Hard Surface Modeling Tutorial for Blender - with HardOPS, Boxcutter and Mesh Machine.

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hi guys are you here with not have it for blender in this one we're gonna be designing a crate and we're gonna be putting a lot of emphasis on detail placement so um let's just uh start with the cube right and of course i'm gonna be using heart ups and box cutter because who doesn't and if you would like to buy hard up some box cutter down links in the video description so let's make this create a bit narrower like that i'm going to go to edge mode ctrl alt click on edges so i'm going to select the loop here and without applying scale i'm going to bevel them because i want to have kind of uneven bevels like this i'm going to grab these two faces and i'm going to bring them um closer on z-axis so they are slightly you know asymmetrical as in this angle here is wider than this one but you know not nothing too crazy okay all right that's cool and then i'm going to apply scale all right and then i'm going to select this edge and i'm going to chain for it all right i'm going to chamfer it like that let's select these and shift ctrl alt click here to select all of them and i'm going to bevel them all right so i'm going to bubble them a little bit now the amount of bevels and the segments is important you want to keep them even so six um because when you for example want to uh decrease the resolution of these bubbles you can do that by selecting every second one in the middle okay so that's that and then we're gonna add another bevel on top of it and we're gonna make it a bit thin right three segments is fine and i'll click on the weighted normals that is pretty cool now let's add some bass to it so let's go to we could do with the cube or we could do it with um you know um with the uh n bond let's actually scale it on y and then scale it on um let's drop this one down so gz somewhere here okay here what i want to do is i want to cut it like this okay hold ctrl to echo this angle here and b 10 segments should do i think um let's create something like this and this cut didn't work for some reason let me just grab that and sx or sy there we go mirror to the other side uh and that's that and how we're looking we lost the bevel so let's just you know let's create it here um 10 segments is enough that's cool let's apply this and we're going to add another level here so without that right and then mirror to the other side with mesh machine picture let's go to side view okay and let's just cut it in here hold on this all right battle boom and for some reason the bevel doesn't work here it's kind of weird hang on shift v view um let me see this one the time b and let's cut it through there we go that's better um we could leave it asymmetrical it's kind of cool actually more cuts in here maybe one here one here b for bevel and just let's slice it through that's pretty cool so what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab this one shift click on multiply which will basically create a copy and it will remove the weighted normals and levels so you can sharpen this right and what we're gonna do is we're gonna cut it so select this one and difference okay and shift two so now we got this bit here kind of cut out right so if i remove this you'll see it's cut out okay cool now let's go to the front view and here definitely we're gonna create some more cuts so let's go to actually maybe circular gonna oh maybe no maybe maybe rectangular like this um b for bevel and let's just you know whoa one more time something weird is going on with my box here today there we go and just cut a copy to the other side peachy and we could also um kind of hollow it down in here with battle boom yeah so it's you know it's not as um not as thick you know this stand here we could create another cut like this with a knife okay so press k for knife and grab this one and we could shift click on cover extract to create something like this like a paneling which is kind of cool and then we can move it to the front so shift d y move it to the front here right and just cut it so switch to color and slice it and let's just go to other scroll and gy and gy and move it somewhere here so it kind of sticks outside and then shift d okay and then q and you need to go to operations uniquify to apply any cutter to it so i'm going to be copying this with a cutter and then have a scroll and gy and you know move it somewhere here and gy and move it somewhere here pg shift two okay looking good let's just save this because reasons let's just save it and run the power save but now the front bit right so let's grab this and um let's queue and shift click on actually no ctrl click on curve extract so we're gonna extract his face and then let's go to edit mode and insert it right and then ctrl i and delete that all right and now we got this face here so we can solidify press two to solidify both ways right and then we can difference this so let's check remove the battle um one time remove the bubble here there you go and difference okay that is pretty cool and i think i'm gonna you know mirror this to the other side there you go that's pretty awesome this one is a little bit too too wide so i'm gonna slice it from here there we go that's better it's looking pretty cool we're going to extract this one so let me think this could be actually interesting ctrl r here and ctrl r here go far here and control right here and then just apply the mirror and then let's do this again so um let's remove this one and move this one here and gg move it in here and this one majorly move it in here more or less right so now let's grab these and insert them a bit and then extrude them in and [Music] scale them on individual origins right how does it look it doesn't look too terrible but um we need to do is um it slices in half like this okay so okay and slices then what we're gonna do is uh combine this into one face because i want to i want to select all these except these and bow them right it's gonna look a bit better cool um maybe we can actually mirror this to the other side now this one isn't symmetrical but we can do is grab these um apply the mirror again and grab this and simply move it so g y and you know move it somewhere here all right and if you want to fix these it's really easy you select them with um control shift click here alt a with machine tools boom and then symmetrize with alt x to the other side with um mesh machine and quick and easy i think this could be moved a little bit deeper but that's cool that looks pretty awesome i'm gonna lie so let's go to the front and let's just grab this bit and this one is not applied yet so operations multiply grab this one and insert it a little bit on cue and actually we can we can extract it like this but here grab this edge and you know chamfer this a little bit here like a small chamfer okay you don't want to have the same um depth of edges go to the front view and press the circle and we're going to enable dots here so let's switch to cutter with d and then control draw this shift and hold shift and scroll to you see here in the top maybe 70 is fine g z and move it up well it's going to be gy sorry because it's flipped g y build and then just let's cut it and uh let's press x and boom right and then here we could have a different panel so we could do something like this um b for bevel and you know cut it in just x and boom right okay and then sharpen sharpen sharpen and sharpen peachy now this is a separate item right so we can select that and chamfer this so here you can select it let me just sharpen this and sharpen this select that and you know bevel this a little bit so check right a bit and we can have some fun here like that looking good looking good so there's a panel here that's awesome in the back here we could have uh you know some kind of vents okay we could uh create two event panels uh here press b and you know cut it in press x okay and then we could recall the color and simply mirror to the other side all right then shift 2 to hide it and you know sharp and sharp and you could you could use what you call them um multiply two if you wanted to now i'm gonna move them a little bit outside so guy and move them a little bit outside and now we can cut the uh inside here so you know create some kind of a vent here really thin okay it's gonna look better uh a bit more technical um maybe something like this you know here all right cut it in and boom now what we need to do is select this and run like that okay and slice it so we have nice connection and simply mirror to the other side and operations multiply okay looking good looking good nice all right this could be rounded you know here so let's just sharpen this and let's grab this one and simply you know do something like this same here this could be you know this could be um a bit more supple this could also be round but not too much just a little bit same here you know just a little bit okay cool this entire edge here could have uh um chamfer so what we could do is press y select the edge press y and um select let me see that l select which will select this entire edge around okay and what we can do now is simply chamfer it's gonna look better okay so check for this and this one i could leave on chamfered now we got some shading problems here which probably we could fixed or we should fix with a bevel let's run the bevel here small one um three segmented one and these things needs to be fixed so just combine them here um that will do and yeah this one needs to be combined shift one shift one shift one i'll leave this one alone okay something on the other side so combine these and these and this one i'm gonna leave alone shift one shift one shift one shift one and shift one whoa okay and then copy to the other side with mesh machine looking good looking good i would just make it a bit narrower so that's why and just scale it a little bit so it kind of fits inside here guy you know kind of in the middle here it's gonna look a bit better okay cool um this also could have some interesting details here for example two cuts here on the side let's run a cut here thin one and one more here are we looking i think you're looking good sharpen and weighted notes yeah i like that it's really nice let's just copy to the other side but smashing um mirrored this good good good um maybe maybe two handles in here on the top i think i'm gonna do it with the uh with end gun so d and gone and we press a to make so we're gonna do is um we're going to make which is this one and simply throw it in here i think like this so let's go to turn off the cyclic and let's establish the thickness with t something like this would do i think so let's draw it from here and kind of like this and then press b for battles and 10 will do and we're going to extrude it and boom right and then let's move this one gx in here and this is i think it's too tall so jay-z and move it somewhere here that is pretty cool i think and copy to the other side let's apply the mirror so it's multiply and um we could run some you know some chamfers on this or battles even better i could just run some bevels to round it up right doesn't matter uh let's go here and boolean's union one more time shift shift two and let's mirror this and sharpen there we go that's better cool so one more time grab this and cut it here with a knife and then select these two and shift curve extract and um sort of define them a little bit and sharpen peachy all right let's save it okay now see now it will be a stage of me adding some details okay so for example what we could do is you know do something like this right drop a detail here in the middle come on something like that and this one for example could have hinges on sides so could create watch cuts so d let's grab that and let's just create wedge cuts here so you press w and ctrl to create perfect wedge and you could recall this color have a scroll and then we could erade this i could actually array this uh press x and rate it down and then simply you know mirror this thing to the other side shift to boom you got wedges which are you know very supple i mean subtle but let's just mirror this there we go and i think there's a mirror going in here at the right so what you need to do is alt express a to select to create secondary mirror there we go and select this one and have a scroll gx move it in here and shift to perfect so we got these wedges you see now the point of um the whole point of detailing is to create something that actually supports your build but doesn't really create too much noise like for instance you see plane areas here i wouldn't basically touch them i would leave them alone here we do need to fix this in my opinion it's a little bit you know a little bit wobbly what we can do here if you get this kind of a situation you could run dice okay so let's go with operations and some mesh tools and dice and let's just press z not z sorry y yeah why press z to remove z we only want y lines are on the y axis it's why because it's rotated more of them is fine and just slash it and boom the shading issue is solved yeah geometry doesn't matter because who gives a here you got double edges which needs to be removed okay so stuff like this for example here would need to be removed so all these would need to be removed to maintain the the arch angle that will do and hear the same thing simply too many edges you need to know which ones to remove we need to remove these that were created by the dice okay so these are all edges and there's a bit of a clash in here which we can fix very easily by simply well doing something like this and this one's a little bit messy here too so gg move it in here oh collapse this here that's fine um this one could run here let's just look around here done and then mirrors with the other side and peachy here the same thing you just get too many edges guys okay so remove these um you know dissolve and dissolve and what is going on here sorted grass is fine you know when you when you're creating um when you're creating um what you call them you know concept art it doesn't really matter what kind of geo you have right it's all about it's all about shading guys okay shading matters the rest unimportant so as long as you're shading whole the good okay and all thanks to the other side good peachy so that's uh contained you know now just start playing with with some ideas here for example you could have some cards here in the front also this circle is not really even for some reason i think um our mirror got let me see that yeah the mirror got messed up okay that's cool let's grab this main cutter here let's do it again difference and make it a little bit larger there we go shift to sorted okay yeah the mirror i mean this circle probably is not i um perfectly in the middle so that's why i got a bit messed up but it's okay and what we could do is um create a mirror here on this main bit right which will secure the things and then you ever scroll this and you move it on the x-axis until you know it's a circle right and then you move this one to the to the middle as well a bit manually and there you go now this one here i would like to run some um bevel here but i cannot do this because of these connections so i need to grab these two and simply remove them select this um this ring here and i'm going to actually i'm going to bevel this this is going to be nice and supple it's gonna correspond with this interior here and then let's go to the front view and cut it let's see let's create some small cuts here press w to remove the wedge gx move it somewhere here guy and are we cutting this different stereo and let's cop mirror this to the other side like that shift d z and grab these ones and shift d z move them down gz difference it's pretty strong i think it's maybe too deep you see when you're going to look from afar you will see very deep shadows so in this case what i'm going to do is i'm going to make them a bit shallow right so um alt h don't hide the currents grab these two medius four sorry move them out here like that so there's a cut but not as deep as you know it's less black because it's shallower okay on the side here we could have some um some notches but we can do it later um this side could have some name here the back also could have some details we could have some screws running around what we can do is grab this entire face right and insert it a little bit okay so it's really like that and um e right just apply this insert it one more time and e and it creates a really interesting bag you see kind of like a plating and what you can do now is some screws on the bottom if you wanted to this one also could have some cuts um so we could do this with an angle we could have for example cars in here by this and some in the front it's going to add a bit more interest [Music] and you could you know bevel this as well if you wanted to so you could just you know run some bubbles here not necessary but you could might look a bit better because remember the whole thing is beveled so i think it looks a bit better some mirror to the other side and some in the front so select these and select these and bevel them a bit and simply mirror to the other side boom actually the top here let's go to local view could be sliced like this here from the top and from the bottom a bottle will not be visible but we could do that anyway let's see how it looks looks pretty cool um let's recover this cutter let's grab these two actually let's grab this face here and sx let's get it like this grab these two and battle them and let's see how it looks yeah that looks pretty cool that looks pretty cool okay and now here you could have some notches as well so you know some notches here b b and cut and then we could have a scroll this and shift d y move it in here and difference shift two nice you see now details have been clustered in certain areas so they're not you know kind of obnoxious i create notches in here like that with wedge cut and record that and move it deeper and see why yep and then mir boom sharpen that's better that is nice very nice accent barely visible and you know for the modeling part this would be it and then you could just play with some decals but you see that you don't need super many details to design something cool if you have a decent form um you know created and you really don't need that much okay here we could have some you know some nooks and crannies as well maybe we could create a cut in here like this this would um you know indicate some kind of a maintenance axis have a scroll gui and mirror to the other side shift 2 there we go this is a beautiful plain area and then a bit of details emphasized by these lines two screws here in the bottom empty area you need areas of calmness and nothingness to help your eyes to you know be guided from two area of interest right i wouldn't overdo this maybe a name on the bottom and some screws on the top and that's it you could add some um maybe a symmetrical element here all right guys i'm happy with this one if you would like me to texture this and add some details to it let me know i can always record a part two if you would like to learn more about design and you know creating better blog codes coming up with better ideas and placement of details echoing you know rendering all that we have a fantastic course for this and it's called blend bros design course and there's a lot of theory but also a lot of practice you have two model section modeling sections and there's a lot of theory section and if you struggle with these things i think it's going to be extremely helpful it's one of our more more important courses i think that we've created let's blend the bronze with josh so anyway guys thanks so much for watching one more time if you need help some box cutter links in video description i would highly recommend you also use machine tools you've seen how fast for example mirroring stuff can be with machine tools you know you simply go to edit mode and you just all text when you're done and that's you know that symmetrizing everything across your mesh so um it's a really easy way to to work what the is this hang on yeah see these rogue bullions they happen um whenever i'm using um blender in edit mode holding ctrl box cutter is given mental man so be careful with that there was a some kind of a rogue bullion over there this one could be actually you know what i'm thinking about this could be actually chamfered chamfers are really nice ways of adding detail by breaking surfaces and adding angles so you know don't underestimate um chamfers let me just check for this and then there's the other side there we go this one got chamfered properly yeah it did okay cool cool cool same with this one you could you know you could show for this one as well so jeff for this all along here and without it one more time gotta be careful which ones you're choosing because you can undo chamfers but it's not as easy right and maybe to the other side semester one in the back so these small details like the chamfers they will really add a lot of interest to your design you might not see it now but when the light reflects off the chamfers off of the chamfers in during rendering you can really see the difference um so also you can make the bevel smaller if you want to here make it a bit more metallic kind of like a machined you know machine stuff so here the same just a small battle there you go okay cool awesome all right guys thanks for watching see you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 2,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, blender tutorial, hard surface, scifi, 3d modeling, hard surface modeling, modeling tutorial, hardops tutorisal, mesh machine, boxcutter tutorial
Id: TR76zbHVGto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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