Building Our FIRRST Base in Expeditions Update ! No Mans Sky Expeditions | Z1 Gaming

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[Music] what's going on everybody here welcome back to some more no man's sky expeditions so we are continuing our expedition now a couple of things i want to talk about real fast before we get into and get into anything because i'm going to forget these expeditions uh it looks like you can work on these at the same time so there's one two three four five different uh five different groups of milestones but if i go over to here you can kind of see explore specific environments three of five so it looks like you can actually work on all of these at the same time uh so collect ancient artifacts if we collect ancient artifacts we get 10 of those there's that thing right there and then it it says we're going to get a minotaur geo bay plans which is cool adopt companions that would be super easy to do um complete fleet expeditions 15. see that's something i've never really done before and that's what i really like about this is that uh is that like it's causing me to it's making me do stuff that i don't normally do learn 50 alien words heck yeah steal whispering eggs discover uh systems earn guild standing uh acquire an a-class ship oh so exciting so excited all right so the task at hand is to build a base now i want to build like an actual base so i want to get some salvage modules and i want to go to wait a second there is no nexus uh oh hello you're new you're weird-looking wait maybe i just haven't unlocked the nexus yet um okay so let's just do this since i don't know if we actually have a nexus or not i don't know we're just going to uh we're just going to get some carbon and we're going to build a wooden base that's what we're going to do let's go let's go cut down some trees somewhere okay no trees plants we're going after plants apparently uh and i just realized that i think we're out of fuel for our launch thrusters oh holy carbon we're getting a lot of carbon from these things wow okay look how much carbon we're getting what we're getting so much carbon from these things like we just got like a hot like 200 carbon from that one thing this is amazing uh okay we're definitely gonna be able to build everything on a carbon like no problem damage machinery is there anything i can do with this residual goop oh we can actually turn that into oh i jumped it darn it what do we get from this do we get 155 carbon mining beam module what what are you talking about what does that have what's what s-class is really powerful mining beam uh yes s-class mining beam heck yeah just for looking at that thing oh my gosh what a win okay exo suit cargo all right we have 2 000 carbon and what each piece takes like 20 so we should be able to build plenty of pieces okay let's do that let's head back to our base oh my gosh we got so much carbon it's insane and my launch thruster fuel is at zero that's not ideal oh my gosh finally storm cleared what's going over here what's this uh what are you you're an interesting little guy huh new discovery around 11 11 wait what nice okay so let's do some base building now um i don't imagine we're going to be building any other bases anywhere else so i want to keep in mind what i'm going to have to do and have to get done i think we are going to have to do some farming of sorts so i'm thinking a place to a good place to build our base might actually be like right over here somewhere oh let's get these knowledge stones too because we have to learn 50 words hey look we learned the viking word for viking there's another one right here too let's grab this one uh interloper wonderful okay um you know what let's build up on this hill we're gonna build right in here all right let's do it wooden floor there's the first floor oh my gosh here we go it's our first house people all right so i got some floors laid out nothing crazy you know nothing crazy um let's see wooden door frame this is like a dull it's like a little single door oh i guess you don't want it like right on the okay that's kind of cool uh let's see let's go and put that there can we get some windows in here um i need glass you know what i do have silica powder uh hey homecoming establish a base i guess this is our base we made a floor it's an amazing floor but we made the floor nonetheless okay what did we get for that expedition three repair kits and 12 salvage data nice okay that's exciting that's exciting there's three repair kits 12 salvage data nice discovers player terry creatures nine of 20. awesome okay uh let's continue building our house though shall we because like i feel like we're going to stick with the wooden one anyways for now uh we could always rebuild later um oh glass that's right tech orderable refiner let me just drop this out here i'm gonna have like a porch we're gonna have like a porch going around here uh there's that let's get in here uh i think we could turn silica powder into glass yeah we can nice goodness carbon start that up uh it's a 40 to 1 ratio i don't really need 50 glass but you know what we'll let it do its thing why not actually i'm just gonna let it sit here and do a thing shouldn't disappear it shouldn't disappear um okay and then we need we need some more walls and stuff actually let me just go ahead and throw some regular walls in here well you know what we should get the construction research unit uh super heated rainstorm approaching oh that's not good uh can we get some carbon nanotubes real quick carbon nanotubes get this let's get a let's get a research deal in here construction research unit okay so this is going to allow us to get some basic stuff um structures i don't want those uh core habitation oh we definitely need that uh oh uh oh we need to get inside where's my ship ship there's a horrible terrible storm here huh oh we can't summon the space anomaly well you know what let's go up there first let's go summon the space anomaly and let's see if we can get the uh let's see if we can get some better bass pieces i guess maybe we won't use wood after all i don't know we'll see yeah sure enough there's a space anomaly okay so i have 12 salvage data um i'd like to get some rooms i really like the keyboard rooms but i know keyboard rooms are like super expensive uh we'll see all right construction research station so hmm i want cuboid rooms but we also need to make sure that we're making enough stuff to get glass i'd also like to get the larger finer 10 salvage data for that okay let's get some basic stuff here that requires pure ferrite i also need to make money you know what maybe i'll wait on the keyboard rims for now and maybe we'll start off with save beacon based teleporter okay you know what that is important base teleporter is important all right let's get those two and then storage units are going to be important uh i only have nine salvage out of but we need a way to make money and the way to do that is mining passive way to make money is mining so we need to figure out okay uh wiring is zero that's that's good i'm glad that's a zero cost okay so bioreactor mineral oh it's 10. so we need that this supply pipe what is this electromagnetic generator solar panel um okay so let's go ahead and let's get the biofuel reactor we got to get some power stuff we will go hunting for uh oh let's go to the solar panel we need it okay that's all i have right now that's fine those are all freebies so we'll go set up some solar power we're gonna make a wooden house for now just for uh just for the sake of simplicity and we need to make money we need to start making some money so we can buy stuff so we get other stuff going as well okay uh my glass should be about done look at that exosuit silica powder accessory okay uh we'll leave that alone now let's go ahead and let's get some glass in here let's get some walls and stuff done it is looking nice out though it does this planet does look really nice it's just really rainy and nasty you know okay so i did make it two stories tall because i know the teleporter is like two stories um and then we need to put a roof do i want to put a roof or do we want to put ooh last oh look at that walk 10 000 units ah we finished it nice uh do i want to put glass up top i mean i guess i could put glass wood wood frame glass panel it's only it doesn't even cost anything doesn't even cost any glass that's crazy there are we are we sealed we are sealed we are good to go all right uh i do want to throw like i said i want a porch all the way around this place and i'm out of carbon can't even believe i'm out of carbon oh it's almost good uh actually you know what let's just go and take some of this real quick because that's gonna give me like 200. these plants give us so much carbon it's insane i love it all right there we go perfect that looks good that looks good uh this should be nice and safe inside this is perfect okay good little base i like it but we need to get more stuff we need to get uh we need to get our teleporter in here so for metal plating two nanotubes shouldn't be an issue uh two nanotubes and four metal plating that's gonna go where do we want that maybe right here perfect base teleporter and then uh oh we need power yeah we got to work on some power stuff uh let's see tech power power solar panel metal plating gold oh i sold all my gold oh no darn so i need to find some gold and we need to get this powered okay okay all right not looking terrible here i mean we're inside that's good and we're safe oh that's right we got our uh the pilgrim thing let's go ahead and get these new technology discovered rocket boots uh rocket boots plans powerful life support upgrades supreme movement upgrade very nice okay so we've got life support module uh put that there and then we'll swap hold on let's move some stuff around here let's put this in the cargo uh let's see hazard protection can we just throw these into technology yeah that'll work okay so we've got those two and then we also have a movement module heck yeah that's going to have to go right here actually no let's put these in a a block because i think that's i think that's how you get the most is when you put them in like a squirrel pattern like that let's put that up there okay cool exciting exciting all right so there's that now we need to get power now we need to get gold and we also need to get salvage data so i think i'm gonna go searching for salvage data for a little bit yeah i'm gonna go searching for salvage data oh we got it we gotta scan a whole bunch of animals too what do we actually get for for scanning those animals uh what is the reward for this a supreme scanning system upgrade oh that gives us more money oh i already scanned you i scanned you you're a weird little plant thing you are a weird little plant thing can i make creature pellets yet oh my gosh i can you know what that means that we can actually knock out another thing feed creature pellet interact with animal adopt his companion continue okay we got a new companion blobby me blobby he's our companion uh we're actually gonna let him go he's not gonna be complaining for long because i just need to adopt four animals that's another thing that we need to do i don't think i can get these ones no i can't get those ones what's up lobby all right uh we're gonna pop down here because i bet you there's a fish in here that we can scan for sure is we got some jellies we've got some bigger piranha looking fish wait what is that oh blobby what are you doing down here bro crystal sulfide uh what is what did i just get crystal sulfide it's worth a little bit it's worth it's worth some casholas uh any other creatures down here no sandy okay uh blobby i am so sorry but i just i don't need you uh i really need you to stick around is that terrible of me i feel like that's terrible of me uh wait where's my where's my companions creatures company register okay uh sorry bud have fun live your life i just wanted to feed you a pellet all right incoming storm i'm going to leave we're going to go uh i'll go find i gotta go find salvage data scan animals you know the use okay so i took some pearls uh they don't like it they don't they don't like it i don't think i even have a pew pew mode on this i do i do have pp mode oh geez these guys are not nice these guys are not nice you gone be gone oh geez not good not good okay this was not a good idea you know what we're out we out mining beam train manipulator we're going underground okay i think we're good we're gonna go this way alright keep going all the way down okay how much are those pearls even worth they're only worth ten thousand pieces that's not even that's either worth it it's not even worth it oh okay sentinel force deactivated ah i mean okay ten thousand a piece that's that's still there's a whole like field of them right there too which is kind of crazy um hello don't mind me i wasn't the same person i'm just going over here to my ship i don't know why they don't like those things i you know i knew there i knew it was a bad idea i knew it was that's okay actually is that a is that a milestone to steal so many of those things hold on a second i thought i saw something about that oh steel whispering eggs not uh okay darn so we're taking a quick stop at the space station because i have a bunch of stuff that i'd like to offload and sell basically clear out my inventory of things things that i don't need and okay looking good what class ship is this this is a c-class um all right let's head out of here now i have it's like we have these like vortex cubes um just some like random bits and bobs i just i just don't need i want to sell them and then i want to go and we need to unlock some more stuff for the base buildings because we need to get a portal going uh so we need to get the power of the portal battery would be nice and i'd also like to get some mining stuff as well but i only have i don't think i have that many uh salvage out i have 29 right now so i don't think that's gonna be enough to get everything i need for the to set up a mining thing but that's okay that's okay you know we're making steps taking steps in the right direction what else do we have so like phase one we gotta discover the creatures purchase a capital ship reach the first rendezvous we could probably we could probably reach the first rendezvous fairly easy reward is 1009's inventory slot times three multi-tool expansion slot storage augmentation you know we might be able to reach that because it's only like it's only like four or five jumps oh we had to have an upgrade upgraded drive though it did say an emerald drive was required hmm what kind of multi-tool do you have for sale looks kind of cool pillar of zeal holy good gosh uh 3.4 million that has 24 slots though that is amazing 3.4 million huh and how much of my suit upgrade slot [Music] ten thousand let's do it awesome okay uh let's go sell some stuff ooh 3.4 million i actually like that because it has all the slots in it already like boom one and done you know uh hello i have stuff to sell you all right so offloaded some stuff uh we have 138 000 now and uh how's my inventory look i feel like my inventory is still full of stuff that i just don't need oh it's actually not that bad okay so let's look at all right let's go ahead and move this here let's move some stuff around there we go i'm trying to keep everything like nicely organized over here because we don't have enough slots in here for that stuff whew i do want that multi-tool 3.4 million though that's a lot okay let's go to the let's go back to the nexus and let's see what we can unlock here all right so construction research oh we could go with keyboard room we could go with that it could go storage storage it's gonna be like a huge deal um but the mining stuff see mineral extractor's 10 and then a supply depot is 10 so that's gonna take 20. so i'd have nine left so we would need that but then i also need i also need the survey tool um analysis visor i don't have the surveying tool thing yet either so if i wanted you multi-tool upgrades the serving that's the combat where's the survey oh survey device right there so we have to have we'd have to have 120 nanites for that and then how many is this on 320 for the survey device so we're not even able to survey where we can mine though uh advanced mining laser that would be nice but this is what we need okay so let's start with that and then okay so we need more nanites in order to get to this stuff i really want to get a mine going because if we if we have money it's going to solve a lot of issues we're going to be able to progress like significantly faster you know but i also need storage because i'm not gonna have room for storing anything whatsoever you know what i don't care that's fine let's do it let's get the mineral extractor let's get the supply depot let's get a supply pipe uh and then let's get gosh i want this too i really want an electromagnetic generator 10 salvage if i just go back and get two more salvage data we can get that but then i can't i can't use it unless i have this and you know what okay that's what we're gonna do i'm gonna wait and we're gonna get that because we need we need to get the analysis visor so i need 320 nanites in total uh actually hold on a second discoveries upload all wait that's it that's all i got was was was that normally you get like so many nanites for well darn it fauna flora oh you have to complete it to receive nanites now before you could upload them individually oh okay okay all right all right well darn i was like oh yeah we could probably get nanites from that nope uh oh here let's go talk to this dude this dude over here he likes the uh this guy one of these likes creatures one of them likes planets hello helios uh yeah can i can i get the stuff give data flora here you go you have no idea what this means take these nanites 15 that's it jordan okay what about you are you the fauna house flora are you the person that likes the fauna stuff uh transmit milestone data what did you give me yes yes 350 nanites perfect uh okay that's exactly what i needed so now we can get the survey device winning all right mr person i need one survey device please multi-tool upgrades survey device magnetic resonator quantum computer and wiring loom ooh this can be expensive but totally needed completely and utterly needed in order to do anything else oh magnetic resonator i'm sure as that was in there uh i need two wiring looms oh my gosh that's so expensive there's no way i'm getting a quantum computer now there's no way darn it okay well let's install it i can there's the two wiring looms oh i need three magnetic resonators oh geez louise i don't think i have anything worth anything to sell right now so i'm popping down in this planet right here this planet has copper gold and cobalt i believe and it's a petrified planet and it didn't look like there was any signs of sentinel activity so i'm gonna do a little bit of mine in here try to make some money so we can we can get everything we need to uh to get our survey device so we can actually set up a mine i might actually set up a mine on this planet too um i don't know i'm gonna have to use this looks like one of those weird gravity planets uh cobalt okay let's see what cobalt's worth fairly big deposit all right how much is cobalt uh 198 per unit um i i feel like the what kind of storm is what kind of storms does this place have winds of glass that doesn't sound good that does not sound good okay uh i think gold is probably our best bet here cobalt gold deposit let's go over there um i don't really ah that's not that far away we can walk we'll be fine and then gold is what 353 a unit yeah see i would say that now honestly like indium or activated indium is like by far the best but i think we might try to set up a gold mine here literally set up a gold one here and uh i think that's probably the best bet for us um that's worth ten thousand that's twelve thousand okay so i need to find some more some more deposits here these ossified stars are really cool too i'm picking them up we're going to decorate our base with them i don't think i can pick up that one no how big is this deposit not terrible okay i should have enough stuff to make a little bit of money here so let's see i have 443 gold that's 156 000 right there and then i also have a 1571 copper which is super handy so i'm gonna go sell a little bit of the gold i need some for solar panels so i got to keep that in mind um but i think we'll be good let's head out of here and let's go sell let's grab the stuff because we need the survey device really oh you know what shoot i was going to try to grab you know what i need to land i need to try to grab a um some more uh salvage modules so that way we can get the uh the power deal darn i completely forgot about that oh i just took off and landed and used all my fuel for my launch thrusters terrible horrible waffle oh you know what this planet doesn't even have any ah darn it oh bounty hundred thousand for uh for this guy heck yeah let's go let's go find him oh we'll take this guy out why not of course and 100 000 just like that yes that was way too easy perfect i'm also i'm grabbing some tritium so that way we can uh continually fuel ourselves you know oh look at this little flying guy he's so teeny tiny oh uh he's so cute hold on can i make creature pellets real quick uh no because i'm not into carbon okay that's fine okay okay very technology module we're gonna grab this we're gonna head back we're gonna we're gonna go then unlock the uh the electromagnetic deal we need to sell stuff we need to get that going and then we can start getting other stuff going i need to scan all of you guys yeah i need to scan all of them this guy's actually kind of cool you know what let's get some let's get some carbon and let's let's make this happen let's tame it because i need to tame four things anyways and uh let's do this okay so in here this oh we need sixty jesus louise okay we have one creature pellet where did the little flying guy go that's the big one where's the little tiny one this guy i like you adopt as companion yeah you're my buddy i might keep that one he's kind of cool looking he's kind of cool looking uh okay any more creatures no no no okay all right let's uh let's do the things we got we got so much stuff to do okay so we needed two more of those so we got those everything else i'm gonna leave that alone for now and multi-tool survey that guy okay so there's those now i just need one quantum computer and then we have the survey device which is going to be a huge huge help i really want that thing over there but that's 3.4 million i mean it's a it's an a-class full maxed out multi-tool so like oh it's super nice i like it all right we're gonna wait so um let's see what we got here okay we need three more creatures that's gonna be super easy purchase the capital ship that shouldn't be too bad and then rendezvous at the first place nice and then phase two we've got explorer specific environments um 305 has already done that farm plants discover a new system enter a black hole spend 30 seconds airborne visit a red star earn units okay so this is kind of why i am trying to make money because uh earn units first of all straight up just make money so that's gonna be you know we're gonna make money off of that uh farming stuff that's gonna be super easy to do rocket man uh buying upgrades is gonna be super nice acquire an a-class multi-tool 3.4 million we have one here so we can knock that out earn nanites uh make money making nanites essentially because you can buy the um the trade from the trader we can buy the the derelict freighter coordinates get that and then we should be able to get we should get like 5 000 nanites from like a derelict freighter or two um so i'm not really worried about that this is a green star i'd like to get a better ship but we're getting money for that so that's kind of why i'm working on getting the money right now but other than that like acquire an a-class starship so like might as well uh i don't think there's anything with s-class yet chart waypoints no eliminate sentinels okay that's kind of cool acquire an abyssal treasure okay collect storm crystals earn a million units in a single sale that's pretty cool yeah so um we need to make money so we need to get that a-class multi-tool which is right there it's already here we need to get an a-class ship and the multi-tools shouldn't change it should be the same multi-tool from now on because once we've been in a station i believe it's always gonna be the same right yeah pretty sure yeah this is always gonna be the same so 34 slot a class fantastic that's what i want but we need to make money and i'm waiting for a ship to get in here where where are the ships at i need to sell stuff and buy stuff oh my gosh he actually had a quantum computer i want to buy two and should we sell i don't want to sell that gold yet no we're not going to sell yet i still have 88 000 units we're not going to sell we got the quantum computer which means we can get our survey device installed server device installed fantastic all right let's go get the electromagnetic generator and let's go see uh i guess i can see if our base is near one because i'd like to power my base off of one two but i mean yeah no we'll see and then we need to set up a small mine in order to make money i think like i said i think we're gonna do gold because that's what we have in the system you know what's funny is it actually is telling me to go and learn the industrial the the electromagnetic generator from this i don't know why it's kind of funny like that's what i'm going to do but uh why are you telling me to all right electromagnetic generator oh thank goodness uh oh i have three salvage data shouldn't need a battery anymore though um i might need a battery because my base might not be an extra thing i will find out okay it's super loud i'm sorry let's see if we can figure out if we are next to a uh electromagnetic hot spot actually we're not far from one that's actually pretty great uh what about a mining hotspot now there there's really nothing here that i need to mine no nearby hot spot for gas okay so i'd like to get one built just so we can power uh everything on our base well just basically the teleporter like that's kind of it and you know i honestly don't even know if we're gonna stay here very long because this planet has storms all the time it's terrible but we needed a starting place finally the storm is gone this place this place has a lot of storm issues okay so let's go ahead and let's find ourselves a spot to plug into oh it changed the sound of it too that's cool oh getting close oh oh hello ow oh my gosh this stupid fish scared the bejesus out of me i thought it was like one giant superfish i thought i was gonna destroy my face okay hot spot discovered let's go ahead and uh uh oh shoot we're gonna have to back up uh hold on okay can i mark this hot spot okay we're not within range of our base okay it's right there okay so we've got a base piece uh let me put this out there can i keep building now yeah we're gonna get this expanded out a little bit okay so there's that i think it was right in here like that okay so now should be able to go into tech power this uh no power power power grab this guy throw that there let's go see how much power it's generating should be generating power generating 140 nice uh class c field strength not super great but that's all right because we got one of them we got one on here that's good now we just need to connect the thing up oh see that is a big fish that probably does want to eat me ta-da all right yes we're powered and what do you know there's another storm coming in wonderful i'm gonna rename this place so i don't forget zoom in first base uh actually first phase base accept upload base perfect wonderful now we have a portal so we can go place to place back and forth all this fun stuff we have a we have a place that we can like you know call home this storm stuff is terrible this place sucks i don't like this planet whatsoever hopefully we'll find a better one uh but that's gonna end this episode thank you so much for coming out hopefully you enjoyed if you did don't forget to leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well before next episode uh i think we're actually gonna try to set up the mine and uh get get some get some money coming in now i don't know if i can i pull up the map from here hmm i kind of want to pull up the map let me see let me hop on my ship and look oh i can't i can't look at the galaxy map right now darn because i was curious to see like what systems were next to now i don't have a way to i don't have any better drives to get to like a new system because that's what i'd like to do i'd like to get to like a blue star system and get a activated indium farm set up because that's like you know super money right there but i don't really have a way to get to that yet so we're just gonna have to kind of use what we got like i said i think we're pranking with gold because i think gold's gonna be the most valuable for us uh 353 units apiece uh yeah that's probably gonna be our best bet it's better than silver by a lot and platinum we can't set up a farm for platinum because platinum is it's an asteroid thing only so yeah we'll have to see but we to make money so that way we can start getting we can start knocking out some of this stuff now this i just need three more creatures so that's gonna be easy purchase purchase a capital ship uh as soon as i warp to a new place i'll probably get a freighter battle thing you know do that we'll get a we'll get a capital ship so that's gonna get knocked out and then we gotta get to the first rendezvous point but i believe the first rendezvous point is an emerald is a green star system so we are gonna have to have a green an emerald drive in order to get there so uh super cool things oh i'm so excited i'm so excited i have so much fun with this hopefully you are too thank you again for coming out like subscribe all the fun things and i will see you in the next one bye everybody [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 30,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky, no mans sky expeditions, no mans sky 2021, no mans sky gameplay, no mans sky tips, no mans sky base, no mans sky guide, expeditions update, no mans sky update, z1 gaming
Id: nuAFaQBXt4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 50sec (2570 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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