Bondi Rescue - Season 11 Episode 6 *FULL EPISODE*

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coming up on bond by rescue bond guys 24 Hour Party People the only ones waking up to New Year's Day headaches drugs alcohol and risk takers overwhelmed alive guards and it's not just the equipment that's a breaking point [Music] baby in the summertime every New Year's Eve Australia's Emerald City attracts hundreds of thousands of partygoers when the music fades down and the lights come up scores of revelers roll onto bond eyes golden sand it's a chance to rinse off the hangovers or just keep the party going they all want to dance they all want to have fun and they all want to see the first sunrise hey y'all ah how do you think that crowd on that they can unbelievable everyone wants the slice of the pie down here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on the beach for 20 years and have work pretty much every New Year's I haven't actually seen a crowd like that down here is particularly treacherous for people affected by drugs and alcohol hopefully it all where doctor and I thought yeah we're not expecting anything less than a bit of chaos for me [Music] thousands of beach goers are affected by alcohol but the lifeguards first incident isn't alcohol-related well not directly the worst thing is coming to the tower and the whole thing smells like a urinal it's like people have just trained in vain all over the floor up here all night so give it a bit of a scrub I think the ones that are asleep on the beach we're just very angry sharp with the foot and move them on there's nothing worse than letting them sleep in 30-degree pee they get so dehydrated it actually makes it worse we'll get him up it's quite funny because you get different waves of people and you know the first folks obviously the party revelers down here and then you know we had the surfers come down and they hit the waves and and then the families that come down of the umbrellas and the kids so you know it really is like an airport you know you just keep moving those passengers on it's not even 9:00 a.m. and the rescues are coming thick and fast by 10:00 a.m. the lifeguards rescue Talley is well into double figures to manage the crowds lifeguards set up an additional third set of flags it's a rare occurrence at Bondi we had three sets of flags up on the beach we had a thirds hand back which we thought was was really good to use putting a flag up you'll see me like hide again with a red vehicle is on New Year's Day there's no room for error each cog must mesh perfectly with the next it only takes one mistake for the machine to fall apart Jake was on the jet ski and I was in the tower and Mario was on the sand we had a swimmer that was in bad shape and going under and the call was made from Mario to direct Jake to pick up the patient calling Jay on the scheme and it wasn't too far from where the swimmers were getting at 3:00 Jake is having trouble following Mario's directions lifeguards often use the walkway ramps along the beach to identify their positions 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th ramps are key landmarks may being in a tower I thought it was my duty to help direct him as best we can and I sort of came in over the top and tried to help Jack if you can just go - with every passing second the swimmer gets closer to drowning yeah I said here here so he couldn't understand where was the problem has already drawn in three lifeguards then another Mario I would say to him a couple of times over the radio yeah yeah yeah and Jake got really confused finally jake locates the swimmer mario came up to the tower and i said to him did a must how's it going down there and he was quite annoyed he's really fired up and really angry and just kept dying at me in front of there because he was coming yeah anyway look at my looking at it via radio he doesn't know where here is yeah I know but you did the same and then the genders here not there I said on the north or on the north side my I said and he went to do the rescue right he was heading down wrong because it was known in the circumstances if we were really stressed we were really under pressure down here and tempers sort of frayed and you know I think Mario probably need a defense and always in the firing line and and then of course because I was under stress - oh I probably ventured back New Year's Day is the most confronting and challenging day on the lifeguard calendar it's no time for division in the service the most challenging day of the lifeguard calendar New Year's Day has arrived droves of backpackers and tourists are driving lifeguards to breaking point [Music] Mario and singlets have another nine hours working together before the day will be over [Music] strong swimmers aren't usually a problem for lifeguards except they can unwittingly lure poor swimmers into dangerous areas it's the other thing where people can't swim go out there I'm not worried about them it's the people that follow them and think it's okay often experienced swimmers won't accept when lifeguards move them on [Music] it's just hard stick to stop midday and people waking up from the night before are adding thousands more to the size of the crowd at the middle set of flags niccola's got little to celebrate then Nicholas spots a woman floating out to sea the lady with the pink song sitting there going out to sea and she had a phone in it and I was like she's kicking now she's like got my phone wrapped in one of those waterproof cases just sitting there oh no pink thong floating out to sea classic if only Nikolai had the woman's phone number the message might have made it through [Music] meet afternoon and the outgoing type is increasing the speed at which bond dies ribs move water and swimmers out to sea first day of 2016 and it's an absolute stunner so there's a lot of people and there's just a lot of really bad rumors thirty meters offshore Nicolas Potts bond dies next victim the man is physically large so head lifeguard hopper calls the jetski for backup as Nicolas instructions are lost in translation lifeguard and swimmer are quickly swept further from shore I got to Raymond I was trying to explain to him how to go on the board he didn't really get it so I tried to demonstrate and he goes I see and so he started hugging the board from underneath and I just thought you know it's close enough so min is from Taiwan while his approach may be innovative mins underside board hug technique isn't helping him or Nicola make it back to shore as hot though picks up more swimmers nearby min is offered the Express service with Mario but this doesn't go to plan a no it sounds like it's done [Music] men from Taiwan has introduced a new rescue technique to lifeguard Nicola he started hugging the board from underneath Nicola would rather see him on the jet ski but then this proves a failure as well sounds like it's starting after almost ten minutes since he first got in trouble mainland completes the 30 meter journey back to shore don't worry just a very time because I I don't have insight exercices long time yeah thank you thank you I wish I could go to relax if holidays are the heart of the lifeguard season then New Year's Day is the main artery early afternoon and lifeguards have already performed over 100 rescues the jet skied has been pivotal but it has its limits the number of people in trouble is so excessive local surfers must help out but even with assistance from civilians lifeguards are no match for the latest group to invade the beach [Applause] [Music] well we are with such people and we're going to swim in the ocean with our hats on beyond their Dutch people probably more we do that every it's the second year of this tradition of Bondi but this summer the crown has almost doubled the Dutch comes down each year and they do their ritual of jumping into the water back home they jump into an icy River it's very cool so that's really a big challenge you know we have no option they jump into a and attaint and I see rip it's a fast rip well Harry's is not about to pour cold water on the Dutch - he and the lifeguards are on high alert for a potential mass rescue on a scale they've never seen before just bring maybe be a bit closer and I just he drama the tower here I go [Applause] and he's their ritual but for us it's our horror you know we were people in a rib and we're still gonna watch the rest of the BT it's a horror see where they go after five minutes of frolicking the Dutch avert danger by staying close to shore all safe and down 5:30 p.m. and lifeguards are holding on desperately until pack up time at 7:00 earlier in the day tensions boiled over when Mario and singlets clashed head-on the conflict remains unresolved but the pair must continue working together in the tower Maxie notices two swimmers being swept off the sandbank outside the middle set of flags there's two out there further out where the jet skis run to the rescue on the jet ski Mario has already midway through another rescue so singlets leaves his post at the north end to cover might have to go for those two Yates eat arrives from the middle set of flags on foot in the swirling riff bobbing amongst the crowd these two swimmers could vanish without a trace when we got out there it actually resembles like you know whitewater rapids it was there was so much water moving and there were waves coming from the side and the front and situations like that it actually gets really dangerous because you can lose a patient quickly - finally Mario arrives on the ski there's no time for arguments now two young patients are safely on Mario's rescue sled but behind him a third person is in trouble just to did jet skis rose to that lady going under I took a few of them on the ski and Narcoossee singlet and Yeti paddling yard when we got out there I remember just looking around and going wow there's just heads everywhere here another capsized on the jet ski now could prove fatal a series of waves have swept swimmers off the relative safety of a shallow sandbank into a surging rip singlets and mario are in the midst of a mass rescue further ensure the XE rescues a fourth swimmer the overloaded jetski has already capsized today singlets backs up mario so it doesn't happen again Mario situation and get him clear so he could drive away and and take some weight off the side of the jet ski he else crazy those whose heads everywhere didn't really know who we were going for we just we get it out there we just kind of grab everyone really it was crazy it was a mass rescue sort of things just for lawns kayo said it was a team effort but singlets and mario are yet to resolve their argument from earlier in the day [Music] maxi starts packing up the mountain of gear set out that morning but given the numbers of people still on the beach it may be premature maxi spots a pair of swimmers in trouble in the North corner I grabbed the board off the trailer and powdered air there and grabbed him once women manages to stay a flight but his friend is going under well as those piling out there I noticed there's the big Ravens on like you know Bellucci and the Blues Brothers [Music] no two rescues are the same but some stand out more years on rescues see all different types of people but I never thought I'd see the Blues Brothers created Ed Wood and Leo also known as Jake and Elwood our brothers but not from Chicago they're actually on holiday for Brisbane yeah doesn't know how to do is that situation so I just wet my hands and wait for the rescue coming I'm just lucky it's 15 minutes after knockoff and lifeguards a hoping New Year's Day has run out of surprises you know after arresting the Blues Brothers get back to the beach continue packing up and that's why a blue on the back of the trailer made um we got a flat tire on our trailer the flags are down and the beach has officially closed yet 10,000 people don't want to go home yet and no amount of warnings will dissuade them from swimming crazy unseen by the ages there's a very real risk someone will drown if lifeguards leave now senior lifeguard hopper must make the call up I decided to hit the shark Club to get everyone out of water because there's a lot of people still getting rescued using the shark alarm to clear the water is something done only in extreme circumstances some lifeguards may never witness it in a decade of surface the alarm at the north end works wonders with the crowd at the busier south end of the beach the alarm proves to be a fizzer work and then we're just going to try the water from the south wrap this day up it's starting to drag on a little bit now in the end lifeguards are forced to stay back late relying on the megaphone and fading light to clear the beach ten people drop today drowning they're going on the bed bed we did up in the tower Mario and singlets have some unfinished business come seven o'clock we we sort of crossed paths and now we glance looks at each other and then just gave each other a big hug and you know it was all okay charlie next time on Bulldog rescue party story Joe Harrison must get rid of one swimmer to reach two more [Music] the most serious injury of the season frustration as a group of boys leave a girl behind in the Rift and supermodel Heidi Klum drops in to say hi [Music] you
Channel: Real Life Rescue
Views: 1,717,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bondi nation, bondi rescue, bondi beach, bondi rescue full episodes, lifeguard rescues, real life rescues, drowning, resuscitation, bondi rescue episodes, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, real life heroes, life is better at the beach, beach life, beach lifeguard rescue, bondi rescue season 11, bondi rescue season 11 episode 6, bondi rescue season 11 episode 6 full episode, bondi rescue season 11 online, bondi rescue season 11 episodes
Id: Plfe1LzPH1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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