so I crowned raiden shogun

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miss ryan shogun my most overpowered most whale character that i have in my arsenal thank you for helping me achieve this ridiculous level of greatness please accept my seven hundred thousand mora philosophies of light 12 flame handguards two molten moments and one crown of insight mcqueen your crown [Music] fifty percent more base damage i cannot wait to see how this goes all right abyss time let's go the attack of every character in the party will be increased by 20 for 10 seconds max 3 stacks oh that's nice [Music] oh my gosh please okay all right wow wow oh i forgot i still had hupao in the uh she's still in the uh whatever it's called set shimano [Music] [Music] i hate myself i can't believe i missed seems to be working pretty well so far oh pretty low old it's a little bit of a bummer [Music] that wasn't a little old number okay i couldn't even tell [Music] like 60k charges oh she hit a 60k charge attack like that's good like that's that's nice wait i thought i had my ultimate insane i could have sworn i had my olds up that's weird what is it consuming oh [Music] it's the shimanawa set [Music] i need to utilize gongyu like charged [Music] no way you're not you will not you are not oh i should have stood in the i'd even stand in her thing oh i could have used oh okay oh y'all both over here yeah let's go oh no no no no no get stolen okay you gotta die you gotta die right now okay gosh that was rough [Music] attack it's on you i can't see his hp because of uh okay that's fine bryan who needs it [Applause] 73 otto [Applause] this pyro buff is quite nice just die will you okay that's good electro swirl oh you know what it's fine actually that's right there will be people who won't know the denture weight struggle true we'll be like the old boomers like do you kids remember when we only had 120 resin let me out please [Music] no not great not great gameplay from yours truly okay you know what that's fine i actually don't need her oh okay that was close oh wait okay wait no i have to do it over because i let ryden die [Music] oh here oh okay okay [Music] nice oh my trial doesn't do very much now does it come on be vulnerable be vulnerable be vulnerable [Music] come on come on come on you're kidding me you're kidding you're actually kidding i'm i'm actually livid okay fine whatever i nine started okay all right so here's where we're gonna struggle because we don't have energy yeah so we may struggle a bit during low tide the magu kanki is kind of difficult um i think we need to bring kaya in because of the low tide high tide situation we need characters that can operate based on e ryden suffers immensely during this but we could take advantage of high tide and just um really fast so maybe what i'll do is i'll bring in kaya to be a physical dps while we're waiting for low tide to end i need characters with high energy recharge as well which is bennett bennett has high energy recharge betto i think she'll struggle here and this is hard [Music] she might be nice though her e will will be able to activate regardless of the tides so i may be able to get in some good dps on hutau's cooldown yeah okay let's do that all right good luck all right i need to pay attention to the high and low tides okay low tide what side both sides ain't no more oh my gosh get down get down oh it's it's it shuffles around so quickly [Music] oh my did he take any damage from that oh they're so tanky help i'm trying so hard to kill him at the same time i can't frequency yes yes yes yes i feel fantastic about that um that performance oh crap's way i'm just waiting for real that was good they're so tanky bruh they're so tanky i don't know if i'm gonna be able to do this one oh i messed up i messed up big time how are you so strong where's my damage my damage is so low here how did you let me out let me out let me out you little piece of garbage you little piece of crap you little monster how are you still in the bubble how are you still in the bubble give me my you my old oh i i framed that oh that was so close i hate you got this okay [Music] [Music] hurry hurry let me all why would that hit me exactly tell me why that would hit me move penny's adventure team i have failed you is this some sort of joke like okay well i still started i guess i literally couldn't sprint wow you're gonna do great buddy yep yep yep yep yep yeah you got this no problem i think it's worth trying again this better uh comp is pretty nice may i just say if i can keep them in the same place yes okay good what's with my old damage why am i not am i missing something is there a reason is it the the electro debuff is it really that bad [Music] there we go oh my foot [Music] okay okay okay so this is the one i struggled with i need to time my iframes better witness the power okay okay i need a um and i need to not die and heal as frequently as possible [Music] oh i messed up i messed up i messed up i didn't utilize the rest of my old okay it's fine i just want to finish you know i just want to finish [Music] okay [Music] [Music] no climbing no climbing no climbing no climbing no climbing solidify this is [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] i'm 36 time people fits [Music] my heart's like actually actually actually pounding right now oh we did it only like eight rotations later [Music] thank you see through ryden very cool [Laughter] it was a great time thank you for being here with me today yeah now i'm gonna have the 36 star the new of this [Music]
Channel: dish
Views: 1,003,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rQmZl2jp-eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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