Who Do I Regret Raising In Genshin Impact?

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hello moglets today we're doing a video on who i regret raising this was a sort of series i did for epic seven back in the day people seemed to enjoy it so i thought i'd bring it to ginshin as well i basically go through my characters recall why i raised them if that was a good idea in the long run and basically some personal feelings around them the title is a little exaggeratory i will admit right now regret is a very strong word but regardless let's get on with it of course we're starting with who tau i 100 regret raising her because i was doing child the other day and i ran up to him and did her q and all three phases didn't die instantaneously so i was like what the hell is the point of this character on a serious note of course i don't regret raising who tau i do regret rushing staff of houma so much as you may have seen in um yesterday's video but it had to be done for the showcase i obviously really like hutao she is the newest of the gentian heroes at the moment basically all of this week and half of last week was all about her so there's not much to say right now she's a pyromane dps i raised her for dps and because she's cute as hell obviously no regrets about bennett either i do believe he is definitely within the top three top five at worst heroes uh in the game because of his versatility he's basically never not in my team and why i initially raised benett was just because a lot of people requested me to i hadn't actually even looked into him i did raise him pretty early on i guess he was just and i guess currently still is just a super hype hero for being a four star and uh that's why i raised him mainly and yeah i kind of fell in love with him no homo but still generally i did actually regret a little bit in the beginning just because he was a little underwhelming after his buffs of course you know no regrets anymore he is very often in my team as well mine with favonius lance here gets his old super super quick i can just spam that and it does good damage and he provides shields which also reduce the enemy's resistances he's kind of on the same scale as banette now with all of his utility why i raised him at first was half just because he was a new hero and you know i want to raise the new heroes and show them off but also out of all the husbandos he probably tickles my fancy the most that sounds really weird still no homo but then we have chichi she is only level 70 but i guess at 70 i consider them raised especially for healers where they don't necessarily need a high level again absolutely no regrets when it comes to chi chi she is also almost always in my team i actually got chi-chi a bit later into the game after i already had a beast of a barbara and basically i raised her firstly as just an upgrade to barbara but also i find chichi really cute so that was another reason that's not to say barbara isn't cute i like them both then we have venti i'm actually not using him very much these days obviously no regrets about raising him because i used him a lot a lot in the beginning he was one of my first five stars like he was many first five stars for people that started playing when the game launched and he's finally coming back for anyone that wants him which is pog and to be honest the main reason i raised him it was just because he was like one of my first five stars it's like it's a five star obviously gotta raise it right i mean i've raised all of my five stars so i i would have raised him had i got him more recently also but yeah vintia is super unique mainly because of his alt here pulling in all the enemies i know a couple of other characters can pull in enemies like sucrose and gene basically the other animal units but his is like massive big lasts a while did you say massive and big also of course you know he has a super short cooldown on his e which can take advantage of the iridescent set which is a very strong set um yeah you know very very nice character so now we're getting into the main dps ganyu kaching d luke xiao it doesn't make much sense to use you know one of these four and then there's two tao also which is the main dps in the same team so a lot of these i haven't actually been using for a while i still have absolutely no regrets about ganyu i'm sure i will use her again as a main dps it kind of just depends on what content i'm doing you know a certain domain she's gonna be better than hutao to be honest at first i was a little skeptical about her main dps capabilities just like on paper she seemed she'd be more suited as a support you know doing her e her really long lasting q swap out to some pyro to do some melts or whatever but in my case she definitely fits a lot better as a main dps and that's how i've been using her since i have gotten her being a cryo main dps is really advantageous because of the blizzard strayer set by itself you know she needs almost no crit rate in ideal situations so she can have a mass amount of crit damage she's a really really nice character and also bow users are fun to use every now and then if you want a change of pace then we have kaching my beloved kaching she was the actual first five star i got she's been my main dps for longer than anyone i've easily used her more than anyone else right now a lot of the spotlight is going to the new heroes you know ganyu utau but she'll always be the number one waifu in my heart i know i said hutau is my favorite in a recent video but kaching will always be number one because kaching is my super favorite not just a regular favorite like utau she's my super favorite that works don't out me i instantly fell in love with her lightning stiletto here when i first tried it out like on the first day of the game and of course being my first five-star eraser no regrets to this day obviously i've had a lot of different weapons for her right now she's holding onto the black sword again because again she's not in my team very often um but yeah i actually raised primordial jade cutter for her specifically it's on banette right now because again burnett's in my team she isn't first it was lions roar then we went to black sword then primordial jade cutter if there's one character i can kind of say i regret raising however it has to be d luke i don't know man i've tried my best with this guy i just can't get a good feeling for him i'm not sure why he is strong i just i don't know i don't like playing with him he's level 90. he has one of the very few five-star weapons i have wolf's gravestone i i pulled it while trying to get home up and then i was like whatever may as well why i raised him i don't know it's d luke like everyone dotes on d luke but like i don't know he's just not my character it would still be too harsh to say i regret raising him but like if there was a reset button for heroes and then you can get all their stuff back i'd probably do it on d luke honestly then i wouldn't have anyone to hold wolf's gravestone though and i'm not even talking about damage output like you know if he's not doing enough damage that's my fault right because i know he is capable of you know incredible damage um so if i need to raise water dude back here which i haven't gotten to yet you know to really bring out his potential that's one thing it's just his play style i guess i don't know i i just could never get a feel for it then we have xiao i honestly haven't used him much either since i raised him but again being a main dps this just kind of comes down to having a bunch of other main dps's and heroes kind of coming out a little too fast so focus is on hutau for now and he gets kind of left behind also because i did not get primordial jade cutter so he was kind of stuck with death match which uh is i guess okay but still at 454 base attack at max it hurts so that mainly comes down to failing to get the primordial spear for him i probably said jade cutter whatever he does a really good amount of damage with plunge spam even with death match so his damage output is fine i actually like his gameplay it's fast you know with his dashing ease and everything it's just for now i just kind of like who tell more and also she has staphofoma which is a really good weapon for her so i won't say i regret raising xiao but yeah he is definitely in the back seat for now then we have mona she was my second five star after kaching i do not regret raising her i actually still often have her in my team i haven't actually gotten her sixth star yet i'm probably gonna do that soon actually i've been having her in my team a lot these days halfway because she pairs really nice with ganyu being able to freeze them and everything she also pairs well with hutau for vaporize she was literally in my team the other day i didn't even realize she's missing two artifacts i'm so sorry mona i gotta get mona sorted again i didn't change too much since i initially raised her so uh yeah there's just been so many new characters coming out and i'm trying to keep up and it's hard to keep up you know having everyone in good stuff all the time i really like mona the only thing i dislike about mona is her dash still i wish they would change that or have a toggle or something it's really useful in some cases but in actual battle it's really it's really hard to control like she goes under water and it's weird and then like she pops up i i can't get used to that i've played with her a lot but mainly these days i'm switching to her using her ian switching out or maybe doing her ult if it's ready because i don't even want to move with her unless i'm traveling somewhere now we're moving on to four stars i actually don't have many of them raised i i don't know if i would even consider sucrose at level 50 raised she does have a sort of artifact pieces i mainly raised her for abyss 11 i believe before i had gotten you because ghanaian is really good for that phase as well she can snipe the enemies from far away and actually kill them rather quickly i don't regret the little resources i put into her because she did really help me for that anyway back on the barbra she was my first healer i recently um cannibalized her thrilling tales in a desperate attempt to max out houma i still feel so bad about that and i hope i can get another thrilling tales for her i actually still often use barbara in places although i probably can't right now without thrilling tales being a healer that can hold on to thrilling tales and not really need passives of these other books right and giving that massive attack boost to whoever swaps out uh was a really nice perk by itself but you know she's just a really nice healer as well especially when you get her to c6 which isn't too hard as a four star and she can revive a party member uh i always kind of forget about that and then you know when one of my characters dies and they just pop back up when i barbara in my team it's always a nice little treat obviously no regrets with barbs as far as shumling goes i guess a little bit i tried to put a lot into her you can see she has her sixth star talents are actually decently high she has c6 she's another one of those cases where i just couldn't really get a good feel for her play style kind of like d luke um i don't like her guoba very much you know i place it down when it's off cool down but then like i don't know it's a stationary thing and it's kind of like i would say her pyro nato is her main like saving grace really her ult it is quite strong and cool and whatever it's just i don't know overall i feel like what i've mainly been doing with shamling is trying to make her work i know she's missing something right now because i don't really use her anymore but you know i put a decent amount of work into her um tried to sort of make her a kind of main dps for abyss and she was never really that good at that with crescent pike here and i had her like in full gladiator at one point now it's a little bit messed up because again artifacts get swapped around also just tried to make her pyro and it just didn't really work out it could always just come down to the fact that i had a lot of other main dpss to choose from once i had finally like you know gotten her to a good point then just she kind of gets thrown on the bench a bit then we have noel only at level 70. i had used her for a bit like altogether though probably not that much but she was the one character i had at the time that could deal with that geocube also i used her for a while as a secondary healer in abyss and for that purpose she served pretty good as well actually so obviously no regrets she served her purpose i have a lot more healers and things to choose from nowadays which is always sad you know i'm sure i could still use noel i would just need to raise her more i just don't really see much of a point right now and those are pretty much all of my currently raised characters besides that everyone is 40 or below and yeah i haven't done much with them as for who i'm going to raise next could be water dude i still want to experience him and d luke together on the other hand just hoarding resources for now waiting for the next new character wouldn't be a bad idea either so we can maybe avoid that resin slaughter that happened just general inefficiencies but yeah i suppose that'll pretty much do it for today's video make sure to tell me what you think in the comments down below get subscribed if you're not subscribed yet would very much appreciate it thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 1,305,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact game, genshin impact 1.4, genshin impact 2020, genshin impact best hero
Id: B0jnmL_-e7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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