An Absolute Monster of a Razor (Genshin Impact)

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hello moglets today we are going to be doing a review on an amazing amazing razor yes we are currently on my girlfriend's account yes she has recently upgraded him to insane levels before i get into that we recently hit my 111 subscriber goal which did in fact make me very happy next would be 125 so if you minty anyway yeah if you enjoy the content please uh do subscribe as per the usual we're going to be talking about his build first his artifacts etc etc so if you want to skip that i'll have a time stamp if you just want to see some crazy razor action doing some huge numbers then go there without further ado let's take a look at this monster's attributes yes indeed 2600 attack that is just first of all a massive amount of attack and before we even go into the artifacts i want to tell you he has one attack artifact and he has 2600 it's crazy let's go and look at the rest of his details again crazy attack uh the crit rate is good however the crit damage is a little lacking but i think with the slower attackers like razer having higher crit rate might be more important because like you know when he misses a crit it's going to be a lot worse good enough energy recharge honestly razer is pretty good for generating energy for himself and yes down here that amazing 88 physical damage bonus she finally finally got a decent you know physical damage bone i think this is her very first physical damage five star we have ten percent rate ten percent attack and um so with all things considered it turned out amazing and yeah that's her off piece as for set she is going full gladiator which i think is a very good thing for uh razer he gets practically all of his damage from normal attacks so it's a straight you know 35 percent increase there here we have crit rate unfortunately subs are bad but it's a five-star gladiator crit rate what can you really do kind of the same story with the hourglass we do have some energy recharge here but that's pretty much it i'm actually even more impressed with his actual stats knowing that the subsets are pretty mediocre but yeah again pretty much just some energy recharge here i believe the feather and the flower are quite impressive though here we have 15 crit damage 18 energy recharge tin attack very nice feather and i think the flower is even more impressive 15.9 crit rate i think i touched on this already before uh in a previous video but yeah we never really did a proper review of this amazing razer and he's just become so much more amazing uh since i last even looked at him so we were something on my girl's account trying to get at least two razors we unfortunately only ended up getting one so unfortunately we can't get c4 which is having their defense decreased by 15 percent when hit by the clone thunder ultimate it would have been so nice but regardless we got him up to three you know lightning thing goes up to three that's also very very nice as for talent he's currently at eight seven eleven uh this is because of the constellation of course and the normal attack she will be getting up tomorrow actually when she gets those uh yeah all these books so yeah not completely maxed out talents but quite high and then of course the weapon we have wolf's gravestone you know just a little basically best weapon for him ever massive amount of base attack there at 608 almost 50 percent attack i guess that's where he gets some of that obviously overall just really nice greatsword 20 increase attack when he hit someone and then an entire party 40 attack boost when he hit someone with under 30 hp and that's pretty much his build we gotta go get a thumbnail image first of course this is going to be massively exaggerated but not entirely click bait just um kind of click bait so in order to do this properly we're gonna go ahead and give clee thrilling tales of dragon slayers here i think that's about it actually just gonna make sure we hit that superconduct we probably could get his damage higher with one of these and some kind of bonus up in there anywhere but whatever i'm not trying to go that hardcore but there is one thing i want to do oh dang she doesn't have any physical damage food what a sad bones why do you have 1200 mints what in god's name i swear she picks up every sparkly thing she sees oh that's all we can do there we're out of bacon five should be enough all right so here's the plan we're gonna suck them all together with venti go to chichi use her q go to klee real quick just for the book boost go to razer do his cue and we're gonna see what happens let's go and eat one of these though let's see how much it'll actually affect anything and let's just hope we can pull this off all right vintie q clee q here we go you you see these numbers you see these numbers 20k 27k basic attack it's literally insane yeah 14k 18k 12. and the match is over how long did that take okay one minute 43 however we were standing there talking about this crop and unfortunately the dungeon counter starts immediately so we're going to try that again everyone seems to have their ult again and we're going to try and speed run this all right one vintie well i don't know you may well that probably just slowed things down q all right yeah we're actually going to do a lot worse this time unfortunately hopefully we get some good numbers in there anyway yeah we got a 24. which is dead ah this dude is still alive what a shame i mean that was probably still pretty fast yeah you know 49 seconds and we kind of messed some things up all right i kind of forgot klieszolt is useless when you instantly switch her out so that was just a waste of time but yeah while we wait for the uh physical damage food to run out so we can get some slightly more realistic numbers here because those were definitely extraordinary you know we were in a dungeon that gave us 70 physical damage bonus already and then you know we ate the food that gave us even more and um everything was just kind of set up for razor there which you know should is fair because you kind of want to set your team around your main dps anyway but there's one thing my girlfriend's account is officially much better than my own which um i'm not jealous of it's fine but let's go to abyss look at this dudes everything three starred okay who cares about that look at this nine ten eleven all nine starred it's crazy um apparently she hasn't even tried 12 yet which is understandable her cli isn't very well built right now but and yeah you kind of need fire damage there it's it's insane i've tried 12 too and it's like just like the first chamber takes so long to get through uh it's crazy but yeah i cannot 9 star 10 or 11 and it's in in 9 gives me a lot of trouble to nine star especially those final chambers floor 11 chamber three i'd say a big part of the success of three starting this was this monster razor um but the funny thing is this is literally a two-person team pretty much um just chi chi and razer that's it in that other team so let's take a look at that real quick so yeah here it is i believe there's quite a bit of fails in here let's just get to the uh one that was actually three starred of course going attack percent there and yeah so we're starting with vinticlee child and diona here uh as you can see i believe this was actually the the uh the slower of the two chambers so you can see cle and vinti mostly going to work there now we just have the geodude left but uh cle's charge attack there completely wiped his shield and then we have venti so keep in mind for the final chamber here if you don't do both halves in under three minutes you don't three star which means one half needs to be completed in you know roughly a minute and a half if you need to take that long for the other you can see we're just now passing a minute and a half on this floor uh yeah so we're gonna have under a minute and a half for the other guys so you can see here we have amber which is heck level 14 a very very poorly built shondling and then razer and chichi so started with chichi's e there and then moving on to razer with the superconduct his massive attacks there you can actually see some more realistic numbers here because you know you're obviously not allowed to use food and abyss there was a 17k it's pretty crazy you know just like basically only having chi-chi's help here for some super conducts which obviously you know is incredibly important for a razor but yeah it's just it's just crazy and you can see here for the other half of these enemies here we have 40 seconds left so it looks like it's going to be actually rather close but yeah the electro dude unfortunately got his shield looks like uh moved over to the geo guy oh well that's very convenient they kind of were both close to each other we can see chi-chi's old there 18 seconds left does this actually work out 10 uh 12 11 10 oh my god okay well the five oh my god this is close three two one oh my god okay well you can okay uh to be fair incredibly incredibly close but got it i mean damn that was probably the main thing that sparked this review to be honest i'm not too sure what else you would see from him he is just a monster uh just a damage machine i suppose we can go ahead and see if we can uh you know like uh one one turn this plant here that might be pretty nice [Music] all right so he should be going down soon unfortunately we've already used uh quite a bit of razer's queue here but let's see we're just going to keep spamming on him there's not really too much else to do he is getting super conducted and uh yeah that was actually we probably had uh another good 10 seconds of him being down that's crazy dude um by far the strongest character we have between the both of us for so long she was missing that physical damage goblet which really held him back a lot yeah but i mean for a general showcase i guess that'll do it there's not much to say you know he is a he is a monster i mean he does have a pretty fancy five-star weapon there he is level 90 now alongside the weapon his talents are very high i want to say now it has super conduct let's try some of this uh well if that plant would shut up for a second where where to go seriously there you go you know casual 13k with a normal attack her venti ii is pretty insane over 10k with his e there big numbers go burr am i right but seriously it is quite fun to see those big numbers pop up and their hp bar just gets obliterated um but yeah i guess that'll pretty much do it make sure to everything in the comments down below and dropping like on this video if you did when you enjoy is always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time [Music] you
Channel: Moga
Views: 632,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact razor, razor build, dps razor, genshin impact memes, genshin impact meme, genshin impact guide, genshin impact tips
Id: m44GG59MZfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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