Red Dead Redemption 2 Supercut

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Viva La Dirt League is the reason I bought RDR2!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ArkieGDad 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love VLDL. I was tempted to post their RDR2 videos here a while back. Nice one!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/5over7 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is so well done. Was killing myself laughing.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sarahxharas 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
Ah...shit. Hey now! No closer! Mister... I am just passing through! Hey now! Not one step more. Now listen. I don't want any trouble. HEY! This is your final warning! Listen! You mind your business, and I will mind my business Good day, sir! HEY! [shots fired] *sigh* [shot fired] Hey! I saw that! Aw... shit! I am a witness to THIS MURDER! Look, I was just defendin' myself. THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAW! HE attacked ME first! I'M OFF TO TELL THE AUTHORITIES! Ah... goddammit. Look, sir! Wait up! No, leave me alone! - WAIT UP! Now listen! I need you to promise me you that you're not gonna tell ANYBODY about this, you hear? I'm gonna tell the Sheriff -- I'm gonna tell everybody! No. You're not gonna tell a goddamn soul! You're gonna hang for this, mister! And on a side note... If I WAS such a DANGEROUS murderer-- Which you are. No I'm not... Yeah, you are. No I'm not! WHY on EARTH would you ANNOUNCE to me... that you'd witnessed me murdering somebody? Well-- Because I needed you to know that I knew! I need you to promise me... you're not gonna tell ANYBODY about this. NO! *sigh* Listen. Is there ANYTHING I can say to persuade you.... [cocks gun] Not to tell anybody? Not on your life, mister! [gun shoots] (yelling in the distance) HEY! I SAW THAT! Ahhhh, shit! Wait up! [Western themed music plays] Ahh, shit! I'm out! I can't help! I'm pinned down. What do we do? Ahh... okay! Sadie! Throw me your repeater! Got it. Damn! Okay. I need to refill my "Dead Eye" Your what? My "Dead Eye" You I can go all 'slow motion' like. Say, w-what's 'slow motion'? Just cover me. [gun fires] *coughing* Ohh, wait! *spits* *cough* *spits* *coughs* Arthur... stop it! Hang on, hang on ... Cut it out! Hold up... my "Dead Eye" is nearly full. Eh! Oh! Okay! That's better! Okay, let's do this. All right! [pretends by making shooting noises] You're a strange man, Arthur Morgan. [making shooting sounds himself] The fu... Help! Somebody! Help! Sir! Sir! I'm ... Oh god.. Sir, you okay? Oh, Christ. I need your help! I got bit... Okay, what can I do to help? I need you to suck out the poison. All right, I'm on it. QUICK DRAW!!! You shot me! Why did you shoot me? Sir, I am so sorry! I don't know what happened. Let me get you some medicine real quick! QUICK DRAW! Get away! Get away from me, sir! I don't want you near me! Please! I don't want your help. Go! QUICK DRAW! Ugh... I feel... ...the life... ...fainting from... HEY! I saw that! I am a witness to THIS MURDER! It was a mistake! I can- QUICK DRAW! Arthur! What did you do? Sadie, it was an accident... I swear! Yeah You hand me that gun real slow okay? QUICK DRAW! Sadie, I am so sorry! Why did you shoot me? QUICK DRAW! Oh god! Okay, boy. Let's get out of here- QUICK DRAW! Hoo-wee! We did good! We did good! Good work there, Arthur! Good work, boys! I did most of it, but, good work. Now, I'm gonna loot these bodies for a sec. Al-alright... Maybe just for a short amount of time. Don't take too long What have we got here? Them O'Driscolls gonna be here soon. Half a packet of cigars! I'm gon' be taking that! You hear that, Arthur? The O'Driscolls will be here at any moment! Yeah, hold up! I'm just looting some bodies! What's this guy got? You're lootin' another one? Keys? Takin' that. I don't like this at all. I don't like this. We are sitting ducks out here. Oh! Some coins! Very nice! Arthur, come on! The O'Driscolls are comin'! Okay! I hear you! I am looting these bodies! Oh! What do my eyes see but a teapot? Arthur, that... that kettle... You don't need it, Arthur! You do not need that kettle, Arthur! Hey, hey guys! Does this hat suit me? Arthur, you can't have two hats now! We do not have time! That hat or that hat? Okay show me the options more time! That hat or that hat? I'd reckon the first one. I'll stick with the first one. It looks a little silly on you. WE NEED TO HURRY UP ARTHUR! Do NOT rush me! I am finding valuable items for the campement! Those O'Driscoll boys will be here any moment! Oh shit, here they are! *guns firing* Yep, yep, i'm coming! That a single malt? Arthur, come on, it's not safe here! Arthur, the O'Driscoll boys are here now! Alright, and what do you have on your person? Let us find out. Dammit! Arthur, you are insane! Arthur, you're gonna get us killed now! This looks like a very nice knife. And with this knife, I think I'll be cutting this WHEEL OF GLORIOUS CHEESE! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! WE DO NOT NEED CHEESE! You will be thanking me when I am sharing this cheese with you! Goddammit, he is going to get us killed! Get us killed, just standing out here like an idiot! Is that what I think it is? *choo choo* It's like a choo choo train! What? That's adorable. That's a cute little choo choo train! You know who would love that? Jack would love that! Jack would love that! He'll love that! *choo choo* Wow! Wow! *intensifies* WOW! *harder* WOW! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! (really?) Wow! (You can really feel the wow) Wow! Wow! Wow... Wow! (aww pupper) *licks* Wow! Wow! Wow! (...what?) Wow! *hero stance* Wooooow! Wow. Wow! (Sir, are you okay?) Huh... Wow! Huh! What is that man doing? Don't, don't touch it, sir! Ohh... Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Ah, the infamous Arthur Morgan. You thought you could outrun us, did ya? Hold on. Let's not have go sour, officers. Alright. Come with us, nice and easy lad. *gun cocking* Yeah, yeah sure. *gunshot* Goddammit, Arthur! *gunshot* Where are you, Arthur Morgan? Come out! If you give yourself up now you might dodge the noose! That man you killed was my friend! I've known him for 20 years! He was like a brother to me! I will never forget your face! I will hunt you to the ends of the earth, day and night! Where are you? I know you're in here somewhere! I know you're in here, Arthur Morgan. Come on out! I will find you! I will not forget your face! I will hunt you to the ends of the earth! Alright, must have gone away. Ah, well. Howdy, officer! Hello there, sir! You have a mighty fine day! You as well! Ohoh! It's so bad! How may I be of assistance, ma'am? Oh! Oh please! Please sir! I've fallen and I've sprained my ankle! Oh, you've sprained your ankle, have ya? Yes sir, it hurts so bad! Now, don't be offended by this next question, but... This wouldn't happen to be an ambush, would it? What? No! What would make you say that? Oh, I dunno. Maybe that gun in your apron, and the man over there behind the tree with the rifle. That man has nothing to do with me! That man over there has nothing to do with you? *clenched teeth* Clint, get behind the tree! Nothing at all! Just a random man behind the tree! Okay, let me just get my facts straight here. One: you have sprained your ankle. Yes! Owie! Two: you are in need of my assistance? Yes sir! If you would! Three: that man over there behind the tree has nothing to do with you? Nothing at all! Four: you are, in fact, a lady. Mhm And five: this is most definitely not an ambush. Definitely not an ambush! Okay! You know what? I'm gonna humor you on this one. How may I be of assistance, ma'am? Haha! This is an - *gunshot* Here, boy! Hey there, sir. Howdy. How you doin' today? Mighty fine. You look like you got some heavy pockets. We're looking to relieve you of that burden. Nope. What'd you mean, no? Now listen... I don't want any trouble. Well, shit! Looks like some trouble found you, sir! Now, stay here boy. Way I see things playing out, we got two options here: Option one: you can put your guns away We won't have no trouble. Well, I'm keen to hear option two. Well, option two: you can both end up dead. Choice is yours. Well shit. I think I'm kinda keen to see how option two plays out! Me too, brother! *rifles cocked* Well... Don't say I didn't warn you. *mouth sounds* He's going so slow. I don't know what's happening. Do we shoot him? Yeah. I think we just shoot him. Yeah, I think so. *gunshot* Yeah, that was... I don't know what happened. What a bizarre encounter. I do not feel comfortable about how this played out at all. Sadie! Hold in there! I'll help you in a sec! *gunshot* I got him! No no, it's fine, it's fine! I got this! I got this. You don't look like you got this. If you got your guy, then I've definitely got my guy! It sounds like you're insinuating something, Arthur. No, no, no! I'm not insinuating anything! I'm just saying, that you got, a weightier guy. What are you tryin' to say? Don't, don't make me say... Go on, say it. Go on, say it! I'm just, saying, that you know, you, are... *muffled tone* A woman... And I, am a man. You're saying that because you're a man, you're better at fighting than I am? I'm just saying that, if I had could have got... A weaker guy... Then I would have had him by now as well. You know what? You deal with that! You go on, deal with that! I'm gonna look at this view! Wow, look at that! Oh, you don't even see it cause you're passing out! Yeah. Woman. *gunshot* You're welcome. You're so welcome. Yeah, okay. Good job. You got 'em. Feel good? Big strong man. Alright, hop on. Okay. Shuffle back. This is my horse. Yeah, but I ain't sittin' on the back. Why not? Oh, come on! Don't make me say it again! Alright, you can walk. *click click* Sadie, wait! Wait, come on! C'mon, Sadie! Come on, wait! Sadie! Come on! Alright, this time, I'm gonna be good! Howdy sir! Howdy, ma'am! Alright. Howdy sir. Howdy sirs! Alright. Ma'am. You have yourself a wonderful day. Well, thank you, good sir. Alright. *coins clanging* Hey, ol' timer. Now you go get yourself somethin' to eat. Why, thank you sir. I'm on fire. Howdy, sir. After you. Thank you. Alright. Ma'am. Howdy sir. That's a nice broom, and you're a nice man, you're a handsome man. How could you?! You slept with my sister! I said I was sorry! Come on, break it up boys! How could you?! Cause I love her! I said, break it up! Sir, that is assault! Nonononono! *gunshot* Hey! You just killed my brother! *another gunshot* Hey! Murderer! Ah, goddammit! Well... Guess I'm an outlaw!
Channel: Viva La Dirt League
Views: 9,243,305
Rating: 4.9402323 out of 5
Keywords: NPC Man, PUBG Logic, pubg real life, pubg, pubg logic supercut, pubg movie, pubg parody, Viva La Dirt League, vldl, epic npc man, pubg mobile, pubg skits, viva la dirt league pubg, pubg funny, pubg live action, vldl pubg, gaming, online gaming, gamer, playtech, red dead, red dead redemption, rdr2, rdr, red dead 2, red dead redemption 2, arthur morgan, dead eye, dead eye refill, slow mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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