BONES 2 IS INSANE! (Genshin Impact)

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hey moglets today i'm introducing you to bone's little account bones the second i want to quickly go over the short summary of the polls she has done starting here with a pog kazuha she actually started this account right when kazuwa was about to go away maybe he had a week left i believe she started on like the eighth of this month it is currently the 29th just for some reference it did take quite a few pulls to get kazuha and then later on when ayaka came around she was trying on her banner as well she tried for a while on that banner somewhat recently it did take a bit and then unfortunately she lost the 50 50 to a mona and for those that have been watching this channel for a bit you know how she feels about mona she doesn't really like mona very much so this is when bones ii got pissed and when bones gets pissed the game listens so i think on her very next tin pull she got ayaka which was pretty insane by itself but then a few days later you know she was like i don't have any good weapons let's do a tin pull on the weapon banner and boom there we go missed splitter her entire history of the weapon pulls i think is like 14 items long not pages items so she probably did a couple singles and then did like one tin pull and boom miss splitter so now she has a miss splitter and an ayaka with not a lot of pulls actually way way less than i needed that's for sure and so in this video we're going to be helping bones the second raise ayaka and the miss splitter because um she has kind of rushed a little bit she's already ar-42 after like three weeks i don't know how that's even possible i could have sworn it took me way longer to get to ar-42 and i was kind of rushing also so obviously we got to help her out and farm the stuff she needs she is trying to rush to the magical ar-45 so she can start really farming some artifacts but uh she still is kind of weak right now and thus you know always good to have some help hello bones too she's gonna let me know if she gets any purples i actually forgot what we're doing here i know i farmed it a lot but oh yeah the shield strength domain i'm actually not sure if this one is even easier in bones world because i think some weapon domains cap out at ar-40 oh no this is the one where i wanted vintie alright we're gonna change that next time she also has a puzzle here which i'm gonna solve for her real quick boom i remember i did that on accident i was just randomly hitting them but then i remembered it was this one and then this one so i was like all right let's go any purple two purple let's go there's just gonna be a montage of me asking if she's gotten purples i haven't heard about any purples for the last three runs can't be telling me bones the second isn't getting purples i guess her silence means no purples very sad what she got a gold tin purple from five condensed what is this and a gold i've never gotten a gold i maxed a miss splitter and never saw a gold wow sounds good to be a bone yeah she's gonna upgrade it see how far we can get probably have to go for some more though even so oh wait now that she is busy at the crafting station now i'm gonna pick up some shiny stuff to get revenge for last time boom a mint i think she really actually needs the sakura stuff so i won't be that mean but a mint oh she's gonna feel that pain take your time just busy picking up some shiny stuff go for it i can't do anything against that with my weak units you know you can never be too careful so she might just be playing nice for the camera i wanted to check in on her progress but she hasn't put ayaka in her uh info yet she also needs the chaos oculus oh no this stuff maybe there are some enemies in the lei line yeah see definitely some chaos stuff here let's do the blue one two purples i got like a total of five purples from a hundred of those dudes and she just got two from this little four set he's nine more purples so she must be going from 70 to 80 right now ah okay this stuff has been updated let's give a look see ayaka herself is at 70. the miz splitter is also at 70 but yeah i guess she wants to get it to 80. that's going to be pretty hard but we can try here are some samurais i think she still needs those [Laughter] i was trying to tell her to light a torch but um yeah it's raining let me ask if she still needs the weapon mats well she picked up the blossom so i guess we're going for some more ley lines okay she only needs those well then we have to do some more ley lines i guess more of these guys which is good oh wow we got a purple also here if you want to do it today either lots of resin or use the shop know where some are but let's do the next lay line yeah i'm not sure if she's already farmed the open world uh dudes here but here are some more anyway karayaka is already doing some pretty good stuff i saw some 4ks in there and keep in mind her artifacts are are kind of garbage right now okay so i think she's not grabbing this one now we're going to go head to arumi i actually don't see any around here she may have killed them already oh wait no here here are some hurry up bones i can't stop zhang lee's pillar from eventually killing it hey all right you made it in time go ahead and finish it off 6 000 from the e was she able to get the weapon to 80 yes there it is uh i don't know if she's trying to get ayaka 80 as well i'm gonna ask i do not know what one sword slash means like blink slash once for yes slash two for no i don't know bones use your words does one sword slash mean 23 blooms missing on a lot of those blue samurai tokens oh geez just for reference since i have been saying her artifacts are bad we can also check those real quick so yeah obviously not being 45 yet it's very hard to to really farm artifacts so they're all purple at least we do have mostly 12's here except for an eight and uh yeah obviously the sub stats aren't going to be that great either um oh this one's actually perfect wow look at that plume got the sands actually not too bad either uh goblet with cryo damage bonus okay i'm actually impressed at these artifacts because i know she does not artifact farm yet that's bones luck for you i guess [Music] was that an 8 000 over there dang harayaka is already kind of a beast all right the hardest stuff is out of the way the sakuras the samurais all that's left now is to go kill this boss a few times since she hasn't done the quest where we can get to this part yet uh unless we're gonna quit the game each time between bosses she would need to place a portable teleporter but i'm not sure if she got to the point of being able to place those yeah cause i think that's a that's a reputation reward we are getting their boys just maybe one more run because she needs three more but she's not been having the best luck with drops but if we're lucky just one more run moment of truth did we get three did we get two ah geez bones always looking on the bright side by the way yes her book dungeon will be open tomorrow smiley face well we gotta check her talents now she's still 70 but she'll she should be 80 pretty soon uh we have alt at five e at four and normal attack at two so yeah her talent could use some work of course her artifacts as well actually just miss splitter ayaka in in a three-week account is already crazy there you go she says let's give it a look it hasn't updated yet i'm asking bones to do a daily quest so we can get a little showcase going wait for me bones two ah she has a quest to destroy the balloon i wanted to help her out a bit by getting like another cryo in the team for uh resonance ooh 7 300 there oh look at that it's actually kind of perfect also the the ball was going along with the balloon i'm not gonna help her out at all she's actually doing completely fine by yourself there it goes let's go double ayaka double water dude i don't have an electro anymore good luck bones i'll just help you by like freezing them maybe we'll get like water dudes thing there but i'm not gonna do any damage i'll just help keep them icy what the hell was that that looked like you did a lot an 8 000 there from the e i mean they gave us i think four minutes for this time trial challenge so she's doing pretty well not bad at all bones not bad at all but yeah i suppose that'll pretty much do it can we pose for a thumbnail bones guess you are stronger if you have any thoughts drop them in the comments down below leaving like on this video doing enjoy is always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 438,169
Rating: 4.9703293 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact gameplay, genshin, genshin impact summons, genshin impact 5 star summon
Id: _lu9GOSMusg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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