Cragglewood Park | SCP-2571 (SCP Animation)

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[Music] [Applause] who are you [Music] just keep smiling janine they're watching you need to stay happy [Music] please you i'm sorry i can't go back with you [Laughter] huh hey viewer have you heard of rage shadow legends what you haven't have you been in containment raid shadow legends isn't your typical mobile turn-based rpg there are five different ways to play including a completely fleshed-out campaign mode with a storyline of epic proportions and it's all available for free what i enjoy most about that game is the various champions you can build your party with let's open up some shards to show you how cool they are here we have bully a barbarian that looks like he's ready for battle or a football game all of the champions in the game are great but i still love the orc clan i can't wait to get my hands on robar he looks like the deadliest orc that ever worked with all these awesome characters it's easy to see why this game is so popular with players and they keep adding more this concept art is really cool and we can't wait to see these champions in game so don't just stand there like some d-class go down to the description below and click the special link and if you're a new player you'll receive 10 mystery shards 50 gems 100 000 silver and one free champion slasher this guy looks like he'll wreck the competition so don't miss out all this treasure will be waiting for you here but you only have 30 days to claim these sweet rewards so hurry up good luck and i'll see you there [Applause] [Music] dr buck over here i saved you a seat oh you've got it of course he's here hey everyone uh director jones just informed me that he's gonna be a little late so just hang tight for a minute it's so good to see you again dr buck it's nice to see you too gustav i thought i told you to get seats away from him i'm sorry he was insistent it's been a long time what have you been up to tim and me have mostly been stuck observing the gate guardian god that is a boring job well except for that one thing but i can't talk about that what's new with you this is exactly the kind of thing i was talking about so what do you guys think this meeting is about i don't know maybe there's some big new keter class anomaly that's been discovered that'd be cool and why on earth would that be cool uh i don't know i guess it wouldn't be no it wouldn't oof sorry i'm late everyone the o5s have quite the tendency to ramble dr collingwood remind me which meeting is this again it's about scp-256 sir right of course to those uninitiated scp-2571 is a recurring childhood memory of a non-existent carnival called cracklewood park previously it was estimated that 0.05 percent of the population has been affected by scp-2571 but more recent evidence suggests this number may be growing the primary vector for scp-2571 spread is not yet known uh notably it appears to be most common among adults raised as an only child so that's why i brought you all here we have a whole new batch of subjects that need processing each one of you will be assigned to one of scp-250 victims and will perform a series of interviews in an attempt to find out any new information on the matter in particular the anomaly's origins yes gustav are researchers allowed to conduct interviews if they themselves have been exposed to scp-2571 why are you asking have you been to cracklewood park well no i just and that was a really stupid question wasn't it thanks for wasting everyone's time nice one gustav does anyone else have anything they want to say no great then this meeting is over dr collingwood please proceed thank you director jones alright everyone on your way out pick up your packet briefings it'll have your science subjects and any information you need regarding scp-2571 good evening mister rupert just call me rupert as you wish i'm gonna go ahead and start recording okay just remember you aren't in trouble or anything like that we're just trying to get to the bottom of this whole mess fine so what do you recall about cracklewood park jesus is that what this is about it's just this nightmare i used to have can you please elaborate on that yeah i mean i think it's it's probably based on some actual theme park i went to as a little kid you know probably traumatized or something what happens in the nightmare i enter this theme park it's like disneyland but smaller there's no rides just this long winding road through the woods everything's bright and colorful like in a cartoon and there's these trees all around me tell me about the trees they've all got faces and they're smiling they've got these dopey cheerful looks like one of those old cartoons right they just smile back at you i think they would laugh too it's creepy man can you tell me anything else um well there's this music that's playing everywhere it's like organ music but not the kind you hear in church more like the sort of thing you'd hear at a carnival you mentioned before that there aren't any rides ah no wait no i'm wrong there's rides there's there's one ride just one ride it's that thing with horses that goes around in circles you know what i'm talking about a carousel right that thing it's where the organ music was coming from were you there alone no there are always other kids with me they weren't happy to be there either everybody's smiling but they're just doing it to stop from crying you know to fool the trees to keep the trees happy keep them happy yeah is there anything else you can tell us there's one bit near the end just as i'm getting ready to leave i see something a tiny tree sprouting up near my foot looks up at me it's smiling smiling with that big dopey happy grin when i see it that's when i start screaming that's when i wake up why does that tree make you scream because it has my face all right mr blair thanks for being here let's just get right into it i'd like to talk to you about the video cassette christ i understand that this is you people just don't get it i don't want to discuss any of this with you how do you even know about that tape was it my therapist i knew i shouldn't have told anyone please mr blair the cassette where did it come from i don't know okay i don't know i found it cleaning out my attic do you recognize any of the images on this tape yeah from my nightmares maybe someone showed it to me as a kid have you lived in that house your whole life yeah you were raised in that house by your parents yeah is this going somewhere the front bedroom look i i don't want to talk about this anymore okay i get that but we need to understand what's going on mr blair why is the front bedroom look you're asking me all these questions like i know what's happening i don't know nobody uses that room that's why i keep it locked okay i don't think about it i understand okay are we done here i just have one more question fine mr blair were you always a single child ms yearling did you ever ride the carousel what no are you crazy what happened when you reached it then um some of the kids got on not not me though the ones who did some of them were smiling some of them were crying some of them hugged the ones who didn't get on some of them hugged each other what happened then they uh they rode the carousel and i left what happened to them oh should i know i left so you just left them behind yes i left them what you think i should have stuck around you see how it was all gonna turn out i i didn't mean to accuse you of anything you were just a child no one would have expected you to that's right i was just a kid in the middle of a goddamn nightmare and i age [Music] no idea what he's been talking about this is doing to me or who's making me feel i don't want to talk about it i just want to forget it why can't you just let it go [Music] miss yearling you've clearly gone through a deeply traumatizing experience i said i i don't understand i can't imagine you would nothing about this experience makes much sense one of the kids one of the kids that caught on yes why why did he hug me i did i didn't i don't even know who he was [Music] hey everyone thanks for watching the video if you'd like to help support us consider joining our patreon page like all these wonderful people on screen here this select group are our highest donors this week also check out our merch store with the link down in the description thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation
Views: 866,568
Rating: 4.8941174 out of 5
Keywords: scp animated, scp, tales from the foundation, Cragglewood Park, Craggle Wood Park, Cragglewood Park scp, scp-2571, origin of SCP-2571, SCP 2571, containment, containment breach, Cragglewood Park tale, scp animation, scp cartoon, scp illustrated, scp drawn, scp-2571 origin story, scp origins, scp explained
Id: wok5jT6_eqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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