BONES IS LITERALLY INSANE! - Eula Summons Part 2 (Genshin Impact)

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bones time not much to it but to do it uh wait there is one thing i want to show you first i'm not going to go there anymore because that wasn't very good luck we're just going to actually step in the wishing pond firstly i want to show you something real quick i posted this on twitter but look at this look at this absolute craziness boom this is bones account of course it's bone's account why wouldn't it be bones account not only that if we go back one page doom doom doom what the hell man it took me like i i forgot but over a hundred summons for one for one yen fate and she gets three how is she this lucky i don't get it give me some while i was on my little break she uh gave me good luck so i i don't know i wish she would have said that beforehand maybe she didn't i didn't hear i don't know but anyway uh we currently we have a few primo gyms to play with here uh but then again it's me summoning uh on bones account so i don't know if we're actually going to be that lucky but i mean it's for her so maybe anyway let's go ahead and start a prediction uh we do not have to gamble with the 50 50 because we got zhong li which was last banner and then kaching right after that so uh it's guaranteed to be eula but we are at the very beginning of pity but this is bone's account after all so i don't know we do have actually way more yeses than i thought uh i mean well 16 i had like two percent when we were at the beginning of pity so there's the bias i guess we're going to start with the single summon uh this is not a tin pole but whatever it would have been and we got a magic guide oh yeah very pog and here we go tin pull first tin pole bones account let's go come on what what what bones stop i swear to god what the hell man are you joking i whatever i swear to god give me some well we're definitely getting eula here so that goes to the yes team bones and uh we also got two four stars so pretty good pull overall wow literally lost ten poles she got two five stars and then then this didn't pull she got another five star i guess we're gonna go for a c1 because we got that so early that's literally insane dude okay let's let's keep it going come on give us 10 eulas at once ah just a four star what is this blood tainted sky writer yeah i mean how oh well we got a off banner chongyoon which is interesting not quite the uh icy greatsword user we're looking for but still c100 eula yeah maybe yeah getting close to c6 mona also uh we will obviously have to gamble with the 50 50 this time so god bones stop being that lucky i mean go ahead and continue i guess doesn't take away from my summons or does it i don't know man it's kind it's kind of weird that i'm having really bad luck and you're having really good luck is it a coincidence i think not give me ah just a four star what is this what is this scam ferris shadow black tassel raven bow harbinger of dawn water dude a bow a book a bow yeah okay that's now i feel right back at home next time i'm probably going to uh into the prediction as soon as i see if it's a five star or not so we can get that going a little bit earlier next time nah she also has wolf's gravestone i don't think it's worth it i i think it's a good opportunity to try and get to see one eula ah then on the other hand i don't know let me go ask her real quick because she actually came in here a second ago and was asking if uh whoa there she is okay she actually did tell me that she wants to go for the weapon and this is her account so uh personally i'd say go for c1ulo but no whatever there is also aquila favonia in here and she is also raising kaching which is a super pog weapon for kaching so weaponsum as it is let's check history on weapon summons it's been a while since we've gotten a okay no wait there's wolf's gravestone not too far away maybe she wants to keep razer her razor is pretty pog but like they're kind of the same role they're like very very similar so i don't know if it ever makes sense to have them in the same team at the same time weapons it is let's go ahead and start this up come man bone weapon four star uh is it a good four-star weapon it's a sacrificial so i think she might have a r5 sacrificial already but they're not bad for some characters and we got a shondling very interesting alrighty so shandling sacrificial not that great of a pull actually but no five star regardless it's pretty bad cause there's never a guarantee for the weapon you want you know it's like you have to win the 50 50 and then you have to win the uh 25 75 i think it was so it's really not that great anyway next ten pull here we go gimme gimme oh very sad what's our four star weapon or character i don't know oh dragon's mane i think she has raised the dragon's bane as well if that's not r5 yet not bad but yeah not a very solid pull either to be fair uh we solved 10k primos though so we're going to keep it going come on come on oh what a shame thrilling tale harbinger magic sharpshooter emerald sacrificial fragments that's kind of a niche book but whatever and i think that was it for the four star this must be it five star what the hell yeah i mean luck had to run out at one point i suppose let's just hope that the five star we do get is a good one one or the other of those sacrificial debate club sharpshooters oath black a tassel yeah okay these summons are aren't aren't going that well to be honest that's the way the cookie crumbles maybe we get a double triple quadruple five star weapon pull you know get a r5 song of broken pines immediately next summon this gotta be the five star no bro it feels like we've done so many already this is the next one has to be it like that has to actually be pity i don't feel bad bones to be honest considering your your hero summons she actually hasn't had very good luck with with weapons it's mainly characters where she just has god-like luck uh but she told me to go weapons and that's what i'm doing so here we go next tim prediction's already done i'm just gonna give it to the s team immediately because it is there we go juice outcome yes oh aquila fevonia i think that's actually in my opinion the best that she could have gotten because it's super good for kaching although she is kind of building an electro caching and she does have the green sword which is technically better but physical kaching in my opinion is so much awesomer i don't know i did try them both but i still prefer physical a lot so there's that i don't know she doesn't really have that many primers left anymore so i would have to ask again if she wants me to continue trying to get uh weapons or not do we get another five star that's the question no we don't all right well i mean it was probably not a 50 50 anyway but still be right back i mean i'm gonna while she has 3900 so regardless we could try and get a c1 maybe but i'm gonna get i'm gonna ask real quick be right back she uh it except accepted the fact that she doesn't have a weapon luck so she said no more weapons forget that garbage and uh we're going back on heroes for a little bit i guess for two pulls and then we have a couple uh let's just do these real quick get those out of the way ah jesus christ i just closed ginseng accidentally while trying to hit the skip button very pog very pog moga you're so good and talented uh let's try and get genjen back so we'll redeem moga chan off now here we go kim man give us a c to eula debate club skywriter sword cool steel i have perception and beto interesting she was on the other oh wait no we're back on the character banner not the weapon banner anymore double bedo i think she has her c5 already indeed all right let's just go ahead and do the next one i suppose last tin poll of the day it's not a five star let's just skip uh we have the string list which is actually a pretty cool bow and that was it though all right yeah it started off really strong but then yeah what what can you do oh yeah and then there was these two where accidentally closed the game let's go and do those real quick eh that's a four star oh rosario interesting god eula got a aquila favonia whatever the hell it's called you're on bones account not a bad hall i suppose and i think we're decently close to pity on character if she wants to try and get a c1 later that'll pretty much do it for today's video i don't care if it's not a video it this will be on the highlights chan which is my main channel i don't have a highlight channel um and i sometimes do the thing with the but that's mostly in the intros actually this is awkward why are you in my recording studio uh peace out guys that's why i usually say for streams
Channel: Moga
Views: 284,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact eula summons, genshin impact eula pulls, eula pull, eula summons, genshin
Id: QrlfLdsBv7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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