But Did He Do It? The Mysterious Story Of Laci & Scott Peterson | Mystery & Makeup - Bailey Sarian
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Channel: Bailey Sarian
Views: 4,781,564
Rating: 4.9444208 out of 5
Keywords: bailey sarian, mystery and makeup, makeup mystery monday, mystery makeup monday, makeup monday, bailey makeup monday, makeup true crime story, get ready with me, mystery
Id: cpBSfkx5shk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 19sec (2659 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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Things that will never sit right with me:
Janey Peterson believes the robbers across the street took laci and framed Scott after they saw that he was fishing in the bay. Nobody in their right mind, who successfully hid a body and got away with murder, would risk driving all the way to the marina with a body of a high profile missing woman. And as soon as laci went missing, the marina was swarming with police. Yet nobody was seen dumping a body.
Laci was not found wearing what Scott claimed. This discounts all the witness sightings, in my opinion, because they said she was wearing white top and black pants.
Scott had phony diplomas on his wall, indicating Laci wasnโt returning. It was not a gag gift from Laci, he bought them to show Amber in his room.
The fact that Scott sat down to do a tv interview, and his cell phone kept ringing, and he turned it off. Itโs not questionable, thereโs literally a video. If your wife was missing, you wouldnโt miss a phone call.
The cement rings in the boat that indicated possible anchors made to weigh laci down, and then the coincidence that she surface with missing limbs.
And this proves nothing I guess, but if your wife is 8 months pregnant and preparing for Christmas Eve, why tf would you travel 90 miles to fish for 45 minutes, and drive 90 miles back? What if she had an emergency? If you knew your wife was home waiting for you to pick up Christmas baskets, you would pick them up.
I remember the trail, and all media attention. I trust your info, and glad you got an assessment (thanks Courtney ๐). Always say suppose is first suspect. Seems the police didn't looking into her timeline of day? Lacy was told not to walk by doctors, from the personality I read prior to video. She would of taken that medical advise serious ๐ค
I honestly always felt he was guilty, but now feel differently about him getting sentenced in court due to lack of sufficient evidence.
What changed my mind was watching Kendall Rae discuss the case.
Bailey didnโt mention that the house across the street was burglarized (I think they took a safe) the day she went missing. Or the fact that another woman who kinda looked like her and was also pregnant was the victim of an attempted abduction in the weeks before that. But he defffffff guilty. 100%
G u i l t y.
No innocent person has an affair with someone while their wife is 8months pregnant and continues the affair after the disappears then goes on the run!
In what world??? Just because heโs conventionally attractive and white? Hell to the no. Heโs trash and his family is also trash.
This man and his parents are trash. If you dive deeper into all their actions after Laci disappeared its disgusting the way all of them acted. There's a few different write ups on some subs if you look up his name. I honestly believe he is 100% guilty.
Has anyone else watched the documentary on Hulu (?) A&E maybe? It came out about 3 years ago, my fiancรฉ and I just finished watching it this weekend. That documentary leans a lot more heavily that Scott was innocent but I was curious others thoughts?