Body Language Analyst Reacts to RARE Never Before Analyzed Scott Peterson Interrogation Tapes Ep. 37

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this video has been made possible by the people that support me over at patreon literally you paid for my time to be able to make this video if you would like to be able to support me in that way as well just follow the link in the description below well hey there idiots welcome back to observe in today's video we're going to be looking at the initial interrogation footage of scott peterson the very day that lacey his wife and his unborn son connor were reported [Music] missing [Music] while this is the third video that i have done on scott peterson i was able to prepare for this one far better than i was the other two i was able to take time to be able to pour over hours more footage and to read through all of the court documents that were available to the public as well and this helped inform me even further as to the aspects of this case that were more unknown to me earlier on to catch everybody up to speed as to who scott peterson is and what he did and why he is where he is now let's go ahead and dive into yet a little bit better of a backstory so scott peterson who was in his late 20s was married to lacey peterson who was in her mid-20s and they were said to have a son named connor lacey was eight months pregnant at the time of all of the incidents that will be unfolding here soon now a little bit about scott growing up he was apparently according to his family very very kind and to quote his father almost unbelievably kind which i find suspicious because i have yet to meet a child who is completely and unbelievably kind that being said that is something that i was taking into consideration with this read along with that people say that he was a very controlled and composed person at most times easy to get along with and rarely confrontational lacey was a very outgoing bubbly happy personality also very confident in who she was as a person both of them seem to be an excellent couple they got married tried to have a child for three years and then finally received a positive pregnancy test back fast forward eight months and we start seeing a little bit of unhappiness unfold first scott is having an affair he is seeing a girl named amber fry who is young in and of herself and has a child who is less than two years old he however does not tell amber that he is married and he does not tell lacy that he is seeing amber until a friend finds out and gives him an ultimatum then he decides that he has to go and tell laci according to his interviews he says that laci took it rather well which i found suspicious and his body language also said was suspicious but he did not tell amber later on amber found out and went forward quite promptly during this entire explosion of media coverage of lacey's disappearance she went forward and said that she had been his girlfriend and had been under the impression that he had no other women in his life this would seem abnormal if it weren't for the fact that he had done this before outside of his marriage with lacey with other girls as well who have also come forward on record so he has a repeat history of having affairs or cheating on the women that he was with so needless to say he tells lacey that he's having an affair and things start to go fairly far south in that time he also buys a boat secretly he also starts researching at that same time on google how certain currents and water flows occur in the san francisco bay area and he says that it is in regards to fishing speaking of fishing he also has a history of searching for sturgeon primarily and a few other types of fish so he chalked all of his search history up and the purchasing of a boat for wanting to go fishing this comes in play later on let's fast forward to the 24th remember scott has told lacey that he's having an affair and he says that lacy's pretty okay with it upset but pretty okay with it i didn't buy that and i still don't buy that the 24th christmas eve is supposed to be both busy in the evening relaxed in the first half of the day according to scott so he said that christmas eve evening they were supposed to go and celebrate with lacey's family and the day before that was spent on preparation however he also claimed that most of the preparation had already taken place so he had the morning section free and he says they get up at a certain time they watch a show a specific show and then he heads out anywhere between 9 30 and 10 30 to go fishing what's interesting about this is that he had told a neighbor that he had gone golfing needlessly lied about it nobody sure why i believe it is a pattern we'll talk about that more in a little bit so he says that he goes fishing leaving his eight-month pregnant wife at home by herself to more or less prep for the evening herself and have some quiet time well it is said that lacey was supposed to go walking the dog during this time and while scott is fishing something apparently happens according to scott he had tried to call lacy multiple times while out fishing and received no response and when he got home he found not only was the car there the keys were there and her normal belongings were in the house to make things more strange the back door was unlocked and the dog was in the backyard with the leash still on it's very curious so instead of calling friends and family he decides that he needs to wash his clothes that he and i quote said were dirty from fishing to eat some pizza and to relax for a bit before calling lacey's mom and says that right off the bat she is missing he doesn't check where she's at he doesn't ask if the mom has heard from laci he simply jumps to the conclusion that she is missing she is not in the house or go she is missing now needless to say the parents are a little bit more concerned about this than scott seems to be so they are the ones who call 9-1-1 and alert the police all during this time scott has a cool casual unbothered demeanor as the neighborhood and police explode into an activity of trying to track down lacy scott maintains this detached uninterested unconcerned demeter and it starts to alert people people start finding it as strange understandably so so he is asked in that very night the night of the 24th of december to go into the police quarters to be able to have a further interview to clarify things and maybe remember things you didn't before today i'm going to be analyzing part of that footage the footage of the initial interrogation that was held on scott peterson the night that his wife and unborn son reportedly went missing we're going to be talking about the non-verbal aspects of it and then i will also continue talking about the case as things continue this was a very very interesting case and extremely frustrating on many many levels and you'll get to see why so i am going to talk real quick here as the investigator and interrogator is coming into the room i'm going to talk a little bit about scott's body language that's he's presenting here and some of the limitations of this footage and what i am trying to carry out today first his body language seems pretty relaxed he doesn't seem fidgety he doesn't seem antsy he's simply looking through some documents or pictures here on the table along with that he's leaning forward his hands are out of his pockets and all of this is just indicating that he's relaxed and involved in what is going on now speaking on the footage itself as you can see as per always the quality is next to nothing it's extremely difficult to see any details let alone the mining movements of the face that i would like to be able to see so today's read is going to be specifically centered around looking at the entire case and then also trying to pay attention as best as possible to scott's entire body movements his broad gestures his posturing his tone things that we can hear and see clearly enough however it is still very very limited and this was one of the frustrations right off the bat is that i cannot see his face very clearly you can sometimes see general broad expressions but as far as any micro or many expressions it is absolutely impossible to see let's keep watching what we already talked about so i can make some notes see if you remember something that you don't maybe you don't know so right off the bat something that i am noting is the distancing and blocking that scott is immediately doing now this can be chalked up to that's how he most comfortably sits many people can relate to the sitting back crossing the legs as a comfortable position especially if you're in for something for a long haul be it a movie or in this case an interrogation but he does immediately set back into that when the investigator comes in this is an odd point to do that not only because he could have been doing that before while looking through the documents or pictures that he had but also because it's at the instance that the person who could be threatening his innocence or his story comes into the room so this is something that i immediately made note of in scott's behavior now speaking on scott's baseline i feel like i have a very accurate idea of what scott's baseline is and one of his tells of stress that repeatedly pops up throughout all of the footage is an increase in pitch and an increase in the fragility of his tone he gets that froggy croaky fried sound to his voice and then you will see that come up multiple times throughout this story but all in all already i'm not a huge fan of this but there's nothing that really sets me off in any direction or another so today just tell me about the morning breakfast so you can hear the timber the tone of his voice it's fairly projected it's fairly casual there's not a lot of strain now in normal circumstances this could be seen as pretty okay and that's how i went into the previous interrogations however after considering the broader picture of things i find this odd not only because it's very out of place for the intensity of the situation you can't see the clock here but it is just at midnight so he would be tired and he would likely be stressed after a long day of not knowing where his pregnant wife is which he said himself he had a glorious relationship with that does not line up with his behavior now here's an issue that i found in this case largely is that there is no concrete evidence either direction there's no concrete evidence for his innocence and unfortunately there's no concrete evidence for his guilt there is a massive boatload of circumstantial evidence for his guilt and then there are some pretty scrambling facts for his innocence so this was something that i had to turn through quite regularly in my studies during this is trying to figure out what was evidence what wasn't evidence what was admissible and what wasn't admissible and i can assure you you don't need to go and read through the hundreds of pages of court documents because you will be bored out of your mind needless to say right off the bat i want to make something very clear there was no concrete evidence of his guilt it was all circumstantial but the defenses his side scott's side their only goal was not to prove his innocence but just to make it to where he was not seen as guilty beyond reasonable doubt that was their only goal and right off the bat for me that's a red flag if it's not to prove your innocence and it's just a proof with beyond a reasonable doubt that he could be guilty that is usually a sign of guilt but let's continue watching his body language probably or so uh showers we were watching her favorite show martha stewart watched a little this is an interesting detail if you're recounting your day and you're telling somebody that you were doing your morning routine you say you got up you showered blah blah blah then do you say that you watched a specific show or do you just say yeah we watched some tv we did dot dot dot this is an interesting verbal detail that he adds into the story it's very specific we watched her favorite show martha stewart my question is why would he admit that why would he present that so clearly and so up front unless he needed it to be there this is important and i'll talk more about it as things go on but i really want to try to focus on what we can from his body language and then consider the rest of the evidence in combination with that yeah remember what part you saw [Music] this is an important detail and i don't think that he's lying here in fact i know that he's not lying here because sure enough they went and they researched what was on tv that day martha stewart was on tv that day and according to scott it was lacey's favorite show now the defense claimed why on earth would that be on if lacy wasn't alive say perhaps scott had already done the deed and lacy wasn't alive why would that show be on him why would he know well it's interesting if he were used to perhaps covering his tracks as somebody who has been shown to be not only a pathological liar but also a serial adulterer would be used to he would know that he would have to have some form of evidence for him having watched that show so if he turned that show on intentionally one if it was lacy's favorite show he would know when it would come on it comes on regularly scheduled so if it came on at its regular time he could turn it on pick up a few details and then that would more or less seal his alibi that he had been watching that show with lacey it would be a very easy simplistic setup to imply his innocence in a situation and i feel like this is the case in this he specifically mentions martha stewart because he intentionally placed that detail into his story let's keep watching and i i can't remember your house you had the the converted garage area is a tv room like yeah is that where you were then okay did you eating breakfast okay and then something else that i want to note remember how i mentioned that one of his tells is his tone and what i want to note is that all of this so far has been fairly evident it hasn't had any of those tells that he normally portrays where it becomes more fragile or raises or he talks more softly it's all being pretty much consistent so during this point of the interrogation i don't necessarily believe that he's telling a lie if he is telling a lie he's mixing it with enough truth that it makes it difficult to detect especially somebody in my position just trying to rely on a horrible video with horrible audio to see if there's any deception but that is something that's important to note is that during this part he's not showing his regular tell let's keep watching to see if it shows up um what did you realize that was a morning decision if it was the morning so to play golf with the club or go fishing seemed too cold to go take off the club so um yeah just decided to you know 9 30 or real quick on his storyline he maintains the storyline of he was making a decision that morning whether he was going to go golfing or whether he was going to go fishing however he told multiple different people multiple different stories which was one of the indicators that i picked up on in him being a pathological liar pathological liars will oftentimes needlessly lie about needless information there's no reason for him to lie about it but he does and this pops up often throughout his life from what i was able to gather from my research um take the dog for a walk and then she's going to the store to buy for christmas morning breakfast tomorrow and that was going to be a involved prep so that was fresh prepping breakfast she's going to make gingerbread cookies so you can hear just lightly a little bit of that pitch change in his tone just a little bit it's very very soft and it's very very minute but it is important to note that it's starting to happen when he's recollecting what she was going to do and the reason for that could be quite literally that he knew she was never going to do said things this isn't guaranteed this is all still just surmising based off of what i have seen the before area the entry in the cut door or the entry of your room that you're converting uh when i felt the uh well not the front door of that back door the dedication so take dope real quick of a few things that's happening with scott non-verbally first his projection and his confidence in his words has spiked back up he's also using illustrators with his hands this means that he's more comfortable using illustrators with his hands and to back that up it shows up regularly throughout the rest of his interviews here however he keeps his hands mostly securely crammed into his pockets this is not a good nonverbal display of openness immediately this will unsettle anybody even if they don't quite realize why they're unsettled so this interrogator absolutely felt that and he's gone on record saying that he felt that scott was off he wasn't sure why this is part of the reason why because you can see that scott comfortably illustrates with his hands however throughout the rest of the interview they're very very much crammed into his pockets and so when he's talking about something that's not incriminating that has nothing to incriminate him with he's just talking about where his wife would mop and he's talking about the spaces he's pointing on the table for a map layout so he's talking visually and he's saying so confidently without any um stutters or any pitch changes these are all important aspects of scott's non-verbal communication that i was able to pick up on during all of my study front door so she asked do you put the mock bucket by the front door yeah she's yeah he was pregnant keep so right now this all seems pretty okay right he seems to be very conversational he's just having a chat and this would seem okay except for the conditions that things are occurring in and we'll get to my feelings on this a little bit more later on in the video but one of the prosecution's biggest arguments is that scott seemed off the whole time they just said that he seemed off and some psychologists argue that that isn't really a standard there's not a standard for how you handle trauma and that's very true there's not a standard for how you handle trauma everybody handles difficult situations like that massively differently that being said there are regulations for how micro expressions and body language display themselves in various instances and in these instances the body language that scott is portraying is nothing if not abnormal he's showing no agitation he's showing no interest even with what's going on everything is completely detached now without being able to see the smaller details of his face it's going to be hard to be able to decipher whether this is dissociation or something along those lines or if he's just emotionally detached if we're considering his history according to family and friends he is usually composed that being said this isn't a usual instance most people will have some form of visible negative reaction towards trauma in their lives at some point at some point throughout years they will have visible reactions to trauma and scott over 17 years has never shown an interest in his wife's disappearance emotionally or non-verbally i can say that with certainty having combed through every single minute of available footage that i was able to track down from multiple news sources and multiple platforms he never shows concern for the disappearance of his wife and unborn son this is an oddity it is absolutely an oddity let's keep watching how did it did you move it back after or when you come home or how to get outside so when you left you remember what she's wearing uh black pants uh white uncle top behind the buttons or no just like the this is an interesting section here you see lacy's remains were later discovered obviously as were connors along the bay area but lacy was not wearing the clothes that scott claimed she was wearing at the time also during this time while he's recollecting his pitch does again change as does his tone it grows softer if you listen to the segment where he's recollecting where she mops as opposed to what she's wearing you can hear the absolute obvious pitch change this is a red flag to me as a nonverbal analyst as i try to take into consideration all of his non-verbals that includes his body language but also includes his pitch and his tone this is all vitally important for the case and it's odd that it starts popping up here jacket or shoes no no shoes interesting place to take a drink as well when you lie often times you can get nervous and your mouth can dry out now a pathological liar will be able to control some aspects of their body language there are some things that are so automatic that we cannot control it there are some muscle movements and there are some interior body movements that we cannot control regardless of how much we lie one of those things can be a dry mouth this doesn't affect everybody and i'm not saying that's happening here i am however saying that it is absolutely strange that it pops up after his normal tell of a tone pitch change and then he already has been verified to be lying about what lacey was wearing at least when he saw her last so this is odd this is where more and more lies seem to be woven into his recollection do you notice for jack her jacket was there or did she wear it like if she went walking at 10 o'clock or 9 30. she just steals my stuff she does your stuff yeah she had her mind how about shoes does she have a certain kind of shoes that she wants yeah i use a pair of white tennis shoes you know did you remember if they were there um i looked for them in their normal place [Music] i apologize for the audio quality i'm having trouble hearing it myself i did my best to clean this audio up so that you could hear it the original footage was not only very very quiet but it also had a very massively overwhelming electronic feedback and hiss over the top of everything so what you're hearing is heavily treated audio and it's still just hot nasty garbage in area so i apologize for that but you can hear as he's talking about what his wife would normally wear his projection comes back up his confidence comes back up and he doesn't have any of this uncertain tone to his words that he does in other areas so in this part it's obviously not a lie he is certain that his wife usually wore her white tennis shoes as she always did that's not a lie that's a truth and part of what makes a convincing lie is being able to interweave your lives with a lot of truth it's far easier to disguise a lie with a boatload of truths than it is to try to fabricate an entire lie and that's what i think scott was able to do during this entire storyline is he wove truths around his lie but we'll talk about more why i feel that in a bit they were not there but we didn't look further so they could be in the house they weren't where they normally left you saw mine where those were okay so then about 9 30 you left and you drove your four-door truck and you went over your shop right what would you do over there i assembled my uh mortiser horse first woodworking tool big tables so i maybe saw it on the trailer there once again he has a little bit of a softer tone here when he's saying that he assembled his mortiser it's a woodworking tool that he did purchase and there are records of him purchasing it and he also seemed to have put it together at some point before police ever had access to that storage room however i do find it odd that his tonal change is in there as well but now he's about to start explaining what it is and he starts using his hands again and he regains his confidence and everything builds back up when he's talking about something that isn't centered around his wife and unborn son before that i also want to mention that i did do the research for this i wanted to see if maybe there was a period of time that wasn't accounted for in scott's recollection of the day and if he is lying about this if he did the crime himself and he has concocted this alibi he did a really good job at it a really good job at it because every single thing that he's saying lines up time wise and he has evidence for most sections there are a few sections that he does not have evidence for one he doesn't have any evidence that lacy and him were actually in the house as casual as watching tv early on because nobody was there we just have to take his word for it along with that we have no evidence that he did not load a body into his truck and load it into a boat and go from there the only thing that the defense had in that is that he would have had to do that on broad daylight and who would have done that well to be very frank with the setup of his shop that he's gone to here his storage area his warehouse whatever you want to call it it has a roll up door that you can back up to to be able to hook up a boat into a trailer so on and so forth so the distance that he would have had to move a body to get into say a boat would be minimal very very minimal i'm saying maybe five to six feet to get it from cover to cover so from the truck bed to the actual warehouse itself and into the boat that's not a lot of distance and it's very very easy to move stuff that amount of distance without taking any notice especially if you're moving things into a shop that you regularly do manual labor with nobody's going to bat an eye but i just wanted to say that so far timing wise his alibi completely checks out that's impressive check my email send one email [Music] the happy okay so you assembled this uh what the thing what was the thing assembled called calling mortiser for mortise and tenon joints where'd you get that ordered it on the line uh option actually is that for home or for work spring woodwork yeah okay the facts you got you haven't got it yet yeah i guess not i don't know there he has a little bit of uncertainty in his storyline with the yeah i guess not however i want to just talk about a frustration i'm having with his body language because it's extremely frustrating for me is that i'm just seeing nothing it's like reading a blank book you turn every page you look as close as you can and it's blank scott is a blank book and he shouldn't be in this instance of all instances he should not be he should be giving some signs of care for his wife the only thing that he's displaying and had always displayed and will always display is a lack of care for lacey because in scott's mind it's all about him until he doesn't like it and he did this on repeat before with other women he never killed them but there was never a pregnancy involved and he did this again and again and again and again and since he is known to be a pathological liar he is comfortable with lying it's extremely frustrating to watch somebody give so few cares about the person he said he had a glorious relationship with even if he doesn't emote that way because let's just let's play devil's average kid here for a second say he doesn't emote that way perhaps he's not a very cry person perhaps he's not a very fidgety person perhaps he's very very controlled under pressure and only shows sadness when nobody sees one don't buy it i'm sorry i don't buy it nobody's that controlled over this long of time he's never broken ever he's never visibly broken and the times that he broke came across as very forced that makes me uncomfortable non-verbally as well but say he does maintain composure regularly he's not an emotive person he doesn't even act like he's interested in trying to track down his wife even remotely even in some of the footage that i was able to track down from the earlier interviews that wasn't usable for this video even from that footage there is instances of his phone ringing while a search is occurring for his wife and he doesn't even think to go look at it he asks if they want him to shut it off if i were in his shoes i would be very concerned if my wife was missing especially if she was pregnant eight months pregnant if she was missing in my phone ring i would immediately drop everything else i don't give a flying rat's ass about the interview i would care about her he has other priorities he only cares for himself this is made prevalent and this is the storyline that i found the most convincing but let's keep watching his nonverbal communication and you know about what time you left modesto um gosh i don't know um my you know extrapolate what time i got that deal immune is that right and yeah one is it there you know it has two times okay which one's right tuesday time 12 54 on december 24th five months so for those of you who are hearing having trouble hearing it they're talking about what time he left his shop as opposed to what time he got to the bay itself so he's saying that he doesn't remember when exactly he left his shop so what they're doing is they're looking at a ticket stub that he got at the bay area and trying to more or less kind of reverse engineer it to determine when he might have left the shop this is understandable i will leave places and not have any idea what time i left a place just because it's not something that you always have to keep track of so i understand that on scott's side and his math does line up however there is a possible gap of anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes that are inexplicable nobody saw him nobody knows what he was doing while at his shop and it would be plenty of time to perhaps maybe move 150 pounds or so into a boat from the back of a truck that's all that i'm saying i'm not saying that is what happened i'm saying it could have happened there and nobody would be able to say otherwise besides scott p.m tuesday okay so you got there at one o'clock take another one okay did you drive straight there you stopped for lunch no my baby no other [Music] about five minutes to one you get your boat in how long have you stayed in the water uh felt like an hour and a half or so okay so now we're at the water right he's gotten into the water it's past one o'clock this is important detail it's a very important detail and i'll explain to you why actually right now so scott's alibi is that he was fishing by himself conveniently in the san francisco bay area for sturgeon as he later said in this interrogation he says that he doesn't know what he was fishing for which is not a thing by the way if you're a fisherman you know this you go out with the intention of catching a specific fish be it one fish or a group of fish you have an idea of what you're fishing for you also kind of coordinate the bait that you would get to catch said fish well he said he's searching for sturgeon which for those of you who don't know sturgeon can often get up to a hundred pounds not only did scott not pack the correct poles for that he also had a boat that was far too small for that and he had the incorrect bait for that none of that lined up this would be okay if perhaps he was a novice fisherman like myself i would have no idea i would have no idea one i wouldn't choose to go and search for a sturgeon if i had never done it before by myself i would definitely want to go with somebody else but scott was an avid fisherman he had been fishing since he was seven years old would often go on fishing trips by himself with other people would often be seen fishing love to talk about fishing with his family and friends in this instance suddenly he had one no idea about sturgeon and then two he had no idea that this is a terrible time to go fishing the afternoon one in the afternoon is not a good time to go fishing and a whole group of fishermen kind of took a look at this evidence and they decided 100 certainty that this man did not leave this shore with the intention of catching one of those fish he was not equipped for it it all kind of lines up to where perhaps scott wasn't being a simple happy-go-lucky fisherman on the day of the 24th there may have been something a lot more sinister happening but see if i was getting home at 30. [Music] do you have a map for that area or no found like a little island kind of deal there um island uh had a bunch of trash on it i remember they signed the note landing it looked like some real computers around it and i just assumed it would be a decent shallow area can you troll a little bit all right so once again he starts talking again about certain aspects and he starts illustrating again and i believe he's telling the truth at this point not only do i believe it but i know he's telling the truth i know that he went out and saw these things because other people went and retraced what his steps could have been and saw the same things a beach full of trash and the sign and the island and everything that he's recounting i believe he actually saw his nonverbal communication aligns with that so that is part of the truth that seems to be woven in with these other lies that he's telling and that's why it's sold so well as truthful to so many people is because it could be seen as such i'm going to talk about some of the issues that the case had that both sides the defendant and the prosecution both of them had issues during this case and i'll talk about those at the end let's keep watching this and then we'll just we'll wrap everything up as per usual a lot of a lot of the reason i went was just get that boat in the water so you fish in 90 minutes about then what you go back to go back to the marina get back in the morning do you see anybody you talk to anybody else um talked to a couple guys fishing and asked me to catch anything no they that part seems to be true if we're going off the tonal tell that we can tell he is projecting it he's enunciating clearly he has confidence behind his words there's no fragility there's no increased pitch the tone is rich and confident i do believe he's telling the truth in this area sure enough also after i did enough research i was able to discover that indeed people had seen him after the fact while he was trying to load his boat back up he had some difficulties they were all laughing so on and so forth and if you think about it say i'm right say that the theory that i have right now based off of his behavior and the evidence given say i'm right and he had just dumped his pregnant wife into the bay and then he's acting like nothing happened with these fishermen it really puts into perspective who scott is as a person hey guys working fixing uh main maintenance guys there's a good laptop that back down the trailer okay um then what how did you get there um yeah um what's this what's the highway to uh oakland it's 5 am and they take 80 80 north right [Music] and i checked with all that on maps the route that he's talking about makes sense with the times that he's delivered it's true the recollection that he's talking about here is true that is the route that he took that is the time that it took but that's not the question the question is what were you perhaps carrying in your truck while you took that route [Music] [Music] did you when you left were you wearing what were you wearing well i left the house but i was in the warehouse um i had that green pull over on that was in my truck he saw uh with dark rain i had a camel jacket on and [Music] [Music] hitting home so straight home anybody else in the warehouse area uh not this afternoon there was a building okay i'm gonna stop the interview here for a couple reasons one not only because his body language seems to be completely blank throughout the rest of the interrogation which once again i found to be very frustrating but because this storyline is one of the biggest areas that i find the most contention with the one that i have the most issue with now let's talk about a little bit about the court hearing itself and how many issues there were within that for the prosecution they tried to bring in sniffer dogs however the defense quickly pointed out those specific sniffer dogs that were used were not fully qualified to use their findings as concrete admissible evidence it could be taken into consideration but only in light of the rest of the evidence that was their goal was not to present scott as guilt-free but as not beyond a reasonable doubt found guilty so they just got it knocked down to where it wasn't concrete well then on the defense's side one of their demonstrations that they did is they they said that scott couldn't physically lift and throw 150-ish pounds out of that small of a boat now the courts pushed against that and there's more issues with that beyond what the prosecution brought up first the prosecution brought up that one not the same boat it was a different boat two the person who was trying to do the demonstration was working for the defense so obviously they're gonna push for it to fail and three where that person was standing in that boat would never have been where a person would to try to throw something like that so what the prosecution suggested was that the entire test be run again but instead of using a different boat you use the same boat that scott has the boat that the defense used that scott used for the argument had a much higher center of gravity the way it was built it was more prone to tip so they suggested well why not just use the boat that scott used you still have it why not use it along with that instead of having somebody from the defense try to do the test which is obviously going to be flawed why not use somebody who's either impartial or on the side of the prosecution because then that would really show that a person could in fact throw 150 pounds out of the boat oddly enough the defense never allowed for that to happen what a shock seems curious to me that would be a pretty big home run hit for the defense if it did work that way and despite all of the best efforts it still failed that would be great for scott but they decided not to do that also scott himself in this interrogation which it's not on the footage that i presented with you but it is there he says and agrees to do a polygraph test so when he agrees to adhere he knows that if he says no he can't really have a good reason for that his goal should be yes i want to clear myself for this but if he says no then that really doesn't go forward with that so he says sure here and then later on is like i think it was either the day of or the day before the polygraph when everything was getting set up he calls in and says you know what scratch that we're not doing the polygraph which is a huge suspicious move why on earth would you not now it is true that polygraphs indeed can come up with false positives all that a polygraph is measuring is a person's stress around certain questions it's not really measuring truth it's measuring stress so perhaps he was advised to not do that not only if he was innocent that might be a bad idea but if he was guilty that would be a terrible idea because there's a lot of stress around that and this battle went back and forth finally the defense found out that the jurors were not fairly selected they specifically selected jurors that were all okay with the death sentence and omitted those who weren't and that is unfair selection of jurors they can largely oppose it but when it boils down to it have to be okay with it but they selected people that all only supported the death sentence and that's not fair to the defendant so here recently actually earlier this year due to the flaws in the jury selection scott's death sentence has been overruled he's still facing life in prison but his death sentence is no longer viable due to that flawed selection so this wraps up everything for scott for me i am all but certain that he is a murderer i have no sympathy for the man if only for the fact that he showed repeatedly through his body language through his behavior and through his actions there afterwards that he showed no care for his wife an unborn son and i find that alone to be trash so i don't have sympathy for him but with everything else all of the lies that he told needless lies showing that he's a pathological liar showing that he has a history of being able to cover his own ass from people who might be searching into that side of things showing all of this and considering the massive amount of circumstantial evidence that was piled against him i think that he is indeed guilty i think that the courts got it correct but to be very very fair and to play devil's advocate there is not concrete evidence and unfortunately he could not be proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt though that is how the jurors found him to be so was he completely guilty i cannot say nobody can say nobody can even tell how lacy was killed but the alternatives the defense's alternatives what scott and his attorneys presented were so far-reaching and so out there that it seemed more of a fantasy world than the one created by the prosecution in scott's defense there was a break-in on his street and one of the aspects that his attorney presented was that perhaps the people who were doing the break-in across the street were confronted by lacie and then they panicked and took her and had to dispose of her because they accidentally did a kidnapping which is plausible but then it does all of this stuff to frame scott as well making it seem like he's the one and not them and they left no trace but he did so on and so forth and that one seems unrealistic another one that was suggested is that maybe a homeless person just happened upon her out in the park doing her thing and took her to the bay which is needless to say hours away a homeless person took a body from a park near their house in modesto and traveled i think it's an hour and 45 minutes to the bay where they deposited her and sent her out and then she washed back up so on and so forth and actually it's interesting the prosecution tried to bring in a hydrologist who was able to kind of map where perhaps the body would have originated and the defense quickly pointed out that that hydrologist was not fully qualified and it was also knocked down to having to be considered in with all the rest of the evidence circumstantial that's my opinion of it i'm sorry that this didn't have as much body language to be very frank there's not much body language in this interrogation there's never much body language with scott peterson and that's frustrating as a non-verbal analyst but it keeps giving me a goal to reach for i hope you enjoyed this video i know this is part three and i know that this was a very long video but this is my wrapping up of the case of scott peterson let me know how you felt in the comments below if you disagree with me that's totally okay since there's not concrete evidence it's really going to still be up to opinion i've given you my reasons i've given you my research and i've given you the opinion that i have if you have a different one let me know in the comments below it will at least inspire a lot of interesting conversations between everybody if you would like to see more videos that are centered around true crime or so on and so forth please let me know who you would like to see in the comments below and consider supporting me through patreon merch and audible right now those are my three if you do that that can allow me to get content that has more of a gruesome storyline like this out to you without risk of me losing my job more or less also if you did like this video specifically hit the like button if you want to see more hit subscribe hit the bell if you want to see them sooner and like i said before always feel free to let me know your suggestions in the comments because eventually i'll run a poll for the most popular suggestion and i'll do that person i'm always happy to do a nonverbal read for you it's just a matter of who it is but but without further ado that's all that i've got for the day my name is logan and you have been oh so awesome as you always are and i will see you in the next video cheers guys
Channel: Observe
Views: 188,044
Rating: 4.9092417 out of 5
Keywords: Sherlock Holmes, Logan Portenier, Observe, Mentalist, Lie to Me, body language, nonverbal, psychology, React, Analysis, lying, detection, reading, behavior
Id: Bb5iXt5lUmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 29sec (3389 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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