay no   i'll take this one no why are you so nice i don't  know i think you should have won this is actually   really sweet first nidal would you like to  drink yours absolutely slow it down it's his   favorite drink on earth ew if you can guess three  ingredients in it i will give you each ten dollars strawberry cinnamon whipped cream spit and  pumpkin i think you got it here's 20 bucks   you guys split it that's money money money  okay let's move on next round it got dark   it's gonna get creepy check this out wait what  we know he's trying to scare us to get us out   but we just really want the buried  treasure i wonder what it is i'm so scared   next challenge is haunted dark creepy  hide and seek whoever i find first   loses and the winner gets an awesome prize  you have five minutes so scared wait what no no no no i don't want to leave you it was actually   super scary i'm terrified i'm  scared i don't want to see anyone   not hiding in that this is so scary i don't  even know where the heck i am maybe right here   no there might be bugs i already know where i'm  gonna hide but i'm too scared where can i show you   i'm hiding jordan's head in this because this  is a cabinet oh my god how do you feel that's   terrifying look it's so scary guys if he finds  both of us and then neither of us gets the prize   and neither of us it's the concept we have to hide  in the same spot we can literally not separate   this is so scary oh there's a snake in here bro  there are so many bugs in here this is disgusting ready or not here i come neither of them has  quit yet and i thought for sure by now one of   them was how much are they just so scared they  don't want to hide versus how much do they want   to win the prize that they don't know but it's  pretty cool are they under here i'm scared to be   in here would they really be in the dark there  is no way they would go down to the basement   did i hear something i think i heard one of  them i think i heard someone did i hear someone god it is so creepy in here  boom boom boom boom boom where the heck are they i don't  do not want to go down there these are freaking me out they're gonna jump  scare me i know they're gonna jump scare me it took you a while buddy what are you  both doing in there we got kind of scared   so what's our friends what's our minds you  guys hid together and you broke the world and   because you broke the rules you're disqualified  instead you get an insane consequence wait what   neither of them has quit the haunted  house and so i have to do something   really big right now wait actually what are you  guys going to quit no never never nadal and salish   are tied up and they have 10 minutes to find the  metal detector that will lead them to the buried   treasure if you don't find it in 10 minutes you  lose by the way kids it's gonna be dark wait what   and they have no idea gigi and nishan  are waiting to give them jump scares   you're the one wait watch walk back we'll come  back okay yeah you're inside but don't try to   kind of stick together because then i'm scared  you go forward you're the man if you scream then   i'm not gonna follow you if you don't scream  i'm gonna follow you shoot this is terrifying i'm really scared we're looking terrified me really there are actual ghosts in here and i don't  want them to like kill me or scare me but let's   just find the metal detector so we can get out of  here by the way i want to tell you guys something   i would never put our kids in danger they're not  in danger there's always somebody around with them   but it's really scary and they're pretty  scared right now oh what the heck is that god is that it that's it that's it  stop it that's it i swear to god guys   wait wait this is a medal yes this is a  matter you found it i'm actually really   impressed with you guys i thought at least one  of you quit you didn't now you get to do this   together you have 10 minutes to find your  buried treasure and get whatever's inside   starting right now go come on nidal oh  it's not over here it goes ding ding ding wait that cone   go right here go right there go right there right  there where the wood is baby who's over here go   go go go go go steal something it's right here  need all i need help yes yes go go go grab it can i get like something  else or no and we're out
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 17,700,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salish matter, jordan matter, nidal wonder, nalish, creepy, challenges, buried treasure, haunted house
Id: IEp31mUaxfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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