How to Build a Freighter Base No Man's Sky Gameplay 2021 Prisms Update Ep. 9

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hey guys and welcome back to no man's sky and today we are going to be learning all about freighter bases okay guys last episode we got our freighter uh but today we're gonna work on building a base so there's a couple stages to this that i want to go through okay uh before you get started however uh we're gonna need to get some salvage data silver tritium ferrite dust and uh some farming materials if you want to go that route uh so i've just been kind of buying up some silver i got a bunch i've been buying up some ferrite dust uh and basically what i'm doing i'm in a three-star economy i just come to these dudes like hey little geek man and uh i'm just i'm just buying it off of them i'm gonna buy the whole stack of ferrite dust if they've got silver i'm gonna buy the whole stack of silver this guy doesn't but i've been doing that for a few minutes and i got a decent amount here now if you're having a hard time finding silver uh you can get um where is it you can buy dirty bronze or one of these things that refines down into silver and refine that that's actually what i've been doing because it was easier to find these guys weren't selling silver but you can buy dirty bronze as well and refine that in the silver and the reason you need the silver in the tritium is because that's how you build the rooms or the regular uh big open rooms anyway so let's go out here let's call in our freighter and let's get to it now um there's there's two main parts of a freighter build in my opinion and you've got form and function okay now early game form is going to be difficult for you uh meaning how pretty you can make it because you're going to need a lot of items okay i'll kind of show you what i got with the salvage data before and i used about i think i had 91 salvage data when i started buying and i probably had used another 15 or 20 on things i'm going to use in this build already now you can get this started don't let that freak you out it took me about an hour hour and a half to get that and you can get that by just running around the planet and uh digging it up okay now if you don't have that and you want to get started the first couple stages of this you don't really need anything because you're going to be given the materials or you're going to be given the blueprints for free i should say okay so let me kind of give you the stages that i'm going to go through so the first thing we're going to work on uh is function and in function the first thing my priorities now guys these are my priorities you may have your own my first priority is storage okay storage is what we are missing early game we don't have a lot we usually don't have huge ships and we're working on our inventory space here but storage is the first thing uh the second thing is our fleet fleet command now the reason that second is because i'm not gonna have a bunch of frigates immediately as as soon as i buy this but i will have the ability to make this storage immediately okay so we're going to buy frigates as we go so fleet command is obviously important so fleet command is number two for me number three is going to be general and that's going to be things like your teleporter uh a trade terminal a save point this kind of things and you should have this already uh that costs 10 salvage data i think i got this for free as well from the base computer if you wait long enough you'll get all of this stuff from the base computer but i didn't want to wait okay so uh storage is one fleet command's two general is number three the next are going to require the bulk of the salvage data so you can do these as you go and that's refining which is going to require the medium and large refiner and those are 10 salvaged data each so 20 total number five is going to be farming which is going to require the plants and that's going to require 30 or 40 or 50 salvage data depending on how deep you want to go if you haven't learned them yet in the quest line and then number six is exocraft and that's going to be the ability to call in your exocraft as well now something i'm not including in this freighter build because i did it as soon as i got the freighter is you want to make sure your freighter has a matter beam okay the matter beam uh is what allows you to transport stuff to your freighter pretty much from anywhere uh it it takes away the need for it to be for you to be near it when you're sitting on a space station you can sell stuff directly not from your storage but from the from the freighter from the general slot you can sell and buy directly into this part you get that uh right here if you don't know already if you missed the last episode you get that right here uh through purchasing upgrades it costs five salvage frigate modules you get it and you get those by shooting up the system ships if you just shoot the freighters and you don't shoot the frigates and the cargo ponds that are with them then you won't lose any rank with the faction in the area okay so just shoot the big freighters out there and you'll scoop up some of those they'll be careful for sentinels because they don't get they don't like it and the ships kind of shoot back but you'll be fine you'll be fine okay so we're in our freighter uh we've got the basics here so what i like to do is uh well first off hold on let me show you something okay i'm gonna cut to a part uh that i recorded earlier and i want to show you exactly how much space we're working with i wanted to show you guys exactly what we're working with because it's kind of hard to conceptualize how much room you actually have in a freighter and no man's sky all right and it's easy to get overwhelmed if you start thinking about how much space you have but let me show you what we're working with okay so uh i built a little corridor here and uh we're gonna go upstairs it's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen floors guys 14 floors who the hell is going to use 14 floors uh and i don't recommend using 14. stop looking down dude look at the camera i don't recommend using 14 floors because the bigger you build this thing the more likely you are to fall through it now uh not only can you go 14 floors up but look what happens when you open up all the space and this isn't even all of it this isn't even all of it i was working on trying i was trying to do the whole floor when i fell through i don't know if i can do the full floor i think it's 21 by uh 14 or something like that if you know the exact dimensions leave them in the comments down below it is freaking huge look at this it's so big that the lights aren't even on at the end of it so uh so yeah yeah uh you got lots of space and by the way each one of these open spaces uh is a room so if you want to try this out uh i recommend you getting a ton of silver like five six stacks and tritium because i think it takes what does it take 120 silver and 20 tritium for each one of these rooms and basically what i did was uh i just went into the uh build camera and uh started doing this so i wanted to do a blank canvas and just kind of start from there but honestly it's overwhelming to me i can't do a blank canvas so and that's a stairway right there and i fell through again see and this time not so lucky yeah yeah it hurts so guys uh and you can see behind me that's the stairway going up that's the floor that's how much of it i filled in uh see i didn't even fill all of that in this is actually probably a better representation being underneath it to see exactly how big this damn thing is it's massive and you should not build it this big or you will fall through like i did and then you'll get mad because you will not have saved it up there after you did all this work just like i didn't save it up there after i did all this work because i was like i'm not going to fall through it'll be fine so i started recording now because as soon as i die or reload or try to get out of this mess all this work is going to disappear i'm not going to be able to show it to you but that also means all my silver will be back and you get the point right now for me as i said being a full blank canvas is overwhelming that's what i was gonna do but it was just too hard for me to wrap my head around and i think that's why i've been stalling on this video so what i did was i actually blocked everything in and i started over okay so i started thinking okay what's gonna be what's gonna be the most important things for me when i come on this for the first time and it's gonna be fleet command which i put over here and i added six fleet command rooms uh here i got one two three four five and six now the other things i'm gonna be wanting to do when i come on my freighters i'm gonna be wanting to sell stuff after i get stuff back from my fleet all right so let's go ahead and debrief this guy real quick and i'll show you what i mean so we're gonna debrief the commander he's gonna tell us all the stuff uh all right so this guy brought me back some erytacite uh which is used for crafting and trading now because that's used for crafting and trading i'm gonna keep it and then we also got some activated cadmium which is nice so we could go ahead and sell these i got chromatic metals i'm going to stack that with my other chromatic metal now i don't need these corvex casings so we'll just go ahead and sell those real quick so uh generally what i do is if it just says that it's only used for trading that means it's not a craftable product so you can go ahead and feel free to sell it i used to keep all kinds of crazy stuff like ancient beads and ancient seeds and you know whatever stale beer whatever it was they brought me back because it sounded really cool and important but it's not you can just sell it if it just says like uh super conducting fiber uh where is that super conducting fiber is only used for trading so there's no reason to keep that unless i want to wait for a better price and a different system so i'm just gonna go ahead and sell that and get it out of my inventory bam there we go all right so uh we've got our general stuff here i'm hitting the save point all the time whenever i'm messing in my freighter because uh i don't know if you noticed but uh you can fall through this thing and uh it sucks you die it's a glitch i wish they'd fix it now you can put uh odds and ends on the bridge i'm not gonna get into placing down all of the fancy parts the you know the accessories we'll do the function as we go because honestly i don't have enough salvage data to do all of that stuff okay so first thing we did was the fleet command the next thing i want to do is storage now for me i'm going to put storage out of the way because it's not something that i'm going to use so i'm going to mil i built the second floor and what i did was i just wrapped the ring of storage around it at storage container zero one two i've actually got three in the corner and then i go four and then i put a uh junction here so i can go back if i want to and i think i will and then i did five six seven eight and nine so i've got all my storage here uh you don't have to go to these individually like you used to because we have them all available right here and as you can see they're mostly empty but i've got them all right and i can access that from anywhere on the freighter so i don't have to be it doesn't have to be in the line of sight now on the third floor i'm probably going to build my uh captain area up here so i'm just kind of saving that for later i will recommend if you are building uh stairs up and down go ahead and get the uh the number stickers and number your floors or else you'll get lost and confused it's much easier if you do that now i i don't think i've learned those yet so just gonna have to try not to get lost all right so uh we've got the storage we've got the fleet command we've got the general that's the first three set and you can do those again these are free items that you're gonna get all of these different things you're going to get for free the orbital xo craft materializer this did uh cost a lot this was 30 salvaged added to get uh the items i needed before and to get this and we're going to stick that somewhere too because it looks cool and then pretty much everything else all of these other parts were free and you can see they all use silver or silver and tritium so that's why you needed all the silver tritium except for the fleet command room also requires gold all right next we're going to work on refining farming areas and what i think i'm going to do is i'm going to build a general refining area and then i'm going to build a farming area with little refining pods in it okay so i'm going to work on that for a little bit i'll show you some of it as i go and we'll uh we'll pick back up there all right now we're going to put the refining area back here now for these rooms i don't know if you've noticed but i am using some different colors feel free to mix it up play around with the colors the way you do that if you don't know is when you're on the item you want to build and i'm just using these large crater rooms you hit up and then you can uh go back and forth through these what i'm using is kind of a gray in the general corridor the gray and black one i think this is the default but you've got lots of different choices here so go ahead and play with that i'm going to use this uh to get back to where we're going to do a general refining area and i think how should i do this i think i'm just gonna do it right here yeah yeah this is gonna be it now um uh because this is gonna be something i'm gonna run too quickly so i'm gonna throw down uh three medium refiners and two large refiners and i'll do it and then i'm gonna wanna go back this way i think for the for the farm so let me just put a corridor here and make sure i'm on the same color yep we'll come back to that same room we're using all right this was the original stuff that was in here i thought i deleted it all but i didn't so uh get back to where i was let's remember all right so we're coming back here and we're going to have our refining area and then we're going to have our farm area and i think through here i want to do a carbon room so let's uh do another corridor that way and then we'll open this up uh here there we go i think that's the same number right one two one two three no i did one extra so you just uh control hit get the x and you delete it you get all your resources back there we go okay so uh refining room let's go ahead and get the refiners down now i'm going to need some resources first to build these let's go to tech all right so i just need uh not that one that one sucks yeah here we go all right my spirit dihydrogen jelly uh uh microprocessors let me go ahead and make 10 microprocessors and just hit just rotate it i'm gonna stick it right there almost connected with that one yeah that's good enough for me all right and now these one i like to do it so that it looks like they're kind of connected right two three all right so we got our basic refining area i probably could have scooted that back a little bit farther but it's okay uh and then through here we're gonna go back and do farming and then through here i want to do a carbon room now carbon uh this is one of the things you definitely want to get in the anomaly and it is where is it it's gonna be under tech and specialist and then farming and it's the standing planters guys these are what is up uh condensed carbon and two metal plating let me check on what i got there i definitely need some condensed carbon but i happen to have some refiners right here so let's do that let's go ahead and condense all that and what else did i need for those uh metal plating too so let's make a ton of metal plating this is why we needed all the ferrite dust all right that'll give me 30. let's get me started let's see let's see what that does all right now these standing planners snap on the floors which is kind of cool all right so you just got to find the right snap point and then you can just go in your build camera and snap away so if you get stuck uh just rotate it around until it hits the right snap point all right so that actually is uh 31 and you can just run down these and pick up the carbon and you'll be good to go so uh that's my little grow room i got 31 of these uh oh did i miss the spot i missed a spot so it's going to be 32. sorry hold on stand please there we go all right so that's 32. now if i uh i can i left this here because i can do a just a junction here or something uh just in case i want to go somewhere else now uh you can go ahead and color code these if you want to uh let's do that all right so if you've already done it you can still color it by holding down uh control on keyboard i don't know what it is for a console but it's whatever you do to get to the delete button uh and then you kind of it's it it's a little bit harder uh but you can go ahead and do see how's that got a green we'll go green it'll be fine and then no alright so that was a big mistake i just deleted that whole room uh but i got back all the resources so it'll be fine just got to do it all over again so that's good to know if you delete the room accidentally then you'll get back all the resources of the stuff that was inside it as well there we go back to normal i'm not going to color these rooms because they look colored on their own there we go okay so through here will be our farm area so let's go ahead and open this up a little bit like i don't know where these strips come from if you know where these come from please let me know i'm very curious about this all right so i'm just open this area up this is my farming area i'm just kind of looking at my flow one more time yeah i'm good with this all right so back here i'm gonna go ahead and delete this storage stuff here and just get this out of the way and get these resources so there we go i think i want to go back to the white on this because i want this to be as bright as i can and i think that's going to be the brightest so let me do that real quick all right uh that just makes it a little cleaner looking oh okay all right so there's my carbon we may have to we may have to tweak that a little bit okay so this is too close because of the other one okay but right here is fine right here is fine okay all right so maybe we'll do a uh let's just move that like that all right so this is it right here okay so if i do can i do them over here yep right here okay perfect all right guys let's take a look at what the final product is on our on our farming area okay so uh of course we did the carbon planters here i just picked them that's why they're not there now if you are in a hurry and you need carbon uh you can just delete these and put them back down you'll get the carbon right back because they come down they come they come fully grown so you should never need carbon once you learn this because you can just delete it and put it back down and yank it back up okay um so we got the carbon room through here we've got our grow room or at least the beginning of it now there's lots of room to expand this okay and this is just my initial design i'm sure i will play with it so i've got another refining area here with the two large and the three medium refiners i've got five rows of 14 of the large planters uh they each have four each so uh and then i've got another pod back here with refining and across the way i've got one with refining here so i can continue going back if i want i can continue going that way i can go that way i've got lots of room for expansion here but uh we're not going to get into farming this time we'll do that in another episode guys if you want to learn about farming let me know but uh but yeah so i think this is a really good starter base now the uh as far as the captains and the crew quarters you can do all that stuff uh we can do that real quick upstairs so let's uh let's do something um what do i want maybe i'll do instead of coming up into an open area i'll make it feel more like a a junction yeah i like that and then this way maybe i'll put a fleet command room here just because um it looks cool right uh and it's got a little bed in it so i'll just make this like a little work pod i'll pretend like that's what it is and we can decorate that up some uh and then i'll do i don't want to be looking directly into the captain's area yeah i think what we'll do is let me change this to that there we go yeah so we come up got one room there then we've got a hallway and we can make a crew area here we can make a mess or something like that or we can make a captain's area i'll leave all that up to your imagination uh now i want to show you a couple more things when you get into designing and decorating i don't have a lot you know i've got one light uh i've i did learn some tables and chairs and stuff like that so we can do a little bit all right so now i think uh one thing that a lot of people don't realize is not only can you just place them and spin them around but you can also scale and rotate so if i hold down left alt then i can rotate it a little bit here and there but the cool thing is i can scale it with w and s so if i want to make a big tv i can if i want to make a tiny little one i can do that as well now this takes some practice and some getting used to and then i can do something like that and then maybe uh maybe something like that as well now obviously i'm not spending a lot of time lining this up but you can make it look different right the same parts just flipped around a different way makes it looks like i don't know maybe this is a keyboard and that's the screen who knows or that's controls but but you can play with a lot of the parts that way and that's how that's one of the ways these people do a lot of designs so i can take this and scale it up as big as a room and make a divider if i want to or uh i've seen people use these as walls uh or something similar to this as a wall which is pretty cool uh when you spin it it's gonna go back to normal size okay so be careful with that it it is annoying uh but uh it is something that you do need to pay attention to and i can put this little guy here and he'll float around he can be my attendant just throw a table down here let's put the table in the corner a little bit more center it on that panel right there put a few chairs unfortunately you cannot sit in the chairs which really sucks if i'm being honest there we go now obviously we can change the color so let's say we got red chairs i don't want to do a red table uh so we're going to go ctrl go to color change it up a little bit let's go how's that it's got a red bottom and a grey top i like that and then we can do uh maybe a little bed area over here uh let's see can i do i do a big boy bed here we go and then let's change the color on that because i don't like it and i'll just go back to the back of the default all right so we got a bed i increase the size of it a little bit to make it uh look a little bit uh larger a little big boy bed and then we can throw down uh maybe a nightstand here put our cramp on throw down a uh what about what else do i have i don't have this is all i got guys got one couch is that it put the couch here maybe another one here and then we'll put like a big screen here that may be not maybe not quite that big here we go uh so we can watch our game and yeah could be better but you you get the point right you get the point again uh do not look to survival bomb for detailed tips there are lots of great builders out there i'll post a couple links and some videos uh in the description uh if you're a great builder with the design elements go ahead and post those in here but honestly if you're a beginner you just need to know that you just need to know the function right i said we'll work on the form later and uh and we will so we've got our storage happy about that uh we got a little thing we can mess around upstairs got our refining area we've got our fleet command area and of course we've got our carbon area in the back and the farm over here with more refining areas so we've got an awesome base we never have to land we don't have to go anywhere ever again uh we can just stay here and uh be awesome but no we gotta go get some more salvage data so we can get more pieces and learn more stuff there are so many parts out there guys and with changing the sizes and glitch building and all that stuff which i don't know how to do uh you can make it look just as cool as you want to but i'm happy with this this works for me it's honestly one of the better bigger builds that i've done on a freighter uh so i hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure you hit that like button if you're new to the channel consider subscribing with notifications we do a lot of great tutorials ask questions in the comments down below and i'll do my best to answer it and hopefully the community will help me answer those as well oh and don't forget to save that would have been bad uh how did i fall through before how did that work that's one way yep yep yep yep bad stuff's happening so i hope you enjoyed this episode of uh no man's sky freighter built survival bob stuck in infinite loop and uh yeah let me uh let me figure this out oh wait you
Channel: SurvivalBob
Views: 109,597
Rating: 4.9297519 out of 5
Keywords: how to build a freighter base in no man's sky, freighter base no man's sky, freighter base no man's sky 2021, no man's sky freighter base, no man's sky freighter guide, no man's sky, no mans sky freighter, no man's sky freighter, no man's sky 2021, no man's sky freighter 2021, no mans sky freighter guide, freighter base no mans sky, no, mans, sky, freighter, base, how, to, build, 2021, no man's sky gameplay 2021, no man's sky prisms freighter base, no man's sky gameplay, no mans sky
Id: OgL0lyMu-XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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