GOD MODE NINGGUANG! (Genshin Impact)

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hi moglets we aren't fully set up in the new house yet so i apologize if there's still a bit of echo hopefully i can fix that soon but today we are going to be godmoting our ninguang finally like the amount of pain i had to go through to get her to c6 of course we're doing this now i do believe i have everything ready already so there's not gonna be much of a farming montage but here she goes going up to level 80 very nice and we still do have everything we need but we just need to craft some of these real quick so let's go do that as far as i remember we have a ton of geo stuff um because yeah we don't raise geocharacters all that often so i think we should be able to do it just by normal crafting we can indeed we can make 17 of them all right well let's just go ahead and go with six because that's all we need and here we go going up to 90 very nice uh leveling her up of course and there we go ninguang90 unfortunately i think her talents are still not god mode level and uh i don't even know if they're open today we got lucky they are open today let's go so we're gonna go ahead and do that star shatter to tin as far as four star god modes go they have to be c6 which check mark they gotta be level 90 and they gotta have at least eight eleven eleven talents so we have a little bit of work to do here let's craft the few we can first of all seven maybe eight eula bonus nope all right we can finish star shatter so that should be done for uh for now now we're probably gonna go dump our five condensed resin into her books and uh we might be able to uh finish off jade screen and her basic attack as well before we move on to that though there is one thing i wanted to check real quick in leo oh look at that it's final gear today's video sponsor final gear is an all-new strategic rpg featuring two of my favorite things mechs and well they call them maidens so we'll go with that rolls off the tongue a lot better anyway it's just been released globally beforehand it was available in china south korea and japan where it garnered a lot of great feedback you can enjoy breathtaking mech battles train your favorite maidens dive into the fascinating storyline or just relax and remodel your mechs at will the battles take place in an apocalyptic world with a side-scrolling shooter style of gameplay you'll pair one of over a hundred adorable pilots with a mech and get to blast final gear is loved by its loyal players for their large selection of characters gameplay style interesting story unique mech related elements and sense of community with players regularly sharing their own custom macs now final gear's limited time special summer memories event is available play event instances and collect items to redeem for swimsuit pilots skins and other awesome rewards completing boss stages also grant capsule coins with a chance for summertime exclusive mechs and they have also provided me a gift to give out to you guys it'll be in the description alongside a link to download final gear so make sure to check it out i actually don't really want to play with ninguang until she is finished so we're just gonna go back to i guess our like shogun team see ya we did get a purple let's go continue challenge try this again no purples this time unfortunately let's continue i forgot what our record is here though um but we may have just beaten it 29 i'm not sure but it's pretty good time regardless i'm not gonna complain and we did get a purple let's go two more condensed and then we're gonna check see how high we can get our ninguang's talents no purple this time unfortunately let's continue though and the final run here still in the purples but let's just see what we're rocking with here pretty sure we only need gold books anymore or purple books or whatever you want to call them so oh we only got nine purples from all those runs well maybe like 11 probably have to go in for some more runs but let's just see what we can do here jade screen maybe yeah jade screen two more levels on basic yeah maybe those three condensed resin we just made will be enough actually if we get one more battle pass level we get this and we can choose a guide to prosperity here we could do these three things real quick not the dailies though i always like to save those for the showcase we can maintain items here making one more condensed we'll use that to 150 resin we need to and there we go five more that's not enough actually at all i don't know why i was thinking that would be but let's just go back into the domain that was a 12 second run when you just count the time of actual fighting i think yeah i think we still do need a couple more runs 27 second i don't i think that might be a record for me that's another gold book and almost another gold book so all right hopefully this will do it back to the crafting station obviously let's oh we got two bonus there oh yeah i think that's enough i think we're ready and we got another bonus all right ninguang let's go normal attack we're gonna boost yes we definitely can get that to eight all right and we are good are we good on weapon uh the whitsith not a bad book but it's only level 50 so i don't really like either passive of skyward atlas or lost prayer so i'm just going to go for lost prayer because it has a crit rate base it'll make her a little easier to build artifact wise i think we are kind of um i mean it's not horrible we have a oblige set and archaic petra right now i think that is a viable set for her her burst does a lot of damage i think whatever pieces she does have can be better though her stats actually aren't horrible though a little low on the attack at 1700 why does she not does she not have an attack she does have an attack sans that's a little weird but whatever she also does that 85 geodamage bonus you know courage great damage ratio isn't horrible right now looking at the sub stats of some of these pieces though like this one is okay but the flower is not that great i was running the dungeon a little bit i may have found something a little bit better we have attack energy recharge crit damage here let's enhance this to four and see what our fourth sub is if it's crit rate we're going all the way it's flat attack yeah unfortunately none of the others are really that great i could also try her in four piece archaic petra and kind of use her more as a sub dps and for that little crystallized bonus i mean 35 percent damage for a particular element that's quite a lot this is actually an off piece for zhang lee so i could give zhang something else apparently i haven't run this dungeon that much or i've just used all of this stuff already but this is the only attack sands we have which is really not good at all but you know i really do want to try the uh set and we don't have a single uh geo damage bonus on this side either so we literally have no choice but to raise this i guess on the plus side i can't really be disappointed because no matter what it goes to it's not going to be that great i guess energy recharge would be all right but that's like basically it i guess retracing bow light whatever it's called would be pretty nice as well i mean 40 normal in charge attack damage while protected by a shield obviously for that geo resonance i'm gonna have zhang li with her so she would be protected by shield most of the time anyway i obviously don't have too many of those either and yeah the ones i do have are pretty garbage i'm just throwing them in here at the moment and we'll keep that one for now i guess we're doing a little worse in terms of create great damage ratio but i think we're we're just gonna have to work with that um overall though i think our stats are all right you know with bini boost and all that her attack should be fine oh yeah i forgot about that little perk with ninguang she'll show you uh where the rocks are and stuff that's pretty cool she can also destroy them pretty uh pretty easily wow okay wait a second she's just like 10k 17k yeah try a charge attack okay i didn't crit unfortunately yeah i guess i could have been like 19k i don't know but yeah that's definitely 18 or 19k without any buffs from anyone not even jungling shield that's just straight up only ninguang solo we gotta stop the slime balloons so i'm going to get the help of uh some other dudes in here i don't know if we're gonna have any good daily quests today that can really test us out but we're going to try her out in some other content as well anyway all right let's just give this a try i suppose let's get joggingly shield in there yeah it's just this one annoying dude way back here now let's just try here burst i guess oh there's like no one left okay that was a waste i think at this point saving daily quests for showcases is kind of pointless like the enemies are just too weak but yeah i guess it is just a fun little intro to the showcase gotta remember to do some charge attacks as well there was a 14k there i believe that that was every time she does a basic she gets one of these stones i think a big thing was that she'll get a ton of stones after her ultimate well now that we have a big dog here let's go ahead and do the whole setup i don't think mona has her old for a while but let's just get zhang shield then no mona and just try her burst charged yeah so not only the initial charge shot does a lot but then she also has those like stones going around hitting them as well so it's hard to really quantify the damage she is doing because it's broken up into a lot of pieces i think our last daily quest over here is literally just talking or something so we're just going to ignore that and uh let's go try maggo kinky pretty nice and hard enemy all right let's give this a try we're gonna do the whole we're gonna do the whole setup now i guess we'll go and do uh just let's just start with our burst yeah that was that was quite a lot there we we also did a charge attack which was kind of like the same power as our burst and uh we did the e as well okay there is a shield okay wait wait so now we have a pyro boost that really only helps binny here i guess did is it gone already so basically we can get a shield by hitting him with whoever we want the element boost for and then ninguang and then boom we have a shield now binny has a nice boost i guess i would actually like to try that on someone other than binny because you know oh why do you have to go way over there now bendy boost wasted all right ning guang go ahead do the stuff 10k okay that didn't quit unfortunately yeah her credit is pretty low everyone's kind of dead here one thing i actually really want to try is ning guang has sort of a a sub dps as well so like another booster we still have geo resonance but now we also have pyro resonance and we should be able to get a pyro shield decently easily uh boosting hutau by thirty percent i guess that's how it works we're going to give it a try and since we're doing something very scientific let's go to masanori oh yeah but hutau really wants sincho as well no i'm not sure i think ninguang actually would work better as a main but i guess we're gonna try without zhong li i i hope i won't die like all of my characters so there we have a pyro shield uh i have to think a little bit i mean we're gonna go and get the pyro shield but uh we don't have everyone else's boosts yet so i want to see how much i can do with uh hutao and if this is even any better than just like having geo resonance plus zhang shield you know okay he's inflicted with pyro we're gonna hit him once with ninguang to get the shield uh i guess we're gonna start with hey where'd it go okay we need to get another shield real quick yes we got it okay now we're gonna do sing-sho and just i don't know go ahead we should have the boost now but apparently no uh no stamina for some reason i don't know where all my stamina went all right let's go ahead and get into another shield real quick there we go no he's inflicted with pyro one ning wang attack there we go there that is go to binny real quick go to sing show real quick oh man he's just gonna die i don't know i couldn't see anything i saw like a 13k basic from hutao this setup for this four piece set is just way too chunky for my preferences like you know maybe it does have some high potential it's just too much crap to think about honestly and i don't like that so um yeah with that being said we're we're going to remove this also because this is such a crap sans we're gonna probably just make her like i don't know two-piece archaic and maybe three-piece broken or whatever yeah so now she just has two-piece archaic and you know some much better off pieces and take a look at her stats now we now almost have 1900 attack 75 crit rate 168 crit damage uh still that nice 85 geo damage bonus if you don't have a lot to choose from to make sets from broken set is definitely viable obviously your character is not going to be the absolute best they can be because sets are sets but like you know sub dps ninguang is still a little too clunky but i it could just be because i'm not really used to her but even so i think i want to mainly focus on using her as a main dps her charge shots are really strong too you do her burst you do her charge you do her ease and that already kind of takes like main dps time right so why not just have them be a main dps we could also just like go sarah just to double up buffs i always have to think a little bit more with sarah because sarah has to be the last one before the the uh the damage dealer comes out but here we go bini boost uh we don't need to refresh johnly shield yet let's just go ahead and do sarah burst as well and then here we go ah what okay her burst let's look at masonry's hp bar there okay unfortunately now i can't do a charge because he is going into the next phase uh well oops oh when you swap out they immediately go away okay that's good to know my poor genre has 88 hp i'm just gonna do binny's boost and let him heal a bit yeah oh wow ninghuang just did a 37k with her e there that was actually impressive wow that was a 16k charge with like basically no boosts here except johnly shield all right here we go here we go ah dang oh wait yes here we go oh wait what that that didn't do much i think the charge attack did more than her burst but maybe most of the rocks i don't know missed i don't know how her burst works it didn't look very strong though maybe just didn't critical i don't know because i know she's definitely doing more damage than she did before uh because basically all of her stats got boosted with the broken set unfortunately though that will have to do it for today i know it wasn't a super robust showcase today we might do a part two to this video another day having just moved things are incredibly hectic right now and i can't spend the usual two or three hours recording well specifically in four minutes someone is going to come drill a hole in our basement to get uh grounding uh in our house so i i can't really be recording at that point anyway things should be back to normal in a couple weeks hopefully until then thanks for understanding dropping like on this video subscribing to the channel if you enjoy the content is always greatly appreciated thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 443,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, ningguang, ningguang build, archaic petra, ningguang gameplay
Id: ebOONiAWf4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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