EXPLOSIVE $5500.00 MILITARY STORAGE UNIT ~ BEST LOCKER EVER ~ I bought an abandoned storage unit

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one some people believe that I spend to take money into you they say lie there's $5,000 152 I need 5600 what's that Mike $5,000 hey right come on 20 bucks don't say you know got it sorry man I don't like being good at Brittany's out though I get that blue strip in there Mike ladies and gentlemen boys and girls pirate of all ages this is incredible it is pirate time we're back I just bought another unit huge money five thousand plus 10% premium we paid fifty five hundred dollars but it's doors you know we're about to take a look it's be the first glimpse you can see what's in here I'm excited let's see what I saw cuz you're only gonna get a quick glimpse you see cap guns you see military hats you see lock boxes you see boxes of military hats everywhere you look is something to do with possibly police possibly military everywhere you look at something there's a holster I think this right here oh I don't know you're gonna have to wait stay tuned to find out what we found in here nonetheless we went all in oh there's another police hat right there a military had come on World War two stuff this is crazy let's pull some out okay let's do this one little thing right here because this is kind of cool that's how we open safes ladies and gentlemen what's this Michael it's like I got my military special not quite because World War two wasn't green two three four five six seven eight that's Vietnam these are these are good Michael you see anything you uh have to back you think things could get my military expertise this guy must have had a military surplus store or something u.s. Paul the u.s. New Jersey Top Gun there we go nice there's gotta be a few bucks in here oh that's good that's real good that's good show us something good Michael foster inside the mind of a $5500 storage unit we need to find his hat right there in this hat right here that's probably in there all right nt to Franklin Burke cameras and 50 years of loyalty to only on the occasion Golden State University of the class president alumni there's a good sign the gentleman we found $500 cash let's take turns and do this on each other Alex come on I'll let you go first but you got to go second the same time oh you you just spray both of us oh look at you guys come on USS Coral Sea CD 43 USS Missouri BB six three oh yeah this is there especially World War two stuff we're getting the point where not many people are actually alive from World War two what's that what is this that's an education Oh what is that the rifleman coming what is this that's another Bible it's like a clip-on bye-bye oh that is kind of cool yeah ladies and gentlemen is $5,500 unit is about to be I think good I like when you start seeing cool things that was Captain Kirk I think Star Trek what is this okay those are live rounds huh what is that and what is that a Russian belt tell me that's not nice Michael oh yeah that is a part of a that's part of it huh I don't even know what we should call that more look at this an m2 9 9 73 60 millimeter Wow I'm trying to be careful here I'm trying this is what scares me right here seeing stuff like this get in there because that's the part of a grenade that's the stuff you want to see I don't want to find a grenade have you ever called have you ever had to call the bomb squad found a grenade and it was fake and then you got laughed at by all the whole entire Pittsburgh Police Department because you called them yeah what is that what do you think that is well if you aren't too happy about that grenade you're not gonna be too happy about this here's a good night should we back up it's a claymore Wow now if you know what it says on the inside of this well do not eat you got the whole thing you got this so there's a practice what I'm confused yeah so they use it to train you put the blasting caps in there and here's the wire you got the whole kid I'm now officially scared to go through anything in here my leg sir you have the tester Wow and then you have the cracker tweet if we find a ruin can we make a video letting it off somewhere look at these documents what is that what is that well you got the mister store stock of Russia 1990 I see a hundred thousand our locker ready what it's it's looking pretty freaking good so far everything seems to be military parts for like there was a claymore set but it was a training set I've never seen this one this these orange stripes represents somebody's a level right Michael same with the blue stripe Wow this is phenomenal the bars represent something let's get another box out guys no this is a model these guys are born Conger that's a vintage contra cross the sheriff Dearborne Michael you have any idea on these things I think everything is military there's something in it 1943 World War 2 us rifle caliber 30 all right there's a trooper I say that as I'm looking at airborne jacket really I'm saying this man over here is a trooper right there these are nice right here I don't know nothing about them yes oh my god Wow Oh Masha's beige young we have to get ready for a lot of videos on this camera take this I've already feel like I'm going too quick for you guys what is that Michael a booby trap is simple Oh similar a booby trap nice can you elaborate use it uh well you gotta look at the number if this are these usually scream very like I want to go through rest these totes here looks real that Buddha who these guys I'm for you know Sir Guy it goes like you model this Alex think so no so that will be ball ammo okay to do the three Remington that's the most common one it will be asked for it come on universe give me a gold mine man it's been here a while right off the bat intrigued me as I was thinking this with a tweeker unit but the dust the military stuff the same isolating and what do you think that's worth michael i space but it's crap that's kind of a nice face come on come on Michael teach us something show us World War two pretty world Kim German yeah look at this one all you want to seize mcarthur like Doughboy yeah that's nice what do you mean oh this is the point this one is a I can't really show that because it has it has a German emblem on it is this German like the whole thing I could tell you that's a real patch I could see by the way it is Wow the piping looks good this could pay for the unit right there lays Gemma maybe not quite my boat right there's the type of stuff you see Harold ask him like 1504 on his booth when you go there holy moly great shape it's impeccable shape well no it's not scary because it's people take care of if you look at everything you could tell this is original look at the way the seam is there you look at that type of stitching you look at this digit this is original it's just a really good shape what you do is get a UV light yeah this one set BAM and I wanted to see in it just because it said BAM we're probably gonna do this one and one more I have to call it guys cuz I'm just overwhelmed already BAM I like the way you played it off maybe straight cash Trey here is manifesting right now and so we need to mark this for the energy the univers what do you say we're gonna find handsome cash and when we find some cash like the kind of has a totally yellow trim on the side thanks I hope you're right this is a world war two piece of cardboard right here yes please storage doctor what is this one I've never seen this is that coming out say unicorn look I can unicorn to you damn near tell me what this is Michael I've never seen that either and I tell you that's original what you got there that's me that's just American not that that's bad but certain ones good certain ones bad there's Russia what is this lady a monkey I asked his last time I had a good unit I'm gonna need help I'm gonna need a lot of help in this one is an award belt British Army of the Rhine minor unit hockey competition 1950 this is crazy is that that's American right Michael I'm pretty sure it's American but that is nice that's old Michaels in heaven over here what's that anyways gotta draft this is very interesting this eleven is look at these awards of these books that's a German one right yeah pick it up see if it's in there it's not oh yes yeah that would be like two to five yeah no that's what they call me Ruger no Luger Luger the German Luger goes and that's a few hundred bucks right do you understand the history that goes like that that thing was carried through World War two it just sheer intensity and stuff that's in this we need a military expert I'm so glad Grimes is coming this week Rimes isn't it just the way the Fate worked out you came to me once and you'll be coming again and I got this unit I've never seen this one I've never seen that patch before this Russian what is American got the matching hat still right I'm learning to store stalkers nervous to go through the boxes ladies and gentlemen comment below if you think he shouldn't be nervous nice and you know how I am when I getting United one goes straight to the back what is that that will be it for this first video don't forget there'll be plenty more to come probably like 50 videos in your Horlicks he's allergic to dust I could tell you right now I had a feeling I wasn't sure about this you know before I got I thought it was Tweaker I had to be in front of it to smell it I am quite confident gonna be a solid gold mine I haven't seen as much military stuff come out of the first few boxes in a long time I love military servicemen I thank every one of them that fights for our rights and our freedom not to mention the historical value to understand what these pieces of in the stories they tell there's gonna be so much coming out of this fifty five hundred dollar unit guys stay tuned I love y'all pirate time
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 1,108,288
Rating: 4.6702714 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Id: cnecxwOy3IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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