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we going good just together I'm supposed to trust you guys and a one friend partner I gotta be honest no one's safe not even myself I don't believe you you crazy ladies believe me [Music] spice it up helping that icing up [Music] if I kill you you're gonna be mad at me aren't you so I get to draw three cards I'm really scared of this person next to me giant guns I hit everybody at the table with a bang except I you miss all right you missed me you miss me as well we've got no game banks no game board yes put it out we are continuing these Smosh Summer Games oh yeah we're playing the Wild West summer games on the month of July here on Smosh games and Smosh seconds and it's born if so we went throughout the entire internet and found western themed games and this one is as what soon as it gets we're playing gobei so giant it's a bullet it's not what you thought it wasn't just a bullet it's a time capsule how bang works is much like werewolf we're going to get some secret roll cards so you have a sheriff pretty much the sheriff and the deputies want to take out the outlaws but the sheriff doesn't know who anyone else is but we all know who the sheriff is there also is a renegade who just wants to kill everybody he wants to be the last person standing so that's how the rolls will work we'll pass those out randomly in a few moments we also have character cards we'll get a chance to pick specific characters and they have different abilities and it's also going to explain how much life we get for each bullet you have that is a life point and then the way the terms go we start off with cards in our hand equal to the number of health points that we have and at the start of your turn starting with the sheriff we will go ahead and draw two cards and you play as many cards as you want but you only have one weapon down at a time and you have two slots for equipment and there's other things do you do and that'll all make sense as the game goes along now something very important is you want to shoot some [ __ ] and kill some folks that's how it worked in the Wild West you start with a single gun and kind of sucks you only have a range of one so that means you can only shoot the people next to you if you have a range of two you can shoot two spots to your left two spots to your right that's how you can shoot but you don't want to just shoot violently because you don't want to kill a deputies you don't know the deputies are the rest as bullets to shoot people we had an intro in the beginning to explain how the game works so let's get into it and the rest will make sense as we go so I've got these seven secret roles here we start with the fuchsia ambulance you pick whichever one you want first keep it secret don't show anything deliver this one alright no let me just go in order [Music] now this is the part where the sheriff explains that he's the sheriff no or he I'm the sheriff okay and okay you need to keep me alive now keep in mind there are two deputies here I don't know who the W T's are you will need to convince me later I need to try to survive and make sure we kill all the outlaws every time we kill an outlaw whoever killed that 'allah gets to draw three cards as a reward because you know kill bad guys make America great again Oh bless you know shovel these up I'm gonna kill out three for each person choose whatever you think is the best and that will be your person one two three one two look at those catch'em oh my gosh this is hard oh my character yes these are really good we just discard the other characters all dead Disko I'm choosing mine I love it when you start with chaining to camera say who you are and what your ability is okay big boy I'm calamity - oh and she can play bang cards as missed cards and vice versa oh yeah real hot never no real good with calamity Jan how many bowls you get I get full of bullets mmm or how right in my Minj here we go those who are you playing us butcher Sam pepper players eliminated from play he takes in all the cards of that player the scavenger you can only have as many cars as you have life points so what my name is Bale star and during my turn cards and playing from my other players have no effect on so if you have anything down it doesn't affect me calamity Janet and Janet is seeming real useless and as you have for a while yeah Thank You sugar well this town is really progressive because it has its first female sheriff I am Elena Fuentes badly no she only has three life points that means her ability is good and it says she may use any card as missed so someone shoots that mean I can discard any card and you will miss me look at that matrix and because I'm the sheriff I get an extra life and get about an extra card in my hand good luck beating me so honestly how does somebody shoot you then he's got a minute it's got a runaway car yeah so everyone has been able to shoot you and she do he's basically lucky waitjust barrels you're are you a now more characters character is tequila Joe and what I get to do is used time I play a beer ira game - I wish it was tequila why is your character your - so you used cars three cars on deck and tubes or two cards I won't draw the side of every turn at the start of every turn or look at the top three and I beg Jesus Christ my name is Bale no face i stitched my own because I didn't have one my own he draws one card plus one card for each wound he has you can't kill what's already dead and I will be starting with four health points we've started starting alright so I'm gonna so you get four cards one two three four yes alright so I've got here alright so starting my turn I draw two cards I'm gonna start off with my Mustang you know this card here others view you as a distance plus one so currently no one can shoot me look at the two of you right now actually I can because any card that's down doesn't apply you know what else is crazy no build Oh face I'm also playing a jail now the jail played on you I don't have it I lay down someone else in that case I'm gonna put Wes in jail that is the end of my turn I don't really like that you did that boss who like it's a job I am going to put down a bill to protect me now I also got the volcanic which is I can play any number of babe like one ring was arranged on you can shoot with that I gotta show food just 200k arrange it too nice do you want to try to shoot someone currently or I cannot looks like it's time for bill no face to show he is God I will be nobody has really done anything yet so far so we don't know who's an alpha who's anything I'm a sheriff I'm gonna play this one so I'm going to be playing the panic card it was just explained to me I can basically take a card from someone one space away so I want Wes to present his cards to me perfect well you're a drunk then out of sheer spite he discards it I'm going to discard this and describe this do I have to show what I'm discarding yes okay a duet oh it would have made us duel it's too soon I want to see what people are doing first with that card that I just discarded all right Calamity Jane alright alright first I'm gonna use my binoculars which I use to spy on the sexy boys they're know they're college athletes alright men yes men I mean hey okay whatever I'm also gonna use my Mustang so that I am at a distance of +1 to other people you know what clearly Jane can use missed cards as bang cards so up I'm gonna shoot Danny's one more core for every wound I had yeah we still have no idea who the outlaws are yeah we need to start playing this game so Shane just shot me without even knowing your which I decided not to do so that we could establish some stuff first I just gotta get things going okay that's one calamity chanting here's the thing causing calamity but that's the thing you shot me without knowing who I was it didn't matter to you who I was you're in a way the same you actually don't know if it is not I could just be an [ __ ] you know who the sheriff is I do know who the sheriff is I'm getting real talk I might just be mess I've got a carbine revolver call it carbine and reverends Carbon Reverend carpet oh my god up to for anybody so that's like almost 500 you do as much or as little as you would you have to end your turn with four cars all right guards Belle Starr's gonna draw her car Sarah when I shot you yeah you remember very well I'm gonna put down a barrel this again saves me from a shot if I do actually bring a heart up I'm just bored so I'm gonna use this card up it's a general store card which reveal as many cards as players that's seven each player draws one we're all going to the store okay reveals I flip it over right seven all right yeah we start down here I'll go clockwise I think I'm gonna get myself a new gun from the general store I'm gonna take this Gatling gun we saw where you can't have fire I guess I'll take this thing all right and then I'm gonna use this new Winchester I got hope you enjoyed shopping everybody that'll be my turn thank you thanks what day is here I'll put down the Sheffield I could shoot up to two spots I'm really scared of this person next to me guns I'm putting on a second Mustang sauna plus two locations away this stag doesn't what you can't have shoes I put my Mustang on top of another Mustang all right I have some questions here starting with that sunny vote no face a lit up one day let's know are you a deputy say that that is true because I'm the deputy okay Shana you crazy all right I'm gonna say I'm gonna pass my turn I got four cards in hand for life Wow I don't have to do anything crazy you guys do the crazy things at each other okay I am going to shoot you know right now Morgan where you from whoa this is crazy I am going to shoot the Damien don't want to take my bullets cuz I don't need more cards so you me [Music] [Laughter] are you a believer Walmart there's the store start with West I'm big of course you are well I'm gonna take this here done my weight I don't get things going oh no I will be taking the money asleep I'm taking the baby anyways dude I'm home banks are you some kind of Ricky Martin's pigs sheep eggs lose three life oh crap I would have loved to equip it and think you're the first person who reveals a - through a nine of Spades it blows up an a-lister oh my god I'll think you know no no how do you want this one yeah though yeah I will never die I'm a morning sheriff that's why we need all right alive and I cooked the carbine and I'm not quite done yet so it's hard to discard Indians what can you say that's named the car that's the name of the car boy Indians with an exclamation mark Oi discard a bank card or you lose one life everybody what if you don't have one I'm real glad I picked up the pink say to bangs you straight oh my god I don't have a bang I've been bangs wait a minute okay boy yeah one more garden plate it's the Gatling gun reach everybody the table bang at you well I hit everybody at the table in the bank except I you missed all right you missed me you missed me as well oh you miss everybody well the great thing about it Elena is that I can discard any card entities amiss you missed me mish I knew I literally never going to die I would have never died in a flick they cannot die yeah I don't know you're dropping a lot of cards to try to kill me well I'm down to four now so I can actually I didn't kill you I mean you can just go down to card it would miss you he's still in jail yeah you get your turn time cards John two guards okay I'm gonna use my scope that I'm gonna put on top of my binoculars through the scope with the binoculars so I can now see plus I can see three three away anyway Ramadhan I'm gonna I'm gonna use a panic card on all right I'll use it on mob pose huh yeah so just hold out your cards on the table all right great sweet don't take that one damn it I'm gonna force joven what to discard a card I'm the sheriff well guess what I'm gonna read this miss card because that Lina Quinton doesn't need it alright thank you let this shoot you so I like variety is the spice of life thank you what are you talking about I don't care I'm shooting man it's just use your Muskaan or take away a bullet oh I can't reach the other way no matter what the job is Shane is a count yeah that's don't have cards yeah she want some beer we get a cat poop you lose your beer I'm gonna play in my discard card and then Shane's gonna discard a card yes you can play I'm gonna play a discard card Shane discarded cards this would have blown up my dynamite that means if it's a 2:39 or if it's between a 2 and 9 of Spades I blow up I lose three life points and essentially I die but if I'm safe I'm gonna pass this on to the next person and then I'm surprising it out of them oh my goodness they could kill our share at this point like there's so much violence I can't kill multiple people it doesn't even matter who's what at this point because we're all barely like trying to stay alive oh I'd like to admit that I I definitely spice things up a little bit are you doing anything else one of you is the renegade and you're looking at me so confused you're gonna be discarding my barrel at first and let's jail I gotta be real honest you give me the chance I am going to bang shoot che and he can't even defend himself I got it drama two cards here I'm going to use a beer yeah I'm a heel up Dornish mark hmm and then I'm going to I'm gonna play must stagecoach I'm going to stagecoach my job two cards man if only I had some bangs or Rob with that I don't play the Imperium Emporium oh sweet Jesus one two my hands up I want a bang dang it that is mighty suspicious right but I am the dead okay this mess card I'm gonna take this manicotti card well since calamity jane seems sees bangs and misses it's the same thing i'm gonna take a bang oh no I want the bank it's a Miss for me too this is for you I know but I don't want you to have a bang it's cold I gotta be honest no one's safe not even myself I am also going to bang Mari why because dream come true for this Mari I'm gonna bang you only because you have a lot of life if you are deputy that's fine you won't take revenge on me that's alright because you need to get new glasses oh okay lastly mother no you know if she was the deputy she would have let you hit her no prove a point did you get your turn bless me that's my turn yeah so I have a beard right I know I can only I can technically get two more lives but I'll just get one because that's all I'm allowed to have we can do again late why not we got like hell yeah I'm discarding up dunno I wrote books use your barrels alright yeah Zubair miss again Belle Starr's gonna use her barrel again come on baby Oh about where the hearts I'm also gonna frickin hit you with the engines cars it up another woman I will place the Indians card and everyone needs to discard a bang lose a life Wow shoot her next plan detain right up into the sunset this boys that doesn't entitle matter to him she's gonna be fun yeah God is dynamite a FEMA sensible sheriff okay jailed one are you anything now's a good time to actually address that Courtney might be the renegade just [ __ ] everybody uh-huh that's just that car I just trying to see people's reactions and see who else thinks we should probably kill calamity Janet over there whoa well that's wrong I don't know she's got a lot of life as well and she just went a little buzzer curse you know what yeah look value I'm in cars you got I got three car you're about to go to how many cards you got oh no for doesn't matter here 100% in W turn I'm gonna make you discard too many cards who Mart tomorrow oh oh I choose okay I get too drunk I'm missing to half now so I get to draw three cards oh cool man what so first I'm gonna put myself in a hideout give myself plus 1 distance if you play stage corpse you get to draw two yeah [Music] nonno and so on you know no one has a bang laughs my gosh okay guys this is the rats and calamity Janet's right son of a [ __ ] oh so I'm gonna quit this for later I can play any numbers of hope dynamite is up this is a freshly shuffled Davos reveal the top card let's whip this [ __ ] oh you're fine the pastas on tomorrow this is a calamity Janet if I kill you you're gonna Maddie well it depends on who you are you and you will also be doing hold on hold on hold on the fact that you're a deputy because then you'd be eliminating the possibility of the dynamite going to the sheriff good that you are playing like the renegade but thinking like everyone you are actually one of the deputies yes kill mari you would have you would what goes away and we want to go joke yeah I know I wound up by the dynamite I can't die no I get that you guys are like you go like have your head in the game and you're saying thank you shy doing stuff but like what I wanna know is like after this video is Mari gonna be mad at me you guys are a pretty equal fight just she a roundhouse kick is coming dude I think I think Moses the outlaw now because she had one of three what happens if a deputy dies does does the whole good guy side sheriff sighs I need you guys to start protecting me yeah maybe I should just take this I hope that I could do okay we'll see Oh Oh No oh I am in prisons I have to have a heart in order to have a turn which I don't have and then you'd already discard the jail card I swear if you work against Spain don't get a spade oh yes don't yes what is it he's gonna switch it first things first playing wills Mario draw three cards sheriffs in town and [ __ ] are dying immediately first Daryl I'm gonna draw two more guards Wow okay down to one card Cortney I need you to discard okay oh wow the sheriff wins yes all right no I'm not doing it bangs though I have no baby I got my gun I'm supposed to trust you guys oh no I can't even move a finger and I won't I'll just sit here and be quiet just in case they do suspect me all right where the bangs at it's another shopping spree right here there's a bank that's a bank I know but I took a beer take okay take I'm watching need to be taking these bags I'm taking a beer oh damn it son of a gosh-darn we'll take them all right I really hope I don't blow up just climbing let's go no soul yeah hey what oh I gonna miss back to us there's another Emporium I don't know how I'm still alive shopping all right what okay okay so I've just been informed that like killas Stephanie I lose all my cards um crap I can't do that at all it's so much of this is bad all right I'm gonna drink a beer so yeah I'm going to discard a miss my jack of spades oh wow dynamite has moved on to West now I'd see if I go to jail yep you need a heart I might earnest gonna flip it was dynamite swear to God if it wasn't a me anybody's gonna blow up on its calamity Jan I'm gonna make you this girl give me a card please oh hey I don't want this one okay give the dynamite I don't know what the hell's going on in your head or around it I got it so I can use a stagecoach now I am going to play the card inyoung which is unless you have a bank card you lose a life force sobbing oh don't try to play out of a [ __ ] he just tried to murder you no bang what's your card miss are you what the guard no you have to okay all right did you what's up who did you have a bang you goddamn idiot I was a deputy oh great he's a spicy tub help obviously I do think it is really I don't believe you you crazy ladies believe me oh no he's crazy I saw his face wait till bows and a one friend partner showdown okay and then I have to think one ounce I did not have a bang Bang's I have very much I just made the choice to put Wes in jail cuz he talked about shooting me which is weird but you can't do from jail which I hope then you're a denim I am a deputy and I am going to discount this alright I'm sweet arms are heavy there's vomit on his sweater already mom's spaghetti then I'll draw two cuts okay so then I have an announcement yeah yes Belle's got a P wait I got a p2 I'm just gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna duel the sheriff can I use mrs. to prevent anything no no it has me bangs who bangs first oh you just started banging and then he has to discard a bang and it but if you don't have one Keith you automatically get shot nice are you banging and then also beg you you miss me are you done yes by the my [ __ ] oh my god you were gone that was in ten seconds there no no it's my turn I just lost the dynamite so I draw my two cards right oh you're the renegade oh oh no only babies are usually not the Riggin ready how many bangs this what I'm saying because he is playing like the renegade but he's basically saying I'm nothing she's just doing whatever it was he heard the renegade description wanted to play there anymore okay I'm playing an Indian nice dollar so everyone has to pay so you died you died what do you mean what do you guys honestly think I know the renegade the hell don't you draw three cards oh that's one I think after this story man this was fun three there's a good time one of the two of you is the renegade I know not me I love you are you ready okay at this point Courtney is the best liar out of all of us I'm playing panic on you I got things going crazy so so Shane was an outlaw I was that long oh yeah I guess what I'm also blame Kelly again oh no all right miss yeah okay yours miss I'll get one yeah miss you're going to jail what the rods wrong you I hate you what would be wrong with my supplies what oh oh oh people are you shooting at me oh and Damian discard a card great now we're all down to one card awesome that's why I did it it is no longer my turn okay Athena mics dinamita I know it's gonna land okay I don't drink a beer and get two bullets because that's better you better be my deputy you did something at the end of it there we are what if you just went to high voice now I know you're lying I'm in just I'm done I'm good you got three cards now I have two cards okay unless dynamite heart okay you know I need that hard to get out of jail dang it now you're in jail so skip Jail am I in jail ten of Spades I'm okay I i clenched a lot sign up a bit so that it goes on now I have to walk our jail initiative can't stop me now jail initiative I'm gonna drink up for myself I'm gonna do all the start bangs until we can't bang oh so I don't have a bang so I guess I take him but he uses it as a bang sheriff I guess I just are you an outlaw go away I guess I'm not so I guess I would you play the sheriff and there's still an outlaw left then you lose even as the renegade yep even as the renegade I was talking with Courtney I knew it you let Wes win the true role of the renegade is to be a spoiler and I sure as hell would you had no idea I died in a duel I swore I had a bang in my head what happened oh my god duel I I know the sheriff I was the renegade but I didn't realize if there was an outlaw left that he wants anyone oh that's so great thank you sporting I was so seeing us again next week for another boarding oh and also for the rest of July for all sorts of Wild West oh man bang was a lot of fun if you want to check out more Smosh Summer Games videos click the left to check out the 50-50 shootout and if you want to check out a spinning some stuff click over here to check out spittoon spit [Music]
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 1,734,762
Rating: 4.9480896 out of 5
Keywords: bang, bang board game, wild west, wild west board game, tabletop games, party games, board games, smosh summer games, summer games, Courtney Miller, shayne topp, smosh, smosh games, board af
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 54sec (2514 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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