Bored 1-100 supercut

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[Music] starcraft 2 requires way more skill than dota 2. i mean in dota you're controlling one unit you've got to think about getting last hits so you've got enough gold to buy better items i mean in starcraft 2 you can control up to 200 units 200 i mean you got to think about infrastructure battle plans harassment defense positioning of units and buildings so while i respect your opinion and i respect you as an individual i'm gonna have to disagree sir oh helen you know how we're talking about starcraft 2 and dota 2 the other day what yeah i was thinking about like so with with like dota 2 and so basically starcraft 2 will cause so you know how you've got that you've got to get the light so you don't just sucks [Music] you can't just keep running off you're the manager i was up on night last night and read it read what read it the front page of the internet it's like a newspaper but it's always changing oh so it's like a website is it check it out before i do this heed my warning this is literally the most addictive website known to man it will tear your life apart whatever man just show me all right yeah that's right that looks stupid there's nothing i don't know about this we'll go ahead click a link huh just be careful you coming bro okay you're looking up morning bro hold ya well i mean approximately is the best strategy in the game oh yeah you ever think about it man think about what you know if we have followed our dreams of becoming professional athletes being sponsored to play games bro we could totally still do that we still got tons of time yeah i know it's just would you ever sell out what do you mean we'll say hypothetically a big gaming company came along and offered you tons of money to pimp out their gear would you do it i don't know about that but god would seem to be endlessly restocking these razor products well that's because razors make top quality gear they understand what the gaming community want and deliver on their promises i remember when i bought my first razer product my apm went through the roof i think everybody remembers buying their first razer product it's just one of those moments in time to me razer represents the heart of the gaming community for gamers by gamers yeah all right that's right guys oh how you doing man how are you good bro good what can i do for uh well you know i'm after a gaming computer well you've come to our place yeah um do you have any idea of what you're after well you know uh something high-end money's no issue so when i think gaming i think apple full compatibility icloud the big screen foreign we're just making those sounds yeah yeah so what what kind of um computer were you looking for oh okay i'm after the apple whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] get out oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what is it um i've got yellow i've got yellow i've got yellow hunger hunger i'm hungry you need to eat some food then you got any food uh yeah you need to uh press tab and open up your inventory open up open up tab press tab no because you've got oh you've got some baked beans oh um so uh press tab cool yeah yeah i'm in the menu like dra drag them drag the baked beans into like number three or number slot [Music] oh oh i got it yes uh eat them um you can open it with i think like an x or or or a knife oh i've got it i've got a screwdriver if you could leave me the screwdriver okay that would be amazing i'm going to chuck it on the ground okay crap um why are you holding a fan oh crap that's an umbrella hang on that's i don't know i'm not probably not going to help oh well why is it not working it's not it's not working i'm surprised you can even get that in this game okay uh yeah maybe start being a bit more selective oh hang on here we go ah i'm naked bro there's a zombie coming oh [ __ ] no there's a zombie behind you man wait what's the zombie there's a zombie behind you um you gotta go behind you um um sorry bro i'm going to come back and grab some items i'll see if i can resuscitate you later ah shut got the butterfly net son of uh [ __ ] what reagan man he just smashed my flappy bird score 80 points flappy what if you don't no what is it flappy bird is the most addictive and frustrating game ever released so addictive in fact the developers they had to take it down but does it make any sense i know do you want to see it alright i'll show you how it's done this is stupid [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you in there bro dude i know you're playing flappy bird okay i need my phone you can't just keep doing this you're the manager [ __ ] stupid rich [ __ ] [Music] hey bro can can i ask you something and be completely honest yeah does this red shirt make me look kind of fat no not at all no are you sure because i feel like it makes me look kind of chubby no seriously man you look great are you being completely honest okay man i'll show you all right profile all right check it out you know that you're um you're lucky that you just happened to wear the black shirt and i happen to wear the red shirt dude what are you talking about what do you mean what am i talking about everyone knows that black is a slimming color if i was wearing the black shirt i'd look way slimmer bro the reason i look slimmer than you is because i'm slimmer than you okay then swap are you serious yep this is stupid you good yeah you ready yeah can i go so stupid [Music] son of a hey [ __ ] hey is it cool see a hydro series come in here yeah yep all right [Music] have we got any more of this stuff [Music] so i did an eight pull which is a legitimate strategy hey [Music] so the final thing i want to show you because this is actually bloody amazing these ones are these ones they've got a 29 inch and you can see they're actually extra wide it's kind of like going in the cinema these things are amazing they've got amazing specifications they're super wide a lot of okay can you believe that guy he just walked off i was a mid-sentence i'm naked again i know yeah [Music] [Music] oh hey bro hey man man i can't believe we spawn on opposite ends of the map again oh dude i know this map is huge did you find anything useful any good items not really man i got this x though no it's better than nothing i guess i mean i can't believe those guys i mean they seem so friendly they seem like genuine and then just boom tell me about it man my faith in humanity is gone i'm never trusting anyone ever again well hold up should we see if he's friendly let's trust him all right why are you there are you uh you friendly we're friendly we don't want any trouble you press caps to talk cats can't stop don't touch that mom don't touch them oh oh it's good come on sorry yeah i'm friendly sorry i was pressing command your pressing command you mean you're pressing control no no there's many command don't trust mum hang on a sec are you playing this on a bloody oh my god mom look at the sunset hey get dead get dead check out the graphics wait you mean the button lift of spacebar right no no no no come on yeah you seem really familiar are you the guy that came into playtech the other day you're looking for an airport computer to play games on yeah oh my god you've got some play tickets hey i saw this wicked deal and traded me this 15 inch secondhand macbook pro grab his bag [Music] all right rita you don't control me anymore all right i got this i got this okay oh what the hell [Music] oh okay i'll take this from you all right [Music] drink this and then before i knew it or something i did cancel and add birds with arms and space sticks no space tanks never go to space ducks why never go to space sticks okay man promised [Music] i reckon probably jennifer lawrence nice yeah what about you whoo i would go with uh the blonde girl khaleesi oh from game of thrones yeah nice nice what about your favorite movie oh [ __ ] that's a hard one um guys so many i go oh star wars the very first one by the very first one you obviously mean the first one they made yeah yeah like the first one of the whole series i just love the choreography and the special effects it's amazing yeah man it's a it's a masterpiece um it's a little bit weird though because the the first one of the franchise is actually episode four they made they shot it out of order was i made in the 70s for a second there i thought you're talking about episode one it's a steaming pile of [ __ ] yes like the first one of the whole series the phantom menace what the [ __ ] did you say to me the phantom menace like with darth maul and you've got the double-sided lightsaber and jar jar binks and he's all like me sir jaja binks eat [ __ ] and die you worthless excuse for a human i hate everything about you i hate that i know you never speak to me again did you watch game of thrones last night how you going man good man oh have you got the cd for heart of the swarm yeah sure thing what's your name uh reagan reagan could you please ask my colleague if he could extract the cd4 out of the swarm for me yeah could you grab the cdf out of this one please okay reagan could you please ask ellen why he's not talking to me uh yeah alan why are you not talking to him well you sir i've lost my business what you see we've done can you ask him if he sees what he's done you see what you've done here rowan so right can you ask alan what it is that i've done this [ __ ] so thanks for coming in guys uh i'm gonna be your mediator for today's session and hopefully at the end of this session we'll have some sort of resolve okay i have some simple rules no raising your voice and i'm going to talk one at a time let's begin rowan why don't you start us off well okay it's actually not very complicated basically he asked me what my favorite movie was and i said star wars episode one oh alan please you'll have your turn too mate okay but it's only fair if rowan finishes okay one person speaking at a time sorry yeah now just to clarify a minor point there when you say episode one you're obviously referencing the first movie that was filmed am i right and he's talking about episode one episode one okay i think i can see what's happened here there's there's clearly been some kind of miscommunication between the two of you about what film you're actually referencing here ron you see there is uh often confusion over the film that was shot in the late 70s and the diabolical one that alan here is talking about the the one that i'm i'm talking about is is the first one the story the fantasy ellen do you mind giving us a moment what'd you [ __ ] say to me the phantom menace yuck yuck eat [ __ ] and die you pathetic excuse for a human you make me physically ill now [ __ ] off get out yuck i don't actually know if that's go away you won't spread your lies here roman go don't look at me just [ __ ] off i want to hear an apology okay i'm sorry that i like a movie apology not accepted starcraft 2 requires way more skill than dota 2. i mean in dota you're controlling one unit you've got to think about getting last hits so you've got enough gold to buy better either secondhand macbook pro the phantom menace [Music] it wasn't a llama it was a shape i'm pj you're listening to sydney i'm coming up next we've got music from mumbai and sounds a bit of icon of pop as well as a brand new track from a group called vldl don't even know what that stands for but you're listening to cdm [Music] [Applause] hello hey i was just after a laptop cover uh do you have a laptop case cool uh can you recommend any to me that one okay i'll take the red how much you're cool i'll get that tacky [ __ ] so thank you i don't need a receipt thanks wait your pj from the radio here yes hey bro yeah you'll never get so i just served who pj from zidane really yep well what did you say to it oh it's all like hey pj you're like from like cinema [ __ ] she's all like yeah and i was like i love your show i got a number you got a number yep can you show me i remembered it what is that oh two seven nine five nine one say it again ot one nine nine nine nine you're lying to me bro oh hey um mate isn't it computer yeah yeah ellen could you oh yeah all right here you go man thanks bro perfect all good are you parked just outside yeah oh sweet i'll help you out cheers bro wait man you're gonna be able to run everything off this the new unreal engine oh yeah man 4k resolution everything but what oh man that is so gutting oh that's cool man i'll just take a credit dude i'm so gutted free bro that's heartbroken oh my god just for the keys man i'll just grab a credit yeah sorry what oh we're just in the store bro so i'll just take a credit it's fine but you dropped it but we're still in the store but you dropped it but we're nowhere near my car but that doesn't matter you were carrying it so it's your responsibility look bro i just want to steal credit i don't want to be i don't want i don't want trouble but that doesn't make any that doesn't make any sense right these things happen i don't want to refund i'm happy with just the credit what's going on he dropped the computer oh no was it past the liability line the what the liability line no ah still created all good have we got the corsair hydro series in here oh man i've got an idea i'll i'll check an issue yeah so come on give me all your money just so you know until you don't get angry at me later most of our transactions here aren't actually cash how much do you have no not much enough to buy maple here 23. [ __ ] [ __ ] at this oh no no you're doing really well like like i was like i just want to make boogie here oh you know that we we sell maple gears right yeah but this is not the point i can't afford them i know what i mean is like they're literally just over there i so like um what kind of things do you think you're wanting to use it for mainly like facebook or photoshop you reckon oh no just gaming what'd you [ __ ] say to me game gaming that's our boy that's right boy nobody please give us an apple nobody what's up bro nice bro you just totally saved me from that robber is he a robber so this is a new location what do you reckon wow man it's really nice yeah yeah i just felt like it was time for a change you know what do you mean well you know just felt like giving us a new location your premises give it a new vibe and stuff well i'm pretty sure this is paul's decision he's the boss of play technique one on the manager so i helped make the decisions well i'm pretty sure you have absolutely nothing to do with that wow i agree disagree so i'll win one so so anyway have a wonder check it out we open tomorrow so good good [Music] [Music] um no how long have you been here i just got here now are we alone as far as i'm aware should we go yes what are you doing here jesus you scared the [ __ ] out of us who are you i'm the janitor now answer my question what are you doing here [Music] we're working out i'm alan this is ryan [Music] you look really familiar [Music] so do you still work here as the janitor for playtime cool man so i guess we'll see you around [Music] thank you hey ron we've got that uh appointment that we need to get so we should probably get going to the appointment uh it was really nice to meet uh do you really think you should be playing it hi oh it's just that you're playing a video game during work hours yeah i just don't know how i feel about it ron to be honest i'm just playing a game so just just for a bit because i'm just over here mind your own business right well these lies the problem though because i don't know if i feel good about that well just get on with it dude do some work no never i want to play clash of clans forever uh rowan you can't just keep running off you're the manager i can't play please what are you doing here i said what are you doing here oh hey rodney rowan said yeah yeah ryan said how'd you write me my beta [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey um ron can we talk for a second oh okay i just wanted to apologize i'm sorry i yelled before oh are you okay it's just it's you're working really hard now and it's clear you've turned over new life yeah thank you i just don't know what came over here it's like you're a new person a better person better in every way dude hey dave you i love you too man deeply [Music] yeah can i buy this cable right attached to you mouse brought yesterday bud had the headphones [Music] my cash to you bud um hey i'd like to buy this bank for ear please oh you know i assume that you've bought this macbook here may i suggest that you also buy another main book yeah [Music] yeah you know what maybe i would but the u-day [Music] goodbye it's me it's alan i work here what would you like goodbyes dude oh no no it's well i was kind of thinking about buying the corsey hydro series oh you're good that will be ten thousand dollars bye brian i'm so very truly proud great book thank you you scared me hey rodney no no it's me rowan what are you talking about ryan's out there he's literally selling the whole store it's brilliant no no no that's rodney i'm knowing look what you're doing right now it's hilarious it's honestly very very funny but it's also extremely annoying please stop get back to swimming [Music] [Music] what are you doing here you're not listening dota 2 requires way more skill than heroes of the storm i mean in heroes of the storm you're controlling one hero that's it and dota 2 you've got to think about items you don't think about getting last hits denying last hits you got to think about the courier you're thinking about the secret shop combining items getting the town portal scrolls so while i respect your opinion and i respect you as an individual i'm gonna have to politely disagree sir oh oh ellen you know how we were talking the other day about like what takes my skill out of heroes of the storm and dota 2. well i i was kind of thinking like because and here is the storm like you've got it like so and and dona you've got like [Music] [Music] no no you can't just keep running off you're the manager hi hi well i'm uh i'm rowan i'm the manager here at uh playtech uh obviously we're here to try you out for the new part-time position i saw you last night i was in the club yeah wow doesn't really make any sense does that i saw her you're with too she was holding you so tight well you know so we uh get on with it then yeah okay uh pretend i'm a customer yeah uh so i'm saying i want to buy um do it just do it okay i like the motivation but maybe just turn it down a little just do it race it uh um i'm not even gonna ask uh forget about it resi uh okay try and sell me something anything emerging gaming technologies operate within a nexus of social relationships that characterize the modern world these technologies enable a constant commentary which has become the quintessential quality of power often operating as mechanisms that dictate our action and pre-ordain our expectations does that make sense that doesn't make any sense at all don't don't cry don't cry shia come feel it all collapsing i can't [ __ ] embrace it look we can we can take a break if you want we can take a break it's fine uh shia are you control surrendering are you feeling right you're looking really pixelated yesterday you said tomorrow so just do it what's wrong just ah do it yes you can just do it just do it hello okay i think i got him [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] wow [Music] [Music] brother brother hey bro oh come on mr dylan hey hey [Music] me [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] are you oh sh i gotta go yep okay i'm gonna shuffle it yep [Music] shuffle okay now check your pocket what dude no way [Music] is that your card it's my card man dude that's that's impressive yeah i learned it back in high school actually yeah it's it's impressive i'm impressed thank you i've got a track oh don't need it it's all me it's just me it's called alakazam i'll just come forward a little bit okay i just gotta come forward smidge is it okay this is the first one [Music] okay dude okay you're scaring me now just stop it okay what you think man i don't know how the [ __ ] you did that but just stay away from me morning bro we've got we've got the crack into the socket yeah oh [Music] we got another shipment of the captain 240s coming [Music] everything's looking pretty much in stuck a brother i'll make it again yes god damn it hi man hey um you guys do repairs right oh yes we do sir for pcs and max i guess we are very very mac friendly oh thank you honestly you would not believe how many people don't like max oh i know right right anyway this one's mine all right let's uh have a little look see what the problem here is okay um yeah ah ah right it's not turning on yeah yeah ever since it stopped turning on it's been a bit worried about it okay pay what let's take it over to the service desk see what we can do okay cool i'm so relieved that they actually can be fixed oh yeah it shouldn't be a huge problem really what do you use it for mainly like photoshop editing nah that's mainly gaming yeah what'd you say to me gaming why have we stopped dude dude dude where are we going dude dude this has gone on long enough what do you mean do where you going dude [Music] i can rebuild you i can't i can rebuild you it's okay it's fine [Music] [Music] tell me what happened here well it looks like another case of apple hate we've got the case lying on the ground victims just one he's holding the corner over there [Music] well it looks like this was a mac attack hey gum you playing starcraft yeah man i love starcraft work around all right like in starcraft so my name is carlos i work for blizzard nice man i'm here promoting legacy devoid nice hang on what's that sound what can you hear it that sounds like a medevac what that sounds like a medevac drop what made it back what are you doing in that crowd commit wait where's the air defense i didn't have anything better back drop have you got a sport wall so anyway i'm here for more legacy to vote i just wanted to get you put on the coffee oh not yet but i i oh [ __ ] oh the reason for that is oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] boy oh but the thing is i own the physical copy of the other two and i just want to like own the third one hello [Music] hard oh by the way i just hired someone else what [Music] zack my man my main man brother [Music] oh my god brother how you been brother good man good dog chip oh my god what is your workout what are you doing use me yeah oh hey ellen hey do this well let's get into oh incoming customer customer incoming incoming customer you seen this this is classic it's got an e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e customer incoming [Music] commission to serve the customer sir permission granted soldier actually i'll i'll just serve the customer how's it going how are you going today's term good thanks guys good night what are you looking for getting a new new fan right well what i can recommend is [Music] yeah okay cool it's a great product it's a great product thanks yeah enjoy your hydro series it's the best of course yeah have a great day you have a fantastic day have have the best day have the best day of your life of your life of your life of anybody's life oh always put it down you're just wanting to come back in later on see you later friend you go and find love today you go on fine see you later you go see you later i know all about you [ __ ] i don't know what you mean by that [ __ ] i'll watch my back [Music] [Music] hey bro hey bro so uh you notice anything uh different about me um you are wearing pants today they're being serious yeah uh maybe something a little bit more obvious okay okay there's something quite big has recently happened like maybe in my i look a bit more attractive now maybe i've got pants that's all i've got man are you serious right now being serious what do you want from me bro i just had a [ __ ] haircut bro merry christmas jesus merry christmas to you too man and merry christmas to you [Music] merry christmas you know the focus room put merry christmas merry christmas oh did you get the course your hydra yes yes got it god you're reliable oh by the way i heard someone else hey guys adam adams and you must be ellen i've heard so much about you oh actually we should probably go check on that thing um you guys get to know each other let's go yeah oh look i'm really looking forward to working with yep what are you doing here boy what's the game plan what you're up to i can see my duty a little i just got a job here i'm watching hey ellen how's it going hey ellen you need a hand alan oh don't miss it don't have to fight yourself i gotta you grab the other side here we go come on come on just go outside ellen where you going mate alan you can't get through there helen [Music] ah what are you doing here boy you gaming on his max huh no i'm just cleaning them for it i'm just doing my job i've killed a man over this i've killed a man with a golf club what's wrong with you what's wrong with you [Music] are you are you serious it's my first day on the job and you're threatening to kill me [Music] i'm sorry i'm sorry man i i'm sorry i feel i feel like a dick i'm sorry come here i'm sorry sorry [Music] oh zach remember how we were chatting the other day about what takes more skill heroes of the storm or hearthstone it's just i was thinking about it and with the heroes of the storm your character you have to point and skill into it and whereas in hearthstone you just get cards and you like luck in your hand and you you have to [ __ ] after them adam no no no no no no no no no not through the door no no no no no stop stop no adam you can't keep running away like that you're the guy [Music] well i just can't believe that you a formerly invite a user and a user to a party at my house tonight one personal invite to just you and just you sir are you guys friends yes are you two friends you're free too party um because so you're able to bring some food or i'll do a platform what do you want me to bring oh did you hear that yeah um you were right here talking about it really loud like i'm not trying to be a dick or anything it's just like just these it's just not you know you're not really invited or anything it's just kind of these guys like i'm not trying to be a dick or anything oh it's just that i was like i was right here like you're one meter away oh talking quite loud about it i think it's probably canceled anyway it's probably cancelled later yeah don't worry about worry about it it's probably not going to probably happen anyway yeah because the rain is raining outside hey ellen what are you doing no just browsing read it man read it what's that have you known no what is it read it this is the most addictive website known to man it will tear your life apart another girl okay man yeah just be careful this doesn't look that bad oh my god what the hell happened so [Music] one [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] they're out of ammo this is their only shot we've got to take let's go [Music] oh my god reddit is awesome i know right [Applause] i found out um that i have this is so dumb what's that this youtube channel that i'm subscribed to they normally do quite good stuff this episode had no punchline it's like it was edited wrong they just suddenly uh also the corsio hydro series and that's why selling is so important are you guys even listening to what i'm saying what was i just saying this is what all right adam what was i talking about when i was talking about msi composition well the computer is usb with um inside the computer nine ports on the computer [Music] ellen what was i saying about the msi platform well the msi platformers uh don't take your heat drawings from contrasting from starcraft 2 call of duty battlefront uh rainbow six siege is largely okay all right you were last night right backed up so it's kind of like when you've got like a 418 kind of system of dodecahedrons goddammit come on come on zubit come on hey bro what do you got there it's pokemon go haven't you heard of it no that looks stupid yeah it's not stupid it is so addictive you get to become a real live pokemon trainer here try catch the zubat okay so he's just here and what you need to do is [Music] my cars [Music] what the hell wrong come on oh you're my best friend and i brought my destiny pikachu in a world we must defend i put the pokemon inside the ball and catch all the pokemon oh oh oh i'm sorry sorry is it it's all good if i tell y'all all right i'm quite hungry yeah oh yeah it's just that kind of like i am the manager so i i kind of outrank you i guess oh but i bought it with my money oh yeah but it like it's like i am still the manager that's why i'm kind of wearing the black shirt and you're wearing the red shirt so like i kind of have the ranking here is all good if i have it because my manager would know because i bought it for my lunch sorry i thought it was just but i said i'm kind of because i'm the manager i'm just thinking that maybe yeah but i actually went down the subway and bought it with my lunch like so that's so cool thank you so much that's actually really good hmm yep is there a rubber spinner thanks bro i appreciate it don't just close that now no don't worry about dinner i've got this delicious cookie i'm about to wait all right talk soon bye [Music] i got the cookie [Music] hey oh hey nice cookie yeah yeah it is reminds me of a cookie i once had not so long ago cool story bro yeah the one you stole from me see this manages privileges boy you know what i think what do you think i don't think you're gonna have that cookie for too much oh what you gonna do about it why i'm gonna take it how you gonna do that yet cookie i think i'm going to enjoy necessarily pokey i'm feeling a little bit full i am your commander this is mutiny again then i fired and [ __ ] myself wow yeah that was actually really embarrassing hey guys uh three quick things uh the kingston needs stocking ellen you're getting a massive pay cut soon and the monetary outside's broken if you get a look at it thanks guys wait what did you say are they uh the monitor just needs to i don't know like it's glitching out a bit i just need to look at it no before that oh the uh the kingston needs stopping i've just turned the whole shipment to come through thanks guys am i getting a pay cut do you get paid hey ron can i just get you to take a look at this apparently there are some connection problems with her oh yeah yeah uh should be all good no there's it's it's not good though because there's connection problems with it that's why it's here it needs to get fixed all right right yeah yeah so can i can i leave this with you i got things today yep uh no problem how long do you think i'd say five minutes five minutes yeah wow okay [Music] one wow [Music] hey oh is that uh good to go uh yep that's all done perfect i will let them not cool good work man no probs no problem oh my god you know you're gonna be here for your surroundings when you're playing pokemon go buddy [Music] you caught them all buddy i want to be the very best like no one ever was to catch them too heavy [Music] to [Music] [Music] pokemon [Music] like he must've thought i was dead or something i had to crawl to the hospital go go oh i wonder how rowan's interviews for the new employee are going don't call us we'll call you by that i mean you didn't get the job next you have two minutes to impress me hi i'm ellie um it's nice to meet you i'm here for the job that you guys are advertising you're a girl yep i am um would you like to see my cv you're a girl as you can see i've had um quite a bit of experience at dick smith but they closed down recently so i lost my job you're a girl anyway so i think i'd be a great asset to your team if you you're a girl so could you tell me what i might be doing in the job you're a girl well i guess what we could do now is um maybe sign my contract thank you so i'll sign this and then i'll start on monday and you'll also need to sign it [Music] cool so i guess i'll see you on monday you're a girl [Music] okay you're a girl so adam's doing right now is he's cleaning the laptop which is something we do with all laptops across well all of everything actually so it's a little we take pride in what we do they need to look pretty we also we do have to do the cards in the [Music] mornings [Music] uh [Music] oh i heard him and time's up thumbs up no your time's up time's up oh ellie yeah do you want to have a go on the virtual reality no go it's fine it's real fun no you'll be fine come on have a go have a go i don't know if i'll be good with that no you'll be fine all you do is punch the things okay here we go this is quite cool [Music] oh you [ __ ] thanks guys that was really fun oh no oh buddy buddy buddy what's he doing oh god rowan what are you guys doing oh we're watching rowan fix things it's so funny why okay the thing you don't know about rowan is that he doesn't know anything about computers wow technically how did that happen well it's quite a long story story story story a story so there's also the manager role with higher pay and less hours well i think it's best that we sit down and have a conversation about at the time splendid rowan cool and that was my story although how long was that yeah i guess it wasn't so what's he doing now oh well we have to make him feel like he's worthwhile so we give him broken pieces of computer so he feels like he's fixing things for customers so this is actually the third time he's fixed this motherboard it's fine i'm finished good job buddy proud of you man [Music] best manager there he is so we've got a massive shipment coming in and stuff they all need to be stocked these need to be stocked to begin with that needs to be stocked yeah the main thing actually the corsair hydra series that whole section that whole shelf needs to be stocked up sweet i can get onto those first just assume did you see someone just here before like uh it was just here just before no was there adam adam someone adam where did you go about adam where did you go i need to finish this adam where'd you go matt me okay where did you go i didn't go anywhere don't do that that's really annoying okay can we just get this finished okay that's really annoying so we need to get this stuff stocked um i've lost between i thought now but basically the corsair stuff is the most important thing adam where are you going mate can we just get this finished please where'd you go adam how are you doing that stop it just background [Music] oh speaking of which the new girl ellie is so nice by nice do you mean stunning okay like she is hot she's good-looking she's beautiful like okay i'm not a stalker i'm not you know but i checked out their facebook page and oh man it's the summer of 2011 photo album isn't it and the bikini on the beach yeah oh damn just so you know i would not go in that toilet because i just took a massive [ __ ] and it breaks oh i don't think i'm done the magic's gone yeah thank you guys uh obviously the reason i called this meeting it's just to remind you that the reason you wear the red shirt is because you are just the floor staff and the reason that i wear the black shirt is because i'm the manager mm-hmm yeah but what does a white shirt mean well there are rumors of a mythical all-powerful white shirt but they are just rumors i assure you so why is ellen wearing one do mine eyes deceiveth me nay didn't you hear i'm a super manager now boy yeah that's right where you going where you going [Applause] she [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey team thank you so much for coming along i just wanted to clear up some confusion about the the shirt situation because obviously it's kind of changed a little bit uh so i've gone ahead and joined this nice little diagram here which kind of goes through the whole hierarchy so here we have the redshirts that they're really like hard working worker bees if you will uh so there's you two there you look great and you read shirts by the way are the black shirts up here they're there they kind of take on a few more responsibilities so roman is uh modeling the black shirt for us today thank you ron and uh here's the white shirt which obviously i am i am wearing today so at the end of the day it's it's just a piece of fabric it does mean that i am the super manager but it is just a piece of fabric at the end of the day so i'm still alan i'm still friendly old al so to speak um but feel free to talk to me ask me any questions if you have them and uh yeah that's it all right well you guys have worked really hard today so feel free to knock off a little bit early thanks helen cool all right actually ronald just stopped here for a second mate um hey sorry bro i just wanted to make sure that we're still cool after this whole black shirt wet shirt oh um yeah i guess yeah cool cause like the most important thing for me is friendship like we've been friends for a long time i don't want this role to kind of affect our friendship oh yeah yeah absolutely yeah thank god okay man bring it in okay okay okay alison okay listen this store is mine no it's mine okay i own it you want nothing not if you understand [Music] good but don't you ever cross me ron don't you ever [ __ ] cross me i will [ __ ] kill you i am gonna work you so [ __ ] hard and then toss you to the sidewalk like the piece of trash that you are okay not if you understand yeah good it's almost over it's almost over you're ready i got you i got you okay you're good you're good okay i'm gonna pull away now okay here we go i'm pulling away good but you've been working really hard bro so feel free to just knock off we'll see you tomorrow see you tomorrow she where the hell is ellen ellen ln alan where are you mate he wants to take it from us sneaky little employees i'm not listening i'm not listening yes they are false they wants the white shirt they want it no not them they're our friends you don't have any friends nobody likes you i hate you where would you be without me it was me that made a super manager of me ellen hey what's up guys sorry i just had my headphones on what's up how you going oh good we just finished up for the night and wondered if you wanted anything before we go no no no you're both good thank you for a great day uh have a good one good night see you later all right all right see you as well oh do you say something ellen no no no no no didn't say anything all right you have a good one alright see you later do you want something no no no no you're good hey have a good night okay sorry i thought you yeah know got home thanks for having a great day you're a good employee thank you see you yeah see ya [Music] and so i ended up lost in the forest for like seven days until someone found me right yeah guys have you seen him have you seen howard no no he's gone crazy what what are you talking about he's got crazy have you not seen him he's been an amazing manager recently he's been so nice to us and productivity's through the roof sales are going great what [ __ ] has gone to his head the power has driven him mad ron this hasn't got anything to do with the fact that he took over from manager he's gonna lose his mind if we don't do something about it he hits me hey guys what's going on not talking about me i hope well you guys have been working really really hard and you can get on out of here for some lunch it's on me because i'm a good manager get on out of here okay get on out of here have some peter pan actually two seconds no he's being really nice oh ryan we saw it all happen we're gonna help you [Music] [Laughter] oh you always had to make me laugh man that's because we've been friends for so many years so many years almost their whole lives remember all those childhood memories we share oh yes i do [Laughter] oh no one i've got one oh [Music] lewis lewis [Music] [Music] ah [Music] lewis lewis [Music] give us that louis is my love why because it's my birthday [Music] huh [Music] [Music] so yeah the thing is you you can't beat him he's he's become too much of a rolling to [Music] like i am your [Music] that's actually really good yeah yeah i can do it i believe in you rowan you're a [ __ ] you can do it wrong [Applause] [Music] i think you should get back to work i said it doesn't look like you're being very productive and i think you should get back to stocking those shelves repeat yourself one more time i said get back to work [ __ ] oh [ __ ] ron man i didn't realize it was like that come on player let's hug it out yeah that's right that's right two friends hugging it out oh i pre-empted what are you doing do it now rowan [Music] [Music] oh wow oh i'm so glad you're back alan yeah it's good to be back guys that was scary though yeah yeah that's i don't know what happened are you i apologize where did you get the white shirt from oh don't worry about that don't worry about it but ryan i i'm sorry i think i took that too far well yeah i suppose you kind of did because you're kind of like like literally beating the [ __ ] out of me yeah i mean but it wasn't me that was the worst it was the white shirt yeah like allen's a good guy the white shirt yeah but the important thing is guys obviously everything's back to normal now exactly man yeah yeah so like massive pay cuts for everyone and also get back to work because the lunch breaks i don't even know why i'm not get back to work i don't know why you're on a break because you know you're new obviously if you could stop the shows adam make me a coffee oh okay oh and i was the only one that survived right oh oh no i just missed a call from alan it's calling back hey this is ellen's phone can't take your call at the moment just please leave you that's weird he didn't answer how does that even happen he literally just called you oh that was weird he didn't answer oh well have you seen that video on youtube the cat with no legs show it to me i love cat videos [Music] [Music] no no no no no it's okay it's okay no no no no no it's fine here we go what's going on bro what do you mean well what do you mean like look at your watch what what does it say what time is it 901 yeah like and what time do you start do you see the problem there like you know what what time do you start no no yeah so i'm not trying to be a dick or anything but i am going to have to put in a disciplinary notice wow like that is going to be a written warning you know you don't have to do that i'm not trying to be a dick or anything but we can't operate like this we simply can't operate like this so you're not trying to use it i'm not trying to hear anything but we just we can't we can't operate like this yeah yeah like like what's the time now like even just talking about this what's the time when you're watching now it's not gonna turn out how much time have we how much time have we just wasted doing this like it's it's got a kind of a spiral on effect okay i'm real sorry bro but if you can just get on with stocking there i think the corsair is stocking sorry ron oh it's so good oh bro did i show you that nice made me look at your hand when you were pulling the fingers that's good did i show you that um did you see that [Music] um have i shown you that or that or that did i show you these i've got two of them now oh did i show you that hey bro bro are you looking all right did i show you that [Music] wait oh did i show you this did you see that [Music] did i show you that um so i've got about 13 of those on order and about a dozen monitors uh they'll be coming they'll be coming in the next few just hold on two seconds i'm sorry i'm sorry ron i do not have time for streaming okay i'm not a bad guy this is a huge client this is serious i'm serious this is a huge client this is about the order for god's sake just give me a few seconds jesus can you talk for one minute yeah i'm really sorry thank you okay what is it okay did i show you that [ __ ] guys ellen anyone [Music] um ugh wow i'm okay uh oh what are you doing here how did you open the door pulled up i tried pulling it ah i see the problem you pull it from the side it doesn't mean you pull it from both sides how long was i in here for about seven minutes maybe six what's that man it smells like puss no it's juice what was it what did you follow them hi ellen yeah you're looking really good have you lost some weight or something no he's do you think he's looking quite good yeah yeah great bro oh thanks okay thank you to be honest i don't think it looks good at all i wasn't gonna say anything but now that you have like i think it looks a bit weighty i know right like he looks quite quite fat like he's got a little bit of yeah under the chin there like it just doesn't look good he doesn't look good at all he looks a bit he looks quite fit doesn't he he looks cute you're not gonna hear everything you're saying every word could you hear that yeah i think he heard us i think he might be right you think a hand he is blocking joe can you can you guys hear me oh well i'm asking you guys can you still hear me we were talking about someone else yeah yeah yeah we were talking oh we're talking about adam no you weren't i know for a fact that you went i walked past you complimented me and as soon as my back was turned you started dissing me i think he's on to us i am i'm 100 onto you because i can hear every word that you're saying oh uh just walk away and pretend that you've got a phone call or something wow okay yeah oh oh my god you guys got a phone call it's got my phone okay you go get your phone yeah did i show you this you know everyone you did show me that but did i show you this guys don't forget about me [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh hey hey man how's it going oh hey bro um oh man i don't think i'm gonna be out back here oh man i'm real sick [Music] [Applause] oh my god [Music] i can try me vomiting i'm just too sick i don't think you lying to me bro would you rather be able to fly or be able to teleport teleport that's an easy one like you can just teleport to anywhere in the world it's so practical right no no you totally choose flying because imagine having the feeling of like soaring through well you want to have a million dollars or your body is always in amazing shape no matter what you eat a million dollars no no no you have to pick amazing shape because then you can make money with your body like be a prostitute say it like you use your body to make that money okay i've got one okay so would you rather have sex with like the hottest hollywood model or have to chop your own leg off with a rusty knife well the hollywood model yeah absolutely sex with the hollywood superstar you would right like that's what you'd pick yeah you know this game works so like it's about two things that are kind of similar so it's a difficult choice oh no i've done it wrong haven't i oh sorry sorry i've got no okay i've got another one here we go so would you rather have like the entire car collection of the world so you've got like lamborghinis and maseratis and aston martins or you have to kill your own family the cars the car collection do you do you understand do you know how to play this this game yeah you you pick the two things and you have to pick between the two things right yeah so that's supposed to be like it's supposed to be a difficult decision okay okay for example for example would you like a car collection yeah that'd be it'll be awesome then you drive it all the time and stuff yeah and would you like to kill your family no it's bloody horrible exactly so it's a really easy choice do you understand what i'm kind of oh i've done it wrong again i've done it wrong again oh no no okay okay i've got it this time i know i know what to do i know what to do okay so would you rather have eternal happiness for the rest of your life or die what a man whoa whoa whoa sorry sir sorry sir uh we're not actually open yet it's play pick stuff only at the moment good one yeah no i sorry man i've got stuff to do i need to go oh i'm not actually joking there's plastic stuff in there you're not wearing a play tick top so i'm gonna have to ask you to leave sir do you genuinely not notice me we don't open until nine so i have to ask you to leave sorry about that you can see it's it's me right you can see it you're not wearing a plastic top so you're actually trespassing right now so i'm gonna have to ask you to leave sorry sir don't you do that again do what listen sir i've asked you nicely and now i'm gonna have to ask you to leave certain because you were trespassing so i'm going to have to do this sir what are you doing i can prove it i can prove it wrong i can prove it i can prove it okay perfect yeah but do you understand the logic behind what just happened but you weren't wearing a plain tick top it doesn't mean i wasn't who i am no no because you no it's your fault because you're not wearing a plate you weren't wearing a plate do you think we wear playtek tops out there in the real world i'll get you to stop the shelves now i'm going to take the shelves but not cause you told me to because i want to and go ahead and say one two three four five four more [Music] what what's wrong ellie what's happened my brother just died oh my god oh really oh my god i can't believe it oh my god i don't know um i'm speechless um i i don't know what to say i can't believe that do you know anything else about it like let's pick it all up that's terrible like i can't believe that one second there was a live mexican nine one two three four five six seven eight nine that i score from sale of stock you get 50 yes um have you got the bank can you i'll scrape it i'll just grab it oh ellie i just i don't know what to say i feel like we're we're always a bit speechless like i don't know how to even let's you'll go oh i just can't believe it you must just feel absolutely terrible do i and have you got family or anyone supporting you just grab it then i'll help you with this what's that seven um i just could see you guys one two three four five six oh seven oh dear um oh my god um you've just landed on mayfair um that's mine i've got a hotel on it oh man i just feel so bad um because it's like my brother's just died but that's uh two thousand dollars oh early i just i'm absolutely speechless if you mortgage that one you get 140 75 75 30. that's all like i wouldn't even do enough i could just take these off here we can cause like square i feel so bad um can you just nod and just let me know that that's officially okay can you just like nod and say yeah okay i'm just i'm taking them oh um are you guys not open ah no we don't open until nine sorry yeah but your signs out no yeah just just keep prepping it but we're not open yet so what's the time now uh it's five to nine oh great okay look i'm just i've i'm just here to drop this off actually it's four repairs um just my laptop it's already booked in and everything my name's all oh so i was hoping i could just drop it off to you now you know feel free to drop it off at nine yeah i'll catch catch it no um so sorry i'm actually just late for work so i was hoping i could just drop it off to you now yeah no we don't have to know though so i'm just just only five it's only a couple minutes no problem just wait five minutes well what's the time now what's up it's actually four four to nine so four four four minutes now four minutes we've saved 56 is it i mean it's ten open four minutes earlier you can't just oh you just get to lower your voice a little bit right what are you gonna do what i'll get you to do is wait for nine drop it off and we shouldn't have any problems okay look thanks look i i i don't know why you're being such a dick about this i'm being as though if you're being attacked my name's already in the system am i why don't you just give me the laptop then okay sure no problem because you could just take that extra service for just for you oh great thanks man so um where would you like me to leave it for you because it's not nice yet how about here is this a good place we don't open until nine obviously after a gaming computer yeah like a gaming brick like something high-end or at least like a graphics card or something yeah yeah so uh this is the computer that i normally recommend oh yeah cool got any questions you know like i want a good graphics card obviously so something like uh you know late in nvidia um gtx like at least like a 970 like four gigabytes yeah rainfall like four gigs of video ranges and we don't do that anymore this is the uh qdf 10 50 cube one so it's a triple cube uh with 20 petabytes what else do you think yeah yeah um so i mean i7 range i intel i7 skylake like 700 like uh four core six cores uh this one's got eight thousand eight thousand cores eight eight thousand cores yep that's uh top of the line that's not i never is that real i never heard of that i i work here not use it over here you can see the lights yeah they are speed boosters it's a new technology that's just come in that's the ram it's not the ram a lot of people from there it's not uh and we've got some power rods here as well these obviously these days you don't need to plug computers in you don't plug it in don't plug it in these days it's powered by the copper rods but isn't that the power supply there common misconception uh-huh nobody actually knows what that does all right i mean yeah the graphics card sounds real impressive like i'm quite keen for that one if we could yeah man you want it you want to get the graphics card come on well this yeah okay yeah so come over here here's the range um what kind of graphics card do you think you're after okay okay here's the bit he'll be pretending to be stopping the hydro 700 series then he's going to check under the cabinet for dust and then he'll blame all of this on a pin okay watch this just put dust into there still pretty good i just dropped my pin so i figured i'd just flip those right onwards right would you rather fall onto like a rusty spike and impale yourself or i have a million dollars a million dollars million dollars would you rather only be about to eat mcdonald's cheeseburgers for the rest of your life or carrots for the rest of your life yeah i reckon like cheeseburgers you'd like initially but eventually you get sick of them and health benefits probably carrots because the health benefits right okay would you rather both lose your jobs right here right now or one of you gets to keep your job but you have to fight to the death for it probably fight to death right because one of us gets to keep our job yeah well i need money so i guess fight for the dead yeah [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] hi there sir cool we want this to win yeah oh this one's a good one yeah yeah just it's the price on it just get all the old no price tag must be free good one i assure you it has a price though yeah i'll join it up no no no no no no no there's there's no price tag so i see what you mean but it's not free there is a price in the system no no no no no no that's that's relevant because the price isn't on the system as it were oh yeah but everything in the store does have a price so it's it's priced it's in the system i don't think you're quite following there's no price tag there go therefore it's free no no i understand but this is a store yeah so still you have to pay for this well i don't have one of these out there so it's free he wants it free did they have the price tag on it no and it's free by the sign says so i'll just go go do you want a bag for that depends it's bake free it's 10 cents because charity forget it peasants payday [Music] she do [Music] oh this one's we should've done this that's mine give it a bacon i don't think that one's your one yeah but these two these were mine yeah those ones that was yours i think you've bought no one no no he oh yeah perfect beautiful hey sir how's it going very good uh this is the new logitech range yeah um where uh yep that is the that's the old 600g there one uh can i help you with some of this do you want um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no just just browsing um have you guys noticed that it hasn't been a single customer in hours ron it's 2am it's the middle of the night office 2 a.m then why are we here you literally told us to come in at 2 a.m specifically why oh so all right guys listen up uh big job's coming through computer power plus they've asked us to make a little promo video for them so adam i'll get you to sort it out cheers what what what i'll get you to make them an advert cheers uh ryan i don't think that's something you can just kind of hand off to an employee like making a commitment i'll do it myself thanks janet study 18 with computer power plus and you're guaranteed a paid i.t job within three months of graduating or get 100 of your course feedback computer power plus making it easy why are you speaking in an american accent because it's scripted yeah but why are you speaking in an american accent well because i can't do scripted parts in the kiwi accent do you think you could try it in a kiwi accent i could try thank you for that janet start your idea with computer power plus and you're guaranteed a paid i.t job within three months of graduating you'll get 100 of your course fees back computer power plus is making it easy i think we'll go with the americans [Music] hey hi can i help yeah i was just looking for a laptop actually yeah sure come with me i'll play around all right yeah [Music] um [Music] uh so that should be uh yep 1899 with 20 discount uh and just swipe when you're ready yep and that is officially all yours can i get your number yeah yeah sure um it's on the window but it's 0508 play tech and you can call us five days away thank you thanks thank you wow rowan you handled that good job kind of makes sense though yeah it does makes did he hey here you go man no no way today didn't she so is that going to be cash what did she say [Laughter] no he did it no we didn't walk away from a sale sorry the service out here is outrageous yeah no no yeah that sounds like something you should say and what would you say oh god dude i'm just gonna look cool all right fine i'm gonna finish my phone call all right i'll finish my phone call i'll work my life around your life since it's so important jesus yeah sorry i'm gonna have to go yeah yeah i'll call you back yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh seven yeah vindaloo yeah all right i'm out yeah i'm gone god fine fine look fine look hot look i'm hung up i've hung up okay all right happy now i would like to buy this printer please these are headphones outrageous outrageous rowan yeah can i get the last light strike at cost price uh hang on let me come over to you uh you wanna at cost price uh i'll tell you what if it's still there by the end of the day you can have a cost price this one might find yeah i hope they do because we're still good luck [Music] so [Music] yes hey adam looking for this how could you you knew that i wanted it when i saw that you wanted it that's when i knew i had to have it can i touch it one last time i don't see why not that's enough it's mine now [Laughter] are you good to come in shift tomorrow yep cheers hey how you going man good uh i've just got this voucher i would like to use a good one yeah yeah no it doesn't go down 50 off anything we we definitely cannot accept this i'm sorry oh you kind of have to yeah i mean an awful one that just looks absolutely handwritten can't really prove that can you it looks like it's it's just handwritten like it like a child's voice no that's just fancy fonts you can do anything computers these days handwritten fonts i just i um it's so clearly not uh something that's been well you can't really prove that okay i mean have you read the consumer rights act i've read the consumer's already attacked what what does it say that is legit that's what it says yep so 50 off i've got other notes on it uh another note would be it's it's very generic there's no information on it there's our brand play technical branding are you sure about that oh sorry just drop it down there drop that just now i'm just just picking it up yep off the floor here so what was your main complaint about it i was just saying there's no branding on there oh there it is at the top there play four five four play tick that stylized why this is play team yeah you might have missed that exactly like that you're still holding vivid by the way i i'm making connections that's circumstantial at best i mean what a man can't have a vivid man can't have a vivid in his pocket as he's walking around day-to-day life might need to write something down i cannot believe i'm about to say this but i have to get my manager well do what you need whatever helps you sleep at night ron i need your front camera i'll be here soon wow okay what's this problem here uh well i've got this voucher that i would like to use see it looks kind of looks like it's hand written so you can't prove that wow wow sorry i mean like it's all right because you can't produce anything because they can do anything they can make it look not handwritten written if you read the consumer right goodbye sir goodbye sir i put this here and i screw it up well then well goodbye sir thanks man we've got a mystery shopper coming in today so everyone on their best behavior upselling all that jazz uh you won't know what they look like but i'm i'm going out back to stock the corsair hydro series so fish behavior yeah that's suspicious oh here we go yeah hello sir ah hello there look i was looking for some computer paraphernalia i was wondering if you could help me oh were you rowan yeah you mean customer person random customer person yeah let's go for gold follow us sir yes this way so tell me about the uh cases over here uh they're black i probably should upsell you this but okay so um that extends your wi-fi network here's the logic check section they're all hoping you could give me some expertise and maybe maybe upsell me something i you need you need headphones you need two mice you're not a doctor giving me much options or upselling to me are you why are you holding your fingers on your lips i don't know what you're talking about where are the graphics cards she doesn't even know where the christmas cards are oh uh any of them pick one pick one any of them what are they what happens here is our service center if i should break any of your [ __ ] i would expect you to worry a bit differently than saying break your [ __ ] and this laptop's a great one just shove up your bum i say i have never been treated so rudely in all my life right haven't you haven't you get away from me i'm leaving i'm rolling rolling [Music] well i'll tell you exactly what's been happening your staff have been molesting me and touching me and calling and telling me to stick laptops up my bottom i'll have none of it and then they tried to rip my moustache off sir on behalf of play tech and my staff i would like to apologize for the help they have treated you and i will be giving you a 200 voucher out of their paychecks and i'll tell you what else i happen to be a mystery shopper my job is to judge this place and give it a score and i will not be giving it a very good score at all i tell you what you're the only good thing about this place good sir i cannot believe it you sir should grow a moustache you're very handsome or very handsome but you you'll rub a lot you better pick your act up and you better start treating your customers with respect i say good day to you what are you going to say to yourself guys swiping left left left what did you do with it left or right right yeah left are you still seeing sarah no we broke up like a year ago oh got anyone else on the horizons yeah there's someone i've got my eye on oh who's that not telling you no tell me no it's embarrassing tell me if i tell you you can't tell anyone okay oh okay i don't know no it's about this shop you can't tell anyone okay i won't tell anyone you've got to swear to me adam i promise i won't tell anyone i've got a really big crush on ally what oh yeah [Laughter] yeah he's got a crush on ellie what oh my god oh my god oh god this is gonna be awkward at work oh you're gonna be like oh [Music] um so obviously uh there's a display model but it's in really good condition you're beating a great great value for money on these ones basically um and like i say this is a really good deal can run most most programs or the whole adobe suites actually works really well on these things is it cash or credit card net sorry you just you just dropped that i know i didn't yeah no what you did no no i didn't yeah but i but i saw you sorry i'm uh a little bit offended you're saying that are you calling me a liar oh no no no sorry great i'm assuming you're paying with that with credit card through there uh so what's your credit card details up five one five one that is all done for you thank you thank you thank you i'll just check this in a bag for you ground shot hey ron ellen how may i be ever since uh well i was just hoping to uh apply for some leave so we're having this conversation okay uh that's a no well i i mean you don't even know the dates oh what are what are the dates well the date is um mid-july but not this july july next year so 13 months without enough notice not enough notice what's it for um okay so it's my sister's wedding actually she just um got proposed to the other day and uh yeah so the whole family's kind of getting together and going to australia and it's a big fan um and you can't you can't push it back at all a year yeah can't push it back a year my sister's wedding no okay no wrong no okay um okay and i'm just checking i'm trying to work for you i'm trying my best here i'm assuming you want me to try and find people to fill this in for you yeah i mean i presume that you know just being the manager that would be part of that's annoying um okay so actually try and make it work fit this around your life um but that's i try my best here trying to make it work for you having a quick look and there's nothing in here that's a no on that um okay okay is there anything i can do to kind of push it across the line or i mean if you're able to push your sister's wedding back a year or two the answer is no okay uh i'm trying here but the best i can do wow ring ring oh yeah oh yes yes no yeah you can wow yep no yeah yeah uh no yeah no yeah no yeah no yeah no go um sorry excuse me hi hi uh i bought this computer off you yesterday you came and played it yesterday yes how can i help you and you sold me the computer uh sorry who sold you the computer you told me the computer i don't remember that at all oh yeah anyway how can i be of assistance okay um well i bought it off you yesterday come on here yep and i took it home and it's not working and i need it to work what i can do is have a quick look at it see if i can fix it for you now it'll cost about if what i would need yeah that's what i need you want me to have a quick look at it yeah thank look you all done that should be right as rain really wrong sorry no you just put a power tool over the keyboard are you going to play with that with cash or credit card now health fixed i don't understand uh it's circuitry it's technical stuff that's three nine nine there you go is it crew card or credit card yeah yeah um just you're still the same yeah put that through there that is all done no problem yeah and it is working right that is 100 fixed for you there cool okay thanks i really need it too otherwise a job yeah yeah not a problem look after it though good sorry hello oh hello how's it going ah quite good yeah quite good thank you so much for asking not a problem what can i do you for oh um i pre-ordered a keyboard the razer ornata chroma yep got it for you it's just over here okay this is a good one this one good choice hey we're looking forward to this um all right um have you guys got any more of the razer or nada chromas oh yeah the last one's actually just here oh great yeah i'll take it oh no no i'm i'm buying it currently um oh no no it's all right i'll grab it no i've put the fifty dollar deposit down oh well i'm right here i might just leave wow um and the process of what why are you were you going well i was over there i came in looking for this one specifically yes i came in here quite a long way away i pre-ordered it so this wouldn't happen yeah so this is 199. yeah you're not allowed to do that that's only for the um i'll just i'll just put my pen the staff are the only ones to touch it okay yeah so there we go that's all done yeah so i shouldn't have done that why not it's already mine well no just mine i just bought it no you didn't you just gave them money for no reason what no it is i just that's that's how it works like i just swiped my card and that's not good it's my keyboard i'm just going to take the deposit down and i've came quite a long way yeah for this i'd just live down the road it's real convenient no i i paid 50 deposit down and so now i'm just paying the risk why don't you pay the whole lot because that's generally what i do when i want to buy something i just pay the whole amount yeah that was an option that wasn't an option for me pleasure in business yeah you're welcome no worries mate have a good day pleasure all right [ __ ] what's going on man so you know how you have a huge crush on ellie she's standing right over there together we can go talk to her just get this out of the open okay just tell her everything tell her the truth distraction what was that distraction what are you doing distraction you can't just yell distract fraction you can't just yell distraction and expect distraction just doesn't look like that okay you can't just yell distraction over and over and expect somebody to forget what they're talking about yeah now um uh so what we're gonna do now is um we're gonna we're gonna what were we what were you talking about um you asked me to uh stop these so i'm gonna go do that now for you yeah okay dude that's so bad i'm so sorry to hear that man you'll be all right i appreciate it quite a lot what's wrong guys uh my dad died on saturday why oh my oh [ __ ] adam i'm so sorry oh mate and so we've got the funeral in a couple of days the whole family's coming up from the south island and stuff so when is it where's the funeral in a couple of days on wednesday oh my god so it's a weekday so you're gonna have to miss it i was hoping that i could get some leave off ah it's just not enough it's not enough notice i'm so sorry um but but it's my dad's funeral yeah there's obviously no like magical kind of leave i can give you for that yes there is it's called bereavement league you're making things up now but i'm not gonna and i'm not gonna get into that um is there any way we could you could move the funeral back a week or two no he died on the weekend so sorry mate um oh and and did you have any kind of like warning about it did he have any did he know that he was gonna die no no and so he couldn't have given you any kind of any warning about it it was unexpected no warning it really annoys me actually because that's put you in such a you're still alive you have to deal with this now and i'm we can't make this work because there was no warning i'm so sorry sorry mate hey hello hey uh sorry sir just just letting you know we're just about to close that's okay i know exactly what i want i want a z270 tomahawk if there's any more in stock follow me sir okay you can just point in the direction i can grab no i'll show you where it is okay follow me okay okay so is this the one that you want yep well let's open it up and make sure it's in there okay [Music] sorry it's a bit strange that you're you're doing this hey did you know this has 16 gigs of intel opt-in memory for free yep that's one of the reasons why i wanted to buy it the combo package is actually cheaper than if you buy these separately yeah i'm already on a buy you don't need to sell me on it sure yeah okay well let's make this relationship official that me and the tomahawk do you mean no still this okay let's get this product sold to you sir yes please okay uh are you gonna pay for that with cash or credit get it okay there you go you've made a bloody good choice this one these are selling out like hotcakes yeah thank you can't wait to get her home time too we go let's get a go that's the green button i think you want um it's just hit five o'clock yeah so you just hit the green button and then i put in my pen and paper i don't know no minutes is it's just five o'clock now so the store is closed yep but we're still here so we're just about to finish a transaction it's just that um like i said earlier the store closes at five yeah but we are literally ten seconds away from finishing the transaction i know isn't that annoying it's just that now the store's closed so i'll have to get you to come back tomorrow no we're just about to finish just let me take it home that's all i want what i'm going to get you to do is just keep your voice down sir because you're being highly aggressive i'm not being highly aggressive okay i am not leaving do you understand you're actually trespassing now sir oh sorry i didn't realize i'm so sorry i'm going to let that slide thank you thank you that's a very kind of view yeah okay um so you open it uh nine yeah we open at nine but you know give or take we're pretty lacks about it ah yes right i've got an idea i know how to make this motherboard sell even faster we don't need to run they're already flying off the shelf shut up don't be asking for your opinion okay so uh i'm going to help and you're going to help me to help okay what are we doing photoshoot with the product well yeah we're going to get a really hot model because sex sells ah but who are we gonna get as our really hot model [Music] ron i don't think me taking photos of you as part of my job your job is to do whatever i tell you to do but what does you being naked have anything to do with the product uh well for one look at the parallels between the product and the model it's slim size how absolutely powerful it is also the msi update ready motherboard will actually accelerate your hard drive speed now that's something i can get behind why are you looking at the camera this is a stills camera not a video shut up and take the photos at them this isn't going to work hey man oh hey how's it going just this today was that supposed to make what are you insinuating he's saying that i'm indecisive i know what i want all right that's what i want and that's it all right that's the only thing i want you're not gonna upsell me what is this oh that's just the new msa opt-in ready motherboard sexy i want it i want one right now i'm on that inside me and in my computer now get it for me right now yes here we go sir thanks very much and you have a nice day there we go rowan that is the last msi motherboard out the door what did you say it's crazy right i can't believe they sold so quickly it must be the combination of the msi motherboard with the intel optane memory yes i know adam it's incredible but that's why this is bad what what's going on rowan i don't understand do we have any weapons what why we're not getting another shipment of msi products till next week what no oh gee whatakers get me weapons uh anything pots pans broom handles oh i can find all these guns ah damn it it'll have to do and these broom handles too good good okay good ah adam i don't know if we're gonna survive the night it started defensive positions really rowan if i don't make it don't talk like that neither of us are gonna make it hey are you guys open yet uh yeah that's a fair review yeah we kind of overreacted didn't we um i'm gonna go back to work you got the stuff uh you mean the shipment of msi obtain ready motherboards that's all there yeah hey good to see you ron is my name man see my hey bro hey hey bro you um are you going to play today uh yeah what are you going to buy there oh i was going to buy the emi side tomahawk motherboard oh you are in luck son oh i think i'd rather just buy it from platinum no no no no just hit me why why would you want to go to playtick when you can just get it from me um they just seem a little more credible so hear me out hear me out look i know a thing or two about these products there's a real msi optane ready motherboards and that's real intel optane memory okay are you building a gaming pc well look i actually i am that's right these are the best damn motherboards on the market i'll tell you what i can give you one of these at half the price that pay took that's a something good deal see james straight that it is rowan what are you doing oh do you want it or not uh yeah i'll take it rowan do you know anything about the missing msi motherboards the shipment just came in who's wrong who's wrong the shipment that just came in this is supposed to come in this why are you getting in the car for rowan rowan rowan ron i can see you through the windscreen in fact i can see the msi motherboards through the windscreen what are they doing in your car rowan rowan rowan right you can't run away like that rowan you're the manager can i get the msi motherboards from the car i'm just going to get the msi motherboards from the car okay i'll put them inside so what time what time suits you yeah okay so if somebody's there at 4 30 to let you in that'd be fine and derek can just like half an hour is that all you need cool yeah all right thanks a lot anthony thanks bye oh what was that oh the electrician just need a couple of things rewired oh does playteam need an electrician i don't know we needed one oh no no not for not for here not for playtech it's uh for my house i just need a couple of things oh so that's a personal call yeah but i mean the whole thing was like 30 seconds i was on the phone for like 30 seconds i don't know we'll talk about that later that's a totally separate issue this is about the theft the what well the fifth obviously using a company pen to write a personal note like that's that's company ink that you're using that's theft this is not theft this is me just writing it's basically like this equivalent of me just i don't know i just opening up the till grabbing i don't know 200 bucks and just stuck it in my pocket and just go oh it doesn't matter right oh is that is that right or is that like on the same playing field is it well yeah it is it's exactly the same actually yeah it's like it's like it's technically theft unless i misunderstood we're just going to put the ink back inside the pen is that is that what you want is that what you want me to try and do i'll try and do that i'll try and do it for you right now i'm putting putting the stuff in the pen no no that's that's exactly my point that's exactly my point no it's not working i don't understand well that's that's exactly my point is that you can't do that and you knew you couldn't do that so technically that is theft say it i am not going to admit that say that you're a thief i'm not going to say that you are a thief i am not a thief [Music] what are you doing i am a thief wow wow unbelievable i am a thief unbelievable hey rowan hello hello um i was just wondering if we could maybe have a talk about my pay so we're having this conversation are we no god dammit god hmm okay continue okay so as you know i've been here for over a year now and maybe it's because i'm a woman but i know that i'm being paid less than the guys and i'm actually under minimum wage as well so i was just wondering after my year of service the work i put in i think i'm a good worker correct me if i'm wrong i thought maybe i would be up for a potential pay rise okay okay here's what's going on yes i'm going to give you a pay rise thank you a 25 cent per hour pay rise thank you so how much you're on 14 40 40 watts sorry 44 44. 25 yeah 20 25 plus so what is it 53 53 50 53 25 cents okay now ally this is the end of negotiations once i've locked this in the system there's no more negotiating okay i'm not going to have you i'm not going to have you coming over here begging for more money okay so your pay of 67. 67 is gonna be locked in it's locked in okay right [Music] uh how much is it 73 73 and 25 cents thank you so much done thank you sucker i could have easily given her a two dollar an hour pay rise um um hey can i have everyone's attention please gather around um okay when i started today i had a brownie i put that brownie in the fridge and it is no longer there and what i want to do right now is just figure out who took my brownie unbelievable i think i already know who it is but just to give everyone an equal chance i'm going to go through everyone yeah we'll get to the bottom of this and go from left to right so i'm just going to let's figure this out and get this part out of the way unbelievable guys unbelievable adam did you take my brownie no i've been working the counter for like three or four hours i i haven't even had lunch yet well circumstantial so we'll come back to that i believe you well i don't so we'll come back to that ellie did you eat my brownie no ellen i didn't tell you brownie i believe you she blinked so don't know about that well we came back to you ellie ron did you eat my brownie no wow i can see another teeth that's right there you can see what on my teeth i can see my brownie in your teeth ah i didn't eat your brownie i it literally is covering i can hardly see any teeth i cannot believe that you would have the nerve to she accuse me of of eating your brain well i know when i i know you know me full well i know how important someone's food is to them and you've known me far longer than you you've known them and let's be honest low socioeconomic low pay far more likely to be ceiling and you have the nerve to accuse upper management of steel there is so much wrong with what you just said but i'm just gonna bring this back to the brownie i can see it in your teeth ah there's no brownie stuck between my teeth uh let's get our priorities sorted here and quite frankly i can't believe that you would have the nerve the nerve to accuse me a friend you're offended i can't i can't believe it okay i am actually just gonna put the brownie to one side okay i'm over it all i want from you now rowan is to admit to me what you've done okay i'm gonna just i'm just gonna say this you need to hear me i didn't i swear to you i didn't steal your brownie i am going to be the bigger man and choose to believe you thank you wow what are you laughing at nothing what are you listening to one direction okay do you like one direction do you yeah it's a pop song i'm partial to it oh no no no i'm not judging i'm not judging it sounds like you are judging that no oh one direction look at that's fine that's fine you you listen to what you you get your kicks out of i don't listen to you listen to whatever oh god [Music] um hey ron hey good song hey it's all right hey ron i need to talk to you about something this video uh what is it it's my resignation letter i'm leaving oh uh yeah i'm sorry oh wow i'm sorry i'm sorry too i i didn't even think this day would come but that's a no on that but this is my resignation letter you know i don't fully understand what it is it's just that's a no unfortunately because it's just a bad time for playtech to be losing any stuff so that's a no on that didn't think that's how it worked i thought i gave came further no it's just that from from okay from an official play playtex standpoint just to be absolutely clear that's a that's a no but i need to leave because you know how my dad died a few weeks ago well my mom's looking after the farm by herself and with her dicky back she can't do as much lifting anymore so she's no good around the farm oh so she's asked me to come down and look after it with a and it's five hours away so i couldn't commute to work oh [ __ ] so that's why i need to leave i'm sorry all right okay okay no no i hear what you're saying everything thanks ron okay uh so there there is a no on that one two uh sucks i'll try seven yeah these little bits here put them and then make sure you don't drop them to someone bin uh are you all good to cover ellen's shift on saturday yep cool [Music] hey guys uh been a long time since my last update i just want to give you guys a quick update uh of today's vlog i'm just uh working i'm just going to stock some shelves and stuff but um for now i'll see you guys soon cheers i thought i'd just do another quick update um about kind of my life as the manager of playtech i'm quite important but i in that that pressure can get to you but i try not to let it get to me because i've got i've got to manage a lot of stuff and stuff you know i don't want to talk too much about myself so peace out i've just been doing some some typing over here and um i just thought i just thought i'd kind of i'd like to ask you bro can can you i'm in the middle of peace out so just i was just kind of uh chilling out and then adam i got him to push me around i thought it'd be funny i just just felt like kind of checking in and just kind of get know what yeah can you get out of the back of frame bro i'm just going to just get out of the frame annoying you're doing this anyway guys peace out hey guys so i just did work and i felt really inspired to give you guys kind of another update um in my vlogging kind of journals and and i had a question the other day about a really personal question but i thought it was a really pertinent question about when people lost their virginity and i thought i'd kind of give an update about when i lost my virginity and so i was 17 it was kind of like quite a personal obviously as a personal experience and i wanted to talk about that and talk about how it's something that a lot of people don't talk about um and for me it was something that i feel like is really important to to talk about basically who are you who are you talking to i'm just discussing my my mom and dad at the moment can you just do i'm just got my parents yeah oh no i'll be i'm coming home for christmas yeah i'm gonna be i'm gonna be home for christmas i told you that already i told you that already that i'm i'm on the 24th i'm coming home yeah yeah all right oh god hey guys sorry it's like a meeting rowan allen's on hold with the police now okay the police yeah man i called him as soon as we got down uh why what do you mean why how are you so calm about this what are you talking about ron you don't notice anything maybe a little bit different about the store at all no maybe something's missing have we got missing stock is it the corsair hydro series people are always gunning for the corsair hydro series that among other things maybe take a walk around the store and you'll see a few other bits that are missing yeah i'm gonna do a stock take um right now okay here we go uh one two three four five six seven eight nine 60 70 80 90 190 100 900 21 223 this one's to 255 300 398 this one 450 233 2154 2155 2156 2157 that little words up oh okay ha ha you got me what can we get back to work now ron do you want me to you want me to hang up on the police do i want you to stop doing this stupid joke and get on with the job yeah okay ron i'm gonna hang up on the police and then adam and i will just get back to work oh what a novel idea adam and ellen doing their jobs yeah okay great and then we'll sell all the items in the store oh oh wow yeah do your job yeah do your job okay great done yeah great great awesome [Music] unbelievable um something doesn't feel right hey guys thanks for watching that if you want to subscribe to our channel because you're new then you can click over here now i want to talk to you about this this is our patreon page if you go over to our patreon page then don't make me say it you give us some money and that helps us make more content it actually does it's actually really helpful i feel good there's cool [ __ ] there lots of cool prizes and interaction and behind the scenes stuff over there priest said that he got the demon out but i still wake up with smoke coming off my skin sometimes and it scares me cool bro you guys notice that it's really quiet today yeah ryan it's really quiet today nope still still nothing still didn't get it amazing how long do we let this play out i don't know man like i was kind of thinking forever for it we can't let this go on forever though i mean i'm still getting paid are you still getting bad yeah but it just feels wrong what's this it feels wrong okay yeah it feels a little bit wrong but just think about all the [ __ ] that ron's done to us in the past right like kind of balances out a little bit yeah yeah it does maybe we should milk this for as long as possible as long as we can whoa whoa let's not listen up holy [ __ ] oh my god i figured it out i knew something wasn't right ally hasn't cleaned this week she hasn't cleaned in like two weeks unbelievable come on wait a minute huh where is ellie yep that'll be ready to be picked up on friday yeah and just confirming it is the new store on corinthian drive no worries bye where are the guys it turns out this entire time my pet cat has been a silverback gorilla wow i really shouldn't have taken you that long to figure that out guys what the hell well well well look who finally decided to show up ellie you shouldn't miss this many days of work it's not good guys this is ridiculous all right quite quite quiet can everyone just be quiet please ellie you're late i'll give you the stop because the hydra series thanks you know there's literally nothing in the store oh right oh yeah ali ali ali always trying to get out of work oh nothing could possibly take so what do you say i didn't think it could possibly take this long what what do you mean do you not remember the meeting we had last week ally what are you saying okay everyone listening up news from head office from next week onwards playtech is moving locations okay so don't be the one person who forgets and shows up at the old locations like everything's been robbed okay that'd be very embarrassing okay so one more time play tech is moving wow i really need to start paying attention in those meetings yeah me as well i have absolutely no recollection of that meeting for me [Music] here it is oh my god wow it's beautiful someone has completely ripped off our brand rowan this is clearly the store i was just telling you about that we all now work at this is us this is where we work okay well let's roll with it for now hey guys [Music] what are you doing here [Music] wow was that that was episode 100 that's 100 that's 100 episodes and i wonder what's gonna happen with rodney's character i don't know we've got we've got plans white shirt plus what rodney what are you doing you get chills don't you know but there's things to be had for you guys for watching 100 episodes of board we make it because you guys love it so much and in all honesty i i don't i never thought we'd ever get to 100 episodes no i remember we were questioning it by episode like three or four is that something we keep doing yeah i'm very glad we did yeah thank you and thank you so much just for sticking with us yeah almost like a cult audience yeah the smallest on the internet yeah yeah thanks for watching thanks bye patreon give us money
Channel: Viva La Dirt League
Views: 2,214,671
Rating: 4.9340415 out of 5
Keywords: NPC Man, PUBG Logic, pubg real life, pubg, pubg logic supercut, pubg movie, pubg parody, Viva La Dirt League, vldl, epic npc man, pubg mobile, pubg skits, viva la dirt league pubg, pubg funny, pubg live action, vldl pubg, gaming, online gaming, gamer, playtech, bored, game logic, playtech show, 1-100, 101-200, supercut, bored supercut
Id: R9Kjatuf-oU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 41sec (11441 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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