THE IRON SPIDER | Spider-Man - Part 9

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morning tea ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to Spyder cup well technically I'm 2099 spider-man now at zero gravity but I'm still a spider cop on the inside so I'll try to shoot me oh I see so the world has gone to [ __ ] everybody's attacking each other everybody's dying we have to save it we've to go ahead and do our thing our spider thing let's trigger our power so we can fly across this map haha it's so awesome I power it out I don't know I can't I can never tell maybe I'm just a floaty anyway so I spent all day yesterday playing this game and I went to bed and dreamed about this game and I'm waking back up and I'm playing it first thing in the morning so I haven't even got my coffee in the yet my voice hasn't even warmed up I just want to play it all the talking it's amazing I've been playing it non-stop since they came out okay we were this building available units whatever my [ __ ] to do okay this up this bomb I don't like the world like this what the world go back to normal I don't want it to be all like covered in smoke and [ __ ] okay cap this is what daytime again fill me in rhinos assaulting the Upper West Precinct Electro's at the upper east we need you to turn the tide head to either they're both equally screwed no wait who did you say cuz I okay there's a fast travel right there I can just do that into the fire can I can I have some information on this okay I like that it puts you up here as well it kind of gives you an excuse to come up here so cool feels just like a movie yeah bye yes sorry Veterans Center in Harlem don't do anything until I get there May I'll meet you in Harlem Mason's exhausted she isn't sick you need to help URI then he is sick though we I know this she's coughing up blood oh god please don't tell me at me he's gonna die Peters already lost so much I know that was here in the Upper East right select row understand when you get there usually walked in out of a master of suspense I'm oh that's cool-looking all right I'm gonna have to change my suit though before I go in and some of the stuff that I have on I like this suit just because of its visuals I just like actually you know what no let's go with this let's go with the original suit from the game I don't want zero-gravity what would it be good one I think the spider drone is a pretty good one or a projector now or bullet proof is pretty good as well but it's very specific I have to be getting shot whereas this one helps me immediately what was this increasing amount of you were healed from focus that's a good one reduces incoming bullet damage and reduces incoming melee damage I don't think I have anything else blast and rocket damage absorbs some incoming damage without resetting the combo counter ooh [Music] plasma discharging mesh I can't even make these anyway even if I wanted to I don't think I'm doing good I don't have zero gravity now but that's fine later boys and all have time why are you even carrying that Jesus he's strong this isn't good transformers are charging with building trapping and police inside of Uri understatement I'm gonna have to disable these transformers to free your men that's why I'm here to serve all your electro okay okay Mike are you shut the [ __ ] out of your on dude oh come on the brutes suck they throw you yep okay all the dudes are dead whoa whoa rock it was just about to hit me all right what's the next one nice nice kick in the teeth hey boys oh [ __ ] I forgot that I have a thing now just do this [ __ ] webs what am i doing like oh you can't do that Wow can do this though bye-bye miss dealing with the lecturers elaborate supervillain antics while he was in the rack work of energy transformers who does that Oh get out over that I wanna get electrocuted hey boys cool that box sure got it waivers ain't not invited to your rooftop party we're nice man for the most part off you go seedez think so okay I need to not take out my camera not take out my camera Oh God who's good decapitate him at the blades isn't it okay no he's one more look at you Wow leave a super already yet nope it's fine I didn't want it anyway superpower any second now here have this shut your man hold with a manhole su power yeah yeah yeah that's all it okay good sweet he's just carrying transformers all around the bills are free but demons are back down need to lend a hand hi oh wait I didn't have to sing good Oh God and all set a perfectly timed thing again and I missed it I need to be better about that because I keep forgetting a habit whoa whoa whoa calm down fellas good lord you take an absolute walloping out nope don't want that is that after a perfect dodge okay I feel like I should have gotten that okay there's a lot of there's a lot of Bad's I don't know where that went okay whatever Wow alright you go over there you stay there hit you under this nice can you stay in the ground is it on no of course it's not so many of them nice whoa baby URI your men are safe what's next on my way god damnit I don't even get to fight electro that's fine ready neighbourhoods fast and get to Harlem yep for miles he's trying his best what's all my emails okay okay let's do super jump watch this this game I want to marry this game I wanna marry spider-man I want to be spider-man spider the police that's intimidating [ __ ] is a huge [ __ ] of the Geoghan or [ __ ] surely should be able to kill those guys right or not jury rhinos on the moon but former guests of Riker's are laying into your police barricades I'm gonna even the odds shut the rock it up was it you I hate you especially alright here we go now [ __ ] can't see anything that's happening me no problem ruff there how many like you must be working on orders to dr. Octavius making quick hit and runs on the city's emergency response teams oh that was cool whoa that hurt lake whoa Jesus plate how do you whippy chains I'm straight it shouldn't grab this thing and throw it back at them but it didn't work didn't the prompts that come up what else can we use taser webs you know we could use use all this [ __ ] okay that didn't work doesn't know what I'm doing anymore oh he sucks nice nice electric webs okay where is it watch this all right up up and away you ever Shazam rootstock oops I press dodge smack one [ __ ] into another [ __ ] now grace [ __ ] suck yeah I'm just gonna keep you over there and do this I thought that was the last hit dang who's supposed to look cool god there's so many things to help see you I'm on it okay watch this though by and also one of these oh my god I almost started [ __ ] I'm pressing the Dodge but it's like a fraction of a second too late they just come here let's do this bye now how about how about none of that how about some of these and then some it okay that didn't work okay I'll just kick you off the egg does that work hey [ __ ] is she here I don't know but this sucks hey nice I'm not ready to [ __ ] attack him I'm trying to kill the guys that are next to me next to me Christ Oh God okay this is getting very messy all of a sudden I need to get better at this nice midair dudes rabbie okay I don't know why you swung towards somebody else that wasn't even near me cuz the other guy was dead get in the Rikers escapees okay there's another gray left up here nice okay y-you may forgetting all my buttons in the middle of all this there's a lot to take in hey okay Yuri oh you think just secure and I just found out what it means to be Sables priority target not fun not fun at all guess so okay I need to sign off for a bit call me if things go south okay Harlan would help me so much enemies around Center where are you mom all right come held up are you okay what's happening oh this that explained to giant boom smoke stay where you are MJ I'll handle this move move yeah moving out there's no fire right there Dan ok let's get up this side of the building name okay I'm here use your wet productive flames MJ stay back I don't want to have to rescue you too Peter don't be crazy wait for help hey spider-man one movie reference [Music] somebody's gonna hear the Green Goblin screaming in the building [Music] my gosh hang on Oh hmmm you're right get to the window so far let's not hold on and Jane Oh God just wet them go go miles come on now Oh God No it's instinct nice my boys thanks miles [Music] flying days work everybody now don't breathe in the smoke I'm assuming miles is gonna find out - Peter is spider-man at some point I feel like that's kind of where the story's going that's fun though what games fun this is delightful I'm having a great time everyone is safe I'm sure if it weren't for you and miles I would have as dead as I would have been the last eight and a half thousand times you saved me hmm pretty sure I still owe you a few hey I'm sorry I screwed things up it's just hard being the one who always gets saved you know sometimes I want to do the saving no I'm sorry I make you feel like you couldn't still partners always Hey so I didn't know if you wanted sparkling or or flat or spring yeah Mountain spring so I got one of each am i interrupting her MJ MS Watson and I were just talking strategy strategy that's right the city is in danger it needs our help all of our help alright well call the play coach like miles this shirt kind of looks a small bit like his costume miss Watson we need an antiserum for Devil's breath oscorp's developing something but there's no way they can keep it safe from Octavius and Lee we need to find the cure and protect it I'll chase down some leads miles you need to be my eyes and ears at feast anything goes wrong call me we need to keep that place and the people there safe all right you got it what are you gonna do so you around costume nut jobs is taking the city apart piece by piece time I return the favor all right wait um how do I call you I mean who would you have like a cell phone and your your hot pockets or something huh miss Watson can give you my number good luck team if she takes out her phone and it's like here's his number number you spider-man's girlfriend that'd be so cool come on Sherlock show me what you got in this waters Markus board takes out her phone it's like here's this number it's just this Peter Parker over he think what we may insist that this joke Weymouth sister people finding out who he is I don't know little up twice today yeah Syd he feels a little more under cousin Greece and I was just watching feast time she's good points breath cure okay nice Oh a new suit the iron spider suit oh you do get the iron arms as a power wreak havoc with four articulated arms made from rapidly-growing monoatomic iron alloy crystal oh I'm getting these bad boys I need two base tokens three challenge tokens and four crime tokens oh I've wanted this suit for ages and people saw it in their trailer a while back I'm sure enough some of the suits so we knew it was in the game but people were like wait does it use there does it use the legs it does use the legs because the movie hadn't come out by then all right I have to skill points here launch text knock back nearby enemies I don't want that ground strike proof focus from below half health okay maybe some of these just some of you handy yeah cuz now like oh hold trying of the hurl yanked weapons back at enemies but concussive force that's really handy that was what I was missing there in the last one one of the last things to focus on finding auto stopping whatever he has planned Yuri we need to start tracking the big boys still no leads on Octavius know there's a hideout earlier than I can get some based off this guy's with suspicious bulges guns I'm talking about guns obviously just a hunch but he might be a public disturbance pretty soon okay do I want it I kind of want to do the the thing I have to hit three enemies with scaffolding if I can oh here we go here we go perfect dawn don't and I'm still hidden perfect no one needs 20 hit combo and 20 hit combo was easy right I'm a badass oh [ __ ] there's a lot of guys okay how about we do one of these yep uh-huh uh-huh nice and then we do one of these but I'll distract you over there there we go Oh worked okay there's a guy over here on his own you safe safe come on over Spyder cop wants to talk sweet as well cuz I'm not really a huge fan of the iron spider suit like don't get me wrong it's cool and all but it's too technological I don't like when the suits are like all tech I like oh [ __ ] it's not even safe okay whatever no a [ __ ] Thomas have the combo already here we go ten people into the air is the best way to do combos oh come on [ __ ] douchebags yeah I was holding the buttons to grab it but he was stuck in combos sometimes I'm actually trying to do the cool things and then the game is stopping me from doing them nice okay setting rid of some of these guys okay I got the thing now that's all that matters I don't really care what happens after this cookie work this keeps us cash these days nice nice nice so many impact webs now all right reinforce that should stick you to the wall or to each other nice nice magic gonna kick more magic Christ oh god oh god game got laggy oh no [ __ ] capture card fight that's right fine I got this watch quit in yourself Oh [ __ ] firing these things find someone who cares about you like Willie's guys care about didn't kicked in the face and you'll be golden okay that's a little weird okay you bounced him way far away further away than I wanted him to be priced his back I don't want them put them on my wish list not me [Music] Oh oh what a sight take it back okay you weren't the last ones Oh both of you guys are huh hey got no good hey you got a face good one me isn't it nope there's one more guy hi dude you were getting tossed around like a salad boom that's how I do all right so hopefully you got enough bass tokens there to get the suit your people won't have any problems here now thank you yes three bass tokens perfect okay now I need to go get some challenge tokens and some crime tokens crime that's a spider blow me any leads on Octavius no nothing forensics can't even do a sweep of Times Square everyone in that department but the intern is sick I might be able to turn something up let you know what I find look being perched on things I love spider-man oh okay not that so say hello spider-man's perch like that ooh there's a stealth challenge oh I want to do that I know what's involved in that choice to just take the dudes down real quick cuz I'm very good at that you guys know by now oh do you guys know how stealthy I can be lots of dudes shooting stealth junk down exact strapped an explosive vest on him thank you tick-tock-tick dog may change suits for this can I become like the noir suit with the blurb the jet projector okay I don't really know what I'm doing but okay get off the ledge nice nice nice Oh Oh can I swing to the to the thing yeah you safe you're safe come here get over here oh my god that was whoa I did not mean to do that but okay Oh God I love that I love how fast you have to get around the environment in these scenarios are you safe you're safe come here day seven enemies left six enemies left that's not a lot of enemies but there's a there's a smudge on my screen that made it look like it was an enemy like closer okay okay okay we're gonna do this you guys go check them out I did not think this through okay here there we go how many enemies after four okay no problem they're all down here it would seem oh no one's right there go and I could be a lot faster at this no no [ __ ] I thought I had a trip mine still available so I fired a web and just hit him it was like hi okay I could try that again and now that I kind of know where the enemies are that was one of the bigger problems all right you got this Pete you got this Pete gotta move quick and quiet yep haha oh and the stealthiest sneakiest that's the spider-man ever good that was me fighting the camera more than the enemies okay three two one if they see me the hostage is dead we don't want that we don't like a dead hostage just go to here you can do this nice guy over here to the right as well right nice look at me go look at me go oh yeah bubble in what the [ __ ] why did you do the perch takedown hey I went up at the thing I press where's Neal perch takedown and he just jumped off and started like going towards the ground for no reason Oh God you know what Shawn you know what that sounds like sounds like a lot of excuses [ __ ] wasn't even aiming at that thing fine whatever you safe now okay good okay four dudes left there's one three dudes left haha there's two left okay come on come on come on come on come on come on come on fast fast I'm sprite I'm a sexy spider-man okay okay and then I can just white web strike take down the other guy boom yes Oh God it's six colors tokens for that you sound like you want to kill me so much okay are you learning because you want to get beaver you want to get be a better fighter or you want to learn because you want to figure out my tactics and then kill me either way I have to get some crime tokens next right yeah I need for crime tokens so I just need to find need to find random crimes around the city shouldn't be too hard throw me a bunch going on actually it's kind of hard with the whole world of chaos right now this black guy thing right here that I want to do whoa Felicia's leading me on a chase but that's what's gonna help you find her haha all the past locations into an algorithm I can narrow down her likely point of origin Aleksey point of origin oh okay nothing is standing out right now nothing is vibrating nothing is doing anything scanning scanning Oh Oh me yeah how did you wait to stop her here but one or two more locations should give me enough data to pinpoint or hide out how many I have left can you tell me how many I've gotten out of how many please come on statistics I know you got it what is it to left do okay crime is there any crime going on you okay you remember that trip we took to Staten Island with Harry was it fun the best pizza in the city yeah ten-hour Odyssey for Burke toast cold American cheese how could I forget files maybe better than my head Harry was so excited about riding the ferry just made me think about how much simpler things were back then no jobs no supervillains we throw away a whole day looking for bad pizza just cuz it feels like it we take a nap the world of fall apart yeah this adult thing is rough I guess the work we do means today's kids can have their own Staten Island adventures new safety kind of a circle of life thing bad pizza ha ha that's a good way to look at it thanks Pete you can't impede her to liven up a situation this way it like spider-man as well as cuz he's optimistic whole world's crumbling around him all the time and he's just like hey you know what I'm a friendly neighborhood spider-man I'm gonna keep some axe [Music] there's some nice okay it's time to stop some crime don't do the crime if you can't eat a lime a spider-man's model situation it is spider-man you want an autograph I'll set your face no you don't want it okay where throw three enemies oh wait there we go ha ha ha what sorting them is pulling ow shut that sir again never smack one [ __ ] with another [ __ ] spider-man has I need to do this because I need to get more crime tokens out of this okay 20 aerial hit combo tonight you saw more than any of the other guys now come on and dodging mother [ __ ] okay I hate this guy I hate this guy with a fiery passion okay I'm going away I'm gonna fight some of the guys actually you know what no here I look like a motorbike [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa you just died are you dead yet okay good now I don't need to deal with you anymore all right we're bye guys hi Hey run webs I don't know if I can get the convoy now you want it fine wait I didn't want to tumble anyway it just means a lot to me that's all can you take 14 hits on your own can you have some backup can you do anything cream cheese bagel no okay I didn't get it on that that's fine convicts would use their freedom for something non-destructive cloning to more prime tables Canasta talk about people trying to snipe me [ __ ] I'm a nice boy I don't like being full of holes there's a few holes in my body and I'd like them to stay that way less holds the better I don't wanna leak cities under chaos but I pigeons catch nobody sees me doing this Oh God it's a slope come here page come here page oh it did it I [ __ ] missed it come here thank God slept going higher why are you flying so high your pigeon not an aircraft carrier sorry fellas I have a date with destiny destiny is my neighbor she's actually really nice MJ's not taking my calls anymore so I'm gonna go out go those cars just distribute I'm gonna go on a date with destiny said any crime there we go ask and you shall receive [Music] oh it's you guys like you horn seven swing kicks ow pressing triangle to try and get to you out okay it's weird to Train stay in the air with him god I press triangle to try and get to him and it doesn't do anything [ __ ] are they maybe you need to maybe I need to upgrade my camera sensitivity oh I didn't even mean to attack you okay okay is it just you left oh I needed to do two more Liara but those guys [ __ ] suck okay we can get it now yeah nice can't see it well though it's nighttime oh god where you going sometimes I feel like the camera is a little too close to spider-man it makes it hard to like get around the environments it's a minor complaint okay story time spider-man here to lend a hand I sure AM what's the deal what's the sitch can possible thought you might need one officer you don't know that half of it never seen anything like this Devil's breath stuff forensics is having a hell of a time news reports say this is where auto-release Devil's breath might have left some residue I can track ok this suit is pretty badass looking in-game ok thank you Jesus prompting come on Norman Osborn a better mayor for a better New York here we go hmm so we rested you on this side maybe I can isolate it oh we gotta do some science oh hell yes science boy activate a tea rich leader sequence this looks promising okay so it's you guys mixed with a you guy and then this is a you mixed with you is this it am i doing it am i smart genius boy sure am beautiful perfect business child Oscorp some modified CPF one definitely Devil's breath should be able to track the dispersal path now trail goes in a few directions need to find the right one okay let's track this on first Oh God yeah these controls are not useful for this kind of tracking this way should try another vapour trail just try another vapour trail this one is hurting my lungs the guy at the vape shop said that it would be good for me but it's not this is the one wasn't he all the way up here when he let it off okay this has to be it trail jumps between these buildings there's no way you would let me come all the way up here if this wasn't the one okay trail leads down into those vents what was Otto doing up here should be a door and an access hatch around here I'm so shiny now technically I should be bulletproof but I guess you can't really have that for the game this is moody it'll be some way to hit the lights can't see [ __ ] captain nice witch oh okay I get it new are there there be light oh that uh was honor using this as a staging ground chaos of the Prison Break would have been perfect cover to move in oh look at these guys masks these sable masks looks like Otto's been studying Sables tech for weaknesses hmm interesting corrupt liar if you like I can't turn around without seeing his face he smiles for the cameras collects his accolades that keeps his boot heel pressed against my neck why can't anyone else see how selfish he is how reckless how evil even for me that could be made to see the norm and I know the man behind the mask hmm he's not wearing a medal it's symbolic I get it hmm good old RINO my second favorite Russian looks like Otto recorded messages for his crew Alexi I've followed your career with great interest the world sees you as a witless dullard I see a warrior with a poet's heart I know you desire freedom from the battle suit you're sealed inside help me achieve my goals and freedom shall be yours hmm okay Otto developed a corrosive to free Rhino from his suit a certain government agency spent years trying and failing to do that huh only took an auto a few days he is a genius scientist man Mac Gargan make a scorpion aka crazy pants went crazy good one is this gonna be like exposition corner it's rare for me to admit this mr. Gargan clearing your debts was more difficult than I anticipated you are in arrears to some demanding individuals but once the reservoir job is finished your financial obligations will be finished as well Otto Octavius is nothing if not persuasive okay at least asleep these don't go on all day one of my bigger pet peeves when it comes to like this kind of dialogue stuff in games there's no like soup thing to look at here like normally you click on a thing to listen to you in a game and you're kind of just sitting here for like 10 minutes get an exposition hate that old man vulture I've tangled with him more than anyone else power source for vultures wings gave him spinal cancer and I was developing an experimental treatment to save him wow I was actually a hero Adrian what bitter irony that your miraculous wings should have brought such horrors on your body thankfully you are now working for me when our work is settled the treatment I've developed will cure you you won't shuffle off this mortal coil just yet my friend wait are you saying that Otto Octavius found the cure for cancer seems like a pretty decent do to me I'm just saying I'll select any left little like dad messages for everybody it's like okay sweetie I know it's been tough on you lately but I will help electron total livewire that one Electro's big pipe dream is to become pure energy doc actually managed to modify his harness to get a little closer to that goal what did you say to electro max when you first convey max allow me I thought you insane pure energy but as I drove deeper into the problem I discovered a way to give us both what we desire I promise you when we are done you will be pure energy or so close to it is to make the difference irrelevant okay now that one was kind of bad you you were better with the other guys also mr. way of looking at oh I think I looked at everything I was trying to see if there was a way of looking at his suit what's this now Otto must have used this map to plan it's all listening unless there's something here I'm missing you just have a gas mask Oh is there something else I can look at here a light UV Bob huh nothing happened because the covers on it must be a way to get that lamp on dude I want to get my lamp on I also like that some of these suits have actual light sources in them like that - really let me show you this suit no not that one oh yeah it is that one this this one actually has like some of the stuff on it actually glows as you're walking around and this one actually has lights in the eyes well it was showing it in some of the areas like there's some sections that I walk by like here like you can see the lights of my eyes actually shining on the table that's insane I love that nice little details this is the video game nerd in me hidden markings otto's task the villains to destroy Oscorp holdings to Icarus you need to secure DB and to take apart Norman's Empire piece by piece what's vulture doing in Times Square you need to keep my guard up Electro's disabling Oscorp power plants makes sense rhinos targeting Oscorp shoreline properties which is he hitting first I love that type of music the Scorpion must be trying to poison the city's reservoir another Oscorp owned property seems like the last stage of the plan is a direct assault on Oscorp and most likely Norman please going after The Devil's breath antiserum using something Emily Icarus um whose you guys's favorite bad guy specifically out of the ones that we've seen in the game so far mine has always been scorpion I don't know why I always thought he was cool in the cartoon whenever I watched it as a kid it's like Ryan oh sure he can looks like a rhino but I don't like his character scorpion was always really cool maybe I just like scorpions more than some other animals oh hey Pete is that it investigate Otto's lair I have Oscorp has snaked itself throughout the city power communication Public Safety Norman made his company essential but also fragile if a disaster were to occur mm-hmm a few small pressure points were tweaked it would all fall apart the public would see Norman for what he is a leech on their lives yes just a few simple steps and he would be ruined forever hmm oh there's more to it this is really cool I like heard the stories coming together because it's very hard to get all these villains in one place and make it seem like it's an eval adrene for them to all be in the same place this actually makes sense next assaults on Oz course power grid and emergency relief I just read all this chaos but the people see the truth about Norman I was just gonna say it what are we some kind of Suicide Squad oh my god I can't believe he actually said it he has no idea he's just put all the rotten eggs a man might need into a single basket with Martin in raft alongside scorpion rhino vulture and electro a single swift kick is all it would take to send those eggs tumbling down the hill straight at Oscorp and Norman Norman is just one small kick I think it's time for me to lace up my boots and climb the hill you were wait with words Otto I also like his voice actor he's a very liked raspy like sinister tone to it this is my final recording thank you Peter if you're listening to this please know that I did what I thought was just it may have been extreme but when it comes to Norman half-measures will never do of all that I risk by taking this next step the loss of our friendship will pay me the most oh oh I hope that if we meet again it will not be on opposite sides and sad oh god there's so much more stuff to because this is it hello hi we've never been properly introduced I'm Otto Octavius there is no Icarus is there no Martin needs no assistance to secure the antiserum Icarus was a ruse to get you into position into position Oh titties smooth that's my boy I'm good it's a little tight up at the moment before he does to the lab I'll find it okay talk soon MJ I'm getting a little high right now ow he's freaking cables they suck trap failed softened him up time for Plan B huh yes what was Plan B Hey look at me go really dodge anything just now my supposed to be attacking you or just dodging you okay let's go in for an attack nice okay I didn't damage him if I web the transformer I get it we're leaving the mission no I'm not god bless slow motion let's make two one does it seems like you're the one who's out gobby out of your mind wait rung one guy okay you're all very similar okay I don't know what I'm doing oh there was a triangle I missed it [ __ ] oh there we go I splints on the back and whoa yeah nice let's cool that the boss fights are in this like giant playground Oh Oh this startup need to stunner surprise him I try to but the thing didn't work I grabbed the thing okay it's cool be able to fight him like this but it's [ __ ] impossible to see where the hell anything is okay he's still not done can he just lay on the ground whoa whoa whoa whoa ah man it's in let me grab the thing what didn't you did the other one on one thing it didn't let me grab anything there we go my god be able to fight two dudes at once this is awesome two were loners okay I'm not even getting near him whoa whoa whoa all right cam down okay I got this I got this no problem I oh crap got it okay I know wait nice oh that's rude what I wasn't too slow I hit the button ah dang it that's gonna oh that's gonna put me back to a loading screen okay I'll do it this time they okay no problem I got it this time watch look look how fast I am and then there's no alright when the Dodge comes up we're gonna get ready to do it okay I pressed it there we go I had to prison way earlier yeah hate to be the pessimist situation accurately come on and keep pressing the buttons but they're not registering okay there we go work this time because we need to do a finisher on him this is so [ __ ] bad-ass oh come on really one at a time boys one at a time Oh God really right now you want to you want to fight right now okay I'm gonna just keep doing it nice okay and then this oh hey down you go baby one down one to go nice you know it's a super without your let your shoot me but that's it I'm still super I'm still awesome it's a spider-man what's happening Electro's been grounded spider-man I presume if you really cared about this city you'll be helping me expose Osborn for the criminal he is but killing innocent people I would have restored the power you're sick you need help I have all the help I need and we will not stop until Norman gets what he deserves all right I still have yet to try out my iron spider legs which I feel very bad about not doing yet does it just make melee better Oh [Music] are you gonna sleep on the rooftop it takes a lot out of you man fighting to guys like that he's spider-man but he's still still human on the inside Oh God rainy day what oh man is everybody dead today did I [ __ ] it up everyone still live food update Yuri Yuri vulture an electro er down four to go I saw also noticed a rooftop in Times Square exploded one happened to be related with it nothing gets by you alright it was Octavia sustained all around he's using the villains to pull apart Oscorp vulture an electro retargeting talon plants scorpions going after water treatment not sure about rhino yet something along the shoreline I assume you're going after yeah city's already on the brink if we lose clean water we might never come back I'll update you when I make progress sounds like a plan why if I said yet how much I love this game because I love this game it's such fun okay I'm gonna go fight this because I should check on miles I'm fine but you and May are in the middle of it yeah heard that just make sure you protect yourself masks and gloves and rest every now and then well that goes double for me nobody can make that woman take a break with sorry we came within three minutes [Music] what oh I can do that okay oh yes but as these things are holy crap did you so much damage that's a lot of damage you get that army Airmen key Oh think about the block of c-4 this is God nope wrong one get rid of that okay this shouldn't be too hard okay go big okay I need to change this this there at the key hmm I'm a science boy got the key oh no don't feel safe tripped timers just engaged for the other bombs kind of move quick I move super quick what well that was it okay oh god my controller is all laggy as hell that's so fun done [Music] anytime anytime all right okay well I'm gonna leave this episode of spider-man here that was so cool didn't - fight - bye guys at once that was awesome um and good lord those iron spider legs they kick ass I'm gonna use this soup for a while I like this ooh Allah what's you guys his favorite suit so far when you want to see more of some of them are kind of crappy some of them I don't like at all but the the Spider Man like in Marvel Cinematic Universe suits are really good and I really like the one that made for this game specifically as well really nice but for now thank you guys someone watching this episode if you liked it punch the like button in the face like a boys and thank you dude [Music] spider-man iron legs does whatever iron legs
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,783,031
Rating: 4.9480901 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, spiderman, spider-man, spiderman ps4, marvels spiderman, exclusive, sony exclusive, spiderman ps4 gameplay, ps4, spider-man ps4, ps4 games 2018, spiderman game 2018, gameplay spiderman ps4, spiderman gameplay, spiderman ps4 review, peter parker, story, full game, walkthrough, playthrough, spiderman jacksepticeye, suits, gameplay, spider man game, new spider man game, bosses, villains, doc ock, spoilers, characters, fisk, MJ, iron spider suit, iron spiderman
Id: ftYyontUp-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 37sec (4417 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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