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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TomTomSoup 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Screaming] [Music] [Gunshots] [Mumbling] Oh, it's me? Ah, okay... Uh, okay, where do I go...? Uh... Bettjeman! What are you doing? Oh nothing just loaded in, so I just... You'll join the rest of the unit, we're pushing out soon Okay, uh, whereabouts is there? What's that? Oh, you... do you have anything else you wanted to..? No? we're done? cool INCOMING! Oh... [Falling Noises] Aaah! woah! AH... that is WAY too loud! Is that the default volume?! ah, hang on a sec... Ah... Ah... Okay, all right All right, this way I guess... Ah, Bettjeman, nice of you to finally join us Hmmm... They've weakened our defenses, They'll be pushing through the front line any moment. Get ready Okay, cool, some action. Let's go Look who's finally decided to crawl back to the front line! Look who's finally decided to crawl back to the front line! Look who's finally decided to crawl back to the front line! Sorry, uh... Are you talking to me? Look who's finally decided to crawl back to the front line! Do we... do we know each other? Why'd you even bother coming back at all, 'bitchman'? Don't listen to him. I'm glad you're here! Who are you? Ah, this is just like hunting turkeys back on the old family farm Oh, right. You're supposed to be my best friend I'm supposed to be emotionally invested in You Best friends forever. Am I right? Right, and there it is. Trying to cram YEARS of backstory into a few sentences, nice Ah, I can't wait to get home and marry Jenny, you're gonna be my best man! Wow! You're definitely going to die! INCOMING! Wow... You guys are missing... every shot Really? It's just embarrassing What? Never seen a man shoot before, 'bitchman'? Is that all of them? Yes We didn't need your help, 'bitchman' You really did Don't let him get to you I wasn't He's been through some tough stuff thoughout his stay... I don't... I don't care On me! Shall we? Bettjeman! King! on me! Right Let's give these Germans a taste of their own medicine I've been informed that an all-out allied offensive has been orchestrated, and will be carried out at 0400 Part of that plan requires... these artillery guns to be taken out So that's our job for today Any objections? Actually, I just have one real quick question. Um, do you know how long this mission's going to take? It's just that my wife's going to be home soon, and I just don't really want to start something that I can't finish Do you know what I mean? Huh. Didn't think so Bettjeman! Yep You're gonna be my front man for today To be expected I need you to scout ahead, collect any intelligence you can find Can do Then, once you've gathered the intelligence. I want you to move up and take out the MG 42 stationed on the upper bank There will be German reinforcements at the crossroads east and west of that position. Take them out Do you... want me to do all of that? Once that's completed I want you to advance through the series of bunkers that connect all the German camps in this area, flush out any Nazi scum you can find Sir, is it...? Is it still just me? Then you can take out the German's army group B and C How many soldiers is that...?! THEN, You can plant the charges, and destroy those artillery guns Am I getting any help with this? Of course, You should expect a German counter-attack with the remaining Luftwaffe I want you to shoot down as many of those planes as you can... Preferably all of them Any questions? I mean, I guess just... Is that it? What's the matter, Bettjeman? Not up to the task? Sorry? What are you doing while I single-handedly win World War II? Sir! requesting permission to join private Bettjeman, sir! Oh... Nah Uh, actually I'd really rather You didn't, to be honest You'd be more of a burden... to be honest Can't do this job on your own, Bettjeman? Wow, are You...? Why'd You even bother coming back at all? Are you registering any of this? Permission granted! Thank you, sir! Looks like you two are inseparable, almost like you got a real strong relationship built upon YEARS of friendship You're REALLY jamming that friendship thing down my throat, right? This is gonna be like the time that We fought those bullies in the alley! remember that? No All right, Morrison, You go with them What? You've got to be kidding me! Do I look like I'm kidding?! No, sir All right... move out! *sigh* Oh, for f...! *sigh* Oh, for...! Why'd You even bother coming back at all, Bettjeman? Don't listen to him! Seriously, don't worry about defending me. I stopped listening to him a while ago We needed you at the battle of...! Oh, shit...! -Whoa! Ha ha! Did You... did You see that?! AH! help me! GAH! But your chest like, exploded! AH! I'm bleeding out! I'm bleeding out! Help him! Help him off the road! -Oh man! Oh ha ha! Help him! -HELP ME! Help him off the road! You're pretty rude to me... I'm bleeding out! Help him! Nah, nah, I don't think I'm going to... Help him off the road! I'M DYI...! UGH! -Yeah... Yeah, You... You shouldn't have been such a dick to me! Ha! Oh, what? FAILED because he died?! You know, lots of people died in World War II, right? Like private Morrison REALLY shouldn't matter Ah... Okay, F**K IT! *SIGH* Damn it Oh, for f...! Argh! OH, FOR F...! Why'd you even bother coming back at all, Bettjeman? Don't listen to him! Oh, by the way You're about to get shot We needed you at the battle of...! Whoa! Oh! Argh, I'm down! I've been hit! Yeah... ARGH! HELP ME! Help him! Okay, well... -Help him off the road! I'm bleeding out! Just for the record, I'm going to do this but I don't want to -Help him! Help him off the road! I'm bleeding out! I'M BLEEDING OUT! So I guess I gotta.. Move You from here to that random spot over there and by doing that you miraculously survive somehow HELP ME! Sure, okay I didn't need your help, Bettjeman! This reminds me of the time we were pinned down on the schoolyard snowball fight! I... I don't care AH! He... HELP ME! Oh! this f**king game! - I'M BLEEDING OUT! AAAAAARGH! All right, we gotta get that intel But we need to stay quiet Quiet, yeah All right, let's move out Pick a tree! This reminds me of the time we had to hide from Miss Mitchell in class! remember that? Nah GOD! Okay, I get it. You guys have a tight friendship built on YEARS of backstory Not really But can we, please, just focus on the mission? Yeah, that'd be great. All right, let's move out Try not to get spotted, ladies! What are you doing?! You f... No, that's a terrible spot! No! I'm not gonna come! All right. Let's go! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! *sigh* What was that? Ah... Huh.... Oh shit, oh shit, ah... Hmph... must have been nothing *HUFF* Who did this? U sh... I'm going to find whoever did this... I'm going to find whoever did this! Must be my imagination Wow... I can't believe I paid a hundred bucks for this game We need to get in and get that intel You've got an important decision to make: You can either take the safe road and go in stealthily, or... Way to go, 'bitchman', you just alerted the entire German air force! What do you want from me? Rowan! look! Use it! Oh, that's handy Yes! Ha ha ha ha! You can do it! Not bad Way to go! Hu ho! Not bad Shoot 'em down! Yes! Not bad Oh my god! you're doing it! Not bad There's more incoming! Just like shooting rabbits back on the farm...! Good work, Rowan! Only ten more to go! Not bad! Shoot 'em down! YES! Not bad You've done it! Hey Bettjeman! come over here Way to go 'Bettje'! Oh, don't call me Bettje, there's nothing here Maybe I was wrong about you I don't want to shake your hand Okay, but just for the record I don't want to do this i'm only shaking your hand to progress the story Is that clear? You're all right Bettjeman EURGH! Good job soldiers The crowds are pulling back from this forest Where did you come from? Soon, we'll be pushing on into Berlin itself No, seriously, where were you like 20 minutes ago? Here, take this What's this? You ready to kill Hitler? By myself, I guess We'll go too! *sigh* Someone's gotta watch your back Oh, for f**k's sake! So, we spent a lot of money making this series - This is the biggest thing we've ever done So if you want to help us make more stuff like this and you want to see it again Please support us on Patreon. - Ahem, the link is down over there -> And subscribe - And... tick the bell - And watch more videos - And then we'll make more shit like this - Yeah
Channel: Viva La Dirt League
Views: 3,571,686
Rating: 4.9772873 out of 5
Keywords: NPC Man, PUBG Logic, pubg real life, pubg, pubg logic supercut, pubg movie, pubg parody, Viva La Dirt League, vldl, epic npc man, pubg mobile, pubg skits, viva la dirt league pubg, pubg funny, pubg live action, vldl pubg, gaming, online gaming, gamer, playtech, bored, game logic
Id: VSxufUoCaG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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