Blender Tutorial for Beginners Part 2 - Hard Surface Modeling - Secondary Details

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hey guys sorry here welcome back to part two of this beginner's tutorial for hard surface in blender and in this one we're going to be focusing on modeling mid detail and maybe some small details for this sci-fi device so i was you know thinking about creating some kind of a bracing here around because he kind of discounts ask for it and then maybe maybe some kind of uh details here inside we will think about it when we go you know the usually the way i design or work on something is that i jump between places and sort of look at the whole you know the model as a whole and decide what i want to do next and it kind of naturally comes out when you start adding elements you start seeing other you know places where you could add something or change something it just comes with practice so you know don't give up and keep studying there's a lot of people asking me you know so how the hell do you come up with blockouts or like how do you know where to place details it's just down to practice you you need to look at the whole thing and think about balance okay functionality and balance right you want to leave certain places untouched you know for example i would never put anything in here i want it to be a you know blank space kind of like a space of place of rest for the eyes to chill out and then you got concentration of detail like for example here you got one cut like this like that and you got this hinge and this one where the lights gonna bounce you know you got um some detail here so you could put something on this handle maybe not in the middle but somewhere at top and the bottom some kind of notches it kind of naturally comes in eventually look at some um real life objects or designs and just start you know try to think how they were designed like how where are the details you know how how they placed and then think why and you will you know gradually uh start understanding how it works i'm seeing this too notches right i'm thinking it's just kind of asked to you know asks me to to run like a bracing around this thing or something so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to edit mode right we need to apply this first so let's go to object mode and go here to the wrench and let's apply both uh of these of these cutouts right is boolean so i can go to edit mode face right so go to face mode and we're going to extrude this so we're going to press shift d to duplicate this face press right mouse button to cancel and press p and selection just like we did with the with these doorways with this panel hearing and then go to object mode grab this one go to edit mode select the face e and extrude okay and i think this will do then we're going to grab this one go to top view orthographic e and extrude maybe somewhere here and then we're going to go to object mode and lower the bevel so oh wait i mean i'm in the wrong blender hang on guys uh let me just save this i forgot i'm in um 3.0 where i have all my add-ons my bed let me just load the blender to 0.93 so now you blend it to 1.93 let me just turn on screencast keys and off we go peachy so um what we're going to do is go here to battle and we're going to hold shift and just change the size of it you know because it's insane right so then we're going to go to face and you can see that because we extruded this sideways we have this kind of like a loop here going on so we can grab this face and extrude it backwards so let's just go to top orthographic e and you can just extrude it it will automatically extrude on z axis so somewhere here maybe or you know what maybe somewhere here this could be interesting go to edge mode ctrl r click and move this loop here somewhere okay like this and then we're going to go to local mode right grab this piece here change the face grab this piece and e and extrude it a little bit inwards here like that okay so it kind of goes to the side of this uh of this device but now we need to create some kind of a cut in here to make it you know make it work for us so we will do that in a minute but before we do that let's just extrude this face a little bit deeper so if you go to face select this shift select this one and you can just use g so it's g and x and you can move it uh here until it just pops outside and we don't really need um this edge here so you can select these two places press f and go here and press f right and let's just go here and see what happened now we got this kind of a problem here so we can fix this right i think the problem is caused by this here so let's select this one in face mode right and this one and press f and then go let's go here let's turn off bevel in edit mode select this one and this one and press f select this one and this one and press f and then let's go to face mode on the object mode sorry and it's fixed you see so we're good to go we need this edge because you know there's a corner here so we need that so now what we could do right is we could uh actually create a chamfer here so go to edge mode and let's see how this is going to work with the chamfer we don't need this edge so press x and dissolve i just grab this one ctrl b and just let's check for this a little bit let's see how we look yeah looks pretty decent actually now this one could be slightly changed so watch this we can borrow this object right go to right field orthographic shift d and move it in here and make it really small right that is and then bring it out so g x and bring it out you can sometimes reuse elements from your design okay but we can change it as z and let's rescale this it's gonna look completely different right although your eyes will be deceived and they will think that you know it kind of similar design but not really so see we were using elements that we already created gx over in here that's cool we also could uh kind of maybe cut this in here like that or uh we could create cuts in here let's grab a cube and see how how i would go you know how it's gonna look here um sometimes i don't know how things gonna look i'm just trying let's see if i'm going to like it or not let's s z skelet and sx and gx move it in here and front view i mean right here sorry um g and just move it here maybe and scale it a bit more on z so i see and let's cut it and see how it's going to look so let's apply the scale let's uh apply auto smooth and right click shade smooth shift click this one and ctrl minus now let's go to this object and grab this bull to label battle and how we're looking let's just hide it so and cutters that looks pretty cool i want one more on the bottom so we can shift to grab this one and we can array this okay so uh array and we're gonna write on z axis so type zero here and grab this z and hold shift and just move it move it with your mouse down until you more or less um shift to to hide it you know the distance is going to be more or less the same doesn't have to be super exact yeah he looks pretty cool it looks pretty cool now here technically we should kind of create like a cut uh just to be thorough so we can do that so we can grab another cube and we can auto smooth and shade smooth we can scale this sx gy move it in here go to uh it's gonna be what left view yeah no front view there you go normally when i'm modeling right i'm trying to position everything to face this way so you know if i if i grab that what i mean is this way and the reason being is that if you go to front view this is where you you know your blender is going to align you to so this is a front view technically so if you model um i just you know started modeling from the side view but that's why i'm sometimes confused here because normally when i model this is my front view so you can you can go with that kind of a setup gx so you can you know gx move it in here and scale it and let's just cut it and so select this one and come from minus and we're just going to manipulate with it so select this one and let's move this boolean above um above the bevel so we can actually see where it is and i can see that there is some kind of a problem and see see this kind of a shading here this kind of like a nasty uh clipping or it's not clipping like a pulling that's caused by the edge that's gonna be created by blender i guarantee you that this thing's gonna get connected from the corner to this place here so what we're gonna do right is we're gonna run a knife cut right so press k and we're going to add a knife quite press c i'm going to run it onto here and press enter and this should fix the issue with the emphasis on shoe today i created on the wrong geo one more time so uh front um so like this one press k let's see up to here it's okay and enter and now watch it's gonna disappear see now it's fine because the edge is going through the middle not here so eventually you'll learn how to see these things before they already happen and it's gonna help you to become better at modeling sc scale it down what i want here is to create an illusion well not an illusion but kind of like a you know gapped it's a bit larger than this cutout so press m and cutters it's gonna get mirrored right good a bit more believable um situation here also this one this one here could be beveled so what we're gonna do is we're gonna grab these edges here because we don't need them we're gonna dissolve them okay so select hold down with shift and then x and dissolve because you don't need them grab this one ctrl b and scale it now i wonder if this one is actually auto smooth because i'm getting a weird shading here bevel why normal smear yeah it's interesting that it does that in edit mode turn ah the bevel was off in edit mode this is why it was doing that okay so we're good to go we got here now i was thinking that maybe we can add some elements here as well so we can again borrow that if we want to or we could create our own element you know but uh remember there's nothing wrong with borrowing elements okay so we can shift d move it in here scale it and then we're gonna do something different with i'm gonna scale it on z like that it's gonna be really thin okay maybe that's too thin maybe something like this and we're going to rotate it holding ctrl so you can snap it to increments but remember you need to be in orthographic view okay it's not going to work if you in perspective so if you're in perspective okay what you need to do is r x and rotate on the specific axis but when you're in orthographic view right then you can rotate very easily because you'll be rotating in a deadpan sort of a view so perpendicular to this object which will rotate it on x-axis without problem so we could drop these somewhere here like this i would just rx 180 to rotate them around in gx and move them outside the bay like that and actually let's just bring it to local mode and i want to extend it in so select this one go to face mode and go with e and extrude it inwards then go to edge mode alt click on this edge loop ctrl b okay and then go to face face mode alt click on this edge here to select the loop of faces and then alt s and scale it down right like this okay awesome so we got something like this now let me think um gx do i want that or um it's a little bit too maybe outside or maybe it's not i have an idea okay let's uh let's create let's let me show you cool trick shift s and cursor to uh d selected so now what i'm going to go shift i another cube the cube is going to get added exactly on my cursor so when i scale it it's going to be you know literally in the middle of it okay so scale it down then s y and square the y axis and then s x let's go down x and then we're going to apply scale we're going to going to add auto smooth and right click on sheet smooth shift click this object and control minus i'm going to click on this one and go to modifiers and move it into top and we're going to have this kind of a cutout that's a little bit too big as you can there's a overshooting bevel here and because i have my um face orientation turned on you see that the red color indicates flipped or faces or some faces with problem so s y let's scale this a little bit on y axis like that and also i think it's a little bit too tall so as z and skeleton z axis like this then we got this kind of an interesting cartridge situation right so them and cutters and how we're looking you know looking pretty pretty interesting so we can drop it in so gx and you know drop it in like that and we could drop the bevel here as well so go to bevel and hold shift and just you know decrease the bevel of the batch is less insane do the same thing in here to be honest um just you know there you go okay now this one is to be mirrored to the other side right which is which it is and this cut probably should be also on the bottom so um let's uh let's go shift two and grab this one and then let's apply a ray modifier type here zero and hold shift and move your mouse to the left to drop it down and then we're gonna do this one and we're going to other way and uh same thing so type 0 here and move it down on z so let me see that let's just go to side view right view and orthographic so you can see very well hold shift and just simply adjust it until it fits and shift two how we're looking yeah it looks kind of interesting i'll be honest you see now these shapes they different and you can't say you know you you would not think that i borrowed this shape but they sort of correspond with one another and create like a crease of design so you know i would not suggest overdoing this but you can definitely do that so uh we could create some circular cuts in here as well so shift shift a and let's grab a cylinder and let's uh 32 is fine actually 24 we probably better 24 and 32 is a bit too much and i'm going to show you a cool trick with snapping okay so let's move this one in here now i wanted to snap this to this face okay i can just rotate it no problem but uh what if you wanted to snap it to this face it's gonna be a bit more complicated right so you can go here to um to the snapping tool and turn on face snapping and then align rotation to target okay and when i'm gonna press g then hold ctrl you will see that my object will start snapping to faces so i can stop it to this face here right and then g z drop it down scale it and then gzz now let me talk to you about uh why i press z twice global orientation and uh local orientation are two different things a lot of orientations here but we're going to be talking about global and local okay global orientation is the one that you see which is y x and z so g z g y and g x however because this object is rotated when you press n you can see it in here right rotation this is what defines the local orientation so you either switch to local here and press gz because you see now the reason why z goes this way is because this object was rotated from a vertical orientation to the horizontal so the a z axis sort of collapsed this way right which is why local z is here you don't have to really switch it in here you just simply press axis twice to access the local orientation so g z z or y g y y or g x x right now let's move it in so g z z then move it in here okay let's uh auto smooth and shade smooth okay let's scale this a little bit and now we can move it so g x x we can move it on x axis with g z and move it in here right and all we can do is boolean this so let's go to face mode and ctrl b for bevel like this we're gonna create a bolt so you can select both and go to control plus which is a union select this one and go to modifiers and uh move the bullion above the bell grab this one and radius and now we need to radius now you see it will not work because it's arraying this on x axis we need to rate on z axis so a radius on z axis but you see it will array it on in local orientation okay to a rate in global orientation right what you need to do you need to actually apply the rotation here to the target so ctrl a and apply the rotation now the rotation has been reset and you can see by the outline of the object switch the orientation from this to this so now when i'm going to use z or array here it will work all right i'll be careful with the point rotation and scale in sorry and location because they cannot be retrieved in vanilla blender that easily um there is a free add-on it's called world the line on which i have a video by the way so you can grab it i think this addon is free i can't remember i think it's free it's a really good add-on and allows you to get the original local orientation back so press m and move it to cutters and we're done and it looks really cool kind of like two you know two bolts awesome stuff and you see this is already we're entering in the realm of small detail okay small detail like here for instance i would like to create two horizontal cuts all right let's reset this original point to i mean the cursor to origin toward the region shift a and add a cube so it's going to edit in the middle and scale it i want it to be smaller than this edge a little bit narrower g z move it up here somewhere s z scale it down on that maybe a bit more i want a tiny gap gx move it out and gc and move it up here and we're going to slosh it so uh right click shade smooth auto smooth shift click ctrl minus and then select the cutter and we can either erade this but i'm going to show you a different trick if you go to edit mode and shift d this and drop it down on the z axis you will actually copy part of this object in edit mode it will still stay the same object but it will be sort of separated right so you will not have to boolean again if you let's go back if you shift dds in object mode and go down you'll have to create a second boolean so if i copy this in edit mode shift dz you see that i don't have to you know rebullion this is just it's just gonna work so uh object mode move it to cutters and then grab this one and move the boolean uh to the top so let's just collapse these modifiers now i'll show you another add-on that comes with blender and it's actually going gonna allow you to easily manage these modifiers i mean it's a little bit better than vanilla so if you go to add-ons here and this addon is called interface modifier tools i think this one you go and save preferences so now this will allow you to toggle the stack open it and close it with one click delete all apply on and disable or enable viewport to disability visibility so you can disable everything in the viewport there's one click it's a really neat add-on it comes with blender so you know make sure you're going to drag this bull on top of the stock here that looks pretty cool now this thing here in the middle is kind of like hanging by its threads you know it's like sort of suspended so let's do something cool with it shall we uh let's uh insert it one more time and extrude it so it's actually gonna be you know visibly connected over there inside i like being thorough with my design you know so i just don't like things floating without no without good reason you know just want things to be properly you know done if you will so now we could borrow these buggers right again shift d and g x and move it in here and scale them to something really tiny and rotate them on [Music] x axis and scale a little bit more and gx and move them in here like this now we can scale them on x as well so s x make them flat right like this g x move them in now we don't have to join them with the mesh but we're gonna put position them here rotate them holding control so you can snap to 45 degrees so it matches this angle and put them somewhere here right and then we're going to mirror them down so we're going to let's apply the boolean and we'll leave the rest there is one mirror here but we can also enable another mirror so we're going to add another mirror right so go to modifier and then another mirror and this mirror is going to be coming after the first mirror because first it's going to mirror across and then we're going to mirror this on the z axis across this one all right and uh oh wait a minute why this one got married oh because it was selected wait deselect oh i ain't gonna second why these are connected fascinating i'll tell you how to fix this let's go to edit mode select a one vert in every mode ctrl l to select this whole object and then press p and selection which will separate it and select these and you're done then with this mirror here edit we're going to mirror this across this object and this should work and now you got mary going across which is the first mirror right and then we are going to cross this object which is a second mirror i have no idea why these were connected that's kind of interesting um there is some double element here as well look at that let's just delete that anyway so you got these kind of like small notches in here you know kind of like you know clamps or whatever locks whatnot now the bottom here also you know we could use something maybe some kind of like a small cut or whatnot horizontal maybe so let's do that on the cube and drop it down here and scale it and move it here hang on a second maybe maybe not see that it's a happy accident maybe not a cut but also maybe some kind of legs like this so as x and make it deeper and let's assign auto smooth and shade smooth and then what we could do is go to edit mode to edge mode alt ctrl click one of these edges to select the loop of edges ctrl b and chair for them but we need to apply scale so go to object ctrl a apply scale go to edit mode ctrl b hold shift and do this and then select this one shift select this one and ctrl plus select the main shape here and move this boolean on the top so let's collapse the modifiers see it's very handy then boom we got legs it's actually pretty awesome and then b cutters how are we looking oh yeah we're looking really sick nice so i wanted to i want to try to cut here horizontal cut but i kind of felt like wow this is going to be looking good with legs so you see um sometimes design suggests itself let's grip another cube and drop it in here s z and s y and move it somewhere here all right and g x move it in and maybe make it wider like this that's too big right click shade smooth and auto smooth as x make it a little bit shallower gx and select this one ctrl minus select the main shape and again move the boolean and this is mirrored so it should be fine select this one and we could actually mirror this to the top to be honest so let's add the array to this cutter and again remove the x-axis and move it on z to the top so whoa i move too far this could be interesting click that thing and um cutters how are we looking yeah looking pretty cool you see how how detailed it looks now right much more interesting right so some people use shadow when they model if you have a powerful machine that's fine but if you you know working on the lower end pc i would suggest to turn it off the algorithm for shadowing in blender is awful so you know i might keep it on but uh it's it's up to you know up to you and up to how heavy your scene is sometimes uh even my pc is struggling with you know more heavy scenes with shadows it might help you kind of reach the form a little bit better it so you see we're looking really cool um this is a really nice design and i still want to design something on the top here some kind of like a maybe vents you know so that's another cube and scan it down and gz move it up right and let's uh go to the top view and orthographic move it in here scan it a bit more and then move it somewhere here s y and scale it a bit more jay z move it up so here move it up and sx bit deeper now apply the scale so ctrl a apply scale go to edge mode grab this one and ctrl b and then we're going to grab these edges okay with shift and ctrl ctrl b them here like this and you can actually run a bevel so again um five seven nine nine segments right just in case you need to change it and then select these so select this one without and then shift out so one more time out click shift alt click and then ctrl b and the bevel is going to be the same size right so now gz and move it a bit higher so the bevel doesn't interfere here with this surface right that's important now let's see how we're looking let's see the mirror here on y-axis so it's gonna get mirrored we're gonna shade it smooth and auto smooth now you could combine this with the main structure but you don't really have to just to be thorough what we're gonna do is you know insert this so go to face mode insert it and e to extrude it and s to scale okay and you're gonna get this kind of event you can even drop it lower so gz drop it a bit lower like that okay then what we could do is select these edges here with alt so out to select a loop i for inset and e for extrusion to create kind of like a rim around it for a bit more interest now we're going to add mirror to this one second mirror right so we're gonna add the second mirror let's collapse this second mirror all right and then turn it off on like on y axis and across this object okay then we got this kind of situation now you could combine this together it's gonna look a bit better because there's gonna be a bevel going on so we can do is um we could apply both mirrors okay and select this all right and simply control plus and then it's just gonna look better in terms of uh connection because you're seeing up this bevel going around around this structure but the bevel needs to be i can see that it's not really on arc there we go that's better all right awesome select this and cutters and we got a really cool you know kind of like a sci-fi i don't know what it is generator server hub whatever the hell it doesn't matter as long as it looks cool it makes sense it makes sense there is some kind of like a panel that you pull out there is some kind of machinery there's side panels you can open and access there's a lock if you're like a security thing i think in the next video uh what we're going to do i want to push it a bit further and i want to show you how to design a very simple environment first so we're going to create a simple wall uh we're gonna create some flooring some kind of like a guards on the sides then we're gonna add some materials and we're gonna render this and it's gonna look bloody amazing all right so also in the next video i think what we're gonna do is gonna add some lights because we need some lights you know some um some control lights what not maybe somewhere here on this panel um maybe some kind of like a i don't know switchboard we'll think about it a switchboard actually here could be a good idea so anyway guys i hope you enjoyed this thanks so much for watching and as usual there is a link to a free ebook if you didn't get it in the previous video grab it now and this ebook is fantastic it's about 80 pages of information it's free and also when you get it we're gonna send you some uh interesting emails with more stuff and uh some really really good information that might help you on your way to becoming a successful 3d artist thanks for watching guys and i hope to see you in the next video
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 2,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, hard, surface, tutorial, scifi, blender tutorial, hard surface tutorial, how to model detsails, better design, bevel, array modifier, mirror modifier, topology, boolean workflow
Id: vS5jCCIrzD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 10sec (2110 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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