Hard OPS and Boxcutter modeling TUTORIAL in Blender - part 1

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hey guys edu here in this video i think i'm gonna design something with hard ups and box cutter there's a new version that dropped quite recently and i thought i'm gonna take it for a spin it's the 21 mercury 21. so let's uh go to well before we start let's grab this screencast keys so you can see what i'm actually doing and i think we're gonna design some kind of uh um like a narrow sci-fi engine or generator or something so let's grab a cube and let's go to cavity and let's drop the cavity on uh sx skeleton x-axis and we're going to make it a little bit longer so actually it's a bit too narrow so make it like this this will do ctrl a and apply scale and now i'm going to bevel this so select all the edges with ctrl alt so it's going to select the whole loop around and ctrl b and i'm thinking that i'm gonna battle this like this okay something like that this will do and in both on both sides here i'm going to add a chamfer so i'm going to scroll screw my wheel down add a chamfer and then ctrl click on bevel to add a secondary bevel on this one so it's going to run across these uh these edges let's actually apply some weighted normals with alt click on sharpen mark sharpie all right now we can you know slice this thing to oblivion so what i'm thinking is that we're going to create some kind of a plating on top of this so let's select all these edges i mean all this loop around with alt and go to a curve extract and create a shelling on top of this one so i'm going to do it with shift shift click on curve extract go to side view and by the way as usual i'm using machine tools for for my i'm using i mean blend vanilla blender for switching directions um you know front back top etc but i'm using the machine pie menu for switching between object solid mode and edit mode right so let's go to d and go on with box cutter and let's slice this somehow shall we let's go to view mode select this one and create a cut here and before we do that let's actually enable angle lock for the angle so let's do it again so it's gonna lock the uh the angle here and let's actually uh run the bevel on this one so press b and do we want a bevel here yeah why not let's let's slice it like this but i'm going to actually recall this cutter so click on this shell and mod scroll toggle and click on the boolean and shift bull and i want to create uh an outside so something like this okay all right there's a difference right let me see this this one is a difference intersect clear that's an outset that's an inset maybe inside is interesting let's grab this one and click on solidify and make it a little bit smaller something like this this should do and let's let's apply this so select the shell and ctrl click on sharpen so this should do nice we got no double you know kind of like a layering in here so it's pretty cool now what we're going to do is we're going to run the chamfer on this one so i'm gonna select this address out okay get close and we're gonna create a tiny chamfer in here it's gonna break light it's gonna look really cool we could do actually the same thing in here so select this edge just make make sure you select the right one let's go to local mode and just select it with control all the way around these tiny details usually are very very um they look very interesting at the end so nice okay let's go to side view and let's see now in the middle here i want to create a cutout with a circle so i'm going to go to object in fact you know what let's do it in view it doesn't have to be in the middle although it would be nice if it was in the middle but it doesn't have to be and let's uh hold shift and scroll number of votes you can see it at the top so we can scroll it to maybe 80s to make it really smooth and now we have the choice we could make it bigger like this or actually a little bit smaller liner i think we're going to go with a bit of a smaller one let's just you know slice it through and we're going to um mirrored so uh alt x x to reset the mirror and do something like this now what i'm gonna do is actually shift the ball here so i'm going to grab this one and i think i don't want to cut i wanna intersect so shift ball to intersect shift two to hide the cutters and um you know control sharpen to apply them go to local modes forward slash and we're going to actually um ex expand it outside like this and go to side view and make sure your individual origins and we're going to scale it a little bit in so you can see that this comes through this shelling and we're gonna go with a chamfer here the same here go to local and simply select this circle all around now before we do anything here what we need to do is actually run an edge through this mesh like this so it's actually perpendicular or what we could do is run a loop in here like this okay so it's gonna be top and bottom i think it's gonna be a better idea right and we simply connect these two and connect these two okay and now we can remove these two edges so x and dissolve edges and then select this one hold con shift and alternates like this one and ctrl b and we're gonna check for this one just a little bit yeah like that okay perfect no that looks good okay so we can work this one out a bit so ins you know extrude it inwards and insert it and then we're gonna go with shift click on curve extract ctrl shift a console click on the sharp and let's actually check for this again a little bit so we're gonna have something like this which is pretty cool now this bevel is mirrored good actually that's what we wanted let's go to side view and before we do anything let's save it let's set our power save to use auto safe and auto save to copy there's a free addon you should get it it's fantastic it's gonna save you a lot of headache so i'm just gonna click power save which will save my consecutive file and now i'm gonna backup being saved to additional files separate file every two minutes now let's do something with this one shall we so we're gonna do something different here i think and let's uh grab england and do something like this and x i'm gonna slice this and i think what we will what we might do actually is sharpen these two so we got this piece separate and let's grab this whole thing including you know we don't actually need this edge now i think let me see this do we need it oh yes we do need it because it supports here okay fine so let's grab you know all this mesh here in fact wait a minute no we don't we don't need this edge now because this uh this is not a cutout in the middle anymore so we can actually dissolve it but without this bit because this bit supports the curvature of this main cutout so let me just bring my mic a bit closer because i think it's too far okay so um let's not delete this one okay but let's delete the entire bit around because we don't need it so now we can actually select it all round like this if you want to it's mirrored anyway so it doesn't matter so now what we can do is um alt s and this will actually scale it on normals meaning we can make it a little bit thicker this is what i want maybe this is a bit too thick alt s and make it a bit thicker like this okay so it's thicker at the bottom and that's what we want now we're going to uh grab this let's let's fix this here a little bit because it's gonna cause havoc with our bevels we need to remove this edge and remove this edge and we're going to remove these threads so click with shift and one with machine tools and then we're going to battle i mean chamfer this like that let's see how it looks it's a little bit too deep so let's make it a little bit less less crazy let's do something like this so i cannot you know meet this uh top top edge here which is going to look kind of nice and we can create some other cutouts in here so we can do something like this and one more cut at the top i think so we could create something like this here slush and we can do the same thing in the top so i'm gonna grab it and create another element on top here so select this whole top and alt s and make it a little bit thicker just a bit to get this work yeah this might actually not work the way we want to so what we're gonna do is we're gonna actually curve extracted create a shelling on top like that okay so it's gonna be on top of it and let's let's apply this and go to side view and let's see let's slice it like that perfect no that's not what i want that's what i want there we go nice okay that's pretty cool so that starts to look like an interesting thing let's click on this face and um control q control q doesn't work control q by by default is quit blender which is you know outrageous idea so control control and also on keymaps you can remove it if you want to under control q oh wait a minute a quick blender i need a coffee the quick blender doesn't exist which means i removed it and once you remove it you can actually assign it to another shortcut so what i suggest you do is go to um sd3 mesh tools and go to align view right click assign shortcut and control q so now when i control cue this and click i can align myself to this face which is exactly what i want because i want to create a cut with my end gun aligned to view not that let's cancel this my angle needs a settings here so go to input and right mouse button to cancel hang on so now when i you know create an angle and i don't want it i can right click mouse button and it will remove everything which is exactly what i want so let's slash this and see how we're we're looking pretty peachy so let's save this and we're good so now let me see i'm going to drop an um bevel on this one so let's bring this to local and let's see if we can actually dissolve this yes we can so we can actually check for this one like this it's going to be interesting and this is actually too strong of a chamfer let's make it a little bit less crazy this will do and then we're gonna chain for this one so we probably gonna have to remove these two or we could do something like this which is also cool all right nice let's talk about the front okay so the front we don't have anything in here yet but uh we can let me think so what we could do here is shift to this and on selection and let's go to local and inset it a bit something like this ctrl i and faces there was an interesting function before in hard-ups called two bull i'm not sure where it went to maybe i'm simply not seeing it it was moved somewhere so if you guys know where it was moved let me know because uh recently we've been so busy with josh you know um setting everything up you know the patreon and and the website and releasing the course and the decal park there's just so much to do that i'm you know i need to catch up with hard ups so let's cut this like this this is pretty cool and what we're gonna do now let's apply this with sharpen and uh control l and p is gonna be in its own selection which is exactly what i want perfect so now i can play with this a little bit so we could you know what we could actually um out set it i mean move it outside a bit and change for this and then we could create some cuts in the middle so go to front view orthographic and grab it circle in fact we're gonna switch it to object view and go to snapping tool here select all these options let's make this smaller a bit this amount here with control and see how we're looking now we need to be in perspective mode for this to work so select this piece and uh why my snapping tool isn't working and that's fascinating now i'm using the 2.9 0.01 version of blender and i must say the black this blender was an absolute bastard to work with i hate 2.9 is so buggy it's just a piece of hot garbage so my snap tool doesn't work for some reason i'm in object mode i mean perspective and i see no i see no uh no grit let me turn off this angle snap for a second see if this is actually causing the issue but we're not in a handgun mode so this should actually work fascinating let's save this okay let's open 2.83.5 which was a very stable version of blender never had any problems with it so let's go there for a sec it's actually a good idea to run more than one blender version because if something doesn't work you just jump to another one like for example the volumetrics in 2.9 are buggered you need to set it up properly to make them work it's just annoying you know i don't want to deal with this with this so let me just load it in quickly okay we're in 2.83.5 and let's try to do this again shall we so let's go to object view perfect and there we go that's my great something is buggered in this 2.9.01 i don't know what they did with this 2.9 but it's just piece of in my opinion they should fix this so many things are broken over there i don't even it's not even funny so um 40 words should do i think um so let's extrude it okay let's apply this or not one more time so let's create a circle and radius with v y and you know extrude it and click and just get smaller that's okay let's click it and we good to go it's a little bit too deep but that's fine we can fix this so uh mod scroll toggle let's move it outside just a little bit so gy come on let's turn off the snapping gy move it outside a bit there we go and this should do and the bottom we're going to do something else so we're going to switch to a square a box and we're going to select this one and we have covered here i don't think so because we switch blenders so alt v coffee there we go and select this and let's cut it in the middle here this great great in heart ops is an amazing an amazing tool because it allows you for uh precision work which is very fantastic so let's solidify this and we have a perfect cut in the middle which is all right so let's go to the back now and let's see here we could do something more interesting so what we're gonna do here is we're going to create a loop in here okay like this make it a little bit larger we're going to rip it off and press p to its own selection and i actually want to remove this one so let's remove this one okay and we left with this one right so now we're going to select everything press f and e and extrude it out and sharpen this and click on this one and no difference but cut so booleans and slash and that's what i want so now i'm going to drive it inside a bit and i think what i'm going to do is solidify it so let's see if we can solidify this and by expanding this like this perfect now let's hide this and we got this cut inside here which is kind of cool so we can sharpen all of them right and we got this kind of cool cut in the middle you see this one okay so let's bring it to local and let's remove this face in the middle because we don't need it we don't need any of these faces we just need this bit in the middle okay and we're going to uh bring it outside a bit like this and we're going to apply a chamfer on the inner part of it let me see this something like this there you go and we're going to reduce the bevel because it's a little bit too crazy yeah like this is gonna be good cool and then we can do some slices in here like tiny ones so uh we could actually do it with squares it's fine so we could just create you know like two tiny cuts in here i think this is mirrored so we're gonna do it like this and simply marry it to the other side and bob's your uncle so what's going on here we got some z fighting what's going on here oh yes because this one wait a minute what's going on here oh it's mirrored we need to move the mirror on top when you have situation like this it means is actually interfering is a billion so you need to move it above the boolean otherwise it will not work so let's try this again shall we so let's remove this boolean and let's see what's going on here um is it something not close in here seems like we got some a non-manifold geo going on wait a minute what's going on here fascinating let's cut it from the top to solve this issue sharpen bingo you you have to have money for geo for booleans to work otherwise you're gonna have like um you can see inside of the geometry if you know what i mean like there are no faces filling this bullion's right so uh we can create some you know interesting cuts in here as well uh maybe two on each side something like this and there you go let's see we have some loops here we don't so we can add them just to be on a safe side there you go now it's clean now these need to be a little bit better connected i think the problem is that they just right on on the edge you see see this uh this boolean here is right on this edge and the bevel is causing havoc so we need to bring this up so scroll your mouse to the cds booleans then we simply gonna go into orthographic mode and move them a little bit either down or up until this thing calms down a bit and now it's everything is fine here so we can and not battle now we can uh sharpen this and we should be fine right right okay so let's see what we got here now the back needs to be you know into something interesting in here so what we're gonna do is insert this along that and you know create something like this and let's see how we look in here we're looking pretty good let's insert it again a little bit go to backfield orthographic and scale it okay scale it down like this and extrude it inside but the problem is that let me see this let me see this middle part not this one this one yeah we should be able to actually uh move it inside so g y and move it inside and for some reason it doesn't let's go to x-ray mode and see what the hell is going on here let's remove this face okay there we go now it's now you're talking some double geo in here and i think this should be fine so we could actually you know scale it can we scale it what's going on here another face fascinating there you go right so now we look good so let's let's uh apply some chamfer here probably it's going to be difficult with these edges but we might try it was a success kind of the same here we need some chamfer here kind of big one as well so it's gonna be an opening let's see what's going on here these are caused by angles you see so what's happening here right is that the uh the angle of the bevel because bevel is set to angle is simply not not steep enough to uh to create this bevel so what we need to do is run a bevel weight on all these edges right where we want to have bevels and simply switch from angle to weight and this will fix all the problems right let's just turn it off because it's confusing so if you want to re-run a bevel weight on all the edges all you need to do is go to these settings here and turn it on the bevel weight and simply go to sharp and then click control and shift on the sharpen which will recalculate sharpness meaning it's going to remove all the sharpens and i'm going to add them again so that's how it works okay all right so now you see we lost some sharps in here we're going to have to add them manually and probably at the bottom as well no bottom is fine cool and we are good so now here we're gonna add something in the middle uh some exhaust or whatnot and this is gonna be cool now i'm going to go to the back view and actually slosh it in the middle or in fact i'm going to create two of them or yeah it will do bevel and you know go inside with this card gy move it outside now this is uh basically caused by the cutter being inside of this structure and even though we have selected two you see to cut it doesn't cut but actually creates an outset but when you move this cutter outside this um the um the outline of this whole object you can see the cuts has been created so sometimes you need to operate a bit with your cutters to get the shape that you want or simply switch the the mode in which you operate so select this in sharp and then everything should be peachy all right okay so that's like a back of our engine and again we need to simply sharpen these edges uh so we're good to go now we can save this uh here and we okay now let's let's look at this side because you know we need to work on this one a bit so what we can do here is um select this select this and this and then do a checkered deselect although i don't think it's gonna work the way we want to no it will not so we need to do what we need to do is uh this is gonna be tough man yeah that's gonna be annoying i want to select every second you know element like this but i don't think i can do this automatically in blender because checker deselect will not allow me to do it even though if i fiddle with settings maybe maybe let's see no let's try offset oh no that's not gonna work all right screw this uh we're not gonna do it's too much work but it would actually look pretty cool if we select you know what screw this i'm gonna do it um because i think it's gonna look cool sometimes you need to sacrifice uh a bit of time to create some come on something that you really want um jerry if you're watching this hardup's tool for checker deselects with a bit more options would be amazing for hard ups because i think this would bring um modeling to a different level you know situations like this you really want something with a bit more control than what vanilla blender offers because it's a bit limited this whole checkered deselect experience is a good idea but a rather disappointing performance or execution if you will it's what we called in europe garbage okay so let's hear macro this thing yeah so you know now we're talking about we're going to insert it a bit a little bit right like that and then here marker this thing there we go that's pretty cool and that's what i wanted yes now that's nice now we're going to actually what we're going to do is we're going to um go to individual origin so we're going to scale this a little bit like that okay so some lettuce perfect now let's go here to the middle and let's insert this one and then he said this one gy i mean x and you know bring it in a little bit create something like this pg and let's bring it to lock or see how deep we can go probably not too deep um you know do something like this and we could just come on we could just extrude it inwards and scale it a bit like that and then select this edge and go to orthographic and scale it out so it's actually creates like a groove inside which is pretty cool probably going to get some decal in the middle so we could have some cuts in here as well so what we're going to do is grab a you know an edge like this and rip it off p to its own selection and i could actually cut it with a circle to be honest i don't have to go through all this malarkey so in fact we're gonna just use uh um let's go to object view yes let's go go back and grab the the snapping tool and go to circle and we can actually draw a circle in here like this let's increase the number of words to i don't know 70 or something and let's cut through did we i don't think we did let's remove this boolean something something fishy has happened here let's apply the mirror first because i think mirror goes from the other side i think now it goes from this side so this should work we just crashed so now let me show you the power of power surf which is pretty cool experience here so this is a fantastic advertisement for uh for the power to uh power save so we're gonna go with machine tools control s most recent and load auto save and we're back where we just crushed see it's basically stress free modeling i just don't care if my blender crashes i just literally don't care because i don't have to all right so one more time object fuel let's just turn on these buggers and let's make this angle a bit smaller and let's do this again shall we not square circle and let's increase the number of verse twos what was it 80 is too much too much 70 is fine i think there we go and then press e and let's just do this and press x to slice it and press shift click to bring it to um to life this cutter and now i'm thinking we might actually go with the solidification you know like this and apply both of them i mean all three of them you know both of them right and grab this piece and move it inside a bit you know like that so we're looking yeah we're looking pretty cool we can make it glowing or something you know what i mean so it kind of breaks this i think and also we need to copy this to the other side uh which one is it not this one this one and copy this to the other side so it's uh that didn't work well let me see this wait a minute what there you go let's uh let's apply this mirror okay uh because we're gonna mirror through the other through another element so this one there we go now it's inside good okay so we're done here we're done here we're done everywhere basically but we're not done at the front and also we need some stand for it because you know just kind of float in there and not cut it it's a it's a generator so it needs to you know sort of be stable so we're gonna grab this main structure and we're going to grab this one again and we're going to um go to shift click on curve extract to make it really thick okay and grab this one and we're basically going to slosh it from the top so just grab a box and you know cut it right so we don't need this one and then what we're gonna do is let me see just sharpen this for a sec um all right we need to grab this to local for a second and all we need to do is we need to make this into a square basically here so watch this we're going to grab all these words right and select this one and alt a with machine tools and right and then we're going to mirror this to the other side right and with shift to that side and now we're going to remove the let's apply this so let's apply the mirror and we're going to remove this middle bit okay boom so we sorted and now we're going to connect these faces and these faces okay and then we're going to symmetrize it so d symmetry to the other side so we got you know it's symmetrical again we can remove all these and we're going to move the middle one and you got yourself a stand now of course we don't need it to be so deep so what we will do is we will grab an end on and we're going to slash it in view mode don't forget to switch views and also we need to turn this angle lock back on in these options which were reset after my crush so let's let me think now let's do something like this let's cut this one here and let's maybe cut something here and let's you know symmetrize it and sharpen this and see how we're looking we're looking pretty good we're looking pretty good so of course this is too big which means we're gonna have to slash it or cut it through which would also work so let's grab this bit or in fact what we could do is grab this bit we could grab this bit here so let me see grab this one here right shifty and p okay where is it that's the one and let's extend these two up okay so e and z and then let's fill them with a face okay and make them a little bit bigger so let's bring shift s and origin to geo and make it just a tiny bit bigger and we're going to extrude it along the whole length here sharpen this and difference on this one and this should create a cut in here in this bowl so to see fighting is going to stop we are missing some sharps in here you can see that we need to sharpen this up to make it show properly and also we need to symmetrize it to the other side now we get to self-extend our descent of course needs to be improved a little bit so you know we're gonna do something like this because it's a little bit boring and something like this and of course we're going to do something like this and then we're going to do some cutting here or in fact we could do some um like a structure strengthening or something so give me a second or think of something so let's semester to the other side and we got a stand looks pretty peachy so now what we could do is uh let's just this tent is a little bit too big so sx and scale it just a little bit on x so it kind of hugs this structure a bit better in addition to all this we of course need to add a chamfer in here so let's uh let's remove this bit in the middle we don't need it let's grab a chamfer here uh brother lada and ctrl b now you see that we have some problem in here and this is probably some double vert double edges so simply run through this machine and this should clean it with emphasis on the shoot and it did perfect so now we can run this chamber here so ctrl b and run the chamfer gotta be careful with edges like this you see they're gonna cause problems so you know you might want to for example dissolve them this is one of the ways of dealing with issues like this and now we're going to simply hold shift and mirror this on every single axis and then we get ourself a nice chamfered piece at the front now decide what we could do is we could actually use an engine to cut it so we could do something like this okay and cut in here and here so here down here here and here and then we're going to cut through and we're going to recall this because it's too deep and cut it somewhere you know what let me turn off this weighted normals because were they applied fascinating let's apply it by the normals then there we go kind of strange so we got this ship going on um what we want to do is actually um shift g and direction because we want uh bevels on all these edges here i'll add that that's the first thing if we want and second that we want we want some cuts on it so we're going to turn off cyclic on the under um gone and draw a line like this and make it wider and slice and we're gonna slice one in the middle come all right on on select this one and slice it okay and then we're going to simply mirror this so d not symmetric d modifier and mirror to the other side and we're going to um operations multiply on the cutter and then simply let's see the depth of the dough because i already want to set it up it's a bit too deep so gx and move it actually a bit outside and i think we should be fine and then we can apply this okay so let's apply this right sharpen now let's grab this one to lock on and see what we got now this is not ideal here this yeah this is not this is not ideal actually let's change this to bed okay so let's grab this cutter and i might you know normally i'll probably use a decal machine i mean sorry machine tools uh mesh machine but i'm gonna do something else i'm going to select all these and these and alt a and bottom and i'm going to mirror this to the other side and across and we're going to apply the mirror okay and remove these two edges in the middle which will solve the problem so now i don't need this thing on the top i can just simply face it up and we should be gucci so mirror this across and now we find what's going on in here with these two verts can be merged here all these merged here and again symmetry across let's go to symmetry and across there we go now when we apply this right we should be fine so all we need to do now is run bevels on these corners that you know what we could actually do this before we apply this cutter so let's grab this cutter it's gonna be easier and let's remove all these rubbish edges and let's grab uh let me see this one this one this one and we're gonna mirror it across so these four and ctrl b and simply bevel them and we're going to mirror them across and we need two more here so grab all these and bevel them right and then just simply sharpen how we look in looking peachy select all these and individual origins and scale them in and simply copy them across right perfect so now we got this kind of like a rainforest you know rainforest base for this uh for this thing okay in in addition to what we could do is we could cut some you know come openings in here so go back to turn on this cyclic and we could do something like this for example you know which would be pretty cool let's grab this cutter for a sec and let's straighten the top so select the top face as z0 and now it's straight go back and simply sharpen this and you know across right and that looks pretty cool that looks pretty cool and what we could do now is uh run the um chamfer on it it's gonna look a bit better so i think let's uh three this and go to front view and there we go let's go to vert mode and actually run a vert i mean an edge like this okay i don't want this to run to the corner because this will not allow me to chair for the way i want it to change so select this and this all around here and then chamfer perfect and how we look in here it looks a little bit weird another second what's this hide this cutter not the camera that's not what i wanted um let's run edges in here sharp edges on these maybe it's gonna help a bit all right to make this yeah there we go that's what was weird so now we can symmetrize it on every single axis all right cutter is perfect so that's our sort of a base so we can save it now let's deal with the front shall we so let's apply this and let's grab these two oh by the way we might want to fix this rubbish here so let's run and an edge through these words here to the top it's probably a bad idea ah okay fine let's do it properly so uh let's connect these and press e to continue cutting so e connect this and e and connect these press c to make it a straight line and now i can remove all these here dissolve edges oh yes we need to actually draw a line here so c to make it straight and you can dissolve this one and now we can actually select these to deselect this one wait a minute just select this one press w to select the circle cutting with control you can select these and we're going to chain for these all right because we want them to be perfect we also want this one to be chamfered like that okay in fact you know what before we do that let's actually um drop a cursor here and oh in fact now let's drop a cursor well this worked though let's drop the cursor here and switch pivots to cursor and grab this face and rx and do something like this yeah it worked nice and now we can chain for this okay that's what i want kind of like a panel that sort of you know sticks out and allows some maintenance to kind of you know look into it okay all right so let's see what we got here now you know you could just keep designing this right i mean you could create some kind of a cool shelling on top of this one so we could create something like this and not necessarily going across but you could we could just go for example here and from here to here and simply curve extract this and create like a toy shelling go to the top view and grab it hang on we are in hang on go to view mode we are in view mode and simply you know do something like this and we need to cut this one as well there we go and sharpen it all right you know all these small bits that create just additional interest which is pretty cool um same as here we could just slice it you know straight or you know do something like this or this is actually fine um i think this one is kind of cool well i'm gonna kind of like it like that okay and on top of that we could create another uh interesting bit in here so we could simply we could simply grab this one right and slice it with uh with a knife here like this press k slice it with a knife come on there we go and select this bit here so the front bit right and move it outside so e and sort of extrude it out and come on go to side view and uh you know cut it notice with a cutter this time um so like that perfect and you could grab this box and perform a cut like this go to top view and create two more cuts on top here uh mirror this to the other side and sharpen how we looking awful not this one this one this looks like um let me see this what's going on here this looks like some issue with um oh there we go it's flip normals okay so what we need to do is select um select this whole area this entire area here and let me see this okay let's try to flip it outside um alt and flip outside yeah that should do all right alt um alt v and face orientation there we go that was a problem so sometimes you need to check orientation and they usually usually is the culprit of a lot of issues so um tiny cuts in here and just for fun white and normals and bob's uncle okay cool so now i need to add some um oh this actually went through i'm not sure if i wanted it but it happened so we need to deal with it we could repair this you see so what we could do is this wouldn't be easy to do but we could repair this and bring it back to where it was um but to be honest uh it can't be battery pairing this i'm just going to leave it like this and you know roll with the punches so let's do that and combine these two and what the hell is going on here and there we go let's just run three on this one clean up that didn't work let's see what's happening here double vert of course what else and we can symmetrize it whoa fascinating wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let's apply the mirror and semi-choice it back our cuts are gone pretty interesting pretty interesting because what i in fact wanted to do is i wanted to cut this one so there you go i think the boolean wasn't applied yet so cool that's what i want to do okay perfect now let's grab these two and scale them and sort of you know extrude them and do this and we good to go we're probably going to create some kind of you know decals in here in the middle so gy you can collapse them a little bit something like this will do but i think we're good could have some interest in it on the top as well but uh you know maybe some pipes or cables or something this would could actually look cool uh let's see if we can actually do that one we could have some cables going on to the to the ground with cable later so let's bring it let's bring the floor and gz and go to side view and you really need to you know make sure it's aligned properly you could do it with aligning to cursor but i can't be bothered solidified downwards you got a bit of a thickness on the floor and what we could do now is you know create some kind of a connection to i don't know some kind of a device here so you could just add a cube make it smaller bring it to the top and bring it somewhere here make it smaller and bring it here and let's see it's still too big bring it here and there we go and i need to drop it on the ground so somewhere here okay and scale it uh add some battle here just for fun um just put some bubbles in the back okay so add some bevel to it as a whole and then it's some chamfer on top maybe um and that's a little bit too small so let's make it a bit wider so switch pivot to individual origins and maybe make it a bit wider and bring it somewhere here that's good wait it normals to make it you know a little bit less crazy and fix this crazy bevel going on here this could be far more interesting here in fact i don't like this chamfer i'm going to uncheck for this with with mesh machine and in fact i'm going to uncheck for this one too and what i'm gonna do is this one right and i'm going to cut it from the front okay so go to the front come on orthographic and grab a handgun and just slice it or maybe like this this could be interesting no it's not as boring so maybe let's do something like this yeah this would work sharpen and we could drill some you know i don't know connectors here or not so kind of big ones you know here with solidification maybe not the large okay and then v to clone this to the other side i cannot be bothered to make it symmetrical so i want the bevel is a bit too crazy sharpen this and it's just a bevel issue probably something come on actually it's not a bubble issue so i think it's a double vert issue so sharpen this probably what happens is the there you go the overshooting too close to one another so just merge them and it's gonna be okay i'm just gonna mirror this you know easier and we're going to flatten this so select this one this one y with mesh machine and flatten that's why you use flattening mesh machine for it's a fantastic tool because it brings it up you know zeroing on on the axis is just going to bring this whole structure down another one that creates something like this that's cool and maybe you know kind of out outlets for it so three to clean it up and bring it in and you know something like this uh let's check for this peachy and then what we can do is go with the cabinetrator here so let's go to mesh tools and cable ups and in fact i can just go shift i think it will shift c yeah create the cable between this one and this one and then cue this one and this one okay and then ctrl ctrl 2 and ctrl 2 and let's just move this one a little bit a little bit here so g and move it in here there we go and then edit this one and g and move it in here whoa this one g and move it in here and go to the top here and see how we're looking well we're not looking too good so we need to align it and cheesy and move it down go to back view and you know just make sure we're in the middle same with this one grab this and go to the back and uh do something like this pretty cool well guys i think this would be it for part one we can continue in part two this is already long enough in part two we're gonna start adding some details we're gonna start adding some details to the pipes to those cables we're gonna design some cool floor floor maybe even some walls i don't know how far we're gonna take this but let me know in comments how you feel about it if you would like me to you know create some kind of like a simple maybe even a room for it or some you know like a very simple environment with some ceiling or something some light and then we're going to texture it with kit ups and definitely even materials and do some cool renders we're gonna have some fun with it in next episode so that's it for this one thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed it links to heart ops and books cutter in your video description two most essential add-ons on this planet at the moment unless we're gonna get invaded by aliens and they'll bring some cooler technology we also launched the patreon so if you would like to support us on patreon um the links in the video description and i would like to thank to everyone on patreon at the moment who's supporting us the feedback was amazing thank you so much guys it's really pretty i appreciate it from both you know me and josh we really appreciate that so uh thank you so much and that's it for the video catch you next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 25,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, hard, surface, tutorial, scifi, hardops, boxcutter, workflow, blender tutorial, hardops tutorial, boxcutter tutorial, hard surface tutorial, modeling tutorial
Id: zQAVh_HUicQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 35sec (3515 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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