Blender Tutorial for Beginners Part 1 - Introduction to Hard Surface and Model Blockout

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hey guys ryu here and this video is going to be aimed at total beginners at blender and now what i want to mention is that we're in blender 2.93 and the reason for that is um that's because the latest version as of now although i'm working in version 3.0 every day uh we're gonna be using this one now i have all add-ons disabled so we're gonna very quickly enable everything that we need and we're gonna move on um to modeling now if you would like to learn more about menus about the setup about everything and that i would recommend doing before you start modeling i would highly recommend you watch the video absolute beginner's guide to blender in which i explain everything in detail okay this video is composed out of three uh parts but you can just watch the first part the absolute beginner's guide to blender part one in which i talk about all the menus that you need to know everything the most important things in this window that you see here and things that you're gonna you know need for your you know basic modeling and and just starting with blender so you know how to move items how to move windows how to readjust them how to um resize rescale everything right so watch that video if you do know these things and you just want to get on with modeling you know you can start with this video all right so now this is a fresh load nothing's been changed i literally removed all the preferences from blender and it's just a you know fresh start this um this is what you would see if you loaded blender for the first time so first of all what i would recommend is getting rid of this garbage so we're going to press b on a keyboard and we're going to select everything okay and then press x on a keyboard and then delete so the scene is clean we don't need that right then what i want you to do is hover your mouse here very close to this uh to this edge here you can see the cursor changes into a plus sign that means that you can now move windows about if you click and hold and move it down you see that it's gonna change into an arrow it will allow you to collapse this time-lapse window which at the moment we don't need okay there are a few settings i'm gonna change and i'm gonna do it quite quickly but like i said if you do not know how to do this watch the video that i suggested at the beginning okay so i'm gonna go here to edit preferences and i'm going to first of all change the interface size because no one can see anything so 1.4 there you go then i'm going to very quickly go to uh navigation and i'm going to turn off a perspective and turn these to on and this will allow me to navigate a bit easier in blender then under the key maps i'm going to change spacebar from play to search this is the timelapse using this timelapse on the bottom if you hit space by spacebar by mistake when you're working it will start playing animation you don't need that what you need is a search function so it's better to set it to search and i think that's it themes usually what i do is i go here to themes and 3d viewport scroll down and make sure that the thirds and face dots are bigger okay so i set literally everything to seven origin points as well i click here to turn on auto save preferences because i want to have full control over this and save it manually now we will need a few add-ons and these add-ons come with blender so go to add-ons and scroll up so now we're going to search for bull tools which will allow us for boolean operations then we're going to search for f2 this is an add-on that allows you to quickly add faces uh to jio and then we're gonna enable uh loop tools which is really important for bridging etc it's really convenient edit mesh tools which is really essential as well there's a lot of functions over there then we need 3d dash print toolbox for mesh cleaning okay we need nodewrangler all right so that's for notes but we don't need it at the moment but enable it you will need it okay trust me and i think that's about it oh yes one more attribute copy attributes menu so this is for copying stuff like location rotation and modifiers across different um objects save preferences now what i'm going to do is i'm going to load two more add-ons now guys i know that people tell you to start blender vanilla and i think it's um in a way it's a good idea because you will learn the tools but i'll highly recommend you to work at least with two add-ons now i made a video on these add-ons two days ago it's about three of the two two top three items for blender and that's power save and machine tools and these addons are amazing okay you really want them because uh it will save you time and nerves okay trust me so what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna download both so i want you to go to gam road because if you go to blend the market you'll have to pay one dollar for them because on blender market you cannot sell stuff for free so the minimum price you can set is one dollar so i want you to go to gam road and download machine tools and download power save once you download these addons to your computer you're gonna have zip files okay now what i want you to do is install both all right i want you to install them from the location on the computer wherever you save them i have them in my blender add-ons i want you to install power save which is this one boom i don't even know it's the latest version to be honest and here power save and what it appears here on your list just click that and it's going to be installed here you can see the icon and then we need machine tools right so we're going to uncheck this and go to install and we're going to find machine tools all right so machine tools now i'm going to grab this deus ex version because it's a paid one but you can grab the free version which is literally the same thing except for that the paid version has one additional function which i use sometimes but trust me you're gonna be fine with free version so get the free version and install it okay and then enable it all right and save preferences now let's set our scene a little bit okay so we're gonna press middle mouse button and move it like this and hold shift and middle mouse button and move it in here and then we can save this as a default so go to here to file and save startup file and save now when you open blender again this is what you're gonna see which is perfect because you don't need all this rubbish okay also in addition what i would suggest doing turning off the gizmo it annoys the hell out of me i don't i don't like it and also turning on cavity cavity will allow you to see edges a little bit better so if i add cube to the scene press shift a and i'm going to add a cube right now if i'm going to zoom in with my mouse you can see the edges here um quite sharp and they're not really visible but cavity will allow you to watch the edges right it will allow you to see them a little bit better you see what i mean just geometry reads a bit better okay so now we need to check change a few settings in machine tools to be able to you know work so let's go to machine tools and so edit preferences and add-ons right and expand this window here all right and we need to enable a few things because machine tools comes basically naked there's nothing enabled i want you to enabled um smart verse and smart version smart face cleanup definitely um a line and this would do i think for now you don't really need to focus well you can use focus if you want to but we're not going to be talking about it right now we need to mode spy this is essential this is like the most important thing in machine tools that's what's going to speed up your workflow by a shit-ton you want to save by this is really convenient shading pi you can have it as well view by align pi and cursor and origin pi now the most important ones here are the modes pi and the cursor and origin pi there are really essential and the line pi is also fantastic but you know these are really really important okay i also want you to turn off this rubbish because that's gonna turn off our cavity when we're gonna switch switch from object mode to edit mode okay save preferences you're good to go now in power save i wanna change a few settings okay i want to turn that thing off and i want to turn these two on okay and leave the interval at two minutes which means it's gonna save an autosave to a separate file each two minutes okay and i'll show you in a minute how it works so with that you know selected go to preferences one more time save preferences okay right save preferences remove that cube so click on the cube x delete and then one more time save startup file so now when you open your file okay your blender one more time right you will see that all these settings gonna be in now this really annoys the out of me okay this is splash string i want to turn it off so i remember i made the video on this one i got so much heat for it i don't know freaking blended fun voice but i want to turn it off okay interface and splash i just don't need it you know i don't need it because if i want to load the most recent file which is what people mostly use that splash screen for i use machine tools i press ctrl s right and i got my most recent file here so why bother so anyway what i want to say the last thing in regarding add-ons right if you want to read or change any settings for your machine tools because machine tools comes with key shortcuts okay you want to go to add-ons machine tools right and you want to read here under keymaps what kind of key settings are set for all these tools that we selected here okay so for example if you will see here align pi we'll have alt a as a key now alt a normally is used for deselecting all elements in blender right but again if you watch this video that i created for free addons for blender two days ago you will know that i'm using simply different keystrokes for that so if i'm gonna shift a and add a cube and shift d and duplicate it and then i'm going to select both with shift so click this one hold shift and select this one i can deselect them by pressing a twice very quickly right or clicking here on the canvas because normally what happens when you press alt a in vanilla blender you will deselect but in our case alt a in edit mode so if i switch to edit mode so i'm going to press tab with machine tools and hold my tab here you hold the top and then you move your mouse and then you release tab if i'm gonna select two words i press alt a i'm gonna have the pi menu for alignment which is brilliant okay because you know it allows you to allows you to align stuff to other words like this okay but we're gonna talk about it in a you know a bit later but there's one more thing i want to change and this is just aesthetics but you might be interested in that i want to change colors of my themes okay so i'm going to go to edit preferences and themes go to viewport and i'm going to change a few things all right so um i'm going to first of all change object selected to white right and push it to the max active object i want to also have it as white object keyframe that's okay vertex select i wanted to have white i'd select i wanted to have white and face a select actually uh i wanted to have it a little bit on a maybe warmer side so face selected this could actually work for me this one okay and there is one more settings i want to change [Music] which is this one this will show you flip normal so we're not going to be talking about flip flip normals right now but i want to change it and change the alpha here to zero so only the flipped faces the incorrectly oriented faces will show when i um when i activate the tool and the and the correctly oriented faces will not show at all because it's usually very confusing let me i can show you very quickly what it means so if i'm going to add a cube here each of these faces has its specific orientation because it's each of these faces has two sides either and outer side inner side should be facing inside the geo and outer side should be the correct one facing outside so if you go here face orientation here right you will see that um no blue color is displayed normally everything will be really really dark purple if we enabled you know this slider here so watch what happens if i it's really annoying um if i enable that one here in viewport and i'm gonna slide this alpha back to 100 you'll see it's going to become really blue right i don't want that okay i want i want the correct geo to basically display nothing for me but if i select the face and press alt n and i'm going to flip the face you see the face gonna be displayed red and it means that the orientation is incorrect which is very helpful when you work with bullions so i'm gonna recalculate outside and everything is peachy all right click x and delete now i'm going to install one more add-on so you guys can see actually which keys i'm pressing and it's going to be called uh screencast keys add-ons install let me just install very quickly okay so with these add-ons installed i need to explain you how the pi menu works in machine tools very quickly okay shift a and we're going to add a cube normally when you work in vanilla blender what you need to do to go into edit mode is to press tab and then press one two or three which will display verts one edges two of faces three in machine tools it's extremely quick because you only use a pie menu and you use it based on muscle memory that's how quick it is okay so you press and hold tab you move your mouse to either object or edit mode or directly from object mode to either vert face and or edge or face so vert edge or face and you can do it directly from object mode so i can go directly to face mode or directly to vert mode or directly to edge mode and eventually i know it's quick for you but eventually it's gonna become a muscle member and i really recommend you use this add-on because it's amazing okay no one wants to die off old age pressing tab and one two three kind of is that so that's one okay two an extremely powerful menu is a shift test menu okay because that combines two menu from blender because shift s actually displays the same menu kind of the same menu with similar options but it also includes uh this menu here from set origin okay and this is something we're gonna be using quite a lot or you'll be using quite a lot when you're gonna be modeling and having this in one the one menu is extremely convenient okay and then of course i mentioned about the control s menu so now let me show you how save works with powersave very quickly yeah if you're going to save your file right now like this save as okay and i'm going to save it on the desktop somewhere here okay let's say i'm gonna call it untitled one all right and i'm gonna save it all right on my desktop right then what you want to do is you wanna run power save once okay you wanna just simply go click power save and you see we're gonna create untitled two so it creates a new file and i can show you this on my on my desktop right creates a new file here right so it's untitled and then untitled two right after two minutes okay because we have set it we set it to two minutes interval right away this is my different blender hangout um that's the one um you uh the power saver create additional auto save file which will be saved each two minutes you can change it in here to one three five whatever you want right you just simply you know slide it right i have it set to two minutes because i think that's you know it's quite enough so you don't have to worry so when your blender crushes now right let's say we're going to you know i don't know edit something like this okay and then we're going to power save this right power settings and our blender crushes right so we got not a file here okay i'm going to open my blender and watch this i'm going to press ctrl s and most recent and i'm done and i'm back in the game so all you lose really in the worst case scenario is two minutes of work this is why i really recommend using both items because blender has a recovery function but quite frankly it's so anyway let's let's just delete that and let's start working okay so let me enable screencast keys again and we can start working okay i don't want you to worry about any other settings don't worry about it okay um any menu settings just just forget about it focus on modeling because when you focus on modeling and you're gonna you know progress with uh with creating something you're gonna be learning stuff on the on the way it's much more fun it's like learning languages and starting with grammar it's just boring okay you want to start with words with something that means something okay with with phrases that people use every day you know that you can go out and start reacting with people immediately right that's how you learn languages as i that's how i was learning japanese when i came to japan and went to school uh language school and you know we were learning in japanese from day one and they never taught us drama as is you know just drama rules they were just teaching us as a parent would teach their kid japanese you know from scratch right using just japanese words and phrases so we learned quite quickly this way and i think this is a better way of teaching so forget about the menus there is on of them okay so it could be intimidating don't worry about it in a month time you'll be laughing okay so it's not that bad so now let's start with modeling okay what you need to do is you need to start memorizing shortcuts this is really important okay write them down make a pdf i don't give a how you do it but memorize shortcuts this is really important i cannot stress this enough because shortcuts gonna save you a ton of time okay for example if i want to add object in blender i would need to go here to the top menu and then mesh and cube that's that's too much of a distance it's but you might be laughing thinking that well it's just a one move but if you start adding these moves up okay and additional keystrokes it not only adds time to your workflow but it also is just tiring repetitive so instead of um you know going up here clicking add and then you know mesh and cube press shift a and you're done right now when i'm going to add a cube i want you to notice where the cube was added the cube was added in the middle of the world now what it means is that we have uh three uh three axes in the world okay there is a x-axis that goes here there is a y-axis that goes here and there is a z-axis that goes up and down so if i press g x you can move it on x-axis when i press y keep it on y when i press z you can do it on z now the center of the world is the word origin and you can move and this cursor you can see in the middle about uh on this canvas when you press shift and right click you can place it wherever you want to right but then when you place it somewhere outside the world origin this is where the next object gonna get edit because objects are getting edit wherever you place the cursor so you can use it to your advantage when you want to for example um let's say add an object just to the side of this cube so you could go here press tab move your mouse go to face mode select the face and then use shift s menu with machine tools and move your cursor to face boom and then go to object mode right shift a and then the cube and you see cubos edit directly in the middle of that face right so you can now for example scale this and cut it out or edit or whatever you want right so you can use it to your advantage if you want to reset that cursor back to the words origin you press shift s and you simply move cursor to origin okay and you see that's why like i said it's extremely powerful this pi menu from machine tools because it just lets you do all the most important cursor and origin point moves now what's the original point of an object right it's another thing that's important let me just move this up a bit so g z and i'm gonna move it up you see the dot in the middle the white dot that's the original point of this object by default it's in the middle but you can move it okay you can move it anywhere you want for example you can move it to a face as well so you can go tab face right click on the face then shift s and move all red origin to the face and it's going to get moved to the middle of the face and this original point can be used um in many in many different ways it's also a very powerful element of the object of each object because each object has it okay if i add a sphere for example right um and it's like the quad sphere by the way this quad sphere is an element added by machine tools okay this is a machine tools object it's basically a cube with a subdivision modifier it to it like this right by the way you can see that this sphere has also an origin point in the middle it's in the middle right so each object has it and it's essential to know how to manipulate with them so what i'm doing what i'm using for that is machine tools shift s menu so let's start again shift a and add a cube now if you want to scale something it's very easy just press s and you move your mouse left or right you can hold shift to make it slower okay holding shift slows down most of the movements in in blender so for example if i press r to rotate right and hold shift it's going to slow it down if i press g for move okay and then z and shift you can see that it slows down right the same thing for example if you want to add bevel so if you go to edge mode right and click on the edge and press ctrl b which is not a very important shortcut and then you press shift you can slow it down to fine tune it right so very important very important keystroke to know so now we're going to make this cube a bit uh narrower so sx we're going to scale it on on x-axis all right let's talk about navigation for a few seconds okay shift a and add a cube if i hold my middle's mouse button i can rotate okay around the object and we can rotate around the object because we actually switched this setting here under navigation orbit around selection okay usually it's auto perspective which is irritating because it's gonna switch between perspective and orthographic view here about which we're gonna talk in a second um and it will not really circulate around your selection which is bloody irritating so you want to have that on which is why i told you to turn it on and when you hold shift press and hold middle mouse button you can pan and then just move your mouse scroll wheel to in and out to scroll in and out or hold ctrl press middle mouse button and zoom in and out this is very good for adjusting the camera view by the way but we're going to talk about it later so now that's you know that's rotating around and all that now how to change views like you see me doing here there's a tilde key on your keyboard which is a key left to your one key on the keyboard tilde key and or accent key all right and if you press it you'll see there's going to be a poi menu that shows you different directions right and you can move hold this key move your mouse up release top view press hold move your mouse left view and so on and so forth and eventually you remember because up is up down is down left and right and quite frankly you have also front etc right so this is very powerful so it's very close to tab because it's literally above the top key right so if you use them together with machine tools menu which switches between different modes it's extremely powerful combination because you can be you know lightning quick right so again till the key hold move your mouse release same with tab press tab move your mouse release okay so there you go i'm gonna be moving really quickly right but i will simply tell you what i'm doing um when i'm gonna be doing that right so let's say top right left top bottom etc okay so now let's go to um to this kind of like an angle view and press s x and hold ctrl and we're going to resize it now you see that it resizes kind of like a jumpy fashion now what happens is that blender is actually resizing this cube according to increments now if you go to the top view right and press numpad 5 for orthographic view as a perspective and orthographic and if you don't have numpad on your keyboard go to preferences input and emulate numpad and then save preferences okay so let's zoom in in orthographic view you can see that this cube fills exactly four squares on the grid each of these squares is one meter by one meter which means this cube is two by two by two and it's true because if you press n with this object selected and you go to item you'll see that the dimensions is 2 by 2 by 2 okay you can freely scale this by pressing s x if you want to but you can also press s x and hold ctrl to scale it into increments so each by 10 centimeters okay each jump here is 10 centimeters you see okay so you could be very precise with it so let's hold ctrl just for the shits and giggles and you know resize it like that okay and then we're gonna add another cube shift a and add another cube we're going to scale this on a y axis so s y and just scale it a little bit s z scan it up and we're going to slash this okay with a boolean so we're going to select this one okay this one shift select this one right and then press ctrl and forward slash on your numpad which will basically create a slash operation so this brings us to the subject of modifiers what are modifiers modifiers are certain tools that will add changes to your mesh for example boolean modifier which is a slush modifier in this case will slash this mesh into these pieces so the outer piece and the inner piece the cube is now slashed okay and if you click on either of these okay you go here this wrench and you see that you're going to have a boolean modifier on it running right it says difference but in fact it's uh it's actually a slash modifier both of them have the same and the same modifier right so now what you can do right is you can model these two separately all right we can model this separately and you can model this exactly what we want so what we want to do is now apply this modifier so you go here and you can apply it but you can see it will not allow us to apply it and the reason for it is because for some up reason blender is actually linking these two together okay and it creates like a link data link and you need to remove it so you need to go here to this tab click on this number to make it disappear go back to revenge and then the apply button is going to be highlighted apply it and then click on this one and apply it all right and then you can see that we can grab this modifier and we can remove it or we can move it to a new collection now let's talk about collections collections up here okay see everything it's like a folder okay uh all these elements are within this collection you can collapse this you can turn the visibility of it etc right and if you want more options here you can actually grab these options and enable them in here all right but we're gonna talk about it later so uh let's grab this cutter press m on the keyboard and we're gonna create a new collection i'm gonna call it cutters okay cutters and we're going to click ok and automatically this cutter was moved to this collection now you can turn off the visibility of this collection by simply pressing shift 2 now the shortcut shift 1 is for collection one shift two is for collection two and the reason for it because if you press one you can enable collection one if you press two you enable collection two so you can press one or simply press shift two to hide or unhide anything that's in collection two okay so we're gonna hide it and now we're left with these two right now the break between them this cut here is so thin we can't really see that very much so what we're gonna do is we could enable a bevel modifier so we could go here and click on bevel right and we're gonna have to do a few things to this mesh to make it look proper okay if i'm gonna isolate this mesh and you can do this by either pressing forward slash on your keyboard okay which is going to go to a so-called lock-on view and you can hear you can see it here perspective forward slash perspective local or you could press control f on uh in machine tool and simply go to uh local view that way and ctrl f to leave it i'm not going to be going deep into focus mode at the moment because that's what focus mode does we're going to be literally using traditional blender you know local mode because it's going to be too confusing for you but i'm just saying there is a focus mode and it's very powerful and i have a video on this one as well so if you want to you can watch it now let's go to local mode by pressing forward slash and you can see that the bevel size is not uniform these faces here are larger than these faces now the reason for that is okay we resize this cube remember it was a cube but we resized it we scaled it and if you go to n panel okay pressing n and you go here to item you can see the scale is not uniform it's actually 1 1 on x and z and y and z but it's 0.5 on x which is correct because we resize this cube on x axis by 50 so we need to reset that so it's 1 1 1 everywhere i know i want you to watch what's going to happen to this bevel okay this is really important watch the size so i'm going to press ctrl a and i'm going to apply scale boom see what happened now all the faces are equal applying scale is exceptionally important when you're modeling okay so do that now if you work with add-ons for example like hard ups and box cutter it's done automatically okay it's automatic this is why i really recommend you guys using hard ups and box wireless it's just so important these settings just saw a godsend okay it's a gift from gods for you if i resize this with hard ups right i mean in blender where i'm actually running hard ups and box cutter and i'm gonna slice it with box cutter i'm just gonna slice it okay or actually slice it through like this and then i'm gonna go to scale so i'm gonna go to item you see the scale is uniform and why because the moment i'm gonna use box cutter to slice it look what happens to scale now right boom the scale has been reset automatically for you so additional keystroke gone because both of these items now have um resource scale right so that's why i'm saying add-on size essential eventually you're gonna save hours using add-ons okay so now uh let's click on this one ctrl a and apply scale okay you can collapse this pressing n now let's talk about this bevel so let's go back to local mode all right let's talk about this bubble okay so we need to do a few things because at the moment it's not the bevel it's a chamfer right we need to add more segments so make it three and we need to change the size a little bit because it's bed nuts okay this bevel is nuts but you can see that it's faceted okay it's not smooth now why is that a few reasons okay one of them is because the mesh is not smooth so you need to press right click shade smooth but you can see that now there's like a weird shading going on on this mesh right it just doesn't look flat so now what we need to do is we need to go here go to normals and turn on auto smooth that's really important what it does is determines which angle is the minimum angle for a geometry to be beveled okay in this case it doesn't really change anything in our case because everything is at 90 degrees so it's way above 30 degrees right but i'm not going to be talking more about this because you know it's a bit too advanced at the moment i'm just going to highlight that you need to turn it on because next thing what we're going to add is one more modifier that's really important that will fix this shading it will not work without this also smooth on that's why we turn it on okay so we're going to go here and we're going to turn way to normal so i want you to look what happens with these faces okay watch this boom flex you see now now if i turn on autosmooth it will not work you see so that's why you need both on now with hard ups and box cutter it's done automatically because if you look in here right the autos move is right on it's on the moment you're gonna run the cutter on it because then when you're gonna run bevel with hard hard ups uh on this mesh and at weighted normals you're done that's how quick it is okay okay for now this will do there's a one more change we will need to do here but we can do it later when we're going to be doing cuts into the mesh okay so let's press forward slash to go back to the uh full view and now remember we installed this add-on called copy attributes menu now i'll show you how it works we're going to select this mesh shift select this mesh control c and we're going to copy the modifiers okay boom and it copied modified but we still need to right click this mesh and shade it smooth and then go here and just click to smash and enable auto smooth otherwise it will not work but you don't have to add modifiers again you can just simply copy them and you know you're gonna have the same size of bevel and everything is peachy all right so so let's select this object okay and go to edit mode so tab and edge right select this edge and let's battle it ctrl b let's bevel this right here and scroll your mouse to actually create kind of like a smooth bevel not a chamfer but a battle so when i when i do that right ctrl b i want you to maintain the even number of segments okay or an even number of edges you can see we have five edges right five six seven and now why is it important let's let's create nine edges okay so we're gonna have eight segments and nine edges if you're gonna be creating a game asset in the future and you want to decrease the number of edges in the bevel you need to have an even number of edges to be able to do that because when i'm going to select these edges by holding shift like this right then i'm going to press x and i'm going to click on dissolve edges you'll see i'm going to receive a kind of like a lower resolution bevel on my mesh if you're going to have even number of addresses it will not work so start using an even number of edges from day one just kind of muscle memory yeah now we need to copy this to the other side you see because this part is you know is edited but this one doesn't have a bevel you don't want to do it twice besides you want to maintain the same level of bevel on both sides so we need to use a mirror modifier so we're going to select this mesh go to range you can collapse these two modifiers here if you want to then click on modifier and go to mirror there we go mirror so now we need to mirror this across y-axis which means we need to switch here from x to y and then we need to flip it to the other side and bisect it so it's flipped and bisected across this y-axis right so now whatever i do to this mesh on this side for example if i go to tab face mode okay and select this face and i'm going to press i for inset right and then i'm going to press e for extrusion you'll see that it's going to get extruded on both sides at the same time right ctrl z to redo it so let's go to right view orthographic with number five let's add another cube so shift a add a cube s y to skeleton a on y s z to skeleton z and we're going to move it a little bit up so gz and let's move it somewhere here and let's rotate our object here and sx get it like this gx and move it out here you can hold shift to you know slow it down and move it somewhere here like that and we're going to boolean this so shift select this one and boolean but before we do that we need to do one more important things to that mesh okay we need to select this mesh right click and shade smooth then we need to go here and enable autosmooth you got to do it for every single object okay which is why again i recommend using hard ups because in hard ups this operation would be that easy all right and you're done see what i mean so in this case we need to enable both then select this one shift select this one and ctrl minus okay then so this another step you need to do we need to organize the order of modifiers because the reason why you get this mess of a shading is because boolean was added below the weighted normals and below the mirror right we need to move this above the weighted normals right we need to move that mirror above the weighted normals okay and we need to move the bullion right above the bevel so it gets bullion then it gets beveled then it gets mirrored and then it gets way too normal okay that's important this is all done automatically automatically in here okay because if i go back and add the bevel to this mesh right to this mesh press one for profile okay see that and waited normals go to the side view then i'm gonna cut it with box cutter like this right and click you see that i don't have to do anything because hard ops automatically sorts modifiers okay so if i click on this mesh and go to modifiers you will see that my modifier stack is already correct it's boolean boolean bevel with the normals if i add a mirror to it right mirror's going to get edited in a very um specific location and both waited almost automatically i'd have to do anything here you know you got to spend like few minutes just fixing this so again i recommend addons shift to now we need to move this one to cutters manually whereas again in box clutter this is done automatically because boxer will create a cutter collection for you right see i got cutters here under cutter collection so if i don't have this right i'll remove this and i slice it with a cutter watch what happens it's going to add collection automatically see so and cutter gets added here it disappears for my c i don't have to even remove it it's just automatic you know saves a lot of time but anyway now let's talk about bevels okay i told you that we need to do one more change in our bevel and this is exactly what i was talking about you see that corner here how harsh it is so any inner corner any any inner cut cut that goes into the mesh is gonna be looking that nasty and the reason is that because bevel automatically in blender for some reason has this um setting here under i think it's on the geometry yeah miter is set to sharp we need to change it to arc and look what happens to our bevel when i switch that right boom fixed okay again you don't have to do it with um hard ups or box holder because it done automatically there you go so let's keep slashing yeah so let's go to side view right view okay orthographic let's now we can reuse one of these cutters okay so we can press shift two and grab this cutter and shift d which will duplicate the cutter shift d okay you can move it in here as why we can scale this we can scale this on z as z all right and now what we're gonna do is we're going to actually battle it so let's go to edit mode to edge mode right so hold tab and go to edge mode click this one shift click this one okay ctrl b and bevel this but you see that we need to apply scale again so ctrl z to go back object mode then ctrl a apply scale tab edge mode the edges are just selected because blender remembers this control b and now it works yeah so let's create maybe less fewer segments maybe i don't know um that's gonna be five let's make it seven okay seven actually you know what five should should do and let's go to object mode uh let's select this one and this one and ctrl forward slash and we're going to move this cutter a little bit so g x and just you know just move it a little bit in somewhere here like that that will do and now what we can do is we can mirror this across right so we can move this ball tool again here move it above the bevel boom right and let's fix this piece here so again move this one above the bevel and now everything is peachy the mirror kicked in you know we're back in business right awesome now what you can do is you can actually you know change the bevel size individually on these pieces because of separate bevels so hold shift and now you can click and drag your mouse left or right to adjust the size of the bevel you can make it a little bit more you know interesting now what we need to do is grab this cube here press m and move it to main collection then press shift two to remove the cutters right and we're left with this now we're gonna apply this okay there's a way of applying modifiers it's quite important you need to do it in a specific order okay um so in this case what we want to do is we want to apply this modifier but again you see we need to go here and remove this data right go back to wrench apply this modifier and apply this modifier never apply bevel or weighted normals you don't want to do that okay uh unless you have more than one bevel going on and you want to do that i would highly recommend not applying bevels and definitely not apply wet in almost it's a really bad idea okay mirror that's fine but you know in this in this case we might need it so i'm going to keep it press tab go to edit mode to edge select this edge ctrl b and now we're going to scroll down scroll the mouse down to create a chamfer and click okay and this we're going to update on both sides go to object view okay gx i'm going to move it a little bit in okay so we're going to create kind of like a handle illusion or whatnot all right cool awesome now let's let's make this bottom a bit more interesting yeah so what we're going to do is go to edge mode right select this edge ctrl b and we're going to chain from the bottom here like this right and we're going to do it just from the front that's okay and we're gonna do the same thing on these okay so go to edge mode right and chamfer this a little bit on side so the bottom is gonna become a rectangular it really looks nice uh everything is peachy so now we have this file being saved right so what we can do is run power save just in case and you see it's going to create power save untitled full blend which means we have a new file uh you don't have to if you don't want to but sometimes i'll just prefer to have multiple autosaves right and just to be safe all right cool so let's grab this piece and we're going to slice it so shift 2 we're going to grab this cutter okay s sy to scale this move it here guy and go to the top view orthographic and guy hold shift and move in here like that okay select this piece and ctrl forward slash right and again we gotta do the same dance so select this piece and collection shift to then you want to mirror it okay so what we want to do is want to create a mirror here so let's grab a mirror and um let's call up these modifiers here and let's go here and grab a mirror and mirror this on on x on y axis then we're going to select this one and we're going to collapse them we're going to add them there right and we're going to do the same thing so copy on this axis and we're going to move this above weighted normals and we're going to move the bullion above bevel right and the same here mirror needs to be above where the normals and the bullion needs to be above bevel you see how tedious this is it just gets really tedious very fast okay the bevel is a bit big so we're gonna select both of them okay both of them and then go to bevel i don't even know it's gonna work here but shift and see it doesn't work it just only works on one bevel i was wondering if it works for two because watch this if i have two pieces here in in hard ups right let me just slash this so i'm going to press x and slash it and i'm going to select this piece and this piece right together and i'm going to press q and bevel i can adjust both at the same time i'm just saying get hard ups and books for the bundle before you're gonna go mental so now here uh we're going to adjust this bubble as well we're going to hold shift and adjust it a little bit and i think this one is a bit too big as well so we can just you know kind of adjust it you can what you can do right is you can copy the bevel values so ctrl c right go here and ctrl v right you can have the same bevel across all these um you know objects right if you want to so that's pretty cool uh now what we could do is we could actually scale this but now watch what happens when i scale this it's going to scale inwards towards the original point because this object right if i go to object mode to local view see original point is in the middle here and this is not what we want okay we want to move this original point to one of these objects now this is mirrored which means this right hand side is actually fake if i turn it off in viewport here you see it's just a you know it's just a mirror image so this original point can be moved in here now how to do this shift s with machine tools and move to geometry right it didn't work because blender still thinks it's just a one piece remember if i remove this boolean it's just a one piece so we need to apply boolean first but before we apply bullion we need to clean this rubbish right so now let's clean this boolean i mean let's apply the boolean and now shift s into geometry okay now a merit disappeared because we are mirroring this object across an origin point but we can actually choose an object across which we want to mirror so we can click here and select this one and it's going to mirror on y-axis across this object i don't even think you need bisect here yes you don't need bisect all you need is flip and axis because you're going to flip across this object on y-axis make sense cool mirror can be a bit confusing guys but you know it's good to learn now when i'm going to uh you know scale this watch what happens now it scales properly okay now it's closed properly all right so i want to scale this on on all axis but i don't want it to scale on y axis i want i don't want it to become thinner so how do i do that you press s and you press shift and the axis you don't want it to scale on so you see now it's going to scale on x and y x and z but not on y so i can scale it in a little bit like that and this is what i'm gonna get pretty cool awesome all right so now let's cut something in the middle here here in the front okay so front view and auto graphic and let's shift i grab another cube right s y squared and y axis here and maybe skeleton z axes and maybe we can drop it down to gz and drop it down here and now ctrl a and apply scale s x skeleton x and move it out so g x move it in here and then what we're going to do is going to go to edge mode so tab edge and now hold ctrl and alt okay let me just go to local mode so you can see i deselect everything hold ctrl and alt and click on an edge to select a loop of edges around your mesh because normally you would need to go around just like all the edges it's too boring okay because we have quads everywhere you can select loops of edges or faces like this so we want edges in this case right so click here and alt control boom and then ctrl b and chamfer it a little bit go to object mode forward slash to go to the main view and we're going to create a union boolean so select this one right let's go here auto smooth never forget that right click shade smooth then shift click this object and control plus control part is going to create a union boolean so click click this one wrench and you know same day same thing different day yeah so um select this one and we need to move the bull above here for the bevel to work perfect and then this one needs to go to cutters and then let's see there you go perfect so we got this kind of a situation right going on now what we could do is we could play a little bit with the shape here right so we could select the shape go to size the shape let's apply both booleans okay go to edit mode face select this face now we're going to press i for inset press i for instance you can hold shift to make it smaller now very important thing for insiding right is to not to go too deep so if you go too deep you're gonna have overshooting edges avoid that because your shooting is gonna go to okay so one more time um i for inset hold shift and you can just scale it in and press e for extrusion extruded inwards okay and then we're going to press s and z we're going to scale on the z axis like this then we're going to press g z and actually move this face down on this axis then and move it a bit deeper like this right so we're going to create this kind of an interesting uh setting maybe a bit smaller on y so sy and let's get it just a little bit on y to create this kind of an indent here in this shape now let's uh grab another cube and another cube and scale it down and gz move it up and gx move it out here sc scale it go to front view i mean right view sorry orthographic and g and move it freely in here like this we're gonna create kind of like a lock or something so just scale it down and sx doesn't have to be so deep g x and move it out and ctrl a and apply scale and then we can kind of you know cut it we can use the same shape for cutting so let's uh shoot smooth and let's apply all too smooth right and then we can just shift d this okay so shift d and move it in here like this and gx move it a little bit forward and then go to edit mode grab this edge guy move in here like that a little bit okay and we're going to mirror this across this one okay so select to be bad and boom and oh either mirror to the wrong thing here add a mirror and then change to z axis like that and then select this object as a mirror point build right and then select this one with shift and control minus then you got this the cool thing about cutters is a bit more of an advanced technique but i want to show you this anyway um is editing cutters watch this if i go to this cutter right and go to edit mode it might be a bit confusing but bear with me ctrl r to add a loop okay like this right then press e and f to actually align it to the either left you can see square here or left or right so this is left alignment right alignment so again you press ctrl r to add a loop and loops are gonna only work if you have a quad based geometry okay so um click e and then you can press f to flip i want it to be straight like this move it somewhere here ctrl b to bevel it to split it like this okay and then what we're gonna do right is we're going to press e to extrude cancel with the right mouse button and press alt s to scale it inwards like that okay like this okay and actually no outward sorry am i bad alt s and scale it outwards like this and we need to move it a little bit to the right so press ctrl plus on the keyboard to expand the selection and then gy and move it in and watch what happens you got a cutter inside of the cutter how cool is that right so we can move it somewhere here um and just go to object mode and cutters boom and we got this and we can add a bevel here so we can add a bevel again the same dance so three segments let's make it really small okay like this right and then let's go to uh geometry and arc and we also need to add weighted normals right so because you see that shooting is all over the place so what it almost boom and then we're gonna copy this across this one so so select this one add a mirror move the mirror above the weighted normals select y axis because we're mirroring across y axis select this one and mirror across this object the middle bone and you got this kind of thing in fact you can create double mirror because you could actually add z-axis as well if you want see so you got two x's now the problem here is that uh the z-axis doesn't really work that well for us because um i mean it's a you know it's a bit too close to the bottom so you can remove the z-axis because we can do is shift d this okay so shift d or even alt d which is better because now shifty what will do will shift d right it will duplicate an object right you can see that the cutters are disappearing because cutters are not moving with the object that's the problem they're not parented to the object right so the cutter stays stationary but we're moving the mesh but the point is that this is a shifty duplication but all the deduplication is a bit different because let me show you alt d and z and let's move it down okay let's move it down but before we do that we need to unfortunately add the modifiers okay so so let's apply the modifier right and then uh alt d and z and move it down here okay and now watch this if i now edit this object here all of them gonna update because now this object is linked to this main object it's kind of like a like a mother object because i'll the d because shift d duplicates but aldi creates an instance of an object okay so watch if i start editing uh for example you know this edge here see bottom is updating as well so this is a really neat trick guys so you can do this for example and then you can edit something here a little bit as well and we could edit this one as well just to add some interest ctrl b just ctrl b and you got a really interesting kind of an intricate sort of uh locking mechanism right and we could move these a bit on uh y axis here outside this uh main area to kind of create a you know different feel right now what we're gonna do the last thing we're gonna do is we're gonna um you know input the panel here in the middle so what we're gonna do is gonna select this one okay this one go to edit mode ctrl r and then loop here click and move your mouse to slide it a bit here right then we're going to press p all right p and selection and then object mode what's going to happen is that this edge is going to become its own selection now right see that now we're going to move the origin point let's go to local mode original point from the middle to the object shift s to geometry boom right now go to edit mode press a to select all the vertices and f to select and create a face go to object mode and then we're going to go here we're gonna another modifier called solidify let's go to local mode and it's show you what solidify does solidify will literally solidify any geo okay so we're going to add thickness to that geo right just like this and move it above white and almost so it doesn't freak out on us okay but you see that this work it kind of is very weird that there's a gap inside why because solidify should be above bevel now this is an interesting situation you see this problem here what happens is the geo is overshooting okay if i'm gonna grab this bevel and i'm going to decrease the size of it you'll see that it's gonna get fixed simply what happens is bevel on the right side is overshooting on the bevel on the inner side okay so if i'm going to lower the bevel see the problem is going to disappear right see that the bevel is simply too thick okay so make it thinner boom and we got this kind of like a panel here in the middle okay and what we can do is we can create some kind of an interesting i don't know maybe grill or whatever so let's grab a cube right and let's scale this and on z axis like this and make it smaller and on z axis and on y axis okay and move it somewhere here then we're going to move outside so gx move it outside okay now let's apply scale so ctrl a and apply scale let's add auto-smooth and right-click shade smooth okay same dones now let's add a different modifier here so we're going to add array now array is an interesting modifier by default it's going to be a ring on x-axis okay you can see here iterate on x-axis by distance of one which means you can't see really the array but if i start moving this you see that i can actually array it and if i'm gonna increase the count here i can you know change it but what we want is not this to be written y-axis on x-axis sorry but z-axis so what we need to do is set this to zero right and set this to 1.2 maybe here and we're gonna get something like this you could of course increase that make it a bit more you know apparent and we could actually create maybe seven uh or maybe even nine here like that shift select this one okay and ctrl minus and we're going to get this kind of situation now when i'm going to move this okay when i'm going to move this above the mirror right i need to move it above the mirror okay but below the solidify and above the bevel here boom and then we're going to select this one and press m and cutters and now you can see that we got this kind of a situation here right now let me see that let me move this bull above solidified there we go above solidification actually works a bit better so now i want to show you something interesting okay um if i apply this as is okay blender will create a lot of connections from these cards to outer walls because every single cut needs to be connected to the island to the edges of the island of geometry so let me show you i'm gonna just apply this all right because it's gonna be the best way to show you and i'm going to go to edit mode to edge mode you'll see that what it did it created this weird connection lines here on the edges you want to avoid these connections because when you're going to run bevel across this right it will look bloody awful so if i run my battle across this a bit larger bevel at some point my bevel is going to start falling apart now the bevel doesn't really want to go further because we have a clamping on what it means is that the bevel was simply stopped increasing okay the size of the bone stop if the geometry gonna fall apart so watch this if i go to geo and turn the clamp overlap off this is what happens right but let me scale it down and show you what i mean by really badly connected edges you see that this is what happens when you got edges connected this way to your bevel if i switch even if i switch this to arc you'll still see that the problem is here because of this edge that's the problem so what you want to do right let's go back okay let's go back to before that cutter was applied and what i'm going to do is i'm going to cut it with a knife okay so go to right view orthographic go to edge mode press k for knife click here press c for straight line make sure that the line connects here you can see that the highlights right click and press enter okay now it's mirrored to the other side right we have a mirror going so you don't really have to do it on the other side so let's uh let's go back and now let's see the the bevel right so let's go to bevel let's go to geometry let's turn it off change it to arc and then when i'm gonna make this bevel larger you can see that now um it's it's nice and round now no problems because the edge now is going through the mesh so when i apply this boolean you'll see how beautiful the geometry is going to be it's very cleanly connected here in the middle you see so the avoid connections to the corners or very sharp connections going a very steep angle towards an edge um you know like a sharp angle tangents because that's gonna up your geometry okay you're shading it's gonna go to now because it's mirrored you don't have to worry about it it's gonna get mirrored to the other side it's solidified which means when i apply solidification this edge is gonna appear at the back as well okay so don't have to worry about it right cool and what we can do is we can put some you know some kind of like a i don't know cylinder so whatever device is inside so shift i and that's the cylinder now let's talk about a cylinder right the moment you add a cylinder you're gonna have this menu here in the bottom between click and you can change the number of variants of a cylinder if you move this cylinder by an inch or whatever right just just move it it's gonna disappear you can't change it anymore so make sure that when you add a cylinder okay you add and change the number of words to whatever you want i want to go with 40 because it's going to be a bit more round and smooth so that's good for me i'm going to scale it down and i'm going to go to sort to front view orthographic move it in here and scale it down shift z to scale it on each axis except for z-axis and move it somewhere here like this on the bottom right and gy move it in here and i'm going to move it in so gx and move it in boom right then i'm going to go to local mode i'm going to shade smooth i'm going to add auto smooth right and i'm going to apply scale right i'll go to face mode select the face control b for bevel and let's bevel this like that okay i'm going to actually control b this on the bottom as well just a little bit ctrl r for the loop in the middle ctrl b to scale it okay now i'm going to select these both loops so you can go to select select loops and boundary loops i'm just going to select these two loops that have to do this uh reselect them again ctrl b again hold shift and split it then go to face mode right hold alt and click in between our faces which will select the whole loop now alta has to move your mouse down holding shift until the shading kind of fixes itself snaps yeah create this kind of situation and we're good to go and what we can do is uh copy this to the other side so let's add a mirror there and let's copy this on y axis across this and we got this kind of a thing in the middle on the bottom right so you got a device and the last thing we're going to do is we're going to add a monitor here okay so let's go to slide view and orthographic let's add a cube or in fact shift 2 to borrow cutter um do we have a color we can borrow you know what oh yeah we can borrow this one so shift d and to duplicate it let's scale this on y axis like this and maybe on the axis a little bit drop it down just a tad here and apply scale right go to edge mode alt ctrl click on one of these edges ctrl b yeah solid mode shift select the main shape and ctrl minus right and then in fact you know change of plans control slash okay then we're gonna select this bit in the middle here and we're going to move the bull above the solidify and the same here let's move the bull above the solidify and we're going to apply this okay so we're going to apply this modifier again go to data remove it modifiers apply and we can do now is you can actually move this either in or out okay so we can move it on in or out actually let's move it outside and what we can do is go to local view so now we're going to apply the solidification we're going to go to face mode and select this face in the middle i it's cut through because we actually have this knife cut going through right we don't need it so we can combine it so select the face shift select this one press f to clean it here and here and after clean it either way you can do this you select the edge x and dissolve edges right you got edges here which are not necessary but um we can remove it so we can click this edge okay we can click this edge all right and we can press x and dissolve i just all right now we're gonna grab this face here press i to insert it okay and then e2 extruded like this and then go back and we can move this thing outside gx here so it's going to be kind of like a monitor sticking out right and we can create two more we can create two more cuts in here so let's add a cube one more cube scale it down scale it on z scale it on let's get it a bit more move it move it here to the top and by the way if you press by mistake okay h key which is really close to g key and your geo disappears simply press alt h to make it reappear h heights geometry alt h reveals it so let's apply the scale let's apply auto smooth and shaded smooth shift select this shape and control plus all right let's select this main shape here and go to modifiers and move this boolean above the bevel right we don't have a mirror here but we're going to fix it later actually we don't have a mirror i wonder why it's not mirrored fascinating hang on oh it's a different bow there we go i was confused for a second awesome so now let's grab this boolean all right and go to edit mode edge let's grab these two control b and kind of chamfer them and what we can do is uh add another cube so shift a cube make it really small move it somewhere here make it really smaller and really narrow on x-axis okay and smaller and drop it somewhere here make it a bit bigger like this and move it on y-axis here and we're going to cut the cutter so right click shade smooth and auto smooth then shift select this color control minus and you got a handle okay now we need to do is basically apply this okay so let's select this cutter and shift select this cutter and press m cutters shift 2 and you can see our geo disappears so select the geo m and collection shift 2 and you're done and we got a really cool kind of uh you know very simple device going on uh looking really awesome so the next part guys so that i think what i'm gonna do is add some details to it i'll show you how to add details because this is you know that's mid detail phase yeah it's kind of like you know um let's say um a very rough you know blockout and a bit of mid detail we can add much much more to it you know much more fun with it and see what you know where it's going to lead us like okay guys so i think this is it for this one this is going to be part one in part two we're gonna be designing more details because that's basically a block out with some mid you know level elements we need more details here some screws some interest some cables whatnot we'll think about it but what i want you to do is i want you to first of all check the link in the video description it's a link to a hard surface book it's a free e-book which is downloadable on if you click on the link you're going to go directly to download and you know we're going to send you some emails with additional goodies and some free content so i recommend highly you're going to grab that we also have courses for vanilla blender and for add-on blender so we promote add-on workflow because simply logic but we do have vanilla courses as well and we also have patreon on which we monthly drop an amazing toot and also decal packs so look into that as well thanks for watching see you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 9,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, hard, surface, tutorial, scifi, blender tutorial, complete guide for beginners, beginners guide to blender, blender guide, hard surface tutorial, vanilla blender, hard surface, blender modeling, basic guide, introduction to blender
Id: uHLbvO2Wojo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 52sec (4432 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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