Epic NPC Man Supercut - Season 28

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ah hello adventurer and welcome to bodges blacksmith how can i help you today uh i need you to make me a very specific sword so i can finish a quest ah what kind of sword is it it's called an ashen sword an ashen sword well i can only assume you'd have to slay the wreath of honeywood you know a dog uh so can you make it for me well in short yes i can yeah okay and long then well i will need you to get me a few ingredients before i can even begin oh okay it's one of those yep sure are you ready yeah three iron ingots make sense one gold ingot okay a green sapphire green [Music] oh yep sure undead ash well it is an ashen sword a dragon's tooth wow yeah a big one oh yeah well okay um that's yeah that's gonna be tricky but sure a spider's eye really an old leather shoe an old shoe yeah like a you know like a homeless man's shoe or something oh okay a broken guitar oh come on a half eaten sandwich what mashed potato hang on hang on hang on hang on what do you mean mashed potato you know what mashed potato is right yeah it's a potato that's been mashed but how the hell is that gonna help you make me a solid steel sword starch what do you mean starch do you want me to make you the ashen sword or not i've got things to do yes fine yeah okay a pigeon right a dead frog perfect a hen's tooth literally impossible and finally the most important part of this whole process the reagent which holds the whole thing together a blessed goblet from the temple of calibur filled to the brim with goblin feces forget it forget it forget it abandoned quest i'm done oh [Music] ah hello adventurer and welcome to budget blacksmith hi um i'm here to buy the dragoncrest shield oh very nice that'll be 3000 gold oh oh wow oh damn it i don't have quite enough gold um uh oh i suppose i can sell some loot to make up the difference well i mean you're at the right place i'm sure i can give you a budget bargain okay great uh how much for this oh very nice smargarian steel i could give you 20 gold for that oh only 20 gold that's a bit on the low side uh yep okay this probably give you 10 gold for that only 10 ah i do really need that shield fine this 15 gold that's 20 gold that eight gold fine three gold 12 gold seven gold nine gold eighteen gold this oh vertigo oh wait was that the sword of the legend the legendary sword of the legend very nice whoopsie didn't mean to sell that that's definitely my best weapon so i'll just i'll buy that one back no problem that'd be 3 000 gold huh 3 000 gold no no no no you mean 30 gold no no 3 000 gold no no no no i i just sold that to you moments ago for 30 gold uh yes but it is worth 3 000 gold ah i see i see there's been a miscommunication here um because i didn't mean to sell you that one that was executed it was like a miss click so i'll just buy that ah but all transactions are final sorry like the sign says okay this is outrageous i literally just sold it to you and what now you're gonna charge me a hundred times as much to buy it back it is company policy it's kind of you know what company what are you talking about unfortunately all transactions are final oh that's the same price as the shield which is what i came here to buy in the first place and i really need that shield but i need the sword more i needed to hit things i'm gonna have to buy it back there it is 3 000 gold this was definitely worth it i'm glad i came here and did this this is this is great okay i'm gonna go do some quests save up some more gold i don't care ah oh video games oh my god have a good day thank you adventurer right the cyclops is unaware of our presence this should be an easy battle so long as we strike hard and fast yes our best advantage will come from a surprise attack indeed we must not let him have the upper hand well if everyone is ready i'll sing you a song of strength to boasting oh yes very good yeah yeah you're feeling strong you're feeling down you like it rough your strong's gone strong now hey is that it yes you should be feeling pretty strong about now oh yes yes i think i feel it i feel a little bit stronger do you feel at orlando um yes yes uh i suppose i do it's a it's a subtle strength you're welcome you're welcome we're gonna do adamus ah um well it can't hurt can it exactly with a compliment well rowanus and myself will attack the cyclops from the side allowing adamus to do the main damage and bard you do what you do very groovy ah yes very good to battle to battle one and a one and a two three four don't have any fear [Music] [Music] is i need heals he's not really doing much but like i feel maybe a little bit but it's quite subtle i hear you loud and clear bro i'll sing you a protection song did you do it yes you should be able to take any blow from any foe oh thank you oh my god oh [Applause] [Music] oh i don't wanna die i'm only thirty-five [Music] oh man what the hell is going on oh my god this is not meant to be this hard this quest is taking forever we'll heal up man because we still got to go to the next area surely that's the last one right yeah hopefully ah i mean can i borrow health potion i'm all out give me a sec okay oh [ __ ] i'm totally out oh that's bad yep okay do we go back to the town and restock no man we head back to the town the whole quest resets and we just have to do it all again oh [ __ ] yeah oh yeah uh do you have any food food heals a little bit nothing man i got i got literally nothing well what are we gonna do now then ben how is this my fault wait wha you know what does heal alcohol how much does it heal not much i mean would have to drink a lot of it how much do you have a lot of it [Music] ah [Music] oh i love you i love you too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay okay you can do this okay apparently there is a way to seduce this npc and take it to bed come on don't mess this up i need this i need this i don't know where to begin my family and i are indebted to you now and forever so far so good what would you like to do now um ah isn't it obvious what i want isn't it obvious are you stupid you stupid what what no what that is not what i meant to say um i speak with much hostility is it something i've done um oh yes it's just i'm struggling with these feelings that i have for you you know similar feelings to when you forget to take out the rubbish a little bit frustrated and kind of pissed off just generally kind of annoyed what no that is not what the prompter was saying i thought after all this time together we had developed a connection but i suppose i was never anything more than a payday for you [Music] um i apologize for you being so stupid and having such a stupid family honestly how have you gotten this far in the world being this stupid this is [ __ ] this is actual [ __ ] um um do i mean so little to you it's as if i were a bug on your shoe uh you know what the seduction thing is actually impossible uh forget this um i'm done with you in this stupid conversation my heart can't take it anymore i've never felt this way about anyone ever nor are you let us lie together and become one yes yes yes yes yes uh yes yes where to from here yes yes yeah yeah yes yes that's the moon you haven't even seen my final we're done for there's no way the two of us alone can defeat the aspect of the dark lawns ourselves there must be something we can do this world is doomed there there is one thing i could do no i mustn't what is it adamus it is terrible adamus you must tell me i could use the forbidden spacing and bring down a meteor thomas you cannot be serious it's the only way dharma if you cast that spell you know what it means yes it will kill us all the women the children the trees the wildlife the entire area of if you summon that meteor there is no coming back from it i must do it alondo no adonis i forbid you from using that scroll casting meteor is the only way it may destroy girdon at least azerum will have a chance god damn it you're right adamus call down your mighty meteor [Music] it was an honor serving the light with you brother you as well i kind of thought that might do a little more damage to the surrounding landscape i was kind of expecting like a an apocalyptic event do you have another one of those another one of those scrolls i mean i could use that one again i mean yeah it's got a couple of charges in it oh yeah i mean it doesn't seem like it's gonna hurt won't somebody help me oh [Music] okay sorry let's go adventurer i need your aid literally what i'm doing oh there's no need to yell i'm literally right here not sure there's bandits nearby no i'm pretty sure i killed them all not yet the bandit's nearby where where where hang on do you mean that guy way up the hill there no no no he's so far away we can definitely just walk away you need to kill all the bandits to set me free oh okay fine why won't anybody help me won't somebody help me i need your ace okay come on let's go not yet there's still bandits nearby yes they're all dead you need to kill all the bandits to set me free i am 100 positive we can just walk away right now not jack there's bandits so do you mean do you mean that guy way in the distance over there hey i'm a hundred percent positive he can't even hear me come on not yet there's bandits nearby okay fine wow someone help ow adventurer i need your age literally what i'm doing okay so no bandit there's not that's the thing is actually not you need to kill all the bandits to set me free what are you talking about not yet there's bandits now let me save you you need to kill all the battles to set me free i don't care i don't care this is a side quest i don't even care that's a side quest adventurer i need your aid somebody help [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god what is that oh what is happening oh it's so violently red [Music] oh it's so bright oh my god that's so bright ah where are these where these leaves coming from where these leaves are coming from this doesn't make any sense these are not honey with leaves [Music] oh it's so cold they're so cold oh it's just so much rain oh oh what is this this one's quite pretty i suppose what's that ah what just happened oh [Music] and so last night i wrecked an entire squad of goblins with my new aoe nice man oh did you get holy blows it's so good oh freaking good oh my god i love it hey guys hey oh hey bro welcome to the team nice have you joined us for once well i'm open to giving this game a go you won't regret it it's it's so good so good it's so good okay well i guess the first thing i need to do is just kind of learn the controls i don't worry about it man you're picking up this guy oh no i'd really like to get a bit of practice at first we are in level six of the ruins of race so don't forget we need to cast shadow protection amongst ourselves do you guys mind if we kind of like last time we wiped here uh horrid or actually our weapon don't worry about it it's super easy watch what we do do the same thing let's do it no i just don't i don't know what the can we oh work rowan you're doing great mate keep it up come on yeah great [Music] did you see that there's like 36 bandits here ron all right so what you want to do is take this back down with range all right the reason being you've only got hide armor or they've got plus two natural melee attack so you wanna use a plus three ranged weapon left by the temple of calibor you'll be able to take them down pretty easy all right thanks man cool um [Music] good work bro and you're absolutely smashing it mate good on you thanks man awesome this is fun uh oh man that was like the best level of the ruins so far that was so exciting ron you level up four times congrats man yeah man that was so much fun here and i'll teach you greg teach me what you just started mugging me for no reason yeah exactly and now you'll think twice before messing with us i was just standing here oh you are on thin ice cream the nice mate the thinnest wash yourself good hold er bernard r d charles greg certainly has been delivering basically any he has he has you know what i'm proud of him yeah yeah hey who are they know i've never seen around here before ah that was good work pillaging their peasants pillaging what's that we didn't do none of that no yes you were you were pillaging the peasants down there what do you mean greg the guy that we just mugged all right mugging well whatever it was we just wanted to say you're good oh well well thank you very much it is nice to be appreciated in the workplace thank you where are you going now well we're gonna go hide in that bush there and mug the next person that walks by oh oh well if you don't mind we have some notes for you to help make your mugging better what do you mean better i thought you vikings just robbed people with brute force that's it out of date we now have a more clever way to do it as good as it can be done what if i was to tell you there is a way to mug people without having to hide in a bush we're listening uh well it's an ancient viking secret indeed it is passed down through the centuries oh please do go on well the technique is you distract the person or persons you want to mug go on this distraction can be as simple as a conversation ah i say while the conversation takes place another member of your party can mug the victims yeah and that's it farewell we are off goodbye okay well see you later very well thank you for the tips genius charles what we've just been mugged what ah what happened i think it was those vikings all my stuff i feel sad yeah this is how we make other people feel when we mug them i think i think maybe it is oh i don't like feeling like that's charles never hey hey yo you know what might cheer us up what mugging that man over there i have so much gold oh i don't know about that charles oh come on a little bit of mugging good i'm so wealthy hi hi what what are we well we're muggers yeah yeah and what do muggers do or they make people yeah so let's go [Music] guys um i could you just could you do me a favor and could you just could you subscribe and click the bell like we really need this like we really we really need this just just click the bell and check out the videos over there come on guys
Channel: Viva La Dirt League
Views: 2,064,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NPC Man, PUBG Logic, pubg real life, pubg, pubg logic supercut, pubg movie, pubg parody, Viva La Dirt League, vldl, epic npc man, pubg mobile, pubg skits, viva la dirt league pubg, pubg funny, pubg live action, vldl pubg, gaming, online gaming, gamer, playtech, bored, game logic
Id: FPrPEndfJu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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