Body Language Analyst REACTS to Nichol Kessinger's SUSPICIOUS Body Language FULL | Faces Episode 24

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well hey there idiots welcome back to observe in today's video we're going to be doing a full analysis on nicole kessinger now i've already done this partially as a collaboration with jordan over at the art of deduction but a lot of you politely requested that i do it myself in my normal format and to the full extent of the entire interview i am happy to oblige however since this is true crime most of these videos don't end up getting monetized so if you would like to make more of these videos possible please follow the links in the description below if you're also interested in the backstory for this video specifically i have already done that over at the chris watts video that will be linked in the description as well but that's enough small talk let's get [Music] moving all right so this first part that we're going to be looking at is going to be more or less establishing a baseline for nicole now this isn't going to be a perfect baseline because she's still under a fair amount of stress this is an interrogation or interview and she's also pretty tired however this is the only footage that i could find that would provide at least a semi reliable non-verbal baseline for the rest of the reading notice her tone body language and mannerisms during this entire first segment here so when you go through the text messages tammy and probably stacy will be there okay so you guys know each other um or if they reach out to you you know that they're not the media yeah can you even give me your cards okay i just know with this new phone it's like i got so many numbers that i i'm sure i need to just deal with that like if you guys can help me get all of my contacts from this phone so i can get a tech guy maybe to help help me because i'm not giving me instructions this is your old phone this is the one that i use for communication this is one that's going to be good okay so if you notice the tone that she has in her voice it has a specifically casual timbre to it there's not any stress to it so much so however an interesting thing to point out is that even at the point where she's saying and they gave me instructions her pitch raises up a fair bit and that is common in points of stress now as we continue to watch this we learned that she's stressed about getting everything switched over on her phones because it's a stressful thing to do so that pitch fluctuation is a fairly good tell for an indicator of a stressor in her nonverbal baseline so if we hear that pitch spike up again that should be a red flag for us i'll give you a hint it does this it does this later on in the interview at some interesting points but as you can hear from the rest of her tone everything sounds pretty normal and her body language is relaxed albeit a little bit stressed due to the nature of her settings and her surroundings and what is going on around her let's keep watching mine i know iphones suck i don't need to have this bag okay so you're gonna you want to move contacts from there to there that's all i want to do once you guys do that then you guys can have this phone i mean he gave me a way to do it so i think i need to connect to wi-fi and then i need to download this app and then i think once i download it i can sync it up and i need to just download the app on both phones so let me get a guy who knows about wi-fi is your password still 653038 so that's going to be that one and which which one is getting all the new text messages your new phone i only got a few and then like now i get what you're saying like they're out of order once again another pitch change there i only got a few higher pitch point of stress this is reaffirming that that higher pitch is an indicator for a point of stress now we know as we continue throughout the rest of the analysis to look out for those pitch changes as points of stress they're scrambled they're missing they don't make sense i got super excited when i saw them because i was like maybe it'll be all alone but it's not so maybe what i'll ask we have i will say that that part where she's saying maybe it'll be all of them but it's not it has a higher pitch to it but it's not that same tone if you notice the difference between it it's her doing the classic recollection voice a lot of people will actually verbally recall thoughts in their heads in a higher voice or a different voice than their normal voice this isn't out of the ordinary so this isn't a point of stress so much as it's just her recalling but you can tell that tone difference between the high pitch of stress and this high pitch of recollection a device that maybe we can download that too this one too sorry i mean i don't know if that'll work but we can try it here's mine thank you first thank you [Music] a bunch of messages between her and chris were recovered on her new phone oh okay so i'm gonna probably just celebrate it right now oh okay on our new phone so we don't have to take all of our phones yeah no doubt are you good in here is that okay he'll come on or anything please okay all right so that's going to be more or less the baseline that i get to work with for this read once again it's not a super astoundingly great one but it's better than no bass line at all i would like to have a perfect world where she is perfectly relaxed and i can really establish where she is at non-verbally for her bass line but this is gonna have to do for now that tone that conversive casual tone and noticing those high-pitched spikes steering points of stress that's what we got from that first segment we're gonna continue in from here where we start seeing some more signs of stress so your phone this time do you have any objections to us looking at everything in your phone why do you even need that i'm just curious like why do you need everything as opposed to it so once again there's that high-pitched stress indicator he asks are you okay with us having your phone and she answers what the question why do you even need that and it's that high-pitched tonal spike that we know is an indicator of stress for nicole so there's something that she doesn't like about giving her information over to the police now this is to be expected anybody who has anybody go through their phone regardless of if there's anything to hide or not is just uncomfortable so it's not unexpected that she's not really interested in this but it's also still a point of interest and a red flag that i'm going to keep in the back of my head as i continue to read well because it's easier to get it and if we're looking at all the material let's say i take everything off your phone i can put a date in like let's say august 10th through the 15th because now she said that she was thirsty earlier she takes a swig here once again this could just be a swig of water without any real repercussions however it is still interesting that this swig of water is taken during this point of stress she just got stressed about needing to hand her phone across and now she's leaning back and taking a swig of water now you could take a swig of water just because you're thirsty but you could also take a swig of water because your mouth is dry because you're nervous this is another thing that i'm just keeping my eye on and keeping in the back of my mind as i continue forward with the rest of the analysis but other conversations between you and chris or other text messages between you and chris from june or july then it makes it harder for me to find all those do you understand what i mean it's easier for them to just take everything i don't know are they yeah i mean except for when i first met him and it was just a pc thing okay and then what about your phone it's always his we talked about your gps so she does a no shake while talking about this which some could see as a it hasn't been that same thing all the way around however the rest of her body language if you consider it all in context that no shake is less likely to mean deceit rather than just that's the way she moved her head during that sentence the rest of her tone stayed the same the rest of her body language stayed the same there were no other non-verbal spikes to indicate that that could be a point of deceit i believe that his phone number did indeed stay the same all the way through judging by her body language uh looking like knowing where your phone is at certain times i mean you guys can have all that i just was like oh my gosh there's something between me and all my friends i'm like do they really want all this stuff well is there anything a little bit more of that higher pitch point but as a recollection rather than a stressor you could hear the tonal differences so this isn't a point of deceit this is just a point of recollection in those texts that you'd be concerned with not really so well not really or yes or no no i mean like i the other day my dad and i just had to do interesting this part here so he asked an important question he asked is there anything more or less that's going to be incriminating for her and she says not really and that is an answer without answering it's trying to kind of weasel around it that's why he re-asks is it not really or is it not at all and she has this pitch aggression increase and then she leans back like this which is really interesting it's a weird cluster of nonverbal communication here a weird cluster of spikes that's happening if i were in the room with this gentleman i would see that as a pretty noticeable red flag that in fact there likely were things on that phone that have been hidden but right now there's not enough to be able to say that for certain we have to continue analyzing damage control because a lot of people were like hey bees call me i don't know what to say and i just told them all like i didn't say anything i pretty much just said mediators contact you tell them no comment it's like please be nice to them you do not need to talk to them she's really uncomfortable recalling this her body language is showing a lot of anxiety and nerves in this entire monologue that she's giving to this guy right now she's got a lot of strain across her legs as she's pushing her body off of the chair she's really leaning back she's doing a whole lot of very odd stuff that wasn't there before this is called a non-verbal spike this would be considered a positive nonverbal spike and what i mean by positive nonverbal spike is that where there was no action before at a point of possible interest there was a large portion of nonverbal action it's a red flag to a nonverbal analyst when they see something like this something's fishy about this entire recollection and story that she's telling like i'm safe and i'm in trouble in breaking laws and i was just like just send your love and support and that was all i said to people so did that prompt all the phone calls of people going how are you okay they were prompting me that is why i did that because i didn't even want to like say that but i was getting all sorts of texts from people that were like me you shouldn't contact me i don't know what to do i didn't tell them that i was a witness i didn't so you heard that spike again pitch-wise but you hear the difference it's the recollection or reenactment tone that people take i don't think that part was a lie however as everything else is showing here i do feel like there is some reason for her to really not want them to have her phone it would seem incriminating for her to be like no don't take my phone i don't want you to see it so she's kind of being strong-handed into releasing this i don't know if they found any information on the phone yet but from what i see there's something fishy that's going on there tell them anything about that it was just like just say no comment i need you to do this okay and then a couple of my like super super close friends i asked them if they would be courteous enough to take all the pictures that we had of each other on facebook and social media and i said yes and that was like a couple of really close friends is there any text messages between you and friends that reference anything that would so this sort of gesture that she does here this is a self-soothing gesture people who are stressed will do this sort of thing it can take form in various different ways it could be this fixing sort of deal or hair rubbing head rubbing it's a self-soothing gesture there are some that say well think back to when you were a baby how your guardian would stroke your hair to be able to calm you down it's still a subconscious thing that we'll do today to this day as adults to be able to help calm ourselves down she's recollecting a stressful thing that she had to do that makes sense in there as well be concerning regarding this case no like talking about chris i think you've told me that you've never even really talked with my friends about him no and like my friend's dad died last night like yesterday i'm not worried about that no i know but she started like oh my god she was really drunk last night she started like freaking out she's like i don't know what's going on in your life she's like i don't know if it pertains to this case and she like just sent me like a screenshot of a news article of that case and she was just like she's like what about conversation i i didn't mention that it had anything to do with that she's like i don't know that's what it is he works in the dark she's like i really don't give a [ __ ] she's like i just really need you to be here with me and my dad and this and this and this and she was just kind of upset because i had asked her um to please say no comment to the media and it happened to be like right when her dad died and i think she was feeling a little like yeah but i mean you guys can read this there's nothing in there of me actually saying anything about it i just what's your favorite time so she's still showing a lot of non-verbal spikes during this point with nervous gestures placating gestures needless moves of things like if you watch her she literally moves a water bottle without a reason there's no point to it there's just a lot of nervous activity while recalling this i'm betting i don't know but i'm betting she's concerned that this friend could be a problematic point maybe talking about stuff to people maybe this friend runs with their mouth a fair bit regardless she's talking to the police about if she shared anything about the case and then when she's talking about this friend she's acting really nervous so she might be worried that this friend is going to talk however it's also interesting that she quickly tries to divert attention from the question that the interrogator originally asked so quickly with a story about this friend this is very suspicious to me all sorts of verbal and non-verbal red flags that are giving me an uneasy feeling in my gut about this and all of this is something that i'm keeping in mind as the read continues there was a conversation that i asked you about between you and charlotte took the same girl that same girl was freaking out so was there ever a conversation about kids with you that gesture just real quick this one it looked like she was actually rubbing her eye rather than doing this gesture that she was doing earlier this is part of the thing where i was saying she's very tired in this so that's kind of making it difficult to use her baseline with complete confidence this is one of those nonverbal signs that she's tired charlotte like you i can't remember the exact context but i guess i'll hang out with a guy who had kids okay um she has not even like all right so this little portion of the interview that we just watched really was showing nicole having agitation and nerves and stress around the idea of handing her phone over and this friend those are two points that i see red flags from her as stressors we're going to start seeing nicole's stress rising in other areas and how it shows itself as well all right so your conversation about him having kids how did that go i mean i don't know i just told her uh i have no reason to delete anything else in my phone and the reason i deleted all this stuff with chris is because he was making me feel really uncomfortable and i didn't want to see it in my phone anymore so right off the bat when he asked the question she does a mouth blocking gesture and then she also has a pitch spike afterwards when she's saying however it doesn't have that same tone that we heard from before at the stressor points but it does seem similar to that something that i'm keeping in mind and then she starts doing some verbal stuttering whenever he asks this important question that could be seen as her processing trying to come up with a lie kind of thing or it could just be her finding the right words that she wants to be able to use while talking it's something that a lot of people will do especially if they're nervous is stumble over their words so it could be a sign of nerves for deceit or it could just be a sign of your normal everyday average nerves that you would see in a police investigation or interrogation um yeah let me scroll all the way back here marrying this girl talk a lot no she's like so that's just what we're here because we talked about this before but we didn't talk about the specific context of what that message said regarding the children so obviously the situation that we're looking at now with the death of two children and all the other circumstantial stuff going around in the case all right so we can see another sign of stress from nicole in verbal stuttering as i said before this is something that shows up commonly in nerves for just about everyone if you're nervous you'll probably stumble verbally so she's nervous here it's just a matter of telling why she's nervous is it because of deceit or is it just because she's in the situation that she's in you i just want to make sure there was no comments ever made by you regarding you know children or dislike of children or love children either way you know what i mean oh yeah i guess let me find this [Music] i think this is where you guys can just take whatever you want so it's easier for me to just take everything than it is to single it out plus for the purposes of this case the less exposure you know we already have uh initially you drew concern from me when you told me you deleted everything from chris i've already told you that you understand why there's no question as to why that might cause concern so if there's anything else that ever comes up i have it and then we can just discuss it all right so i'm going to talk about something tonally and non-verbally that happens during this question if there's anything talking about whether or not you like kids these are very important questions that he's asking and her response is not matching the intensity of the question and she doesn't really answer and when she does answer her pitch is much more low and airy this is a spike from her normal bass line from what we heard earlier in her conversational tone before this is a spike so we have to take note of that along with that if you look at how she's facing she's not facing directly at him she's facing lightly away and she's put up this arm now she's masking it as a leaning on the head so all of this could be read as maybe she's just really tired it's a possibility she is tired this could be the way it's playing out however i just find it odd that in this sort of situation with this sort of questioning she's not regarding it in such a way that it kind of deserves if somebody is asking you if you wanted kids or didn't want kids or liked kids or didn't like kids in regards to a case where you're dating a guy who did some terrible things in relation to his wife and kids then i feel like it has to have some intensity or at least deserve some more attention than she's giving it she's acting disinterested and she's throwing up this partial blocking gesture as well so this is a red flag for me as well so far every time that he's brought up anything about chris and anything about the relationship that she might have with the kids she's been doing some odd nonverbal behavior this isn't turning out super well for kessinger's innocence in my opinion so far but we have to be able to try to keep an open mind as we continue forward because there's the possibility that she is indeed innocent right now i'm not feeling that also i have to apologize this footage becomes desynced you'll notice that i noticed it i just didn't really want to go and try to resync it i'm not going to explain myself anymore we're going to keep watching right there she starts talking about her fiance so that was like weeks ago and she hasn't brought it up since really or like connected the dots or like said [ __ ] i mean you guys can look through all those texts oh boy all right so a lot of blocking gestures here a lot of spacing blocking gestures going on as she actually hands her phone over she leans back crosses her arms this is creating space and it's also creating a barrier she also does this she blocks her face these are all blocking gestures now they could be partially explained and what i feel like she would likely explain it as is as tiredness however it's just odd that it's happening right now when she hands the phone physically to the person who's doing the interviewing or interrogating this is a red flag again nicole is not happy about having to hand over her phone there's something that's going on on there whether it's related to chris whether it's related to anything else i'm not sure but she doesn't want to give her phone over let's keep watching and i don't know when that was that was definitely when things were going good so this is like weeks prior i'm just assuming i think the day is at the top of whenever we started texting that there looks this is we talk a lot august 7th yeah so i reference everything to sunday the 12th conversation like that on there i believe on my phone i don't think there's like anything else and she even last night like still wasn't even all right so something that sticks out to me is the lack of synchronization between the interviewer or interrogator and nicole as things are going on you would hope to see maybe a little bit of mirroring in their body language he does some mirroring of her whether or not that's intentional or not is another question however she does none towards him this just indicates that they're not in sync together they are very very out of sync as two people if you see somebody who is mirroring another person or vice versa or they are mirroring each other that means that they are in sync with each other and you don't see that here while that's not an incriminating tale it is something to note that she doesn't feel in sync with this person whether that's because she doesn't feel like he's really there to help her or because she's hiding something and trying to be deceitful or because she's just so tired that she's not really with it enough to reciprocate body language like this any of those could be reasons but it is something that i am still keeping note of as i do the analysis what do you mean i can tell he has a lot to take care of in life what did you mean when he said that he has a mortgage responsibility i mean he's a father of the house you're even saying in here he's all about his kids yeah and she was like asking me somewhere in there like i mean everything i had to say about him at that point was like really positive so she's talking very soft at this point now the question is is this the same tonal spike that we noticed earlier where she randomly dropped pitch and lost interest and all these sorts of things or is this because she's tired i'm not positive both of them could be because she's tired both of them could be because she's lying it is still interesting that he asks an important question centered around chris and she uses this tone again and it's once again kind of centered around the kids this tone and the kids show up multiple times from what her body language is presenting she isn't a big fan of the kids or at least there's something suspicious going on centered around that let's keep watching to see if that actually comes to fruition like i think i made it clear that i wasn't like 100 sure this was like the man of my dreams and i was going to spend the rest of my life with him or anything but i was enjoying the time when i was spending with him at that point you're referencing that he has two kids and then you don't like that um because you want to have that experience with somebody else is that one i just thought i wasn't sure if he was the one that i want to be with because he had already like done everything okay like i was like it would be really nice to kind of like have kids and have my own marriage and all of that stuff that was never anything i could paint to him [Music] that was interesting was it not that that was interesting so she says that she enjoys spending time with chris she admits that she said that she enjoyed it at that time that was something that she loved she never mentioned that she appreciated being around the kids also interesting and then she says in her texts that he has kids and she says that she doesn't like that he's done everything has kids and she then gives the explanation in a very stilted broken form that she doesn't like it because she kind of wants to have kids you know and it does this pitch increase and it's all broken apart i don't believe that that's the reason that she didn't like that chris had kids i just don't think she wants kids and i don't think that she was wanting to have kids i think she just wanted kids out of the picture maybe down the road she wanted kids but right now she wasn't interested in it she wasn't interested in chris having kids that's not good news and i get it i get it kids aren't for all people so i get that but in this situation that's not good news for her not because she doesn't want kids but because of what happened if you take my meaning but but without further ado that's all that i've got for the day my name is logan and you have been oh so awesome as you always are and i will see you in the next video cheers guys [Music]
Channel: Observe
Views: 350,164
Rating: 4.8976197 out of 5
Keywords: Sherlock Holmes, Logan Portenier, Observe, Mentalist, Lie to Me, body language, nonverbal, psychology, React, Analysis, lying, detection, reading, behavior, Nichol, Kessinger, mistress, NK, Chris, Watts, girlfriend, American Murder, Netflix, documentary, the family next door, case, interrogation, interview
Id: HxfqeIm1NDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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