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hey moglitz i just realized it wasn't recording for the last five minutes thankfully it was only five minutes why i've been doing this for so long in regards to the title finally raising my own klee it's not that i really raised bonescli but bonesley has been the only one that's been featured on this channel so you know now it's mike lee now we are raising mike lee you know uh so that's what that is about also i mentioned also i did mention for the initial jesus christ she never stops she never stops i can't get a word in plea please i basically just want to do a building and raising for this video and then we'll do a showcase we're going to probably do a like daily quests and such show a tiny little showcase at the end but um yeah this is going to take up a pretty big portion of it since we needed to decide her artifacts her weapon and uh raise her we actually did get her up to 50 already she started at level three and that was kind of cool but whatever my fault for not starting we have been grinding ley lines like a madman you can see we have tons of books up here the mushrooms are still going to be a problem we haven't farmed them in a couple days so maybe they've responded level 80 shouldn't be a problem but i like to get my characters up to 90 for like you know the full showcase uh we're already missing something here oh okay this shouldn't be an issue let's go to the crafting station let's just start with crafting these we need six purple fires actually may as well go ahead and craft the others too because we'll need gold ones later all right there she is 70 out of 80. that's already a lot of dang books 80 heroes wit couple of those couple of the small ones all good it's really it's really from 80 to 90 where the real diminishing returns comes from but yeah now we need 60 of these mushrooms i don't know if 60 even exist at one time i'm thinking no we'll get her up to 90 before the actual showcase but uh yeah we have to stop uh at 80 for now right as for book we uh we do have a skyward atlas here which i think is going to be pretty decent uh i would like to get that up to 90 as well we haven't raised weapons in a long time so we have a pretty good amount of those shards uh i don't think what we have a r3 with sith whitsett is really really good for klee and fos r5 i'd have a really hard time deciding over that against atlas but for now we're just gonna go ahead and use atlas because it is higher level anyway oh geez i didn't know i had almost 3 000 of these though wow yeah i haven't i really haven't been raising uh weapons in a while and the big one 336 of them to get the rest of the way up all right pretty pog so that's maxed it has a lot of bass attack so that's cool and the wondering clouds is similar to her alt kind of so whatever maybe it suits her well enough speaking of weapons we will also have access to dodiko tales very soon it does have a pretty low base attack maxing out at around 450 with the attack of course being compensated and going up to a massive 55 percent attack boost the passive is pretty good for klee though most of her damage does come from charge attacks uh also would be not bad for yenfe either and it is a free r5 so that's something to consider as well it's not going to be best in slot by any means of course but it's a free r5 and will do the job just fine if you don't have something better like a high refine whitseth or you know skyward atlas etcetera etcetera yeah not only is it a decent option for like effectiveness but i mean it suits her perfectly it's her book you know which is weird just because it's a four star includes a five star but regardless it suits her very well but i guess that's enough about weapon i'm obviously going to be sticking with skyward atlas for you know the foreseeable future the massive base attack of course is the main reason for the showcase i may have to steal some artifacts off of some of my other characters i want a good amount of crit rate and crit damage so that's what i'm mainly looking for here i'm gonna go two piece crimson two piece of gladiator so i found my first piece here it has a nice tin crit rate tin injury charge eight attack i think it's pretty solid what i'm trying to do is just get a bunch of crit rate via subs and then go a crit damage circle which might be pretty hard without a crit rate weapon but we'll see how it turns out here we have a feather that no one's even using which has it's basically perfect actually it has elements mastery attack crit rate and energy recharge so that is very pog no crit damage unfortunately like i said we're gonna try and go quick damage main circle it and here we also have a which is in time which unfortunately is hp percent which is so sad because it also has seven crew 18 energy recharge some nice stats this one on d-look we might steal because it has 7.4 crit rate and it is attack of course we can go off piece somewhere but that's usually the goblet so that's what we're kind of trying to do uh we might just steal this from d look for now since he has a level one weapon equipped right now anyway let's first search for pirate image bonus that's obviously what we want here uh we do have one on d luke which is actually on the right set but very very bad subs here we have a gladiator unfortunately bad subs and we're probably basically out of the pyro damage bonus realm we do have 17 different pyro damage goblets so let's just try and find the best one and raise one if not we have to steal one from one of these two this one has crit rate and elemental mastery it's currently equipped on yinfane which i haven't fully raised yet so might go for that honestly gotta also check circlets and make sure we have a decent crit damage up in here what do we currently have we have two gladiators so this needs to actually be a crimson which i i don't think i've ever had very good luck with crimson as far as raised ones we only have the one on who tau which is pretty good you know 21 great damage hit energy recharge oh wait that's crit rate wait but i said quick damage i guess because of the crit damage sub besides that we only have this one which is pretty horrible well i'm gonna see what her stats are like when we steal this one off of gonyu with it this is a very impressive circle at 17.9 crit rate and take the on piece from d luke what stats are we looking at here actually not too bad a pretty decent ratio there crit rate to crit damage a good amount of attack at 2400. elemental mastery is horrible this is a stat i'm always overlooking which i shouldn't i know but yeah i think we'll stick with that for now i'm pretty sure my most important characters still have everything they need ganyu had had an off piece anyway so she can take another off piece as for team setup i'm probably gonna go something like this clichangly water dude and banette water dude is still level 40 but he can do what he needs to do and shouldn't die with a jungle shield there is one last thing we have to do to actually raise clee of course get her to c4 real quick so give me a second here lull funny joke but yeah we do have to raise her skills a bit i know we have a lot of extra of a lot of different types of books so i think for this showcase we're gonna get um probably her basic to seven for now seven seems like a pretty good starting point and then the rest will probably get to six if we have the books and all right maybe we can throw a couple more in basic that's kind of yeah okay that that's the most we can do for basic eight for basic i'd probably get basic to nine before touching the other two to be totally honest because again that's where most of her power comes from but all right i think that's about it let's go ahead and do some dailies we might try something harder if we can't get like a at least a decent sort of representation here this is an eye of the storm i assume it's going to die pretty quick so let's just go ahead and start with uh zhang lee shield here uh let's just start with water dude maybe a banette and uh some jumpy bumpties i mean jumpty dumpties dumbzy right not not bumpty i remember on one of my last cleve videos someone just left a comment saying jumpty bumpty lmao and i don't know why i found that so funny probably because i'm saying it's so unironically like that's how it that's what it actually is i'm like i'm like in battle firing away yeah let's go throw a jumpy bumpty on this guy whatever man uh but yes as predicted that eye of the storm died rather quickly i didn't really even get to see much of what was going on i think it was still half alive when we uh got cli out though so that was something uh let's go ahead and i don't think we hit anyone with that unfortunately so that'll take a while uh let's just go ahead and do some more jumpty dumpties on fire slimes that helps okay that didn't hit anyone either water dude e is back let's go ahead and do that a couple times and i don't know just to get a little bit of uh yeah not bad 27k charged i think bones is still quite a bit better i mean hers is level 90 also so let's try some more of this jumpty okay no criticals there and then there was a mischarged unfortunately uh charge 18 i don't think he was uh yeah i don't think he was vaporized there's also that little thing following me i haven't paid attention to what that is doing so the skyward atlas i've tried it once on barbara when i was trying to solo oceanid with her and um obviously i didn't do that much because barbara's attack wasn't very good but i want to check that out as well i i'm going to assume that's not a battle oh it is defeat the slimes hopefully not fireslight what a surprise yay more fire slimes in the other section of the event all right here we might be able to see a little bit more where was that charge going can we just try a charge straight away okay uh clee is not that good on hills apparently as well they're all dying before i can even set anything up they're too weak and of course i had to swap bennett for uh vinty because of the that other daily quest which was dumb here are some bigger dudes over here we might be able to get a couple hits on before they die let's go and get the net back in the party though ah man uh unfortunately uh i missed with uh water dude's e so i don't get my old now you know and do all this stuff real quick he also has a shield right now so that's not bad i'll just uh do some basics here and he has a shield so obviously it's going to be a lot less damage we actually haven't tried her ult yet to see what that does i mean considering it has to go through the shield not bad at all i really do need more element to mastery on her that's for sure all right let's finish this off with a cryo plant that that's always a decent test for fire types all right we're going to do strongly shield first banette uh water dude alts uh then just let's go to uh jumpty bumpty our jaunty dumpty uh let's do an ultier 44k nice of course was vaporized this time because i kind of had time to set things up before it died and that was really good yeah i still haven't paid attention to this little green orb though so let's just uh go find one enemy real quick these guys will do the trick there we go let's see 1910 it is physical damage ooh there was a 4k because it can crit not too horrible i suppose just a little extra damage there and i guess especially for clea it's pretty nice because oliver attacks our pyro i wonder if that actually gets boosted with physical damage i want to test that real quick just for fun obviously that doesn't mean it would be worth doing but like i said just for fun let's just grab this one real quick it doesn't matter walking by the shield oh there's a 6900 even the non-crits are almost twice as strong so yeah it does get boosted by physical damage i mean it is a physical hit so of course i don't know though it is kind of a weird being a little passive weapon attack thing again obviously not worth going physical damage just for that but i did think it was pretty interesting but yeah i suppose that'll pretty much do it make sure to tell me anything in the comments down below dropping a like on this video if you haven't enjoyed it's always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next
Channel: Moga
Views: 883,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact game, genshin impact 1.6, klee build, klee guide
Id: OHIwz3eBCmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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