NOT READY TO SAY GOODBYE | Spider-Man Miles Morales - Part 7 (PS5)

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not yet i'm not ready to say goodbye yet i know that the story is done and technically the series is kind of finished in that regard but i'm not ready to say goodbye to miles yet i've been playing a little bit more in my spare time i got a bunch more suits um but there are still some to collect there's the uptown pride suit and spider training we can't do because it uh it's new game plus but there are some pretty sick suits in this game i really like this one i i don't know i like the hood but there is another one that has a better hood which one is it this one no yeah the 2099 suit it's got like batman claws in the forearms it's got glowing eyes it's got a cool hood it's dope looking um so for this episode we're just gonna do some side missions it's not as exciting as some of the main missions that are going on you need like a nice breather after the hecticness that was the main series you know we went through a lot of emotions during that so we need to just relax and calm down what's going on oh man thank you i'm delivering holiday meals but the trucks snowed in families are counting on this food can you help think so let me see if i can pull you out that snow um i'm spider-man not snow plow man come on just did oh please oh please oh my god this convex mirror actually has like an accurate reflection i don't i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that that has never been done in a video game before i would love to be proven wrong please tweet pictures at me if i'm wrong but an actual real-time reflection in a convex surface i don't think that's been done before that's the other spidey would say no problem you are awesome it's free physics is the reality do these mirrors have no they don't have it oh wait do they they have some sort of reflection but i don't know if it's fully accurate battery said from the cold i think that can help with that don't worry sir i will punch the [ __ ] out of your truck gotta punch it people are waiting on these meals hey you gotta punch it mae wasn't lying when she called december feast i want to follow him i want to see where he's going i want to see if he's actually delivering these meals or if i just helped out a criminal hold on sir hold on just grab that list and get it to the driver before it gets too far oh i actually have to do a thing oh crap oh no oh i'm just trying to like test the game's limits i shouldn't be yeah there wait what am i doing need to grab that list of deliveries and get it to the driver okay we're following him anyway okay dude needs his list time to go time to spider miles he's really moving yeah he was just here a second ago what the hell he 500 meters away in two seconds there is absolutely no way i call shenanigans on that dude is holding ass if we got meals and wheels around to people this fast we'd never have a problem in society this guy is flying through dimensional rifts hold up i've got your address list crashes i think you're gonna need this drive safely look at the road wow thank you you get the gold star today my friend look at the road oh my god people are he just ran over like 10 people you may have gotten your meals to them but you just killed more people than you saved um okay fees toys stolen not at my watch this phone's at one percent i bet they need all the help they can right now miles how is your phone at one percent does have wireless charging because technically every time you do anything there look 15 charged nope still one percent we're just gonna overload the batteries oh miles what are we going to do with you definitely a teenager i wonder if this suit is cool if it's worth it use the please volunteer that asks for help man am i glad to see you spidey i heard you've been having some toy donation issues hey spider-man i'm sam so on my last inventory check we had a couple hundred missing you think somebody stole them i don't know but today we're supposed to have two trucks out making pickups but our gps transponders say there are three something's up hmm sounds like you got yourself a poser but how am i gonna know which one it is if you can check their license plates we'll know which one shouldn't be out there you can count on me then genki there are three feast trucks out in the city and one of them is phony can use your help here you could use the camera in your suit to grab license plate numbers and i'll run them against stolen car databases try it on that truck wow okay it works okay i got the truck locations from beast so you should see them now snap the plates and i'll run them against the database you're the best dude stand by for pigs i know we're helping people and people are stealing toys and whatnot and that's awful first of all who would steal toys for the kids if they're for kids nothing beats this holiday stress huh um but also aren't we kind of criminals at this point following cars around like this oh god walls spider-man's worst enemy oh my god i just went around this entire building there's one just need to snap the plate got it checking the plate just one sec it's not gonna be that uh genki i'm going to save you some time and say that it's probably the one that's going to be last you know just for the drama whoosh gotta get close for a clear picture got it checking the place one sec follow that truck oh never hush my whoreish mouth dare i judge this video game like that i'm sorry i'm sorry that i said anything of the contrary come here stolen truck man give me them toys like an idiot these kids are looking forward am i supposed to do something can i take a picture hey boys how's it going i want um let's put some blur on nice this looks so silly spider-man hijacks trunks he's a menace sounds like they're stealing toys for some sort of deal and this joe is the one in charge how am i gonna find them if you can grab pictures of their faces i'll run them through facial recognition software and see if we get a match okay this is your entire screen i'm gonna get in close i can't actually do my webs when i'm doing this nice running the photo this one's clean nice photo though thank you can i get you super clear okay if i wait for my camouflage to go back up oh never mind we're good that's a criminal for sure checking the police database that's a criminal gang okay where is he don't going anything i'll be right there where are you going bro where are you going step bro that must be the buyers once they're together you can take out the whole operation my bad should i have done that i said perch take down and i my spider instincts kicked in who's stealing toys from kids that is the wrong thing to do i didn't mean to do that i didn't mean to do that all right sorry i was going to take you all down peacefully the thing is though it it's going to is end well for me oh my god that dude's straight up dead actually i took the spider-man oath so i think these are in here now just check the truck and make sure the toys are still there hold on i'm stealing their doors you can't go very far without doors winter in new york they're going to get wind chill if they go out in this can do anything else break the car right okay they've learned their lesson whoops i'm i'm in the middle of wanting to do a super jump okay oh jesus those are spider-man toys i found the toys just cleaning up some stragglers buddy beat the absolute crap out of that guy come here i don't know boys you but i'm so full of holidays here right now yeah i got it no you don't holidays everybody hey sam i found the toys i'm sending you the location but they're all safe and sound at the docks in midtown ah i'm so glad to hear that on my way over right now dude if you have a car like the last guy you're going to get here two seconds enough spiderman you just saved the holidays for a lot of kids i'll make sure these toys get back safely glad i could help sam you have yourself a happy holiday though genki is happy in the uh nice good job doesn't get much better than thwarting a gang of toy thieves and saving the holidays for kids you said it and i couldn't have done it without you bro so these are the only guys that survived out of the conflict that i had everyone else that i thought they're kidding they're not allowed to show their faces anymore because i've beaten them to an absolute pulp wait it says criminals on the map on the minimap i get it dude you don't like vigilantes my perch take down that would be so funny anyways spider miles away let's see what else we can do can't find my pigeons is good enough for pete it's good enough for me oh man i don't want to see patients fishing stink wait where am i going you're not a bad guy what are you doing on the roof get down you're gonna hurt yourself watch this boys and i better not see he's trying to break in again oh my god wrecked sounded good if saving pigeons is good enough for pete it's good enough for me why did that disappear from the mini map though that's what i would like to know spider miles let's go back flip and he sticks the landing what's up bro you didn't see anything hey howard i'm the other spider-man pleasure to meet you thanks for the help i've got three birds missing worried about them in this cold that's the guy from the that was narrating the oscorp stuff that's he voices someone in the walking dead doesn't he it sounds so much more familiar here for some reason perfect got it that's a pigeon all right oh good again one of howard's pigeons howard protocol now howard protocol welcome to pigeon facts your source for daily fun facts about pigeons oh no no no unsubscribe you have opted in okay a second coupe you really need to give this tech to um everybody or like give it to some people who who really need this sort of stuff like x-ray vision and all this give it the doctors also speaking of subscribing you guys should be subscribed right now click the button thank you pigeon trails go in three directions should check them off pigeon man away or she had a pigeon suit they should make one crime scene pigeons there's what's the situation can i help did a pigeon do it it's a bugle reporter place was tossed upside down but nothing's been stolen whatever they're looking for wasn't here let me look into it maybe i'll have more luck oh gotta run swing do you know it's a pigeon get it i'm so glad pigeon chasing is back what are they there's one thing from spider-man 2018 that i missed gotcha it was pigeons hey howard caught a bird she's pretty feisty lots of pets she can find her way back spiderman just point her in my direction will do all right we should head back to the coop check the other birds oh i thought we were done okay i gotta get all the pigeons nice all right um pigeon number this one go where you at pigeon that other pigeon tossed an apartment upside down looking for the pictures from the bugle what are you up to it might be the pigeon thieves talking how'd you find us um you guys leave a very stinky trail of crime it's actually pretty easy to find you drop something the daily boggle tomorrow night roof be there roof be there i just said that jinx he's really into pigeons over 200 000 carrier pigeons were used during world war ii got him got a bird i think they're using your pigeons to plan something at the bugle really maybe they're looking for some juicy news they got the best reporters in town maybe i'll find out but first i'll get your birds one more oh i knew it was over in this direction so close whoosh spider miles here we go oh it's hoping you do like a super landing this is superheroes do it's almost exclusively what they do if you're not doing a superhero landing then you're not a superhero you're just a dude in tights and that's cringe bro another pigeon and he's got a note that was easy no birdie where can i just grab at any time why do i have to wait a certain length there we go what a legend still okay checking the notes change of plans we're moving now to the buckle howard got all your birds the bad news is a gang is using them to plan a series of break-ins oh no timmy you've got some good news too yep i know where the gang's gonna be the bugle i'm gonna take him out and keep your pigeons safe love it give him hell spider-man truly stinking up the place all right let's go over here let's go over here and then over here and then do i just killed everybody that's amazing alrighty who else wants to die hmm can't do that um okay okay okay just figure it out just zone the area out buddy did that not stick to the actual thing are you kidding me whatever guys i'll just do this sucks i got feathers filthy criminal you guys win practicality no spider-man activity commit to murder oh i didn't actually get him off the roof okay you go there thank you and then come here okay i gotta i gotta knock you off there we go okay i knocked him out and then knocked him off he's absolutely dead see how you like my new toy i hate your new toy i just saved some toys and that's not one of them nice daily bugle saved you're welcome buggle howard i took out the group that stole your pigeons they won't bother you anymore good looking out now i just got to talk to my birds about picking better friends well if y'all need me again just hit up the app good meeting you howard you too spider-man spider-man all right we got a bunch of them done uh there are so many missions lost cats oh no mr cat sure can help with that god i [ __ ] love this game i love just leaping from a roof and then swinging all the way down i don't know why it feels so much better playing with miles like just something about the adrenaline rush of doing this kind of stuff feels so much cooler every time i say i'm gonna do something cool like mess it up i don't know it just feels cool maybe they change the camera work or something to make it more awesome also new york in the winter is really nice to look at oh that's sick and then up over again yeah baby god that's fun i guess that's why it feels even better because you can actually um get a little bit more elevation out of it i hope they give peter something like that in the next one where he can like web zip up zipping forward is really nice but being able to like zip up and then across or being able to like change the elevation of your web as you're swinging would be really cool that's how it looks hey you having cat troubles yeah vector my cat ran out while i was grabbing the mail here he loves this bag if you find him he'll crawl right in are cats and backpacks like a thing oh yeah uh do you have anything with vector scent right here his favorite toy oh cute quick scan and i got a trail hold tight kitty trail where'd he go okay you gotta go look after your pets hop onto those school buses if you're afraid of your cat getting out then oh he killed a rat yep dead wrecked good for vector sad for rat on the right trail though went under the bus oh god into the sewers oh god follow from street level thank you bet it's warmer in the sears probably also pungent anything okay don't you know what i'm supposed to be checking but okay didn't come out here please don't make me go sewer splunking vector isn't this just where i started the trail picks up he climbed out here oh safe from a sewer surge never would have gotten that smell out of my suit how did he climb all the way up here oh my god dude please keep your cat indoors vectors call collar still warm i'm close that's a nice color this cat has no fear firstly jesus spider cat more like it this cat's name should be spider-man not the other one okay okay we're getting close i can feel it we're under that hvac stuff it's another dead rat i'm the crawl victor victor come here i found you oh oh oh cute you got that real new york smell now vector wow like [ __ ] and piss and sewers and dead rats hello here you go thank you oh wow wow that's a smell oh vector you've earned a full body scrub pal cute it's getting stinky but mad cute stinky uh oh stinky cat time uh but yes bb loves a backpack we have the back if i put a backpack on the ground and it's still open he'll go in any time and then i can like zip it up and put him on my back it's very cute someone wants a photo with me cool oh spiderman i don't know if this is really worth your time they better be like really actually you know what i still don't think this is really worth your time there's like crying to stop just people being shot on the mini-map place is being robbed and i'm over here saving cats and taking pictures with people peter would be so heavily disappointed in me i love that nearly missing a building here's my photo desiring fan hi spiderman hi i know you're busy but could i get a selfie with you sure oh my god thank you pose right there i'm wearing a mask where's yours it's great okay oh take that gas leak not today oh falls these webs are incredible bro nice nice there's more but wait there's more god this whole building would have exploded without me oh i scared the crap out of you not the giant ball of fire that's coming out of the side of the building over here priorities lady priorities jesus mother of christ was there somebody in that car brought the fire i just added fuel to it the webs are flammable oh that works oh thank god thanks spiderman never seen a guy's line blow like that good thing you got here as fast as you did sir no problem i was just taking selfies other guys are telling me you got an app i'm usually bad with technology but view i'll check it out another christmas gone without a boyfriend what do you think caused it oh my god that was a really bad cringy handshake god run away even superheroes are not safe from the [ __ ] cringe jesus okay three more this person's stuck in a skyscraper uh let's fast travel to this one because it's it's quite a distance away oh it's really distance away i won't get too close because i want to swing a little bit also fast loading time baby hey i'm not short i'm just young you're short for your age old man some disturbing news has just crossed my desk spiderman was recently involved in a nauseating act of depravity stealing toys from children is there anything you want me to listen why yes there is my faithful block do you know what was found in shut up jj i have people to say later man thank god you're here power short-circuited on my platform i'm stuck i could carry you down or i could power up the platform uh platform sounds better hop on bro okay well dude there's bad guys up here did you know that are you in cahoots with them spiderman's here looks like someone shut the power off on purpose oh i think i took off that mod that uh nice that let me go invisible immediately after being detected i should probably put that one back on i really liked that one you're dead am i no you're dead where does it actually stick up oh my god it only stuck them down here it didn't even stick them normally when you knock somebody off a building the webs kick in and pull them back towards the building i kicked this guy so far it didn't do anything that's the face of a dead man oh god cena the crime right next to my ass he's 100 dead spider criminal much sexier than most criminals all right abloosh and uplink that didn't sound good hmm you run out of juice energy load must have reset the circuit maybe if i follow these wires i can restore the power at the other end ain't tight sir i'll get you back up soon i think he doesn't have anywhere to go he's stuck there generator there we go that should do it just gotta reset the breaker now nice looks like the power's reaching the breaker spider electrician there you go wasn't that epic you saved me oh man i don't know how to thank you money's nice really turns out the power's off now and he'll never get down dude i swing around for a living um i have no idea what it would be like to clean windows on skyscrapers bye he's gonna be so impressed that i swung off the building like that oh it's gonna be so cool for him to tell his you should friends it out feels good to be a gangster spider-man it really does looks so cool i love all the snow everywhere also if you like roll in the snow it actually leaves an imprint on the ground it's not dope it's art what do you guys see when you see this picture i see dancing clowns that's your rorschach test right in the comments what you think you saw in the painting can anyone hear me spider-man thank god something's weakening our emergency comps we can't get through the fire department the guy in the ground looks traumatized as hell we got everyone out but this fire is going to jump if we don't get help hear that just noise now i think i can find the source don't worry i'm gonna get your comms back up maybe you should go into the building and green goblin will be in there dressed up as an old lady and he'll scream at you and then be like it's you gobby whatever's weakening it's you who's out guppy out of your mind that was the light wrong answer and he throws little razor balls at you i missed that movie i want to watch that movie guess powering down the tower work insurance only pays out if the whole building goes down so make sure the static stays till then they're weakening calms for an insurance scam i got to stop them sorry guys you really should have gone for the spider-man insurance it's spider-man it sure is wrong answer see let's talk into the building didn't do that for the other guy though let's see if it'll do it for this guy yeah kind of feels worse honestly there's no power i need to charge you worse than watch on falling that they're dead sometimes i don't know what they say hey mr emt dudes are trying to burn down that building for an insurance scam that's why they're messing with your comms are you serious they're putting people in danger yeah how's the fire looking i'm not just serious i'm spiderman i still can't reach the fire department signals should be clear soon hang tight i'll update you guys i got a cool combo that makes me feel good about myself i hit the wrong buttons i'm playing it for what eight hours now still messing it up getting close getting real close the signal's stronger now now what'd you do why are you always assuming things in my huh what's that about can't wait i gotta give those comments back can't wait to beat dudes up i think he's dead i think we got him get off my building i don't think he's dead dead bug i'm not dead you're dead gobby out of your dead i love doing that so fun these guys are not dead oh he's back got you now it really makes you feel like spider-man ruined their tools hey how's the signal now everything's coming through loud and clear got through to dispatch too fire trucks are pulling up now everything's coming through loud and clear actually a little too loud could you turn it down i wish spider-man was real i'm a 30 year old man and i still gush over spider-man he's [ __ ] epic i want to be spider-man oh god maybe not that was actually really crappy looking i want to be a cooler here i am good job folks fire department got the building extinguished just in time i'm definitely giving your out five stars glad i could help spread the word too the more people use the app the safer will make new york i'm gonna make sure everybody knows about it thanks again spider-man how about you like give a tip afterwards as well kind of like uber because i'm a young kid um it costs a lot of money to make these suits i'm just saying away i can't do the crime because i don't have the time i gotta go help this person that's my priority there's a dude that needs help hey man your car's missing yeah just finished the double shift came out to grab my car but it's gone i'm back on in 12 hours and all i want to do is get home and sleep i can make that happen you have your key fob on you the bee boop unlock thing yeah got it right here the bee poop unlock thing thank you for the beep boop one last car soon to be found okay okay here it is sir i found it now you can go home all right let's zone in on this stealing a medical text car in the dead of winners it's cold man literally and figuratively who are you talking to am i kidding if i was spider-man i talked to myself all the time i'd be walking i'm swinging around going like dude i'm spider-man how [ __ ] dope is that can i be singing my own song spider-man oh man this place recent chop shop the car is definitely here this place stinks of crime hello bud nice shoes would be a shame if someone cars webbed them any mineable areas around one over there oh you're safe come here bud give me that abdomen from jersey cough up last week's dinner that didn't stick to that did it love it that's much better i wasted one but that's fine small price to pay now how would the rest of you guys like to go kicking and screaming or in a body bag you decide spider-man can accommodate any of your wishes here i am it's a fun one guys you stole an emt's car after he worked a double ship oh you spotted me was it me killing all the guys that gave it ain't going to steal away you know someone's got to do it that's not at all how this works sorry nice try though justify stealing cars yes head off the roof wait no no i want to see if i can get a picture oh i want a better one i want a better one how you like that kid no no no [ __ ] i want to be able to get me kicking the crap out of dudes there we go there we go right in front of the squirrel right in front of the squirrel ah that's a bad one the first one was the best one dang it thieves down now i can use the fob to find the car which one is it hey there i found your car texting you the location incredible hey cops finally showed up here i'll see if they'll drive me to you um i think spider-man's collecting data that he shouldn't be on his app thanks again spider-man gonna tell everyone to use your app after i get some sleep glad i could help does this idiot text him the dude never give him his numbers does that mean you have to sign up with the app with your number spider-man has your phone number all right i think my work here is done nice thank you spider-man oh he says i've got a gift waiting for me i'll take a look before someone grabs it uh hold on we have some gadgets that we can upgrade now at this point i got this um gravity well thing like the concussive blast one oh my god 77 tokens yes yes yes everything's unlocked except for the new game plus ones hell yeah they get the suit complete all no it's locked i oh that's that's where i'm going right now oh what is this one we'll go there after i think of all the things taken out as well there's not as many um like hideouts to do this time so i did all those to get the the suits as well i know sorry i didn't do them on camera i don't know where this mission is it's not showing up um but i really just wanted to play more of the game and after i finished it i was like i want more it's so fun is it showing up in the map now oh there it is maybe it was in the map but i just missed it you can be invisible whenever are your powers like the same as the other guys i could be invisible whenever creepy wait what how did he do that invisible baby oh to blow your mind even more is that it actually does it on the ray trace reflections as well did you guys know you're all retraced there's the gift that's cool damn that's awesome i love that let's see proud to have a spidey like you thanks for having our bags your friendly neighborhood allies oh they make me a suit whoa uh this is the uptown pride suit damn look at it how did they get my specifications on my measurements sick that's cool photo mode this is just perfect absolutely perfect that's a thumbnail right there you guys want high fives ah yeah you did it properly and this suit is cool looking black on yellow is really nice um does it come with any powers there's some other ones i have here phantom power generation increases as health drops game bonus van and power performing tricks which is the one activate camouflage yeah that's the best one oh yeah i can unlock these on scan marks enemies through walls yes i want to equip it yet though oh increases the window for perfect dodging oh wait i have to pick and choose now because i don't have enough activity tokens increases the drop rate for gadget ammo energy left behind after a successful venom attack becomes visible you can be absorbed a new game plus all right let's get the gadget ammo drop rate um cool there's also this one that you get uh i'll show it to you for a second i need some bad guys to beat up though actually we'll do it with let's go full this because it's part of it so once we find bad guys we'll become full animated spider-verse spider-man a billboard's been taken over by the underground bet there's more to it um i don't know if a billboard's gonna have bad guys to beat up yep the underground took over that billboard i bet they're close by once i lock into the underground signal oh i gotta hold let's go the underground wants more press maybe they should try opening up and out pack the underground as advertised nice there i think it's like bonk or something you're sure you're getting more impressed with these billboards or just more of me it comes with like cartoon effects that show up around oh god this is a bad idea oh there's a lot of them oh god wrong guy i want a full charge i don't know what they're saying half the time okay okay okay nice holy crap that's fine yeah so when you punch people now it says like pow and slap this is really fun there billboard should be back to normal now everyone's scared down below don't be scared people it's just me spider miles i have all the crimes and all the activities done i can replay some of them i don't really see the point in that but that's so cool this game is absolutely incredible i think that's kind of all we have to do except getting tech parts but the tech parts aren't even necessary anymore because i have all the unlocks for stuff well mainly all the unlocks but i have most of the stuff done i do have something on my home though so let's travel there oh i just have a suit hanging around oh yeah cause his mom knows now i really need to sleep oh just a quick nap oh that's nice you worked hard miles you deserve it go to sleep at 4 pm wake up at midday the next day there's a note from his mom happy birthday mijo it's a clue for a scavenger hunt happy birthday miles dad and i used to do these ready for the best scavenger hunt ever here's the first clue facing the park with the world on your on our shoulders we guard the next clue okay oh fun we get to go again i'm gonna check this out see what mom put together oh my god there's tons of stuff to get oh [ __ ] okay should get out of here let's go oh check out the natural history museum this would be fun i don't know what she got me um all right where is wait they all showed up in the map a minute ago museum in forever i think the last time was with finn and dad those trips are really fun it's weird to think about now so weird he keeps talking about them but i keep forgetting that finn died at the end as well i don't really know if i agree with the way she went out because she she kind of turned into a real bad guy suddenly i was like don't get in my way or i'll kill you it's like what i don't think she would actually say that him so quickly and then her sacrificing herself at the end as well it just felt like everything ramped up a bit too quick okay natural history museum clue on the postcard said there is another postcard under here what if somebody else found this high atop the empire state you'll find a pair of blind eyes this one's of the empire state building i atop the empire state okay you'll find a pair of blind eyes that's a usb drive on this there's a flash hey big man happy birthday oh my god dad scavenger hunt seemed like a fun way to celebrate 16 tour down memory lane remember that summer you and finn forced me to take you to the museum every weekend here's a secret i love those trips used to be i felt guilty you didn't have any siblings things with your uncle were tough but i would have never made it to 18 right anytime i'd see you finn i'd feel less guilty you have a sister her defend now you'll always have family that's really sweet wow i haven't heard his voice in so long i hope he left more messages with the rest of the scavenger hunt i reckon he would did you find my notes yeah follow the clue and just heard that did you do all this just the setup your dad made the clues last year i know it's been tough since the move not hearing from him could help it does graciama have fun with him and remember i'm here if you need me miles no you can tell me anything so sweet i love that i love the familial connection that he has this is the empire state right i wanted to see if i could find it yeah without having to actually look at a map or anything empire state building let's check the clue there right atop the empire state you'll find a pair of blind eyes the clues about the binoculars on the observation platform yeah that's what's gonna say hey watch it because the dad can't go up onto the very very top rude sorry oh my god i would [ __ ] my pants up here no thank you hey i need to tell you something serious i got you did you put the body on ice no that's not i think my boyfriend is the new spider-man you're kidding why ever since he downloaded that spider app he disappears at night and asks dodgy when i ask about it are you sure he didn't download a different michelle's taking me to that new restaurant on 82nd tonight no way things are going well then yeah we're just moving on from conversations did you hear what she said at the beginning did you put the body on ice um excuse me can we go back to that spiderman oh there it is modern art museum in greenwich i remember that place find the fossil hiding among the modern don't forget to look up huh fifth grade field trip empire state building okay now i don't know where this is this one never agreed to wrangle a bus full of 10 years some it took us three hours to get here and when we dig the webhead himself vulture as soon as we stepped off the elevator we had to turn right back around again and evacuate oh this is the story peter was talking about killed me spiderman needs our help dad you're a boring hero don't ever lose that focus see you at the next club born hero i think i learned to be a hero from watching dad i miss him especially now yeah no i can imagine yeah that conversation was weird and then she was like he might be new spider-man because he's going out at night okay you sure he doesn't have a different app like grinder um but then this is my straight into a different conversation immediately okay here's the modern art museum i'm the fossil hiding among the modern don't forget to look up ginger helps with back pain find the fossil hiding among the modern don't forget to look up hey doesn't the museum keep a fossil on the balcony facing the river worth a look ah okay this oh there it is next clue i don't think you can put that there dad where money is king you'll find great tunes hanging among the lights i had to practically drag you and find the modern art museum the first time okay sorry sorry sorry sorry what do we care about splotchy things when i saw you two in front of that psychedelic angela davis portrait heads craned up i knew you got it all that bone don't think you ever realized you could look that way like royalty well if you're making it this far let's see how you do it the next one let's see and i talked about that trip for months afterwards mom and dad really knew how to inspire that's nice my parents took me to more museum stuff when i was a kid i had never seen a fossil in real life until the start of this year when i was in la we went to the the natural history museum place that's there um and i saw a fossil for the first time up close the only times i've ever seen them is in movies or documentaries and it's kind of weird to say it like that especially as someone who grew up absolutely adoring dinosaurs but super cool where money is king you'll find great tunes is that it right there here we go let me let me go it's right there i want it let me upload why can't i pick it up it's right there hello i don't know what i'm supposed to do with this why are you highlighted green hello just webbing i don't know what's happening i'm like on it and i managed to land here and it's still not letting me pick it up oh pickup just showed up for a split second hold on we got this we got this we can [ __ ] do this nice oh i had to landed the thing next to it and then hit it might whatever nestled beneath stuyvesant who's a monster of a good meal okay let's mark the next one before he starts talking because i hate interrupting at him their uncle every musician he loved printed this crackling stage aaron even got up there once himself didn't do half bad either when he finally told me about his night job this is where he took me he saw from the blow but it poisoned the place for me never took you here because of it you'd love it just like so how about this find a show you want to see anything my tree will come out here and the old man will show you how i used to bust him oh next clue's all yours man that was gonna bring me to a show wait a minute after hearing that that would have been nice it's sweet first dad to do this showed that he really cared and he really loved them he just wanted them to get along in the world and live a good life well dad it's happening i'm spider baby lobster bills holy ground for dad nestled beneath stuyvesant he lives a monster of a good meal pretty sure i know which monster he means i'm assuming it's this yes next clue must be on bill the lobster oh here's the car to know this place the art space on the upper east side no letter enters this artsy castle without stopping at the gate okay i think we're getting close to the last one i don't think there was that many oh six out of eight okay two more home away from home always reminding everyone's kitchen down south took your mom here on our first date just about every date after that even once when she was struggling and she went into labor rights i blamed the occasion she was less of a fan after that mom totally knew what's stopping let him have his secrets you were a good team really good parents good fast travel to these but i kind of just like swinging around the city it's so fun it's the best part of the game makes you feel so cool like that makes you feel dope i do miss the double uh web catapult from spider-man 2. i wish there was more of that that i could like stick a web between both buildings and then launch myself i mean it wasn't that useful in that game but it just felt cool fyi users reported an assault happening near you can't help i'm going to find postcards from my dad you don't understand ganky don't worry i'll stop crying some other time i don't want somebody to steal this card from me though all right oh not there yet there's the art space okay no letter enters this artsy castle without stopping got it oh cj walker park i know this place up in harlem beneath the hoop where you learn to fly your journey comes to an end man not ready for this to be over no it is fun all right next to his house middle school graduation you and finn joked it felt like a royal coronation when we saw the art space building your mom and i were so proud our son and our almost daughter graduating at the top of their class i know it made you sad both of you go to different high schools but miles i'll tell you friendships you make when you're young the real ones those last you and finn will find each other again maybe a few years down the line maybe a few benefits one clue left bet you can't wait to get to the end my friendships from when i was a kid i did find each other again that were really good did not last at all this is it cj walker park beneath the hoop where you look it's nice for people to not take this so many memories and so we come to the end cj walker when we played ball here in the summers your uncle showed you how to take it to iraq well i demonstrated how to throw it down with the food don't think i'll ever forget watching you and finn trying to alley you to your mom this place reminds me that as crazy as life kids only one thing really matters the people you love you your mom finn genki even your uncle keep the folks you care about close to your heart and you'll never go wrong happy birthday big man you are my reason for being praised wow that's so sweet oh man i was not ready for that happy birthday miles congratulations you made us the end you are the reason that i'm brave love dad ugh it's even getting to me hey mom i just finished the scavenger hunt thank you so much for putting it together for a little while it was like he was back he never left me home i love you i love you ma yeah so sweet oh yeah you can do that as well i didn't really do it too much in the game when i was actually playing it i just went straight through that one let's do it again yeah that's cool i like that a lot oh man well i guess that does it for the game i have all the gadgets unlocked i unlocked all the skills that are not new game plus and i unlocked all the suits that let you know how much i actually enjoyed the game because i rarely spend that much time going back and doing all the like secondary stuff in a video game oh yeah this suit is cool looks like daft punk um if the strike suit which i absolutely hate crimson cowl is pretty cool let's wear that for a little bit this one is cool actually the programmable matter suit i kind of hate love it oh wait i have to take off the mod uh let's go with this one and whatever yeah it looks so weird i'm all glowy and light up so it's the programmable matter that finn was using as the the tinkerer still hate that name for a bad guy comic books uh are a different breed sometimes prisoners are holding up a store that's cool i'm holding up a suit on my body that's really cool um and what are the ones that i get purple rain suit this is like one that the prowler gives you um the winter oh yeah we got this one the best one in the game the bodega catsuit i totally forgot you go and talk to him and then you get to bring the cat around with you and the cat gets a little mask i kept seeing pictures of this and i was like wait how do you do that but it's actually just a suit so then you can have the cat with you at all times spider-man and spider-man together at last let's get a look at you that's cute the cat's just chilling out in the back oh very cute you know what i'm going to leave it there that's going to be it for spider-man miles morales there is not really anything left to do there's no point making any more videos on it but i did want to make just a little bonus video to have um doing side missions because i did it for the last series and i just like playing these games there's something got to do with normally collecting things in worlds is something that i hate i haven't done it since i was a kid and i hate open world design like that where i collect 15 backpacks and 20 pigeons normally that would grate on me real quick and i wouldn't do it but the fact that i get cool spider-man suits out of it but also it's just it's a testament to how great this game is at traversing the environment most open world games are kind of garbage at getting you across their massive worlds and fast traveling is like i need to faster like skyrim is a good example i love the world in skyrim but getting across it can be such a chore sometimes especially when you go one end to the other so you just end up fast traveling a lot and kind of trivializing the whole point of it being an open world in the first place but this game is so good at making you get around the environment that you actually want to do it you actually wanted traverse because it's so fun and i think that that's great but anyway that's going to do it for spider miles thank you guys so much for all the incredible support on this series it's been mind-blowing to see and to be part of and i'm really glad you guys enjoyed the series and got into it as much as i did um and it's these types of series that really warms my heart and makes me remember why it's cool to be a youtuber because it's a shared experience with everybody and i really like being able to do that and provide that for people and in turn you guys providing me that sense of community as well which is the reason i started youtube in the first place so thank you guys so much for being here and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,577,078
Rating: 4.9658294 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, spider-man, spiderman, miles morales, PS5, playstation 5, next gen, ray tracing, spider-man miles morales jacksepticeye, miles morales gameplay, full game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 36sec (4296 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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