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let me take you guys back on a storied history of far cry except the guy and this franchise go back a long way the first game i ever did on my channel was far cry 3. good eye boys and girls i'm the survival hunter it was the first game to ever get across 100k views on my channel and was the most popular thing on my channel at that time fast forward we've gone through a bunch of far cry games to culminate into where we are today in far cry 6. a new chapter in the franchise the biggest most cinematic experience they've ever created what does this do [Music] holy the most over the top intense villains we have ever seen in giancarlo esposito oh hello going to bring that fiery passion that is brought to everything else just know that far cry is known for its larger-than-life villains this is a legacy i intend to honor and i gotta tell you i am very excited thank you very much to ubisoft for sponsoring us here on the jacksepticeye variety channel i feel very blessed it feels like we're like going back in time and i'm reaching back into a youthful jacksepticeye and pulling that energy back into this experience if you guys want to check out far cry 6 for yourself there will be information in the description a link you can click it comes out on october 7th you can even play it with a friend if you want to because it's got co-op i don't have any friends like that that want to play games with me or in general but here we are you guys are my friend to come along on this journey oh look at me hey let's go badass with a knife right at the beginning all right let's use this knife let's mess someone up there has to be someone nearby that i can start chopping legs off well not you you look like a zombie whoa nice oh nina i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't save you hey excuse me could you stop talking i'm having a moment oh god leader this looks dope grass y'all like grass i love grass damn the sun effect is so nice you know what it's been it's been a while since i've traveled i'm going to live vicariously through this game and like take in the sunshine all i can let's face it i live in england i don't see sunshine this milk bottle skin of mine is a lack of vitamin d exposure it's not really how that works but it is now what's this pistol is empty get him you're lucky i ain't got bullets bro jesus who's shooting better stay quiet uh-huh hello there's gotta be some legs up here that i can have some kneecaps that i can steal who wants to be first you do oh you're gonna get it f for machete you're just meat to them what are you talking about god you're so messed up i'm not the only one looking for clutter ruined get wrecked i don't need kneecaps i'm taking heads all right i'll just carry this body over here i'm creating a body pile yeah that's a very provocative position you guys are in you know i'm not want to judge what you do in your spare dead time oh that bird needs to get wiped but not yet this guy will hear me slide into position are you ready with your machete your danny trejo oh wrong button take that bag sneaky does it sneaky does it [Music] there come on you're going through the body pile except you you stay there because i don't think i'm actually about to bring you all right one more for the pile three's company okay i'm not letting you get away one tap damaged animal me that's not damage that was a clean kill that was straight in the skull would be useful i got leg gear oh damn yes look at these pants i have so many pockets to carry so many kneecaps in now damn i look badass honestly that's the hairstyle i was going with before i should have let the sides grow out so i could look like aaron yeager over here steal a boat sail the out of yara [Music] [Music] this little piggy went to the market and got absolutely clapped damn he came out of the woods and knocked the tree over that just tends to prove i am stronger than a tree because i didn't i didn't even flinch no pass say oh god what does it mean i don't speak the language i've lost the trail i should go back zona militare prohibito el paso okay yeah i know what that means i can figure it out bad time to be a guerrilla whoa i get a grappling hook let's hope i fare better with it than you did it's been a while since i used one of these it's been a never since i used one of these [Music] okay oh i said oh there we go a regular old spider-man if people are killing kneecaps to steal i attacked this archipelago with a man named juan cortese he helped me build libertad from the dirt quan's a spymaster from the pre-castillo days can build an icbm from a goddamn ice cube tray oh my god ops for espinosa the kgb then flipped to the cia and mossad for fun juan is my mentor he's also unstable and an alcoholic when she went south he was so embarrassed he walked straight out of my camp castillo so dados would love nothing more than to capture a double agent like cortes damn i need him back with neighbor that dany he's done with us but you're a friend dude i'm in you had that's my pronunciation pretty good i think it's pretty spot-on but i'm i'm down for constructive feedback all right let's head out it's the dark of night oh kind of i don't have that sunset or sunrise but i'm i'm packing now so we're ready to go damn look at this this looks dope i always loved that about the far cry games that you come out and you see everything that you can explore and then you go out and you just you kind of get lost in the the wilderness right you go out and you just look around at all this stuff you climb a hill god maybe we should climb that and see what's up oh yeah i'm a regular old mountain goat let's go claiming with speed this is what gaming is all about this is peak performance right here i'm gonna get to the top of this hill can i look at me go oh don't fall down no no no no stay up stay up step you got this you got this just keep jumping keep jumping like a sure footage sharper come on come on come on yeah never had a doubt wow dude sit down take a load off have a beer i have an incredible fear of heights wow that's so pretty all of this land simba all things that the light touches it's something that you can blow up [Applause] nice hopefully a pig doesn't come out and kill me again pastizades prado or armonia damn those boats sound dope i'll go down here though whichever one this is swimming in the water what was that fish you know when they say like shooting fish in a barrel i don't think they actually know that that's hard it's not as easy as it sounds all right bullets don't penetrate water that easily i'll be back fish you can live for now but only because i deem it okay put away you're going i don't want to get shot to death just by walking in here armonia i told you that's exactly where i'm going oh over here that looks like a one fun we got to get out of here we're going to get shot today we drink in the worst cantina in yara or is in colombia can i get a crocodile alligator bro what did you do who did you piss off why are they trying to shoot us where's your crocodile where's guapo i i feel safer if he was attacking people oh come here oh oh there he goes get a guava i'll help i'm back up for today nothing but heads nothing but clean headshots oh god these these old man reflexes aren't what they used to be you sons of oh god full holes guapo nice clean clean clean oh super clean what up bro can i can i pet you come on he won't even know bob oh man i want to pet the crocodile alligator i don't know which one's which wappo wants to be your friend or maybe he just needs to take a dump only one way to find out i don't want to be near him when he's taking a dump oh pet yes come on let's get the out of here where did i get that meat nice oh stop around nice boy cute nice direct amigo i can tell you handled the gun before oh what's your name danny so clara says you're a legend xkgb xcia i got more x's than your porn search history i doubt that you have no idea what i'm googling dude this is so cool come on guapo we got places to be i know you're hungry but i'll show you people that you can eat see that smoke huh means the watchtower just got a supply drop with some of the rarest materials you'll find in yada and you are going to go get it now you want me to steal for you supplies you say because making for weapons is cool it is pretty cool at least you're here to help popple oppa i'm going to bring you with me because i think you're pretty cool i don't know if you can kill that guy though military will shoot me on site here yep okay into the into the bushes cup okay be careful i don't know how you're listening to human commands but i'm very happy that you do and that's my commands about wobble nice i don't even have to do anything waffles got it under control how do i get over this fence damn it wobble i'm coming get him him don't shoot him he's a defensive crocodile alligator i don't know yeah get them knees oh good boy here i pulled this off a kneecap of someone next to me ooh supply drop oh it takes a while to pick this up i guess i got any big pockets what the hell are you going to do with this one okay i got gunpowder i got parts he's going to make a bomb out of like toothpaste and rubber bands okay no offense but your battle rifle is a little basic i'm making a foul rule number nine always use them sometimes i lie you have a lot of rules bro yeah nice damn i got a big lump of something on the front of it so that's a new thing that you can craft your own weapons i like that i'm gonna make some weird okay why give me a mission i gotta go off and test this bad boy i'm a big fan of anything that shoots over long distances very straight into people's heads i don't have a problem ah dougie what up doggy can i pet you oh yes best game you can pet the dog can i pet the horse oh bad guy wait is that a bad horse what what ow oh yeah baby guapo you're i love you but you're not really needed right now because i i'm the one tap master okay that's a little overboard what do you do waffle get out of the fire yeah yeah my horse now grand horse otto i don't even that horse does not care whoops checkpoints oh you're much stronger oh god that was a very important person nice liberated baby god i'm just so good i get in i clean house and i get out again and guapo is by my side every step of the way god run away what are you doing you're a lunatic dude can i drive the tractor i really want to drive the tractor wait hold on hold on hold on god damn it horses are so much slower than tractors basic training slow down you've got four wheels all i've got are four hooves dude he just ran him off the road i don't have time i have a tractor to look for ladder oh what did i drive over oh i was just trying to find the controls oh god she's a wheelie oh lord she looks like a car but she controls like a horse oh oh oh okay i forgot there's a handbrake that you're supposed to put on all right made it what have we got to do over here oh nice big tower wapo ah he'll catch up hello here comes trouble no here comes jack i know i've traveled written all over my face my name is ryza and i'm going to be helping you steal from castillo today are you going to tell me what i'm stealing depleted uranium berdon i thought you just said uranium you heard me spanish ford parachuting uranium i'm gonna die oh nice smile everyone i'm gonna put you on instagram come up with a nice caption though like small irishman takes over spanish fort that parachute i gave you could come in handy here just don't drop into the middle of the fort okay don't tell me what to do that's exactly what i'm gonna do oh i'm not gonna make it oh raise it right is it i'm gonna i'm gonna fall short right that what is this dodgy parachute you gave me danny okay no i don't need a parachute to do this watch the is nothing could i go in there what's that say okay i can't it says that we can't go in you could you're an alligator you can crocodile all right shh no one needs to be making a scene you just stay there forever okay they're not gonna know a damn thing if i shoot this guy here no one's even able to hear her because that guy was on the loudspeaker you're doing yourself a disservice dude oh is this good is this smart this is so dumb what am i doing this is so stupid yeah yeah oh i'll change that get me juan's uranium eat it eat my machete all right out you go alright you go i've deemed it necessary keep going that's good enough as well no one will find you there have a buddy no one should be alone even in death wow i know you were in command but he has his head so far up your ass dude okay okay oh baby it wasn't the first shot but it don't matter can i use this whoa whoa dude let's blow some planets with this thing [Music] oh that's that's not right that's not right oh oh oh oh um hi stop shooting wampo good job buddy [Music] hey what a shot disable that alarm it won't let me why you disable alarm when a few bullets do trick hello the uranium i don't feel comfortable having uranium on me bro tell me i was stealing uranium it was supposed to be a surprise now bring it back to me what's a terrible surprise stop being such a i've been a i don't think i'm being a if i don't want to plead uranium on my body come on that's just sense it's just being smart calling me a like that's rude hey lady i yeah i'ma go i got the depleted uranium okay did talk to you later and she threw her through the air with the greatest of ease parachute doesn't go very far i need some like boosters i have a sniper rifle dude i got a flame thrower oh oh we gotta test this out this is cool how did i get a flamethrower i got like power power-ups all right hold on i gotta find bad guys toad roast and toast with this thing i want to like parachute in on them i jump off will i die no i will not here i come world get ready for death from above i'm going to light as many things on fire as i can what up you guys uh know which way there is to death holy hell burn baby what does this do [Music] holy that's buggy baby [Music] it's wild oh look gasoline sorry gasolina don't die though please jesus it takes two to tango guava and it's you and me buddy all i can do is use my flamethrower i i refuse to use anything else that's a rough death but you know what molotovs [Music] oh god sorry i let you on fire you like the music me too bro i don't have any fire left yes i do what are you doing pissing on me rockets run jesus christ who can play at that game excuse me sir have you heard the good work [Music] that's never gonna get old it's so much fun oh shoot me hey nice get it hey you kicked my dog feel it buddy feel the rhythm dance to it great moves you're on fire wait somebody saw me [Music] who was it that's a head i need to hit [Music] oh i'm sick nasty bruv that was nuts oh mob i feel like i just went on a roller coaster that filled me with so much adrenaline that was so goddamn fun anyway i'm going to leave this video here that was extremely fun i hope you guys had fun watching it don't forget if you want to check out far cry 6 for yourself there is a link in the description you can follow comes out october 7th you too can liberate bases on your own and fire rockets out of your back it's amazing thank you again to ubisoft for sponsoring this video and thank you to wapo for being the best little buddy ever there you go nom nom not me yeah scratch scratch thank you guys so much for watching
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,289,830
Rating: 4.9702883 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Fary Cry 6
Id: NIlM20Hsrho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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