Baelin's Route - An Epic NPC Man Adventure

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Baelins! Our company did a sprinkle of the VFX for this, so I was at the cast/crew screening a few weeks ago. Really fun guys. They really stepped it up for this, the production quality is fantastic. Super good score too, it's stuck in my head πŸ˜‚

I'm glad it turned out this well, because there are so many Kickstarters that raise a bunch of cash and then end up not delivering, but they hit it out of the park imo.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/petesterama πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The production quality on this is next level. I especially loved the orc ambush scene. Almost all in 1 shot!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FlyingPig2955 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Morning, nice day for fishing ain’t it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ElAsko πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

These guys are so talented. Hope they get more funding - I'd pay to see a full-length movie from them.

Support them here:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Koreapsu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love to see these guys doing so well. They're super hard working.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hybridutterance πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Haha brilliant, well done! While watching I realized I sold the lead actor a PC game on Trade Me in 2009. NZ is a damn small place.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jgmcsee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It was epic. Excellent cinematography and some great action. Beautiful to watch!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/teddingtonbear πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

These guys are great. Love their vids. This really showed the quality they can provide on a bigger budget. Looking forward to see what they do in the future!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ClaspOfFriendship πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I worked with Adam a few times at TVNZ on some commercials for like weet-bix or some shit. He mentioned once that he makes YouTube videos in his free time. I checked out his channel and loved it. I kept thinking I wanted to ask if I could join and help out with them but I was too shy to ask. Ah well.

These guys have done so amazing with this channel. So stoked for them!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/i_hope_youre_ok πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[peaceful music] [fighting cries in the background] Mornin'! Nice day for fishing, ain't it? D'ahh! Huh-ha! [ β™ͺ ] [epic orchestration] Thanks for your help, fisherman. Bloody useless NPCs. ["Stroll through Honeywood" playing] Mornin'! Please help me! I'm being robbed! Huh-ha! Huh? You are so embarrassing to be around. Oh, I'm embarrassing to be around, am I? [woman] You are! - [fruit seller] How? How is this a bad decision? - [woman] Get off the ground! Come adventurer, step forth into my portal. AHAHAHA! [Baradun] You stepped into a portal of dragon flames, you fool! The lighthouse south here needs a new keeper. My family were abducted by wolves of-- Whoa!! [Bodger] ...find my grandfather's hammer. I lost it in the well, just outside of Honeywood. Hey Baelin! You handsome devil you! Anyway, what was I saying? Ah yeah! You can get two for the price of one. [Greg] Thank you adventurer, for returning my sheep to me. [Greg] Have a great day. [ β™ͺ ] Mornin'! [sighs] Hey Baelin. Nice day for fishing, ain't it? Yeah, Baelin. It's a nice day for fishing. Huh-ha! [ β™ͺ ] [soft rousing music] [intense orchestration buildup] [music decreases] That was a crazy in-game event. Watching the whole city get destroyed. It was such a cool thing for the game devs to do. Totally. I wonder how this will affect the game! I'm still keen to try some of these new quests! Hahaha! Slow yourselves adventurers! [pathetic cry] Slow yourselves adventurers! [pathetic cry] Slow yourselves! [pathetic cry] [pathetic cry] Oh! Hey! Mornin'! Think you can help me, maybe? Nice day for fishing, ain't it? I guess... So, can you help me or...? Huh-ha! No, are you jus- just gonna leave me here? Because that fishing rod could really come in handy and I... And he's gone... [musical buildup] [music decreasing] [loud gasping] Hey! Hey you! Mornin'! Yeah, you! Come here, come here! Don't, stop stop stop, stop! I've uh uh recruit! I recruit you. You're officially recruited. You have to fight alongside me! [steps approaching] Huh-ha! Oh shit! There he is. He's done for now. He's recruited some help! [conciliatory] A nice day for fishing, ain't it? [laughing] Ugh. Doesn't matter, they are both done for. - Mornin'? - Equip a weapon or something! AHHHHH!!! AHH HA HA HAAA! [tense fighting music] [ β™ͺ ] Uaah... Aaaghh! Great. Good work. You did nothing. Good job. Come on, bandit camp is this way. [hesitant] Mornin'. Come on, this way. Come on, I said! This way. I said... it's this way! Come, come on! Come on, you stupid son of a... [grave music] [crow cawing] [ β™ͺ ] Help! Please help! [girl] Please help! [crow caws] [girl] Help! - Please help me adventurer! - Oh my God! I just did, didn't I? I killed the bandits and I came back. Just be patient. [girl] Please help me adventurer. Please set me free. Yeah, okay okay. Wow! [keys jangling] [crow caws] Oh my God. Thank you brave adventurer. Whatever. My name is Willow-- Skip. These bandits killed my parents-- SKIP! I have an auntie and uncle in-- SKIP! Will you help me? Yes great, accept. Let's go. [thrilling music] Come on you. Whoever you are. [ β™ͺ ] Come on! [ β™ͺ ] [sighs relieved] Come on! [ β™ͺ ] [orchestrated buildup] [ β™ͺ ] Okay so... where are we going again? We must travel to my auntie and uncle in Delethin. Right. They surely wi-- Yeah, whatever. Skip. Ahh, there's actually a fast travel sign just up here, so we use that. [ β™ͺ ] [music becomes richer] Hello. Mornin'. My name is Willow, what's yours? Nice day for fishing, ain't it? [laughs] That's a funny name. Huh-ha! [ β™ͺ ] He scares me some... [softly] Mornin'. Okay, let's do this. Fast travel your ass back to Delethin. Get my XP [tongue click] Done. [sniffs and clears his throat] Why is it not doing the thing? Oh, what? Saying I can't fast travel. Why not? Hang on... I can't fast travel because of this quest. Are you serious? Oh f... Okay... Alright, so we can follow this road, north of the river past Wraith up to the Rangers Guild then it's just a short walk from there. Fucking hell. Alright. Come on. [sighs] I've never met anyone like him before. [whispering] Mornin'. Nice day for fishing, ain't it? I haven't met many adventurers but those I have, are good kindhearted souls. Eager to help. [ironically] Huh-ha! Mornin'! It's like he doesn't want to be here at all. Mornin', nice day for fishing, ain't it? OH MY GOD. Oh, why have we stopped adventurer? Nice day for fishing? Oh, is it? Sorry, what what's it a nice day for again? [earnestly] Nice day for fishing, ain't it? Yes, it is. And that is a well-established fact at this point. It is a nice day for fishing. It's sunny today. Today would be a lovely day to go fishing! Okay? Fact stated. Done. You don't need to keep saying it. Nice day for fishing, ain't it? Oh God. Just just say something else. Anything else. Mornin'. If you say it's morning again... or you tell me what kind of day it's good for... I swear to God. Mornin'. Nice day for fishing, ain't it? [scoffs] This is insane. This is actually insane. I'm sorry I tried, I really did but now this is happening. [dark music] Say your line one more time. I dare you, just say it once more. [gasps] M-Mm... [dark music intensifies] [nervous] Mornin'! Nice day for fishing, ain't it!? There it is, this is happening now. A-A-Adventurer! The road to Delethin appears to be blocked. What? Oh for fucks sake... [sighs] [majestic music] Sorry adventurer, the city of Wraith has been overrun. We cannot allow you to pass. No we're not going to Wraith. The surrounding lands are crawling with orcs. No one can enter. Just let us through. Get back! Wha...? FUCKITY FUCK FUCK FUCK! These new quests, they suck donkey dicks. You... Fuck! [sighs] Come on. [majestic music] The city of Wraith-- SKIP! [grumbles] Fucking quest. Actually... Yeah no, it's fine. It's fine. We'll just get out of line of sight and then... we'll make our own way. Come on. [gasps scared] What are you doing? Come on! I dare not stray from the road. No, don't be stupid. Come on. Come on! I dare not stray from the road. Oh this fucking quest. Listen to me you're gonna come with me right now or so help me God, I'll end this quest right here. I dare not stray from the road. Don't temp me. This, this is a side quest, completion is optional. [scared] I dare not stay from the road! Come with me right now! [yelling nervously] I dare not stray from the road! So be it. [Willow gasps] [heroic music] What the hell? [angrily] Nice day for fishing, ain't it? Ha! Okay. Okay. Yeah no. This... this is gonna be fun. [brooding dramatic music] [menacing] Nice day for fishing, ain't it? [music intensifies] [ β™ͺ ] What wha? What i-? What is this? What what who who what what what what? What what is happening? Okay okay, look, that's fine. It's fine. I know when to accept I'm beat. I'll just leave you alone, it's fine. It's fine. [in slow motion] Surprise Bow! [tense music] [ β™ͺ ] [eerie music] [ β™ͺ ] [explosion] [whispers] Yes. [sighs with satisfaction] [soft ominous music] No no no no no uh! He is going to come back here. Adventurer... Fisherman... we need to leave. If we leave now he won't be able to catch us. Ahh... [nervous] Mornin'. Wait! Wait where are you going? You're just going to leave me here? Please I need someone to help take me to my auntie and uncle in Delethin. Please. Will you help me? [calm music] [ β™ͺ ] [sternly] Mornin'! Nice day for fishing, ain't it? Delethin is this way. [sighs] [sharply] Nice day for fishing, ain't it? Go back? Where? The bandit camp? [firmly] Nice day for fishing! Just keep walking fisherman. I don't need you. Mornin'! [ β™ͺ ] [unintelligible talking] [orc] Oh oh, this is nice. [orc] What are you doing? [orcs arguing] [man struggling] [orc] Where is she? I will never tell you. Our spy said she's traveling with an adventurer. We'll find her and eat her real slowly. You will fail! [orc laughing] [ominous music] [gasps] [orc grunts] [ β™ͺ ] [triumphal music] I would have been fine. [fishing rod reeling] [soft music] [orcs grunting] [ β™ͺ ] Oh no! Mornin'? These were knights of Wraith. What were they doing all the way out here? [whispers] Nice day for fishing, ain't it. You're right, we should leave. [tense music] [ β™ͺ ] - [manic laughter] - Ahhh! I've got one! I've got one! Hahaha! Mornin'! [Willow gasps] Okay. [grunting] Don't you look like a royal feast? [orcs clamoring] Get them! [intense battle music] UAAHH! Leave him alone! GAAHH! [dramatic music] [intense battle music] [ β™ͺ ] [silence] UAH! AGH! GAH! UAHH! UAH! UAH! UAH! UAH! [percussion playing along] [tense musical buildup] UUGH! [soft tense music] [ β™ͺ ] [soft thrilling music] [footsteps] Mmm. [soft thrilling music] [softly] Mornin'. I... I'm okay, you can put me down. [ β™ͺ ] I'm... I'm just a little dizzy. Can we sit down for a moment? Mornin'! [ β™ͺ ] Nice day for fishing. Thanks. So what's your deal? Nice day for fishing? You walk the same road everyday, do you ever travel anywhere else? Mornin'. Nice day for fishing, ain't it? You can't? [quietly] Mornin'. [ β™ͺ ] I know how you feel. When I lived in Wraith I dreamed of leaving the city walls but something kept me there locked in place... like you and your path. [understandingly] Nice day for fishing, ain't it? Now that I'm outside, I want nothing more than to return to those walls. If they were still standing. [ β™ͺ ] D'you see me beat the crap out of that orc? [quizzically] Nice day for fishing, ain't it? Oh, that's definitely how it played out. That's how I remember it at least. [teasingly] Mornin'? [laughs] Yes, really. I mean, you helped out a bit, I guess. [gentle music] But I do think we make a pretty good team. [ β™ͺ ] [chuckles] [thrilling musical flourish] Okay, so who are you really? You can't just be a fisherman. Mornin'? Because no fisherman can fight like that, it doesn't make any sense. [cheekily] Nice day for fishing, ain't it? Can I guess who you are? Mornin'! Are you... High Sorcerer Baradun who is pretending to be a fisherman? Huh-ha! Are you... a noble prince who has been curse and has to kiss his love in order to break the spell? [scoffing] Mornin'! Are you secretly an orc pretending to be a human? [both laugh] [ β™ͺ ] Well... looks like your path goes on that way. I won't ask you to escort me further. [warmly] Mornin'. Thank you for taking me this far. I should be able to manage fine from here. [softly] Nice day for fishing, ain't it. [emotional music] So... are we huggers? Should we hug? Uh... Huh-ha... Princess Avnia? [majestic music] Princess Avnia, it is you. We'd begun to fear the worst. It is I. Parents have been worried sick. I sent soldiers scouring the countryside looking for you. We must get you back to them. [emotional music] I'm sorry I lied. Those two dead bodies were not my parents. I ran away from Wraith when the city was besieged and those two were trying to get me to safety. They were good people. They didn't deserve what happened to them. [hesitantly] Nice day for fishing, ain't it? My parents, the king and queen are hiding in Delethin. Just while all this chaos is going on in Wraith. [ β™ͺ ] Come princess. We must return you to them. [emotional music builds up] Good bye fisherman. [ β™ͺ ] [music break] [ β™ͺ ] Are my parents okay? Yes. And they'll be pleased to see you. [soft brooding music] [soft brooding music] Ou! Why did you stop? Guard, why did you stop? Guard? Forgive me princess, [distorted voice] but I haven't been completely honest with you. [sinister music] [noises of armor and bones snapping] [ β™ͺ ] And now princess... you die! [hook hits the orc] Agh! Arghh! MORNIN'! NICE DAY FOR FISHING, AIN'T IT? AGHH! UGH! [orc breathing heavily] [cry of pain] So princess... you've enlisted the help of an adventurer. I wonder how his heart tastes. EEEYAARGH!! [ β™ͺ ] [neck cracks] [ β™ͺ ] [dark musical buildup] Adventurer! EEEYAAAARGH! [flames cackling] [ β™ͺ ] Help! Help! Mornin'! YYYAAAHAAGH! [hopeful music] ROOOAAAARGH! [tense music buildup] [heroic music] MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORNIN'!!!! [soft triumphal music] [sighs relieved] [music builds up] Wow! [relieved] Mornin'... Huh-ha! [chuckles] [warm peaceful music] [soft peaceful music] [ β™ͺ ] Willow? [emotional music] Willow! Oh! You're alive! [laughing] [the queen sobs] What happened to you? [Willow's muffled voice] [Willow] ...protected by an adventurer. [ β™ͺ ] Adventurer, this is my mother and father. The king and queen of Wraith. Of the Wraith that was. Thank you for protecting our daughter. [solemnly] Mornin'. So... are we huggers? Should we hug? [emotional music builds up] [affectionately] Mornin'. [ β™ͺ ] ["Stroll through Honeywood" playing] I can't believe you're robbing me again! You literally just robbed me! Oh my God. Are you kidding me? What do you want me to do? Be a man? How about that? JUST BE A MAN!! She has a knife! Mornin'! [coins falling] Nice day for fishing, ain't it? Thank you! Thank you so... Why are you looking at him like that? I don't know... MAYBE I'VE FORGOTTEN WHAT A REAL MAN LOOKS LIKE! AHHH PERFECT! Now [fruit seller] you want him instead of me! - [fruit seller] Is that it? - [woman ]Yeah! Yes... My family were abducted by wolves of the wood. The lighthouse south of here needs a new keeper. Thank God nothing came between us. Let's get married. [music flourishes with more orchestration] [ β™ͺ ] Mornin'! Nice day for fishing, ain't it? You know what Baelin? Yeah... it is. Huh-ha! [ β™ͺ ] [deep breath] [ β™ͺ ] [rousing orchestral music] [sighs] Mornin'. Nice day for fishing. [ β™ͺ ]
Channel: Viva La Dirt League
Views: 2,973,560
Rating: 4.9858127 out of 5
Keywords: NPC Man, PUBG Logic, pubg real life, pubg, pubg logic supercut, pubg movie, pubg parody, Viva La Dirt League, vldl, epic npc man, pubg mobile, pubg skits, viva la dirt league pubg, pubg funny, pubg live action, vldl pubg, gaming, online gaming, gamer, playtech, bored, game logic, baelin, baelins route, baelins route reaction, baelin's route, baelin's route trailer
Id: PEe-ZeVbTLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 56sec (2216 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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