Absolute BEGINNER guide to Blender 2.9 - PART 1

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hi guys rio here with narrative for blender in this one we're gonna talk about the complete beginner guide to blender 2.9 so how do you start with a blender now first you need to download it so you type blender in google or any other search engine you click on blender here download and you download this version which is the most stable version this is the official version and that's the one you should be getting the other versions like previous versions of blender available on the site or experimental versions but if you're starting with blender i would highly recommend you start with this version so download it first and most is downloaded we're gonna talk about the installation and setup okay our blender was downloaded so now we can double click on it and install it now important thing to note here is that i'm guessing that if you're a complete beginner you don't have blender installed but if you have a previous version of blender installed it's highly recommended that you remove it first and there is a certain way of doing it and i have a video on it called how to start with a fresh blender or something like that so go ahead and watch this one first but i'm guessing that you know if you're a complete beginner you do not have a blender installed and this is you know basically the first the first time we're gonna be opening it right so you should have a blender icon on your on your desktop once the installation is complete and you double click it and you're gonna open blender now let me resize the window because it's a full screen so i'm going to resize it and we can start right now first of all before you click on anything i want you to look at this window right now this window you're going to see on the ones as long as you do not delete your config file which is you know a story for another movie but um when you see this window you can choose a few interesting settings first of all is you can choose a selection so either left mouse button or right mouse button okay the this is basically um um the reason for this is that the previous versions of blender before 2.8 had a right mouse button selection so you know for all the users who are used to setup this is probably an option um left left out in this new version but in all the applications use left mouse button so just leave it untouched second option is quite important here by default when you press spacebar in blender your start plane animation uh on a timeline so see the time on the bottom okay so when you press spacebar this uh cursor is going to start moving this marker here you're gonna start moving up the frames and and it's used basically for uh for plane animations okay so when you animate something you press spacebar now spacebar is a very large key and it's quite inconvenient to actually go to f3 instead of spacebar if you want to search for something in blender and if you're new to blender it's a very highly uh you know it's very likely that you're going to be searching for stuff um like shortcuts key keymaps certain functions that you find on the internet but you don't know where they're in blender you could find them this way by going to search mode so if you switch this from the spacebar key you bind it from play to search you will not have to press f3 you're gonna just be able to press spacebar also it's very easy to play spacebar by accident and this timeline is gonna start playing animation in the background and you will not know what the hell is going on so i really recommend to switch it to search now next one is basically for choosing the other theme so dark or bright but you can change it later so it's not really a big deal and this one is for people who have other versions of blender installed and want to import all the settings with one key to your 2.9 okay so again if you don't have a previous version of blender installed this is not really for you you don't have to worry about it so how to get out of this menu or you simply click somewhere in your screen and it's gonna disappear okay so now let's talk about this disaster here right i mean it's it's it's a jungle but don't be intimidated because in fact ninety percent of this stuff on the screen you're not gonna be using okay and so first of all what you want to do is go here to edit preferences right and play with this first of all what i'm going to do is change the ui scale to 1.5 so we can actually see what we're doing okay and i'm going to uncheck this button here auto save preferences because i want to make sure that i know which preferences i'm saving otherwise it's an autosave okay so if you leave it on auto save every time you change something in preferences it's going to get auto saved but this is a bit dangerous because what if you you know um click something by accident then you don't know what you clicked or something like that you know so i like to have a full control over what has been saved and what has not been saved so let's save it right and let's click this window or close it and let's talk about the interface for a second okay first of all a very important thing in blender is that you need to learn the shortcuts okay there are a few shortcuts that really gonna improve your you know lifestyle in blender okay probably the most important shortcuts is t and n so t is going to collapse this tool panel here on the left side okay and n panel is going to collapse this helper panel in here which contains all kinds of information including later on different types of add-ons that you might be installing because blender works with add-ons okay we have a lot of different add-ons you have blender native add-ons which come with blender and you can enable it enable them in preferences which i'll show you later or you can download you know add-ons created by community and um when you install them and they're probably gonna pop up in here okay so that's an n panel these are two most important things then you have this panel which is quite essential so if you ever worked with photoshop imagine this is like layers okay and then collections are like folders or groups in photoshop okay so let's say that um so if i collapse this um here you'll see that we have a collection right and this collection contains camera so i click on the camera you can see it's highlighted here then a cube which is in the middle of a scene and then a light so all these three items are within this collection you can rename them if you want okay to whatever you want and you can create new ones by either right clicking new collection or simply clicking on an item pressing m and creating new collection and let's say objects and this will create a new collection and move the cube from this collection to this collection so this is how you can organize your things and that's basically all you need to know about collections one more thing i can tell you that this eye is lich luck in photoshop you can simply switch them on and off or you can just simply flip them with pressing numbers on the keyboard one two one two right now what i'm gonna do now is install one add-on screencast keys which will display my keys my keystrokes on the display which will help you with understanding a little bit better what i'm pressing okay so at the same time i'm going to show you how to install add-ons now if you go to edit and preferences right here and you click on add-ons you can see all the add-ons that come with blender these are native blender add-ons you can enable them or disable them we will be needing a few of them to improve our experience in blender but i'm going to install custom addon from here from a zip file okay so i'm going to go to my desktop blender add-ons and i'm going to install screencast keys right where is it screencast keys here install add-on click on this check mark box save preferences and close this window now when i press n on the panel you can see that screencast keys addon has been added and i can enable it and change some you know settings in here and you will see that uh now if i collapse this you can see my keystrokes on the left hand side of the panel so let's continue okay let's talk about the top bar now okay the top bar let's make it simple you will be staying in 99 in layout so don't really worry about these okay especially not at the beginning or you don't have to worry about any of these especially this one okay this one gives me nightmares so um i'm staying in in layout or sculpting so if you're a sculptor probably going to be staying here most of the time and if you're modeling this is your your scene so if you if you click something by mistake and your window looks wonky just go back to layout and you're gonna be fine okay then these um these options here okay um they're quite importance too so you have you know you can save your file in here okay in and you can load your file as well by clicking open you can also go to your preferences here and basically i really wouldn't worry about any of these at the moment okay just preferences that's the most important thing a render render is when you finish modeling and you set up your lights and then you want to render a scene it's like uh you know finalizing um sort of baking the final image okay so we're gonna worry about it later a window at the moment don't worry about it help well it's helped basically you got different tutorials you know communities community sites etc right so that's a simple explanation of the top this very top menu right you can add custom windows here but again i wouldn't worry about it because we're going to customize layout scene anyway so don't worry about it so let's go back to the right hand side right this this panel this panel is quite important but again most of these things you're not going to be even using okay especially in the beginning what you need to know is um is this one okay so this is your render top and you can switch between two different engines eevee okay and cycles these are two rendering engines um that we use in blender okay and then you have different settings for uh for render so you can set the dimensions of a final image that you're gonna bake okay type of an image etc right and also you have settings for animations here right this panel also regards rendering but we're gonna talk about it in a different video then literally these panels i wouldn't really worry about them okay i wouldn't worry about any of these this one is important that's materials okay so for example if i wanted to add material to this cube right let me remove this one for a second so we have nothing in here it's just a default material that comes with a blender so if i wanted to add multiple to this cube all i need to do is click new and this is this is going to add a very basic bsdf material um to your cube now to be able to see any of the materials right you need to switch from solid view so this one to either look def okay and now you can actually you know play with your material and see changes happening on it right so you see i can change it to a metallic i can change the roughness make it less more reflective and you could play with these values right or go to rendered view but again we're going to talk about it a bit later yeah so let's go back to solid view so these are your materials and to be honest these you know four tabs is is the place where you're gonna be going like 90 percent of the time okay now if you do not use any add-ons like hard ups and box cutter you're probably gonna need this tab as well to set up auto smooth but again we're gonna talk about it later so this tab is mostly for rendering materials and um you know um different kind of settings right but again all this stuff like physics you know um particles you know you're not gonna be using it right okay so another important tab in this in this menu is this wrench this is really essential because that's where all your modifiers have been hidden okay so for example if i wanted to add bevel to this cube i'm going to click here and i'm going to add bevel and i can see that bevel was added to my cube and you can you know adjust settings or of this modifier um in here um so this tab is really important there's another important menu in here these settings here but we're going to talk about it in different videos as well because at the moment i don't think we really need to talk about it in fact i prefer to talk about it while we're doing things so you can actually see this in action okay so that's basically it guys you know so that's literally it if at any time you mess something up and you don't know what the hell is going on right like you know you completely mess up your scene all you need to do is go here okay go to defaults and load factory settings okay all right or if you have um if you have your scene saved and i'll show you how to do it in a minute you do something else so let's go to preferences again right and let's go to interface let's increase it to 1.5 okay and save preferences right now this reset will reset everything to factory settings so if i press n you will notice that my addon has disappeared right important thing to note is that this reset factory reset is a really hard reset so when i press n you will see that my addon is gone right all the re all the settings were reset these collections are gone you know material on the cube is gone back to default right so everything is back to default so there is a way of actually saving your settings right and you do it in the same place you save a startup file okay so i'll show you how to set this up in a minute so let's go to preferences right let's load this add-on again so go to add-ons install right desktop and let me just grab this screencast kit really quick and let's turn it on save preferences and let's enable it and should be good to go alright so let's talk about movement and you know adjusting things on the scene because that's really important first of all if you want to rotate your camera right you hold your middle mouse button and then you can rotate your camera okay now the camera will rotate around the middle of the scene all right so you can see that it rotates around the middle of the scene i don't like this i'm going to be changed in this because i think the camera should rotate around the object that it selected so now with left mouse button you can select your objects or anything in blender right because we chose the leftmost button selection option remember now if you want to pan you hold shift middle mouse button and you can pen right if you want to zoom you simply use your mouse or you can hold control click and hold your mouse button right and zoom in and out as well okay if you want to delete something from the scene you simply click on something press x and delete it okay you could also select everything right like this so you click on with the mouse you drag your mouse and x and delete it and you can see that everything was removed from the scene now you can also resize the windows and you can hide them or reveal them so for example so now if i hover in here click my left mouse button and drag it down you can see that my cursor changes to an arrow which points down meaning i'm going to collapse the window you can get it back by doing the same thing in reverse so dragging the window up and now here you can change to whichever window you want to open we were in timeline right so all we need to do is find timeline and you have the same window in here and you can resize it by hovering a mouse between these two windows and you can resize it and you have exactly the same thing as you had before so let's collapse this right because we we know we don't need it we're not going to be using doing any animations we want to have more real estate in here so you can resize any windows you want you know using the same method right and you can open the windows from any side of the blender right and you can collapse them in the same way because this arrow here you can collapse them back okay so this is how you manage your scene now we're going to orient our camera like this okay and i'm going to save this startup file so let's go here to defaults and save startup file now this file was saved in a config folder which is in here okay so if you go to um local user your name updater and update a folder is hidden meaning you will need to enable visibility of hidden folders in windows if you can't see this folder roaming blender foundation blender and you can see we have a blender 2.9 config and that's your startup blend file okay so that's where the information is start okay is stored so now let's add our first item to the scene so another shortcut for this is shift a shift a is basically how you access the uh menu that allow you to add all kinds of different stuff to the scene so if you wanted to add cube you could add cube and items will be always added while the cursor is you see this cursor in the middle you can move it by pressing shift and right clicking okay and you can reset it by clicking shift s and you can move it back to word origin because that's where the world origin is it's a very middle of everything right now let's talk about how to move objects when you press g you can move something freely and whenever you press your mouse that's where the object is going to stay you can reverse this with by pressing ctrl z and the number of actually undo's right can be set under system here okay undo steps and the maximum is 256 so that's what i'm gonna have now if you want to rotate something you just press r and you can see the rotates kind of freely according to our view right but if you want to constrain it you can constrain it to an axis and in 3d we have three axes okay we have z so g z we have x and y the rotation works the same way so r z x and y so i'm literally just pressing the keys right if you want more precision with movement or rotation you can hold control and the cube is going to snap to the grid you see so if i right mouse button to cancel this g y hold ctrl and start moving you see that i'm stopping in increments you can also move it by typing so for example g x one is going to move the cube on x axis um by one uh by one unit okay or g x minus one is gonna move it to the other side okay and that works with everything in the same way you can also scale objects by pressing s so you simply press s and you move your mouse and you can scale them right control works here too the same with numbers so for example s5 will scale the cube five times so ctrl z now these units of measurements are in meters okay each of them is one meter meaning this cube is actually two meters by 2 meters and you can check it by going here to item and you can see item dimensions 2 meters by 2 meters right now also in here you can see the location rotation and scale of the object okay so if i for example start moving the cube on y axis you can see that the value here are changing if you want to reset this cube to its default location you press alt g if you want to reset the rotation you press alt r and if you want to reset scale you press alt s and n to collapse the panel okay so that's the basics very basics of um of blender how to you know get started with this whole 3d malarkey now if you want to reset this scene to your defaults instead of actually resetting it by going to uh defaulting you know factory settings you go to new and general and don't save and this will reset back to where we were you remember this is where we saved our preferences so anything that you save in the startup file will be remembered for example let's add another cube so alt a and add a cube i need to re-enable this item because this addon doesn't really the preferences will not save the preferences of this item unfortunately so when i go here to themes right and i'm going to go to viewport you can change settings of for example colors so let's say that you know there's a warm outline on this object now for example let me let me change the active object color to white and you can see that the color will update in viewport we can also change the color of object selected to white which is going to be a little bit better another thing that i want to change is vertex select to white as well because i can see it better edge select to where is it edge crease edge select here to white and face select to white as well let's go to white there you go and i'm going to increase sizes on my vertex vertices and an origin point and i'll tell you what in a minute what it what what all these mean okay i want to see them a bit better so now let's save the preferences and go here and let me show you so now there are two modes two basic modes in blender okay one of them is solid mode which is what you see in here and the other one is edit mode which access by pressing tab now you see these are vertices okay and we change the size of these vertices to be able to see them a bit better okay so when i went to viewport and themes here we change the size of vertices right from three okay to seven see what i mean the face dot okay here this one is actually dot in the middle of the face so if you go to top and press three you're gonna enter a face mode which is in here you can also switch it in here edge mode vert mode face mode or one two three so now if you click on the face yeah you're in a face mode now okay if you go to an edge mode which is two you can select each of these edges and if you go to vert mode you can select vertices and of course you can move these things okay so if i select the vert i can move it with g okay if i select the face three i can for example rotate it right or move it so if i wanted to make this box a bit bigger this way what i would do is press g x and simply move it here you can hold ctrl and snap it and then press top to go to object mode and we just resize our cube now the last thing i want to talk to you is is this menu here okay so this is a cursor which means you can now click with the left mouse button to place cursor wherever you want to you don't have to press shift to move it i don't use it because pressing shift is quicker instead of doing this i'm usually staying in to be honest in hundred percent i'm staying on select tool i never use these because basically faster shortcuts are much faster right so you know this is a move tool which gives you like a gizmo and again it's it's not quick enough because because watch this i can what i can do is press g hold my middle mouse button and i can move it as well you see whatever axis i want or simply g and y and move it wherever i want right or g and z it's just faster right and this one is a scale again right so you can you know scale your object but then in my opinion again it's much easier to scale it on axis so you know s y right or s z right or s x is just so much faster i never use these really so um annotation you can just type you know sort of paint in here and if you want to erase it you go to uh annotation eraser and you can erase it this is good for tutorials but i don't use it either measurements basically is for uh you know for precision modeling which i don't do so i don't use it either but you know so these functions for me absolutely useless which means usually i just have this panel hidden because i just don't use it right now another important thing is that blender has two important view modes and one of them is perspective and the other one is autographic and what's the difference you can see here on the top we're in a perspective mode right but if i press 5 on my numpad key a keypad you can see that we switched orthographic right sort of graphic is like a projection view imagine that you're looking through a extremely long zoom lens you know like one thousand or two thousand millimeters okay test orthographic view um the best way probably to explain it it just compresses everything to sort of like a um it removes completely removes perspective right it's like a 3d view in 2d um or 3d view with a 2d feel to it if you will but it's very useful if you for example want to um if you want to align yourself to a certain view so when i press 5 and i'm going to go to tilde key if you using an asian keyboard i'm using an asian keyboard to japanese keyboard tilde key is still in the same place so it's a top left corner near you one button on your keyboard okay so this is a pie menu in in blender which allows you to quickly move from you know your view to different positions like for example you can view it from the front we can view it from the right side you can view it from the top and we can view it from the back etc and you can see that we're switching automatically from perspective to autographic right see that and that is because our settings in here right if you go to um navigation is set to auto perspective right which is what i usually turn off because it annoys me right so save preferences we're going to come back to these uh options in a minute okay if i'm going to do the same thing switch to perspective with my five numpad key if i go to top view right i'm still in perspective i'm not an orthographic that's orthographic that's perspective yeah so now this orthographic view is exceptionally important when you're modeling something and you want to cut something or you want to move something then you're only very precise so orthographic will flatten everything and will allow you to see you know that straight without any distortions on an object but i won't have a full control of you know if i'm in orthographic mode i want to stay in orthographic mode until i decide to get out of photographic mode so don't get confused yeah so that setting is important another thing is rotation around the object let me just reset this cursor to origin so shift s cursor to origin as i said before anything that you create is going to always be created in origin so let's create a sphere right so let's go to shift a and create a sphere so uv sphere let's make it bigger so you can see it okay now let's move this sphere on g on the y axis so g y and move your mouse and click okay now let's select this object okay or this object and you see that my rotation doesn't really change i'm still rotating um kind of around the point that's in between these two objects right see what i mean so if i move this sphere in here right and i'm going to rotate see now i'm rotating in between those two it's it's a little bit confusing and very difficult to maneuver so i'm going to switch this in preferences right so i'm going to go to edit preferences right go to navigation and orbit around selection save preferences okay so now when i select this object i'm going to be rotating around the object which allows me to zoom in or out and really closely inspect this object from different angles the same with this one if i click on this one and press period on my numpad key i'm going to jump to this object very quickly i can see now maneuver and rotate very easily around this object which is very convenient okay so when you want to switch between objects very quickly you select it and press period on your numpad key and it's gonna make you jump really quickly to an object right all right another function that's important is auto depth okay if i start zooming and you see my camera starts slowing down and then now it just simply stopped completely now you can change this and you know basically sorted by clicking this one okay depth and save preferences and now let me reset this so press none put appears on them on my keyboard now i can easily zoom in and out you know anywhere i want you see without any problems right well that's it guys for the beginners video to blender i think that's enough information at least enough draw information next video is going to be a bit more in-depth and we're going to start you know moving things about and we're going to start modeling stuff and then we're going to discover different functions of the menu for example you know what's what's going on in here etc but i think it's better to present it to you in practice so when i do something then you will remember better because there's been a reason behind i did something and it's just easier to memorize things this way but the thing that you should uh take from this um you know lecture is that shortcuts are essential in blender and you should really really learn shortcuts because that's gonna improve your workflow by a ton okay it's just gonna be insanely faster you can in you know access all these functions that we we've been performing from here right but it just takes so much time to click on stuff uh for example you could add mesh from here like you could at the cube but it's so much easier to simply click shift a right so again like i said um shortcuts is what you want to really study hard yeah that's that's the bread and butter of of this program you really need shortcuts i cannot stress this enough shortcuts guys so type them down and and you know just try to memorize them and eventually muscle number is going to kick in but until then just keep them on some piece of paper or a pdf file i don't care but you know shortcuts guys that's it that's that's the that's the key to mastering blender yeah shortcuts anyway thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed the vid give us a like and sub if you did and i'm gonna drop more videos like this in the near future catch you later
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 99,368
Rating: 4.9342537 out of 5
Keywords: blender, beginner, guide, tutorial, vanilla, start, modeling, howto, UI, basic
Id: 1L0vlA_Swsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 33sec (2133 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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