GOD MODE EULA! (Genshin Impact)

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hello moglets it is now time for the showcase not gonna ramble too much just wanna say that uh if you wanna get an idea for her stats and what we're working with here i made a video on that yesterday you can check that out but as a quick little overview here are her current stats 2700 attack 64 crit rate 117 crit damage uh 152 energy recharge 83 physical damage bonus we are currently rocking the full pale flame set she is c1 talents are currently 7.69 as for the showcase well i wanted to form some more pale flames to eventually get her a little better so i think we're just going to start with that also as you can see our team is over there i would also of course consider banette unfortunately mine is c6 so it doesn't really work that well so yeah we're just going to start with some jungle here go to uh her so we can get super conduct rockin all right so i think this one over here is super conducted as you can see we're doing about 10k we're going to do another e and then we're going to hold the next e here here we go all right now before we do her old we're going to go back to zhang lee and super conduct them once more maybe and just start wailing on them again wait till that explodes okay we got a 71k from her alt there it's a little bit hard to see because uh they do die pretty quick we got a bad plume and a bad flower let's go and try it one more time i'm still in the process of getting used to her after all so let's just start with the super conduct you know we'll get some zhang in there she should actually have the pale flame boot uh boost by now actually as well her basic attacks are actually doing some pretty good stuff we're gonna go ahead and hold uh for the for the pale flame now let's just do her old straight away sure there they're super conducted again and we're just going to continue doing stuff wait for the thing to explode eventually there was a 91k from rural there not bad and we got a pretty meh flower i mean because of that flat attack there and a pirate image bonus goblet so guess it could be an off piece of course gotta try valley of remembrance whenever we're doing something physical to see a little bit more flashy numbers i suppose although it's going to be rather hard here as well because uh the enemies here die pretty quick i think instead of chi chi there we're going venti here vinty sadly does not have his ult we should be able to get it pretty quickly though we're just going to go over to this dude all right let's go ahead and get zhang lee let's go ahead and throw her up there [Music] that unfortunately missed i believe that uh either let's just go ahead and do her old straight away this guy should be dead actually all right there we got a 127 and a bad plume looks like we're only getting plumes and feathers today which is funny let's go ahead and try child as well sure why not super conducted just uh do some basics here another e real quick i got used to that super short cooldown as well there's another e okay i wasn't really paying attention to that let's go ahead and just start over here real quick oh yeah when she gets the wolf's gravestone unfortunately our official died in a uh bad time let's just try her out again unfortunately no superconduct this time maybe it's not really necessary yeah at the moment i'm feeling like something is missing i'm not sure what it is uh i know her center point is supposed to be about her ult and that's probably a big thing i need to really learn how to do because it's kind of different than a lot of other things you know it's like you have to nurture that alt in the seven seconds it's alive and then it explodes and it seems like it doesn't really work all that well in not super difficult content because everyone else is just gonna die to her basics because she is quite strong in that regard as well how about rock frog let's try him i think this week's rock frog is super annoying though so i think he is super conducted uh we're not doing much damage well not bad either i think a big problem with this team is there's not enough energy recharge i know zhang li can do quite a bit because he has like fevonius and you get some orbs but uh yeah i'm not sure let's go ahead and try an ult i suppose oh god we got the uh wolf's gravestone proc unfortunately uh that whatever the hell that was didn't help me oh i think he's doing the ball stuff again but okay i don't know uh i mean we beat it so that's something she is basically my only damage dealer here i mean she is my only damage dealer here uh official and chichi do absolutely nothing at least how they're built and um because officials level 40 and uh zhang lee is just built as a support so i don't know just the fact we got through it i guess it's something i'm still pretty bad at the rock frog maybe we can try the smaller rock frog so yeah we can have 30 stacks of this and it get and each deck is a massive 137 percent extra damage it's literally insane and i have no idea how to actually get those 30 stacks like maybe a charge attack because she hits faster i don't know man that's crazy though i haven't seen any gameplay of her at all so i'm completely like blind and i have to figure everything out myself because that's just how i like to do things uh which kind of makes me come off as a noob a lot of the time but you know all right so what we got to do now zhang li shield uh official uh her ult isn't ready okay well i think oz is back out now uh let's just go ahead and do her alt real quick uh let's do an e and then just hold her attack because each one of those also is a thing uh did it explode i think it exploded already i didn't see the damage yeah i mean that was actually pretty fast pretty easy i don't know let's do a test real quick because uh you can basically have infinite stacks i don't know if it's possible to do 30 of anything with her in seven seconds um but let's see so just spamming basics i mean that is pretty fast now let's go ahead and try i'm not sure if that's even faster i'll have a side by side and some text because i have to do this in post-production i would also have to take into consideration the fact you can't do ease while doing charge attacks without interrupting yourself and uh yeah that's a whole thing and from the information provided here unless you really feel like you need another 30 defense basically just a press and then a hold because then that procs the four piece artifact set here and yeah unless she has c2 you won't be able to have that bonus all the time uh when she is c2 it's very tempting honestly uh then you can have the four piece set all the time i mean you can also have the four piece set all the time but then you don't get the grim heart bonus which is you know physical and cryo resistance decreased by 21. oh no my bad it's a four second cooldown for her uh press e so that means i'm actually not too sure if getting a new stack resets the uh it usually says if the stacks are independent but here it doesn't so that's something we're gonna have to test which shouldn't be too hard because you know we get the attack increase there well we just hit an enemy so now we have 2806 here for that first attack boost now we're gonna hit another one now we have 28.92 so what i'm going to check is if it goes back down to under 2800 immediately or not oh very interesting so we went back down to 2700 which means they are not independent of each other however until she is c2 you have to decide between you know that 18 attack or 9 extra percent attack and the 25 extra physical damage or the 30 extra death and the 21 physical resistance personally since i don't care much about death since i'll have jungle shield anyway i'm probably just not gonna hold her e oh my god there is so much stuff to think about with this girl because then you know we have rolling rhyme here her passive which you know if two stacks then she'll do an extra attack here and then with her other talent uh the the cooldown of her e is reset so you could like do her held e then right before then do her ult then her you will be off cooldown then you could do a couple presses she's complicated i can definitely understand the appeal of just two-piece pale flame two-piece bloodstained does she have any indication of which how many stacks she has okay maybe that sword i saw a sword pop up let me check that again okay now it's double sword so when she has double sword she has the full stacks and then now she has the boost i guess i'm gonna assume that's more depth than we usually have this is actually this is turning out to be less of a showcase and more of me just learning about her sorry about that but yeah that 138 physical damage bonus now because we're getting uh also the artifact pieces have procked so that's pog uh there was a 130k there on that little slime boy uh and i wasn't able to get very many stacks because i had to like stop attacking so he didn't die so i could just see the damage number so there unfortunately weren't very many stacks there i mean i'll definitely do a held e before doing her ult because it could just get straight up reset anyway so you have like the best of both worlds getting her to c2 would basically mean you don't have to think about it you know two taps and then hold or you could just do tap hold tap hold what you got abyss mage boom 13k basics there's another thing i haven't really thought about and that is freezing she is a great sword user and shatter is a thing we'll try a bit of abyss to wrap this up sadly 9 and 10 aren't that great for cryo in general however she's more physical so we'll do some quick highlights of 9 and 10 and really start at 11 i suppose oh okay just one shot of them yeah for floor 9 there actually wasn't too much to say i think the freeze comp definitely has some potential though yeah that's some pretty decent stuff they're going on there okay well he died pretty quick physicals that's right she is pretty weak to physical all right but now we're gonna be moving on to floor 11 see what we can do there pretty much same team i'm going to take yep oh wow there was another 188 and i don't think i even uh i don't think i had super conductor or anything oh that's right i think physical is like super boosted in this abyss well no more super conduct for us i guess i guess except literally just for that guy well just for fun let's see if it actually oh no i think it was too late oh this might be the first time i three star this one really cool but then yeah for a floor 12 with these garbages and these garbages oh god in this yeah i'll have to try that another day when i have more time but i've already been recording here for an hour and a half and if i go any longer uh so we're gonna have to save floor 12 for another day um but all in all i definitely think she has some promise i do need some more experience with her though and i do want to try more of the freeze comp as well i also want to maybe mess around some sets uh i don't know but perhaps even a cryo i don't know me i know she's supposed to be physical and all but i know there's like chong yoon that can imbue the ground with like cryo so like that could that could be a thing i mean probably not because she gets a lot of like physical related boosts and then her artifact set is also physical but i guess you could try the cryo set i don't know but no probably not it was just a thought really whatever i'm done rambling it's probably gonna still be way too long of a video unless i'm going to absolutely super cut the crap out of it which i'm going to try to do to be honest but anyway that'll pretty much do it for today's video make sure to let me think in the comments down below dropping a like if you do enjoy those great appreciate it as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 381,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact eula, genshin, eula gameplay, genshin impact guide, eula guide, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact game
Id: Ysde7YlW7Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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