ALL 45 SUITS in Spider-Man PS4 Remastered Ranked WORST TO BEST | PlayStation 5

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how's it going everyone innovative j-dog here and welcome back to yet another suit ranking video by now this is about my fourth video going over every single suit from spider-man ps4 and miles morales where i rank them all from my least favorite to my most favorite today it's finally time that i take a look at the remastered version of marvel spider-man released on the playstation 5 where i rank the three brand new suits that released with the game but i'll also be completely remaking my 40 and 42 sue rankings videos from the ground up my thoughts on these costumes have changed since those videos came out back in 2019 so i want to make this video be my final and definitive ranking of all 45 suits present in marvel spider-man both ps4 and remastered before we begin though i've seen a ton of comments from people wanting to see this video so i really wanted to sit back and deeply think about all my placements and changes that i've made to this ranking from the past so with that being said thank you to each and every one of you who requested this video patiently waited for it and supported my work throughout the years it really means a lot to me that you guys actually care about my thoughts on insomniac spider-man so i wanted to make this video as great as it could be but with that out of the way i want to make it perfectly clear that this ranking is based solely off my opinion i don't have any outside feedback from other players or developers from the game this list is purely based on how much i like each suits design compared to each other and how often i found myself wearing them when playing the game just because i may like some suits over others don't think that i'm attacking your opinion or anything because every single costume in this game is fantastic in its own way and i love that they're all here now that i've kept you all waiting long enough let's throw in that traditional honorable mention to the peter parker character model both new and old and let's jump right into my official ranking for all 45 suits seen in marvel spider-man remastered number 45 the undies suit kicking off this list is none other than the undies suit the reward you get for 100 completion of the entire game i know a lot of people love this suit i've gotten quite a bit of comments in some of my older rankings about how awesome and funny this suit is but i just don't think it's as appealing as some of the other costumes that you can unlock is it a funny inclusion definitely i think it's a no-brainer to include this suit just for a couple of laughs and to troll everyone playing but i just think the undies suit is a bit underwhelming for how much work it takes to unlock it for a 100 completion reward i would have personally preferred seeing something much cooler like the cosmic spider-man suit or even the black suit however insomniac is saving the black suit for a sequel to this game so i can see why they opted for a funnier suit instead i personally don't mind this costume i've gotten a few good laughs out of it but one of these suits had to be last number 44 the spirit spider next up we have the spirit spider suit which unfortunately my opinions on it haven't changed all that much ever since the game first released in 2018 i still think it's a very cool looking suit i don't mind it at all aside from the front and back spider logos which do look a bit weird to me however i just haven't played with this suit nearly as often as other suits in spider-man ps4 remastered or not there's just so many other costumes that i would rather wear while swinging around or fighting crime that the spirit spider just becomes lost in the mix and i never put it on something i really like about this suit though is the name change as it was originally referred to as the ghost spider in the comics but was since renamed the spirit spider and i think that's a much better name on top of that i really love the blue flame around the skull it looks fantastic during the night time and gives the costume a ton of character number 43 cyborg spider-man as much as i loved 90 spider-man i always thought cyborg spider-man looked a bit goofy it was definitely a cool idea at the time but it's just one of those weird alternate appearances that you don't really see people talk about much anymore but while i'm not the biggest fan of this skin's design in the game or even in the comics i adore how it feels like a natural inclusion in spider-man ps4 you see my big thing about this suit is i like how it was introduced as one of the dlc suits during the silver lining campaign you know with how important mechanized limbs and suits are to the city that never sleeps dlc the cyborg suit was a very welcome addition that made it feel like spider-man got his own unique upgrades the yellow utility belt those cool looking grenades and of course that insanely cool metal arm they all help make this suit stand apart from other suits in the game that take inspiration from insomniac's classic suit design number 42 the spider uk suit next up we have the united kingdom's very own version of spider-man a character who first appeared in the edge of spider-verse storyline way back in 2014 nowadays the concept of spider-verse is known by just about everyone having been successful thanks to the 2018 animated movie but unlike miles spider-gwen and even penny parker who all became household names thanks to that movie spider uk was left behind as one of the more obscure spider-men out there it's a shame because i actually think that his suit is a bit clever i love the design of the uk flag on the front of the outfit i think the dark web pattern on the suit is really pleasing to look at and of course i love those squinty eyes on the mask unfortunately though the shade of blue used on this outfit is a bit too bright compared to the darker red causing the two colors to clash at least in my eyes aside from that it's pretty fun to throw this costume on from time to time number 41 the fear itself suit i still haven't gotten around to reading the fear itself storyline from the comics i'm gonna have to say my bad on that one but i really do love the concept of a spiderman suit being created from the uru metal used to make thor's hammer mjolnir i've said it before and i'll say it again but i love when spider-man suits take inspiration from other comic book heroes because they usually end up being a cool fusion of ideas and concepts between those two characters as for this suit's design though i've grown to appreciate the gigantic gauntlets and the chainmail appearance of the suit it's really interesting to look at when it comes to the neon lighting though the fear itself suit looks really bad in the daylight because that neon blue web pattern remains luminescent making it way too bright to look at but in the night time this suit looks amazing when swinging around because you're actually able to stand out against the lights of the city number 40 classic suit damaged here's a surprise but i actually raised the damaged classic suit up a few slots because in the ps5 remaster it actually looks pretty decent a few years ago i criticized this suit for taking up its own slot in the suits menu since it wasn't that much different from the regular classic suit but spider-man remastered added a few tweaks to this costume that makes me like it a tad bit more while i would have liked to see a fully damaged suit like maybe one of the eye lenses are cracked or part of the mask is torn up i do like how this suit actually gives off the impression that peter was beat up in a battle there's a few spots on his chest where you can see scratches and blood and unlike the damage suit from the ps4 game where it looked like his chest got slashed by the lizard's claws the damaged holes on this costume feels like natural rips and tears as opposed to claw-like slashes i don't know i would have personally liked to see a more beat up version of this suit for it to secure its own spot but i do appreciate insomniac for adding a few tweaks to this suit in the remaster which i think made it a bit better number 39 the resilient suit hey alright we've made it to the first insomniac original suit in the game the resilient suit has a really intriguing design because it actually looks like a costume that you could have seen in older comic books especially with that intense expression on the mask where the shape of the eyes are very squinty and small giving off an intimidating demeanor even after all this time i still love how this suit looks like a mixture between fabric and armor as it has that shiny gloss to it that makes specific portions of the costume look metallic yet silky at the same time however while i do appreciate the reference to older spider-man eye shapes and while i love the concept of a suit being a hybrid combination of fabric and armor there's just so many other costumes that i would rather wear because of my attachment to them don't get me wrong the resilient suit has a fresh design that makes me put it on from time to time but there's just so many other suits that i could pick from you know it's kinda like the spirit spider it just gets lost in the mix number 38 bagman next up we have the bombastic bagman suit no doubt a fan favorite amongst the spider-man community due to how ridiculous it is as much as i love seeing it from time to time we've gotten this suit so many times in other spider-man games that i would have personally preferred seeing a different fantastic four themed suit over this one i'm still waiting to see that fantastic spider-man suit one day but who knows if that'll ever happen and besides can you really have a spider-man game if it doesn't have the bagman suit in it i will say though i think it was a great decision to add those drawn on spider lenses around the eye holes of the bag and i really do like the design of the fantastic four suit used in the bagman costume it's a sleek modern design that makes me want to see what the actual fantastic four members are like in insomniac's universe and how they relate to spider-man my main gripe with the batman costume though is that the kick me sign on the back is entirely missing it just doesn't feel the same without it number 37 the arachnid rider suit ah here we go we finally made it to one of the three brand new suits that released with marvel spider-man remastered now this may be a bit divisive but it's actually my least favorite of the three new suits i appreciate what this suit was going for i really do but it just doesn't directly appeal to me as much as it may to other people it's really cool that this suit takes inspiration from kamen rider which is a style of media very popular in japan i've seen the kamen rider style be referenced a lot throughout different franchises and forms of media so seeing spider-man take a shot at the design is really interesting and unique plus i actually kind of like how busy and outrageous of a design it is without a doubt my favorite aspect of this suit is easily that cartoony styled model that gives it a bright and colorful shading that closer matches styles seen in anime and manga overall it's a pretty cool suit i can see why a lot of people would like it but it's not my personal favorite number 36 the spider-clan suit speaking of an anime style i think i prefer the spider-clan suit just a tad bit more than the arachnid rider also known as the manga vs spider-man this suit is pretty accurate to the manga inspired arch style from the comics and contrasts very nicely against the realistic graphics of new york city i have very little complaints about this suit but if i had to think of any it would have made more sense for the backpack to have straps wrapping around spidey's arms as opposed to it just being stuck on his back and i also think the top of his head is shaped a little bit weird but these are small quirks that make this costume more stylistic so i can't really complain regardless i really love how vibrant and expressive the spider clan suit is and it makes me want to see even more cel shaded or cartoony styled suits in future games number 35 spider punk for the most part my opinions on the spider punk suit haven't changed over the years but i've grown to like it a bit more than i used to back in 2019 because i actually started using it a lot more often when i play so that's why i'm actually bumping it upwards a few slots however my favorite aspect about this suit aside from its distinct design actually comes from jj's reactions to it in his podcast it's just a fun little easter egg that gives more life to this suit and i still think it was a pretty good idea to have this serve as one of those pre-order bonus suits for spider-man ps4 as that whole selection appealed to many different levels of the spider-man community the iron spider suit appealed to more casual spidey fans the velocity suit was a new suit to draw in new fans and the spider punk much like the spirit spider skin was one of those weird and obscure spider-men from the comics that drew in a small niche of comic fans to the game i love the fact that insomniac took a deep dive into the weirder portions of the spider-man comics when creating alternate suits because while the spider punk may not be my favorite suit out there there's definitely someone out there who has this suit as their number one because they actually have an attachment to this character and i think that's great number 34 the velocity suit designed by adi granov the velocity suit is another one of insomniac's original designs for the game and one of the pre-order bonuses for when it first released in 2018 as previously mentioned i've grown to like the velocity suit a lot more than i used to but not because of how much i use it in game i actually like it a bit more because of the velocity tie-in comics that released in 2019 it's a fun story taking place after the first game where the velocity suit takes center stage making its canonical debut in the insomniac universe if you haven't checked it out i recommend reading that comic if you get the chance especially if this costume is one of your favorites but as for the suit itself i still think there could have been some slight tweaks to make its design a bit more pleasing to look at for instance the neon lights on the eyes and the spider logo running down spidey's body if they were a bit brighter this suit would have looked beautiful at night aside from that i love using this suit in the daytime especially after you beat the main story because then it feels like you're swinging around during the time of the velocity comics number 33 the mcu homemade suit so a lot of people were mad when i ranked this suit so low back in my 40 suits ranking video and i understand why a lot of people love the mcu spidey costumes but i gotta be honest this is one of those suits where my opinion hasn't changed at all it's no doubt my least favorite of all the movie tie-in suits for spider-man remastered don't get me wrong i love the homemade suit because i love the mcu spider-man movies and it's a pretty interesting take on an origin suit being a reference to the original scarlet spider design and all that however i still think it takes a few hits because the suit purposely tries to be goofy i mean that is the entire point of the costume after all the entire point of this suit is that it looks goofy so then when peter gets the stark suit in civil war it's a massive upgrade and then when it's taken away in homecoming it's a big deal that forces him to step up and earn it back so yeah i'm kind of mixed on it i always thought the suit looked goofy both in the games and the movies but that's the point of it and i'm perfectly okay with that it'll always have a soft spot in my heart and it was definitely fun to unlock it by collecting all 55 backpacks in the game number 32 the wrestler suit now the wrestler suit is in the same boat as the homemade suit as they're both origin costumes that are meant to be tacky and generic prior to peter getting his cool and iconic spider-man suit if i could i'd say i love both these suits equally but i've actually spent more time with the wrestler suit as opposed to the homemade suit and some of you may be asking why well to put it simply i have more of an attachment to the design of the wrestler suit because it actually takes inspiration from the ultimate spider-man comics for long time viewers of my channel you all know that i grew up with that line of comics and love it to death for nostalgic purposes so seeing the wrestling suit from that universe make its appearance you'll love to see it but not only that this wrestling suit is canon to this universe's peter parker it's his origin suit and i love putting it on to roleplay him in his early days as spider-man number 31 the aaron eichman armor one of the many many armors in marvel spider-man the aaron eichman armor is another one of those obscure alternate spider-man from the spider-verse comics at first glance it looks like a cool futuristic spider armor that gives off biker vibes and that's kinda why i like it so much my favorite aspect of the suit though has to be those triangular eyes on the helmet and while i initially disliked them in 2019 those tinier eyes around them are a super nice touch that makes this suit look more spider-like i'm a sucker for that gigantic spider symbol on the front as well as those comically large rocket boots on the feet there's just a bunch of cool stuff on this suit everywhere you look besides i feel like the coloring used on this suit is the most perfect combination i could ask for that dark shade of blue and that distinct shade of red those are my ideal colors for a spider-man suit so that just makes me like this costume even more number 30 the future foundation suit i feel like i was a bit too harsh on this costume back in 2019 because aside from the eyes this suit is a perfect recreation of what we see in the comics black and white are two very contrasting colors that work together nicely on this costume and insomniac did a great job at translating it from the comics unfortunately though i just can't get over those reflective eyes even in the night time when everything should be dark the eyes are still super reflective giving off a silvery appearance as opposed to a solid black like how they should look i would have preferred if the eyes were a solid black or if insomniac wanted shiny eyes they could have went with the alternate version of this suit where the black and white portions are swapped like what we saw in the first amazing spider-man game i feel like those glowing white eyes could have been really cool if we got that suit instead regardless though while i would have loved seeing both ff suits in the game i'm glad that at least one of them made the cut and once you get past the eyes this suit is a blast number 29 the electrically insulated suit after some extensive thought i decided to bump the electrically insulated suit down a few slots but that doesn't mean i love it any less also known as the electro proof suit i have a huge soft spot for this costume because of some personal experiences while unlocking it in previous titles its design is pretty consistent with what we've seen in the past it's a dark bluish gray spider-man outfit with red rubber padding along the suit it just feels very nostalgic to me aside from nostalgia though the fact that there are so many opportunities to role play using this suit makes it much more enjoyable in my eyes for instance i love using it to chase after your electro during the raft escape sequence it's insanely fun to use during the electro and vulture tag team fight and it's an absolute must that you use it during the lightning rod research station mission so yeah there's a lot of fun moments you can have while wearing this suit and i hope we see more of it in the future number 28 the esu suit alright so this may be a bit hypocritical of me since i put the undies suit dead last but i'm actually pretty fond of the esu suit a lot of people called me out on this pick back in the day so i took a step back and realized yeah i did put it a bit too high even so after dropping it down a few slots i think it's a fun costume because aside from playing as peter parker himself in select portions of the game or in the dlc missions it's the closest we got to civilian clothing in spider-man ps4 i just think it's really fun walking around the city streets in this outfit almost as if i were one of the pedestrians like the undies suit it is a bit of a troll costume because it's hard to unlock and you can only unlock it after finding all 50 of the secret photo op locations and after you take pictures of them which is really tough if you don't know where to look so it is a bit difficult to unlock but i personally think it's an enjoyable reward plus i like the idea of spidey repping his college i can relate to that number 27 spider armor mark ii surprisingly i don't see a lot of fans for the spider armor mark ii also known as the bulletproof armor i know the colors used in this suit are pretty similar to another armor higher up on this list so players tend to flock over towards that costume instead but i've always had a fondness for the spider armor mark ii since i was first introduced to it back in spider-man edge of time the design of this suit is just so cool and sleek that i find myself wearing it a lot in the evening time to just swing around in i actually think it's appearance and spider-man ps4 is the best it's ever looked because in previous games the black portions of the armor have always looked grey as opposed to black so i'm glad that was fixed by insomniac plus it looks even better in the remastered version number 26 the stealth suit from far from home also referred to as the night monkey suit the stealth suit that appeared in far from home is one of those costumes that often gets pushed to the side in favor of other suits myself personally though i love throwing it on from time to time when playing stealth missions because aside from those white spider eyes this suit is nearly impossible to see in the night time it's insanely fun to immerse yourself in the game's atmosphere by putting this on and taking out all your enemies one by one if you want to see what this suit actually looks like though you'll have to wear it during the daytime and let me just say the amount of detail on this suit is insane it looks like it was pulled straight from the film speaking of which that's my one complaint about this suit not just how it looks in game but how it looks in the movie too they should have added a shield logo onto that circular patch on spidey's chest that would have been the cherry on top for me so i'm sad that it's not there nitpicking aside though if any suit in spider-man remastered was meant to make you feel like a secret spy it would no doubt be this one number 25 the big time stealth suit one of the more recognizable spider-man costumes to be created in recent years i've noticed that the big time suit remains a fan favorite to many even amongst the dozens of other costumes seen in spider-man remastered i'm no different i'm a big fan of the big time suit and even though i would have liked to see other color variations like what we've seen in the comics the neon green is easily the most iconic color this costume looks gorgeous in the night time because of the luminescent eyes and spider logo but not only that the big time suit doesn't look half bad in the daytime unlike other skins such as the fear itself suit so overall it's a gorgeous suit number 24 the dark suit back when spider-man ps4 first released i had no idea that this suit existed because i hadn't read those spider-man and deadpool crossover comics it was only through a video created by cbak76 that i learned about this suit's existence and i'm really grateful that insomniac included it because it was such a new design to me it's such a neat looking and intimidating costume thanks to those piercing red eyes that red spider logo and those sharp claws plus i also really like how it's somewhat canon thanks to it being unlocked during those black cat stakeout missions so i tend to use it a lot in the city that never sleeps dlc and yes i've always been aware that those markings on the hands are references to black widow spiders i just figured everybody else already knew that and that i wanted to make my script easier by saying that those symbols looked like hourglasses they're both they're shaped like hourglasses and they're a reference to black widow spiders hopefully that clears everything up from my 40 suits ranking video number 23 scarlet spider ii kane's scarlet spider suit which i love how it's called the scarlet spider 2 suit by the way has been one of the coolest looking alternate spider-man suits for as long as i can remember it's such a simplistic design because of the smooth red and black color palette yet it's so striking and iconic at the same time those blood red eyes against the black mask always stuck out to me and i love how the front and back spider symbols are opposing colors to the black and red sections around them back in the day i got really nitpicky about those red lines cutting through the black portions of kane's shoulders and mask and it's easily one of the things that i regret most about my older rankings that and i talked way too fast i've grown to appreciate the scarlet spider 2 suit a lot more than i used to since i stopped caring about those red lines and now i barely even noticed them when playing with that being said this suit is absolutely stunning number 22 spider-man noir not gonna lie i've been a huge spider-man noir fan since i was first exposed to him through spider-man shadow dimensions i'm always going to love that game to death because of those insanely fun stealth missions and because of that game i instantly grew attached to spidey noir's comics his character and especially his costume once again insomniac really did their homework when creating this suit because it looks like it was lifted straight out of shattered dimensions and plopped right in the middle of spider-man ps4 some people have left comments on my video saying that they would have loved seeing the fedora or the trench coat on this costume and while that could have been cool i can't deny my love for the bare bones version of this costume so i would have been happy with whatever but at least he has a gun on him that's awesome number 21 spider armor mark iv i think i can speak for most spider-man fans when i say that i didn't enjoy the all-new all different spider-man comics as much as i could have it is an interesting concept to have peter parker be a ceo of his own company but he doesn't need to be like bruce wayne or tony stark that's just not who he is but i'm not here to talk about those comics or his characterization i'm here to talk about suits and the spider armor mark iv is easily one of the best things to come out of that era of spider-man i'm a huge sucker for all the spider armors and the design of this one remains the closest in appearance to the classic suit that we all know and love the sharp edges of spidey's gloves and boots those glowing green eyes and the green tint surrounding the spider symbol they're all factors of this armor that make it stand apart from other costumes yet its familiar design makes it a joy to throw on and wear around number 20 spider armor mark 3 also known as the ends of the earth armor the spider armor mark iii is yet another underrated spider-man suit that gets pushed to the side in favor of other costumes it often gets lost in the amount of suits this game has to offer but i'm one of the few players who wears it quite often my opinions on this suit haven't really changed it's always been a neat looking suit for the same reasons as the aaron eichman armor it definitely looks like a powerful and durable set of armor that spider-man would wear it even has the same color palette to match spidey's iconic colors as opposed to the mark 1 and mark ii armors plus its futuristic design helps make it stand apart from the other spider armors in the game number 19 the mcu iron spider since i pre-ordered spider-man ps4 way back in 2018 the mcu iron spider was one of those three suits that were instantly unlocked at the start of the game and it was actually one of the first suits that i wore throughout my first playthrough no doubt my favorite of the pre-order bonuses the iron spider suit was my go-to suit for the longest time before i started to unlock the remainder of the alternate costumes like all other movie tie-in suits the iron spider suit is insanely detailed and it looks like it was ripped straight out of avengers infinity war i know a lot of people are getting tired of seeing this armor it appears in just about every mcu spider-man movie nowadays but i'll never get tired of seeing it and i'll definitely keep wearing it whenever i boot up the game number 18 the last stand suit just like with the esu suit and some costumes in spider-man miles morales i'm a sucker for whenever spider-man mixes casual clothing with his spidey gear but in my opinion no other suit does it quite as well as the last stand suit this feels like an outfit that anybody could throw together if they were to become their own spider-themed vigilante it's a gritty realistic take on the spider-man design and because of its simplistic easy to put together concept it's the perfect costume to wear when you want to immerse yourself in the world of spider-man if you want to pretend like you're the web slinger himself put this suit on and you won't be disappointed number 17 the armored advanced suit next up we have one of the three brand new suits released with marvel spider-man remastered it's been a while since we've seen one of them on this list but that just goes to show that insomniac decided to save some of the best suits for last the armored advance suit is pretty literal when it comes to the name it's an armored version of the advanced suit and when i first learned about the costume i instantly made a connection to the unlockable armored batman suit that you can play as after beating arkham asylum i really like the design of this costume it adds even more white plating to the advanced suit and includes a few black sections to balance out the red and white portions i love these three colors being used together and i often found myself wearing this a lot throughout my playthrough of spider-man remastered overall it's a fun suit and definitely worthy of being one of the final few suits to finish off spider-man ps4 content personally i even think insomniac could make this suit canon if they really wanted to it would be interesting if peter created this suit in between the city that never sleeps dlc and miles morales using it while he was with mj and simcaria it would make sense because this suit feels like it was heavily inspired by the white color scheme of stable international and i would definitely love to get a spin-off comic of this suit in simcaria either that or insomniac could just say that this is the original advanced suit since we see peter wearing a different costume in spider-man 2. you never know maybe i'll talk more about this in the future number 16 the vintage comic book suit i wish i could put this higher i really do but i'm gonna have to remain adamant on keeping it around the same position as in my other rankings this suit is amazing don't get me wrong i wear it quite a lot and its cel-shaded design is simply unmatched by any other costume in the game i love insomniac's redesign of the classic suit and i love it being used here but i think the vintage comic book suit could have been way better if it was actually inspired by a vintage comic book design for example if the design of this suit looked like steve ditko's design for spidey john romita senior's design or even todd mcfarlane's 90s design this suit would have been so much better in my eyes but i appreciate what we got i love this suit a lot and that's why it's ranked so high it's a really fun design number 15 into the spider-verse suit alright so i decided to bump this suit up a few slots because i was a bit harsh on it a few years ago and i've since come around to using it more often i still think it would have been interesting to have this suit be modeled after peter b parker from the spider-verse movie as opposed to that first peter parker that way we would have gotten the sweatpants over top of this suit and that small inclusion would have made it stand out even more against the dozens of other classic suit designs in this game however i can't deny how great this suit looks once again it looks like it was ripped straight out of the movie and thanks to that cartoony model it's 100 accurate to both appearance and proportions that we saw in spider-verse i'm very glad that this suit paved the way for miles to get his own spider-verse suit in his game number 14 the spider-man 2099 white suit if there's any suit that looks like it comes from the year 2099 it's got to be this one i'm super happy that miguel o'hara has been getting a lot of attention ever since shattered dimensions and edge of time kickstarted his popularity because without the general public being reminded of him the all-new all different 2099 white suit wouldn't exist miguel has been one of my favorite alternate spider-men behind peter himself with miles quickly becoming one of my favorites as well and i think it's great that other people have been exposed to spider-man 2099's character and stories the futuristic setting of 2099 is so vast and incredible and the 2099 white suit does a great job at reflecting what a spider-man would look like in that year this was easily one of my most anticipated suits for spider-man ps4 and it's no doubt become one of my most worn number 13 classic suit repaired was there ever any doubt that the classic suit wouldn't make it into a high spot on this ranking insomniac did an outstanding job at redesigning spider-man's most iconic look keeping it familiar to just about everyone who's seen the character yet they made it their own by adding a few unique flairs to it from the sharp legs on the back spider logo to the compact design of the front logo all the way to the shape of the eyes the expressive lenses and the shade of red and blue used this design has no doubt become one of my favorite incarnations of the classic suit ever plus this skin served as the foundation for just about every other suit in the game since most of the other alternate costumes follow similar design patterns to make it feel like they'd be worn by this universe's peter parker take for instance the cyborg suit the fear itself suit the spider armors and even the secret war suit number 12 spider-man 2099 black suit yeah we all know that the 2099 suit is blue in this game and in most other media it's depicted as blue however based on the original comics the 2099 suit was originally black and red and only appeared blue thanks to lighting which is why it's called the black suit in this game it is a bit confusing to new 2099 fans but to everyone who's read the old comics we all appreciate the reference but enough about the name let's talk about the suit even though we've seen it so often because it's one of the most common alternate costumes in spider-man games i always get excited whenever i see it in a new title like i said i'm a huge fan of miguel o'hara and i've adored this iconic suit for as long as i can remember so of course it's gonna be one of my favorites but aside from personal bias i do think insomniac did a fantastic job at adding some small visual tweaks to the suit to make it seem more futuristic and busy which was a very nice touch number 11 spider armor mark 1. without a doubt the first ever spider armor is one of my personal favorites and one of my most nostalgic spider-man suits of all time i've always liked the silver and black color scheme to help distinguish it from spidey's original design and i've always loved how it was included in other game titles so i've had a lot of exposure to it in the past i love this suit so much that i even own the original comic that this suit first appeared in and i keep it in pristine condition to this day and while there may be other spider armors out there some that others may enjoy more i've always had a soft spot for this armor that started it all so seeing it appear as dlc for this game my heart skipped a beat in terms of appearance this armor looks both effective and stylish the spider armor mark 1 is really shiny really reflective and i love how different portions of the suit are raised and spread apart to better mimic armor plating scene in the comics number 10 the secret war suit breaking into the top 10 the secret war suit was definitely a controversial pick in some of my older rankings but i'm not going gonna shy away and say that i love it any less i may have gone a bit overboard by ranking it so high in other videos but it's still one of my favorite costumes in the game so while i am bumping it down a few slots i don't want to bump it down too much just based on how much it shocked me when i first unlocked it and based on how much i wore it as a result the secret war suit may look ugly to some but i think it's pretty charming a lot of people have started saying it looks similar to the costume worn by miles morales and i can see it especially since insomniac opted to use red webbing on the suit as opposed to the orange like we've seen in the past but man i still can't get over how deep insomniac got into spider-man's history when creating suits for this game because this is easily one of the most underrated and obscure suits that i've ever seen it almost feels like they added this costume just for me and that makes it feel special number 9 the anti-aux suit man insomniac really outdid themselves when making this suit i can't believe it wasn't ranked higher in my previous rankings so it's time i fixed that by moving it up a few slots the anti-aux suit is easily one of the coolest armors in the game thanks to it being made from the same materials used to craft doc ox tentacles which is a really cool concept plus it's an original design so that's always fun and for those who love the advanced suits design this suit carries over a lot of similarities from that costume such as the spider symbol designs and adds a few extra visuals to make it something new i really love those bright yellow lights scattered throughout the armor and having the eyes and simple glow it makes the suit look beautiful at night my favorite thing about the suit though is that it's actually essential to the main plot and since it's canon i would love to see it reappear in future games number 8 the amazing suit without a doubt this costume was the most anticipated suit that fans were waiting for after the ramy suit made it into the game if spider-man ps4 had tom holland and toby maguire suits where was the andrew garfield representation well insomniac finally delivered and gave everybody what they were asking for when they first announced the remastered version of spider-man ps4 for the playstation 5 and it got everybody excited a lot of fans have a special connection to andrew garfield and his characterization of spidey so it was like christmas to them when the suit was revealed and i gotta say it's easily my favorite of the three brand new suits i was pretty hyped when it was first announced i've always liked the first amazing spider-man suit even more so than what we got in the second movie mostly because of its unique yellow lenses and its sleek design so it was really fun to put this on for the first time and swing around at night like the other movie tie-in suits a lot of care and detail was put into this costume to make it feel like it was ripped straight from the movie number 7 the stark suit next up we have the mcu spider-man suit the suit that started it all for tom holland first appearing in captain america civil war the stark suit most famously appeared in spider-man homecoming but oddly enough it was never referred to as the stark suit throughout the movie i actually kind of like the name though it fits the costume a bit better than if insomniac were to name it the homecoming suit name choices aside though i instantly clicked with this suit's design ever since i first laid eyes upon it the shape of the eyes and how expressive they are the bright red and blue colors the front and back spider logos it all reminds me of the early days of spider-man and i know a lot of people hate those unnecessary black lines and massive black strips throughout the costume but i don't mind them considering this is one of my favorite mcu suits it's no surprise that it quickly became one of my favorites for spider-man ps4 number 6 the upgraded suit from far from home yep this suit has definitely grown on me since july 2019. i already ranked it pretty high in my 42 suits ranking video but after some thought i realized it should have been higher i may always have a soft spot for the stark suit but the upgraded suit definitely deserves its place as the best mcu inspired suit the level of detail on every square inch of this costume is insane and its overall appearance has definitely grown on me since far from home released red and black spider-man suits are always a pleasure to look at and that gigantic white spider symbol on the back ties the entire suit together nicely both this suit and the stealth suit were very pleasant surprises when they were added to the game since they've no doubt become some of my favorites for spider-man ps4 number 5 the negative suit instead of the negative zone suit spider-man ps4 decided to make a spider-man costume in reference to mr negative one of the primary villains of the game's plot the negative suit follows the same negative style as martin lee's alter ego turning the advanced suit into a black and white copy of itself which is no doubt one of the coolest suits to use when traveling around at night i'm pretty surprised that this costume wasn't used at any point in the main story it most definitely could have been used during those segments where mr negative pulls you into the negative world it would have been cool if the game automatically swapped you into that costume but it's no big deal since i just did that myself when each of these boss fights came up i highly recommend you do the same thing too because if you put the suit on whenever you fight mr negative it instantly improves each of those fights and makes you feel immersed in the action number four the iron spider armor from the comics the iron spider armor has always been one of my personal favorite spider-man suits it's no doubt been one of my favorite alternate costumes alongside the black suit thanks to its sleek red and gold design so seeing it make its appearance as dlc was a real treat the iron spider armor is one of those suits where insomniac's creative liberty really shines through and makes the suit infinitely better than what we've seen before primarily i love how it has the same pattern design as iron man's nanotech armor from infinity war but not only that i find it really cool how if you use the iron arm suit power with this suit the spider legs are all golden just like in the comics as opposed to the red and gold ones that you get when you use the power with the mcu version of the suit it's the little details that really make a difference number three the scarlet spider one of the first few suits you can unlock when playing the scarlet spider suit manages to hold on to a top ranking spot as one of my favorite alternate skins in spider-man ps4 and its remastered version while it may not be my first suit it's easily one of the suits that i've worn the most because of my attachment to ben reilly as a character and because of how fantastic it looks in the game insomniac kept the basics of what made the scarlet spider's appearance great by not touching the blue hoodie or any of his accessories as the only tweaks they made to the suit were some visual updates to the red spandex it gives more volume to the overall costume without massively changing what we all love about the scarlet spider number 2 the advanced suit come on this is the suit that defined insomniac's version of spider-man of course it's going to be one of my favorite costumes and one of the best this game has to offer like many other players the advanced suit quickly grew on me since its debut in the e3 2016 trailer which just so happened to release on my birthday and it's become one of my favorite spider-man suits period the decision to make those gigantic spider symbols on the front and back of the costume white as opposed to something like black was a pretty risky decision but it worked in the long run and helped cement this incarnation of the character as its own thing this version of peter parker has gotten so popular that he's actually become part of the marvel comics canon appearing in comic book events and even being referenced in some of the movies and might i say it's very well deserved insomniac did an outstanding job at creating this universe from the ground up and i'm pretty honored to see it grow into something even greater number 1 the webbed suit could there have been any other answer the webbed suit also known as the raimi suit worn by tobey maguire is no doubt one of my favorite renditions of spidey's traditional costumes of all time and it was no doubt my most anticipated suit for spider-man ps4 it really sucks that insomniac got a lot of backlash for not including this suit when the game first launched and i hate that some people made reimi fans look bad because of it but man i love this suit and i'm really glad it's here i grew up with the raimi trilogy and i've always been a huge fan of those films i mean just take a look at this video and you'll see how much admiration i have for them i can't thank insomniac enough for including this suit because it really made me and a lot of other spider-man fans excited to put these raised webs on once again insomniac you guys did an amazing job with each and every single suit in this game but for myself personally the webbed suit will always be my favorite suit in all of spider-man ps4 and spider-man remastered and there we have it everyone that was my complete and definitive ranking of all 45 suits seen in marvel spider-man remastered what did you all think of my list were there some picks that you agreed with what did you disagree with leave your thoughts down in the comments and be sure to create your own suits ranking while you're at it remember be nice to not just my opinion but to everybody else around you we may have different opinions but we're all spider-man fans at the end of the day if you enjoyed today's ranking go ahead and smash that thumbs up button to help push this video into youtube's algorithm the more likes this video has the more likely it is that other spider-man fans can see this video as well plus it gives me an idea of how much you enjoy today's content while you're at it click that subscribe button and turn on post notifications so you can see whenever i upload a new video as of now there's only 45 suits in spider-man remastered and i'm hoping it stays that way because it keeps the suits menu looking clean and even plus insomniac needs to save some stuff for the sequel don't you think although with spider-man no way home releasing in just a few months i wouldn't be surprised if they end up adding those suits to spider-man remastered but i hope they just save them for spider-man 2. i definitely wouldn't be mad if they do end up adding those suits into a quick update and if they do i'll be back yet again to make a new ranking until then thank you all so much for watching i hope you enjoyed and until my next video i'll be seeing all of you spider-man fans later see ya [Music] [Music] you
Channel: InnovativeJdawg
Views: 1,856,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spider-Man, Spider, Man, Spiderman, PS4, Playstation, Marvel's Spider-Man, Spider-Man PS4, Spiderman PS4, Alternate Suits, All Suits, All Alternate Suits, Best, Worst, Suits, All 40 Suits, All 40, Worst to Best, Ranking, Ranked, Retrospective, Game, Review, Podcast, Spoilers, No Spoilers, Showcase, Miles, Morales, All 20, Miles suits, Miles Morales suits, DLC, InnovativeJdawg, PS5, Playstation 5, Remastered, 45 Suits, All 45 Suits, Venom, Carnage, No Way Home, Post Credits, NWH, Spider-Man 2, Leaks
Id: ip-MttZz7-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 53sec (2753 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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