DON'T SHOOT! | Spider-Man - Part 6

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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to the quietest episode of spider-man that's cool I'm doing a thing here late there's no sound why just right little punk all right where was that crime happening Oh nearby goodie anyway here we go and the music kicks in again okay okay Bob the front Karen got it that's no problem because I am awesome excuse me Tom Hollands check it it have you seen my latest movie okay what if I kick you to the cinema will you see it then sorry sir it's my car now you Shh nice all right got it turn off the body Oh God oh Christ Oh Mamie what are you doing out here what a both you guys doing out here you're supposed to be dead I also figured out that I could do this keep people in the air and then do a swinger ooh okay it's because he's a specialized enemy normally I could just stay in the air and never ever stop you know what I need for you I need one of these oh okay I've fired I fired three at one due because I thought that this group still alive nice what are you doing over here hit him up into the air give him the old one-two and then you can do a swing kick because before I thought I had to great I thought I had to do the swing myself and then press square to kick but you can actually just hold square and he does the kick on his own it's fantastic anyway my job here is done um my job my job here is done I want to swing away in a cool fashion give me a thing to zip to where you jump through that window wow thanks man Wow that makes me feel good okay don't have any like skills and gadgets gadgets [ __ ] that I can do I've zero skill points available that's fantastic I love having zero skill points available I also have this suit that I can potentially get soon because I found a vial of Sandman not a whole lot it was just a backpack but this one assists with damage on my fists but the suit looks like it was ejected out of someone's rectum so I'm not gonna use that one I like my Tom Holland suit it's real nice I also have a few towers left I realize there's only two towers left so let's go do those once the towers are done and the whole place is unlocked I don't care if the vehicles pursues in progress okay whoa I like those contextual ones can I do that there we go wait yeah yeah fire that's so cool spider boy Peter man Peter Pan spider dude I could do flips and twirls backflip oh man I messed it up whoa nice you know what feels good to be a winner every now and then Times Square I've been sort of Time Square in the game Jordan day time actually I realize every time I come through it is that night time right I don't wanna be coming through it at nighttime okay let's just run up this if that's what you really want to do nice nice God it makes me feel like such a kid hears me just swinging on by don't mind me just your friendly neighborhood awesome dude alright I hope that I can get a symbiote suit at some point in it but again I wouldn't be surprised if like they didn't show anything about a symbiote suit and they have no problem Holland skins in the game so clearly like comment subscribe if you see spider-man Ximena everybody at home like this video right now if you think that Jay jonah Jameson is a menace did I go past the tower I [ __ ] did like an idiot too busy giving sass where's this tower that's right here totally the buildin man are that's cool with the plane in the distance also I realized that over here is a landmark can I actually get out to that also am I not able to get the Statue of Liberty in this game is that where that is is this Liberty Island where's nobody island I don't know because that was the thing you can do in spite of my - it took a little extra effort and I feel like it's not really it was a bad guy up here it's already a proper spider-man game if there's no Statue of Liberty in it right right I know last hour Oh Avenger Towers in the background this cool date date date so I get anything for this trophy cool real glad I did all those oh yeah watch this watch this nice pretty good yeah good enough that maybe you'd let a certain someone spider pods were long the danger-close but between spider cops right now intuition and the Chiefs determined plenty they got the job done a pairing of opposites like peanut butter and chocolate but to work together I'm not even paying attention she's coming around I wasn't even paying attention to what the hell was happening I was too busy listening to him ooh that's gotta hurt bro nice I bet you'll be as good at breaking out as you or it breaking it you're gonna break bad okay so now the whole map is unlocked which means that we can go to Jimmy John's and get ourselves a sandwich nice okay let's go do this mission I don't know where we're actually heading what I'm hoping it's something good I mean it usually is all right get a little boost going nice and I realized as well that every time I've been playing this game I was so like into the swinging I was making sure that I got the swinging mechanics take down as soon as possible like to become really good at the swinging it's not good for anybody Oh bye guys which is why in the combat took like a backseat for me it was like no I get the swinging now that's all I need that was dope web throw web throw five objects enemies perform two finishers okay Oh God anything else that I can throw at you guys probably you lied sorry sorry I'm hitting you guys as well I'm not trying to put that count as one I don't know could you guys all line up I don't like what I have to think no God okay there's four I just need one more you guys have seen anything like whoa Jesus where am I first time in space ah here we go all right now I have my finisher oh yes nice one boys okay take this grenade and shove it up your ace oh oh I need to get my finisher bear full otherwise how else am I gonna do this okay just give me the full bar [ __ ] okay okay I need to heal I need to heal you know what I can do you know I can do I can do this I can change my suit power to this real quick and do that okay drive a full full thing the for the air we go nice oh here we go nice whoa that dude's head is just like the inside of an egg now you're welcome scary fascist soldier guy's scary fashioned soldiers fans a box right yeah gotta check out that rooftop box another day I know their set of dudes rooftop box hey let's get us some research points let's see if I can upgrade stuff after this crime is in this freakin city I know it's New York and everything but man so we installed energy-saving LED billboards all around this area this station monitors how they're performing I'm just hoping it saves enough money that Oscorp keeps this program going typical Oscorp ignored the specs and jacked up the voltage going into the billboards if I don't fix it they'll explode people could get hurt and it would definitely be the end of this station man to use my electric webs to shock the screens into shutting down and I don't have long to do it can i god why oh god there's a bull [ __ ] mess of them alright it'll be a billboard of me that doesn't seem innocent okay there's two you're I'm pretty [ __ ] good at this really bring back sign painting start swinging [ __ ] nice aru okay Poosh Poosh Poosh that didn't hit that one today mm-hmm tonight they do it my even greater than I thought I was yes I think so rich environment okay nice I don't want to be doing that I just stand here and do it ah [ __ ] tears are in the way what are you going into slow motion on me I don't want it now what I'm just sitting on the ground anyway okay one motion explosions would make these ads more interesting okay okay okay what are you doing I'm not even pressing these [ __ ] bookings Chuck the thing there we go that was really weird just the billboards properly then they did save a lot of money which seems to be honest corpse priority so I bet the stations in the clear I had infinite taser webs for that that was pretty cool what movies are we gonna see that look like a jean-claude Van Damme poster yeah I remember JCVD I do let me have a TV show now isn't this not pertinent information you're right everybody it's not alright watch this and what watch this here come the Animaniacs does that look like the Warner Brothers hour I'm so badass and awesome and cool this building what I also like is that on the buildings like it actually sounds like you're running across different materials so if you run across glass you hear like squeaky noises whereas if you run across that the concrete that makes like a thud that's a really nice attention to detail in the sound design and you know your boy love some good sound design by looks military-grade weird spider-man so you found one of my recon points who is this wrong question the correct one is can you stop the bombs I planted why would I ask that question mystery man has got recon points spread all over the city oh these are the challenge things ah yes I need a challenge tokens for a bunch of my my Deuter Tron's that's what I'm calling them bomb challenge okay this is the one we have to go find bombs and throw them in here and they're about to go off I gotta move yeah move out of the city move to like Jersey or something it's not that far I've got a hurry and defuse those bombs okay okay okay no not that you [ __ ] nice okay I need to get I need to get the gold I need it I know that was awesome okay I got all these upgrades now oh this is cool oh it almost wasn't Gary waters know where you do it let me do it ultimate sixteen thousand wait what how the hell do you get more points webbing bonus base bomb score time bonus so that's where most of my stuff comes from okay I'm gonna try that again I could have gotten away better time but somebody decided to be shite head it was me I decided to become show head oh look how slick oh it changes the suit in these poses as well that's really nice got a hurry and defuse those bombs yep ice there's a big amount of time save right there nice nice do this I can do this I can do this that was way faster oh yeah right now Oh baby sixteen thousand sorry you just witnessed perfection is this some kind of sick game to you guess your client wasted their money sometimes informations worth more than money and I've learned watching you MJ what did you find out about Isaac Delaney check out the picture I just sent which one is Delaney oh my god am I gonna go to a costume party dress the spider-man that's so awesome let's see if I got any [Music] like what did I need to upgrade some stuff crime tokens landmark tokens okay that's just for basic web shooters though I want to upgrade some of these ones there we go oh hell yeah can I just go all the way with this bass tokens challengers oh I can't unlock it yet cuz I'm not at level 25 okay and also trip mines are a big one for me that's what I needed the challenge tokens for don't want that wet bum kind of love that backpack tokens okay unlock my spider drawn I guess I'll do you anyway since I have it nice I put all those upgrades wait what's this last one what this thing blasts people into the air and keeps them there suspension matrix that seems over the top don't you think nice so it's it's cool that it doesn't like you can see where all the backpacks are there was some stuff in spider-man 2 that you had to collect on the rooftops and like landmark tokens that but you didn't know where they were so you had to just kind of like see a glint in the distance which made it more challenging and whatever but I'm glad in this game it's just like no here's all the things just go get them like the idea of searching for them isn't fun but the idea of getting to them is so I'm glad that they made the right choice Oh bye guys hey fellas here you go nice so I have any bonus things that I can do nope the default nah hey Peter I spoke to Miles his mother and she loved the idea of him working here while trying to be strong okay here you go don't move I got this si oh god oh god oh god I didn't just get somebody killed it I was the last oh okay geez I thought I thought somebody died in the middle of all that stay cap what did he just say okay Tony they were here before hadn't none of this would have been needed anyway away I go Oh spider-man is challenged on this building I do want to go do a bunch of challenges they've been something I've been looking forward to in the game okay since it started off because I like the challenges the kind that would proud oh hey don't do it Papa Papa can you hear me anyway wanna listen to that countdown people cutscenes claim crime doesn't happen during a cutscene am i at a rally oh yeah Halloween party guess I don't have to change hmm just walking as spider-man I'm not spider-man I'm Tom Hollands spider-man find out which one okay so vulture lizard and was that Mysterio he's a horse smash dude Hey look it's me my costumes really good right guys do you guys like it haven't seen any of these [ __ ] yet oh is that a Mysterio here's a Mysterio excuse me are you dr. Delany no no smoke whatever will I do oh look at my suit now and the light that's cool okay but I've got spidey senses so nice hey what's wrong with you I worked on that helmet for a week I need to find dr. Delaney he's out in the party somewhere who are you I'm your friendly neighborhood spider-man wait you kind of gave yourself away since you just used your powers it's like whoa how'd you get those web shooters to be so accurate set the guy eat my little children I'm not gonna eat your children dr. Delany gotta find a way up there you're spider-man figure it out what oh damn it oh come on really okay I'll paracord the way you want me to parkour hi looking for Isaac Delaney I think he's on the dance floor there he is lizard nollette co-owner if it's always the last person finder if they're in a if they're in a specific order probably in a specific order I'm gonna go watch this lizard bust some moves [Music] yeah dude this is really weird what the hell [Music] the negative men got him same for Spidey to go use some PMA oh I'm a winner all right you know I go here I go spidering again I just love spidering [Music] take it easy - just tell me what you want this is a joke right those aren't real guns bow now let him go nice again woo right in your face buddy boy okay whoosh no I don't have any left damn here we go it's awesome can't catch me I'm a gingerbread man okay how about that everybody okay yeah good happy Halloween I'm not the real spider-man I just look a lot like him I'm Andrew Garfield oscar-winning actor Andrew Garfield dress a spider-man who also plays spider-man in the amazing spider-man 1 and 2 that's a good idea here's my stop hey this isn't the Brooklyn Bridge I thought I had a better chance of doing that nice nice everything's nice okay let me alone there we go did you get stucked at the wall nice scuse me crushed him after he was already defeated must be another way around oh yeah listen to that Kanye no this is cute there he is just swing through the window why would you okay you know what does whatever a spider can yeah I'll I'll stick with you buddy whatever you want to do who are you you recently began working with someone in an Oscorp lab Marin Lee how do you know that we don't have much time Isaac tell me his name damn show's over Lee did he change his voice so he didn't get caught that's kind of cool his name dr. Morgan Michaels No no Jesus scam is ruthless go Spidey go that's my boy that's my son [Music] nice wrong thing crap okay that guy's stuck in other parts of the earth nice god these what hey boys these um gadgets are really handy who knew right sixth wall nice because if they're wet bombed and they're covered in webs as long as you hit them near a wall they'll they'll stick to it health increased okay let's see what skills I can get there was something over here maybe I wanted swing cake will now knock over shield enemies oh yeah this one just really apply to what I'm doing right now but now if the super jump so sometimes when I go up a level of my health increases sometimes my damage increases and sometimes my speed increases so I can't just go out and buy fast or swinging unless I put lead in my shoes then it'll be really fast oh [ __ ] okay stop hurting each other I heard like a really old like Hollywood scream sound effect he corrupted them you've seen this okay all I have to do is smack them around a little bit I don't actually have to defeat them like regular enemies oh not the Rhine och hey buddy you want some PMA no oh boy okay I need to get rid of some of these guys what if I just use regular webs nice oh my mom's mighty oh I love that overhand swing and slamming down there's a lot of like good kinetic physics in this game where it feels like stuff is like impactful yeah that's me I'll explain later but right now you need to find a doctor Morgan Michaels Martin Lee's coming after in this level dr. Michaels I think he's the head scientist on this Devil's breath project did you find him but they won't tell me where I thought you guys were working together okay I have an idea on how to find him I'll let you know if it works what's your idea how can you know the idea and I don't know the idea I am you can I have in on the idea yeah but so did we what happened Lee corrupted him and made him kill himself yeah it really is will before Delaney died he gave Leah named Morgan Michael's not sure but I bet he works on The Devil's breath project if you learned anything from that Devil's breath file from regulators secret left for Devil's breath where's the lab personal accounts construction knowing Fiske he kept the invoices around for blackmail material on the mayor everything leads back to Norman Osborn mm-hmm guess it's time to pay him a visit sorry MJ but I got the information I needed I'm just too quick that's how I can get into Norman's office can't get in there without shutting down some security systems but if they see me they'll put the whole place on lockdown or the building on the left look weird man it's been nighttime for a long time in this game should be able to hack into the security network modules from the outside that's so much fun there the network cables just need to follow them to the security module what this thing is it there we go a security module I think spider-man is Herod looks like there's four of these around the building that should make things easier pretty easy looks like an electrical problem this is fun all stable teams looks like we have some sort of software problem we're calling in a specialist copy that continuing exterior sweep you're in the wall taking control of one of our subsystems initiating Delta protocol man everybody's got drones these days Amazon it's a bowl sneaky mad okay just two more modules there it is oh damn it target's buttered it's spider-man mission failed come on guys give me a break I'm your friendly neighborhood who's watching that was much faster what are you gonna do another verse I'm sorry boys I'm taking you up there don't bird inbound okay just don't do anything crazy I'm glad I didn't like take this at my own pace like you could just go away and swing around the whole building and Devil's breath you don't need to actually just don't be in these types of games that like puts you in a level in a very specific scenarios like no you can't web-swing here because we need you to do this well this game is just like you know what you're spider-man just do spider-man things it's cool I like it a lot good job developers I like you come over to my house have biscuits spider cop is on the prowl all your files if you try to expose our business arrangement it'll be your word against mine and I'm not the one behind bars right now no woman talking to Wilson Fisk neo statue what are you talking about the neo statue from the auction house they must be talking about that file MJ found it's like where the hell am I going jackpot knock knock who's there your friendly neighborhood me gr 27 mm-hmm dr. Morgan Michaels is the chief scientist but the location of the lab is redacted I controlled CRISPR if that actually works it's a chore any genetic disease cystic fibrosis Huntington's this is crazy CRISPR is the leading edge in like genetic modification and research it's like there's a really good video actually I think it skirts Cossacks made the video on CRISPR stuff so I would highly recommend looking into it because it's fascinating science too good hi okay wait I was so taken aback with the fact that there was just one piece one point on that um slide the bad viral delivery mechanism for the immune system infected subjects hiding dangers wants a big expose seven days after okay that's pretty P yeah lots of rats gr 27 is Devil's breath it's designed to cure diseases but in its current form it's like a bioweapon okay yeah I could have figured that out by the name of it one infected subject could trigger a global epidemic dr. Michaels keeps the only sample with him at all times that's why Lee wants him we find Michaels we find Devil's breath so they're making it to cure stuff but if it goes wrong in one person it could trigger a global epidemic why would that thing ever be considered at all it's like oh it might cure this thing very well but it might also kill millions of people why would you do that oh right comic books I forgot we're playing a spider-man game look at my boy go look at him and all his shiny rain glory actually looks kind of weird the lighting on him hey yeah you never look me I'm not 23 all right where we gone MJ get this Devil's breath wasn't designed to be a weapon it's a treatment for genetic disorders but its current form is wildly imperfect in trying to fix the body and rips it apart we need to locate dr. Michaels I don't trust able to contain something this deadly reach him my place is crawling with guards how are you trying to reach him sneaking into a stable compound that could go bad fast yeah I should head to Central Park okay but first is a there's a black cat thing here that I want to do I think that was way further away than I expected it to be but whatever he's just close to her goal I've got to put it into this and fast this area is full of Wall Street guys target-rich environment target-rich environment where is the kitty cat I'm not getting any vibrations on this one the controller vibrates when you're near it by the way so I'm saying that hello okay hey boys where the hell is it they're normally not this hard to find Oh Felicia oh that's why wait it's vibrating where's the cat her face is there but where's the actual cat that I need to take the picture of oh look at ya she's that was a hard one with these places that was the hardest one so far do you had a catcher there's also a backpack nearby huh looks like doc check did potential shackled to a tired body got some good parts from this old cell phone look at this with a real budget instead of dumb said of dumpster diving I've one skill point can I get anything for this can I borrow a feeling could you lend me a jar of love no oh I've gotta have some listen to the message again no are whoa that's awesome okay are you still excited by a project he's not too excited yeah how dare he be excited and optimistic that Oh piss [ __ ] through the trees that's so much fun my god swinging around of this game is like it's like taking cocaine on acid actually don't be horrible 15 minutes earlier MJ [Laughter] time to see if these lures Pete gave me work see this is this is what I'm talking about normally these types of games to change up the game plate they put you in scenarios where you can't use your powers so instead of being like oh just need to distract the guard oh wait I have to distract you over here so instead of being like oh we'll just take spider-man's powers away and put him indoors you should have give her some like now you should give her some like tripmines or something that's that's what they would house guests must be Standish he's here somewhere can I lure you over there just go upstairs hi sir nope Oh doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm free I'm a brave boy I'm brave boy what's that oh no not in frame got it time to move it's the cartel demons are killing anyone related to Devil's breath Standish is in real danger Standish I knew it I've got to get to that tent he was walking Standish oh never mind I'll distract him for long go go go go go go I'm a sexy genius böck oh god you gonna turn around scary scary scary scary oh I'm in the worst place ever Oh am I supposed to go this way okay probably supposed to go this way okay never mind I thought it was going the other way that's okay don't see me don't see me don't see me don't see me don't see me don't see me turn it it there it it hello sexy man you want to turn the other way like no thanks he listened what a good friend Oh Oh sneaky MJ look at you strong powerful lady I like this I like that they didn't just make MJ the love interest she's her own [ __ ] going on she's she's fun also I found out that she is voiced by Laura Bailey who is um Nadine in uncharted and everything else in every other game ever but one of more recent ones I remember her who's there ground ddddd that's important if dr. Michaels is in one of these Standish might know which one there Standish is 10t semi you're going the other direction all right all right all right all right II I'm just I'm just chance in my ass right now this is a [ __ ] these sections are so tense just like all these tents ah we did it oh come on really I don't have to go that way [ __ ] I distracted the wrong guy for no reason am I just going in the front door okay okay sector two turn round around oh [Laughter] damn it okay well that didn't work cuz I distracted the wrong guy and that it messed up the entire a eye path it's called halitosis actually he can't help but carry it around with them it's a dental hygiene problem okay leave him alone oh god there's another truck right behind me he's gonna one already kill me wait for these [ __ ] to go by I didn't know that was even a thing that could happen [ __ ] well it did from last time but I people man what a mess it's okay I'm still safe just crawl under you could so fit under there MJ you're almost under it already MJ stands for man jack yeah you do that crap that's not good enough well I'm kind of stuck here how you guys doing okay can I distract you over here noise you should be distracted and I should be able to run straight in yeah I'm so happy look at all those Pelican cases sub sit down ich where is dr. Morgan Michaels police sent you didn't he he wants to kill me you tell him to do it do it himself I'm not with the demons I'm not with sable I'm a reporter and I want to see Li stopped just like you what I've heard your byline say but won't listen to me she has Michaels in the Bowery they're moving him to a new safe house tomorrow at noon but she's totally ignoring Grand Central Great Central the demons are talking about it when they held me they're going there to get high to get what Charles what are the demons need to get at Grand Central oh it's not a stable guy definitely not to say well guy sorry Charlie good damn it spider Parker do I get to swing around with MJ in my arm now take her to the hospital like in spider-man 2 he's picked people up off the street and swing around and subject him to a like 4 G's like them vomit all over themselves it was amazing I want to do that again oh well that was maybe the most awkward swing in my life goodbye not happy can you blame her Peter damn you blame her Oh new suit Oh stealth big-time suit I like my suit to be called big-time create a distortion field that can obscure you from I can become invisible no way well basically invisible not actually invisible gained two I have two skill points I surely do so I could yank guns away from guys what's this last one air launch attacks knock back nearby enemies has a short recharge time okay let's just fill out this one this one this one's good and then I'll start filling out these and below half health attacks generate focus faster immediately perform a second finisher on basic enemies oh that's a good one except I need six to be able to get those wait Hey okay another thing sorry Charlie you knock them in out destroy my background research and the best you got is sorry Charlie no I screwed up it was a tension breaker great you know this is exactly why we broke up I thought we broke up so you could focus on your career because you wouldn't stop treating me like a baby don't do this I'm J don't do that F J you guys need a moment you snuck into the middle of an armed military you know what can we not do this right now please did you learn anything about dr. Michaels fine Michaels is in the Bowery somewhere moving him tomorrow at noon awesome anything else was he saying something about Grand Central before I jumped in he was no there was nothing listen I gotta go Peter filing deadline Peter that's how you know she's still mad Peter nice work mr. superhero this suit is cool I'm glad that you could use different powers with different suits so you can pick which one is wrong you can pick which one you like fashionably but then use the powers for the other ones that's nice and it makes sense cuz they're all basically the same types of suits shape-wise maybe not material hopefully they never will oh no someone broke in and stole a volatile rocket propellant they must have cracked the container cuz it's leaking from the timestamp on the security cameras it just happened I need to get it back Oh get my spider bots are still just prototypes but this is a good time to test one its sensors can follow the chemical trail better than me swinging up on the thief if he freaks out and drops the hydrazine he'll blow up half a block gotta find a quiet place to deploy the spider bot where I can hang out and guide it you know okay little guy yeah Allen for the chemical drip then vacuum it up where it makes someone sick this is sweet spider but spider bud not only as mini-me cleaning up the spills its leading me right to the thief well yeah mini-me look at him go he's so cute he's got a little tentacles full mandibles little those things Mandy boys Steve's hiding in crowds called this person with a subsonic blast [Laughter] go on I'm such a [ __ ] menace menaces to society dangerous over a long exposure or if it combust this is the spider boys cool get down to the crowd get inside you b.o.b you let that scream that's such like a stock horror sound effect scream and these research missions are actually kind of cool whimpers nice dude I am talent daddy you know I just need to return the fuel to the station oh this little spice useful I can never find a way to make him cost-effective they'd be a big help doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo doodly-doo doodly-doo doodly-doo to the superhero spider-man go sweep chemicals back where it belongs had beefed up the station security and sent Yuri the camera footage to convict the thief not a bad days work this is one station that was already earning its keep it should be safe from being shut down especially now that the chemicals are locked away yep um what other kind of stuff can we do there's these like cool side missions that I like doing snipe hunt let's do that oh sorry my bus broke down and there were no cabs but I'll be there as soon as I can that was really quick efficient lying Peter are you hiding something are you hide her man see the joke here was that it was a play on the word spider-man but the fact that he's hiding something and hider and spider sounds the same so you can see that it is the apex of comedy nice so pretty sure there are other targets our perp had a map of the city with the courthouse circles I'm on it see if you can get more info out of our friend here and contact me at this number man okay I need to hurry the attack on the courthouse could come any second is it this one okay yeah so if the sniper sees me near the target he'll take the shot only chance is to take out the gunman before he can fire now crap I had it I had it I had it go up I am stuck I'm stuck in the wall I'm stuck in the wall I broke the game No god damn it I literally can't do anything I can't get out of it okay I'm gonna have to reload last checkpoint god oh I was doing so well - if I was gonna wet zip then web zip over and then punch him in the head and then we'd all go home and have a Merry Christmas oh that's cool - take out the gunman before he can fire yes I know same thing as last time nice eye what do you like the camera oh no pressure send me what you got no I can do this one spider-man I need to move fast whoa anyone who's ever worked on Norman's campaign as a potential target now that's one way to destroy Osborn I guess make it so nobody wants to be around it that super jump is awesome snipers gotta be around here somewhere that works and for my next trick one down two to go gotta check out all possible vantage points for snipers there he is that's awesome I love that target see watch my super jump again where'd it go let's go away get enough in the air real quick so you know no pressure good one Pete no Peter I like you yes sass your jokes this is the place now where's the assassin oh there's more than one dead cow he go by II when I knock him off the building nope do that [Laughter] it's fun just in time I did it right officer three snipers are down are we in the clear like you're negotiating stall them I'll take away their bargaining chips ah super jump save the hostages they're dead I can charge my running jump now got him so fast keep that speed going I wish the web zip didn't stop you it's like before you use it while you're going super fast some of the animations have like a triggering to them like that like if I'm swinging and then I use the web zip it kind of stops me a little bit and then pulls me forward I wish it would just stay within the momentum god that's fun these blips because I can and I'm cool if they see me they can kill all the hostages before I get close how did you guys let this happen let me land on the American flag okay you're all danger American flag takedown okay oh I can perch take you down at the American flag yeah taste freedom yeah I guess I can just do this kind of stuff I'm not Stalin sweet mama llama can't wait to see speed runs of this kind of stuff here you go go check that out dude are you not gonna check that out dude Oh check it out look sweet blue light there we go who else is this anybody up top okay does it seem like it there's a couple down there I want to take them on out stealth wise I guess I could fight them yeah or nah remember when that was a meme let's do this yes give me the all safe give me the all safe nice what's up buddy booyah not for you we make a good team officer hey see if you can convince more of your buddies to work with me instead of shooting at me okay three grand we did more of those things nice did my damage go up from that I think so okay well I'm gonna leave this episode of spider-man here we didn't progress the story as much as I would have liked to but I like a lot of the side missions it's just fun there's a lot of variety in it like catching pigeons is not fun getting the backpacks and all snapping locations of stuff is fun because you take out the camera you can do it on the go but I get in the backpacks again the pigeons and stuff isn't that fun but the research stations are fun black cat stuff is kind of fun for what it is that little puzzle element to it and these side missions are really really good the bigger side missions like the mini stories I like those a lot overall very very fun and I got a lot of suits now and this suit is folks that can be I can go down into an area and put out like a blur projector and some guys can't see me I don't know I like it a lot but for now thank you guys so much watch this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face like a pause and thank you guys they're on sale you dudes [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh by the way web Shazam
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,771,125
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Keywords: jacksepticeye, spiderman, spider-man, spiderman ps4, marvels spiderman, exclusive, sony exclusive, spiderman ps4 gameplay, ps4, spider-man ps4, ps4 games 2018, spiderman game 2018, gameplay spiderman ps4, spiderman gameplay, spiderman ps4 review, peter parker, story, full game, walkthrough, playthrough, spiderman jacksepticeye, suits, gameplay, spider man game, new spider man game, bosses, villains, doc ock, spoilers, characters, fisk, MJ, tom holland suit, spider man homecoming
Id: smU1jpkRMkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 26sec (4406 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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