Origin of Dr. Bright (SCP Animation)

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Why is Amelia hot tho

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/E3ctr1cOsprey 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
you won't need to come in here often but you may need to retrieve amnestics or other substances to transport to other locations so your key card will give you access to this room wow is this where you make the amnestics i don't personally but yes that sealed room over there is where they're produced it takes weeks to retrieve the materials necessary and the process is very delicate so it's closed off from the rest of the lab what kind of materials go in there where do you get them from most of that is classified as i've said already asking a lot of questions isn't a productive use of your time in the foundation and it would do me well to stick to my job description i know it's just so exciting it's so cool that you get to work with weird objects and creatures i've been obsessed with paranormal things since i was a kid yes you said so twice already gustav this job can be dangerous no matter how low ranking you are we expose ourselves to the most hazardous phenomena in the world so that everyone else can be blissfully ignorant of them you've entered our world now and chances are you won't get to go back to the old one i would never want to this is where i want to be i'm telling you dr buck i'll be so loyal and oh dr bright it's good to see you on your feet again i don't know what you're talking about amelia as far as i'm aware i was never off them who's this kid this is gustav he is a new research assistant in training i see well he looks pale and unimportant he'll fit in just fine don't worry about him or his comments he's got reasons for being so bitter not excuses exactly but reasons was that dr bright you know about dr bright of course he's wearing that amulet how do you know about that you haven't been here long enough to there's this internet forum i go on sometimes he posts stuff occasionally and people are really big fans of his well i'm sure he's revealed no confidential information but i may have to speak to him about participating in online forums that discuss scps so is it true is he like in the amulet uh you can't go talking about this stuff to people outside the foundation you know that right yeah yeah i got the big orientation full of threats already then yes i can tell you that his consciousness is trapped in scp-963 and is it true his dad is on the o5 council he isn't anymore but how do you know so much i'm eager to learn i'm starting to doubt whether you were a good hire seriously you have to keep your questions to yourself around here you're going to attract the wrong kind of attention i've known more than a few good researchers who have been done in by their curiosity okay just just this once would you please tell me about dr bright you said if i had any questions i should ask you fine jack bright has been tested perhaps more than anyone at the foundation today he lost his life and most of his family because of incidents related to scps what like stuff was done on purpose did they experiment with him and his family no not exactly i've never spoken to him about it personally but it's fairly well known what happened to him he was killed in a containment breach while he was transporting scp-963 by hand somehow during or after his death his consciousness was kept in the amulet a few days later when a maintenance crew was cleaning the rubble a worker picked up the amulet and dr bright's consciousness was effectively transferred into his body whoa so is he still in the amulet or is he in the maintenance worker it's kind of complicated but he's in the amulet and he has to switch bodies every 30 days otherwise that body will retain a copy of his consciousness and whenever the amulet gets given to someone new there would be two dr brights we've instated several measures to ensure that doesn't happen he hates it though he's been trying to separate his consciousness from the amulet for a long time that is seriously freaky i guess that could happen to anyone as long as you're in a building with scps you're at risk exactly that's what i've been trying to tell you look you seem nice but you can't approach this job with that uh fanboy kind of energy you won't get anyone's respect that way in fact you might make people think you're not taking it seriously and you could be reported or worse yeah i mean yes ma'am i understand but i have a few more questions if that's all right you might as well get it all out that sounded like an honest accident if i was him i wouldn't be bitter about it what else happened to dr bright i believe his frustration is more related to his family the most outrageous thing in my opinion is what happened to his brother and if you really want to know jack right that is the story that'll tell you the most about his character and values i mean he has some bad days sure but overall i would say that he's one of the most dedicated enthusiastic and brilliant researchers in the foundation wow i absolutely believe you i mean based on the little bit that i know about him so what happened to his brother he's an scp too i'm not sure if he was just born like that or something happened to him but he has the ability to heal other people's injuries just by touching them that's incredible he must be valuable around here he is but every time he heals someone he takes on their ailment himself so if he touches someone with cancer he grows tumors on his body oh well that sucks does he still do it yes he's forced to the foundation doesn't have many resources that are able to do what he can so he's basically enslaved by the foundation that's messed up how old is he age is a complicated thing with scp-590 because he doesn't appear to age normally and he hasn't got the mental capacity you would expect him to why not is it a side effect of his healing ability or something not quite see dr bride was put in a difficult position when he discovered the foundation was going to imprison his brother and use him to heal their agents putting him through involuntary pain 590 was bedridden and put on life support because of all the ailments he had accumulated at that point protocols say that he is to be kept in his scp living space at all times he's not allowed to leave for any reason and the only entertainment he has is kids television shows his food is very restricted too he doesn't even have a name everyone is required to call him 590. [ __ ] that sucks so did dr bright try to break him out no he couldn't betray the foundation instead he thought outside the box and used his brother's ability to his advantage see his healing ability works on mental illnesses too so dr bright submitted an order for him to heal several cases of mental illness until his mental capacity was so reduced that he didn't realize he was in any pain wow that's incredible i see why you would call him a genius but that's kind of surprising he seemed so callous just now i wouldn't expect him to be so sympathetic to an scp even if it was his brother he's a complex man gustav you're right he can be callous reckless and sometimes it seems he doesn't value human life that's definitely what he's known for at least but he also has a decent capacity for empathy of course you're right maybe one day i'll get to know him and i'll understand him better is that all him and his brother were victimized by the foundation careful with your wording nobody was victimized by anyone god for someone who seems to know so much you sure act carelessly but no there's actually more a lot more like what okay this is the last thing i'll tell you about dr bright i don't have time to sit around gossiping all day so here it is when jack was very young his father was a junior researcher and his mother was a medical assistant his mother gave birth to a stillborn baby girl and his father refused to give up on the baby he used any scps he had access to to try to bring the baby back to life including his own son 590 and it worked the girl lived but she was taken into custody by the foundation for observation eventually she was assigned an scp designation they quickly realized that she had recuperative abilities she could heal at five times the speed of a normal person and she also never stopped growing though the growth of her intelligence stagnated quite early she's about ten feet tall now if i recall correctly her size has presented all kinds of health issues into the foundation's credit they have done their best to keep her alive she's got an artificial heart because her natural one was failing to pump blood to all her extremities and she has extensive braces to make up for weaknesses in bone structure and muscle mass she's even given physical therapy to try to keep her body in a relatively healthy condition her father dr bright's father wasn't happy with it though over the course of his career he put in many requests to have her scp designation removed and allow her to return home they were all denied even when he was in o5 the rest of the council wouldn't yield they said she was never truly his daughter and threatened to remove him from his seat if he made another request oh so he was an o5 yes he was o512 and the first o5 ever to retire and live a normal life once his career as the foundation was over i thought you're in for life once you join well gustav if you rise through the ranks and become an o5 maybe the rules will be slightly different for you but we all make sacrifices i would argue that the bright family is among those who've made the most yeah no kidding they didn't know about any of this on the forum i wonder what they would say not that i would i mean i know i can't tell anyone right i'm sure i've made that point clear but as far as your curiosity goes i've had similar thoughts his father adam bright decided to have a family despite the risk of hurting or losing them he and his wife are just fine i assume but they're among the lucky few and all three of his children are scps now and they've all suffered for it i could never have a family knowing that i might bring that upon them telling these stories to foundation employees gives them a chance to consider that before they endanger themselves and the people around them that's true but i think what happened to the brights might be good in a way it's brave of him to have the courage to love i mean just look at this place barren walls fluorescent lights window separating people it's easy to get lost in all the bleakness i know i've annoyed you with my over-enthusiasm and i respect your advice as someone who's clearly successful in the foundation but maybe you should consider what i have to gain from loving what i do [Music] love gives people a lot of power and i think it's more important here than it is anywhere else if we weren't brave enough to love then what else would we have thanks for watching the video if you enjoy our content and would like to help the channel watch our scp podcast redacted buy gear from our merch store or join our group of patreon backers shown here this select bunch are our highest donors this week thanks again for watching stay safe out [Music] there [Music] you
Channel: SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation
Views: 1,411,648
Rating: 4.9582686 out of 5
Keywords: scp animated, scp, tales from the foundation, Origin of Dr Bright, SCP Dr Bright, SCP Immortality, scp-093, Red Sea scp, origin of SCP-963, SCP 963, containment, containment breach, immortality amulet, dr bright test, far2, scp animation, scp cartoon, scp illustrated, scp drawn, scp-093 origin story, scp origins, scp explained
Id: 3yMf5n7tRww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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