SHOULD you SUBDIVIDE the mesh? - HARD SURFACE dilemma in Blender.

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hi guys through here with monitors for blender and today let's talk about the hot subject of sub-dean to sub D or not to sub D desta question there are people out there you know who think that you need quads to run a sub d modifier we tried to hunt them down eventually gonna get them all just takes time so bear with us guys but it's bollocks yeah you could have a sub D modifier on and the mesh and I'll show you if you can't you know spot n guns here that's good but if you can't I'll show you my angles here see these handguns Oh scare me so now I'm gonna go to my modifier start and you can see that I have a subdivision modifier running in here with bevel and mirror and weighted normals and billions and all this junk okay it's fine you just need to know how to control the mesh I actually have a video with this piece when I show how I fix it apology it's a time lapse so I can slow it down if you want anyway so the question now right is why would you need sub D and when and when not to use it well the answer is very simple right if you don't need it stay the away from it because it's a bit it's just bad news in my opinion it's it's my opinion okay I use sub D for very specific reasons but I want something to look pretty smooth and curvy and I need this level of curviness to be adjusted anytime I want so for example a pipe right which is curvy and I want a lot of sub D on it to make it very smooth but for instance if I had and of course when you animate stuff you know you do need quads I mean it's just no-brainer but that's a different story we're talking about hard surface modeling okay for hard surface modeling you do need some D's sometimes especially is very lucky as I said break here very curvy and complex complex kind of shapes ok then sub D might be you know might be the good answer for for your for your situation unless you're gonna sculpt it okay that's not that's not option go to blender and sculpt it and then bring it to to the you know as a solid object sub decimated and work from that it's possible usually I don't use something and let me show you why okay so we got this shape if I sub did now right is gonna be a mess however go to edit mode we could actually control this by you know adding some creases right the thing is that while you could do it with barrels as well now the cool thing about sub D is that you can let's add here as well on these sides oops not this one mark there we go let's add some more sub D so control three so it's really smooth right ish and let's add a bevel to make it smooth okay perfect now the configure about some D's for example if I wanted to make it bigger it's it's no it's not that difficult to change size and maintain this curvature right is to smoothness this is pretty cool because sub they will adjust it will stretch but it will adjust now the problem is some days that I can't is cut this thing like that with bully instead easily because it's gonna be a mess right so preferably what you want to do is assam d mesh is you want to cut it using loop cuts now the problem with this method is that as much as is it precise and well you know could be clean its destructive right i mean you you can't make non-destructive cuts like this I mean this is extrusion is just that's it you're done right so you know if I let's actually mark these edges here where are you bastard here these two and these two there you go and let's mark them right there you go so now see you know we got this we got this shape here but it's its destructive another thing is it took blood a long time and you still need to clean it up because you know this is this is garbage right this is to be cleaned up and probably bevel is just a big but it still need to clean up if you got pulling on G on corners and all this stuff so you would need to run some loops around probably another time etc so it is a lot of work now it could be beneficial in certain situations right but again is destructive and it's a lot of headache and there's gonna be a lot of cleanup - especially if you apply this Abdi okay so what because now now you know now it's a simple mesh but why should apply this Abdi it's gonna be you know it's gonna be a riot you know what I mean control this good luck you need to you need to control so many things like for example you need to control how these sizes flow because look at this congestion hearing these bending all this you need to control right so there's a lot of work involved so I don't work on the hard surface model I really need to think if I you know if this is what I need okay so if I really need to subdue it do I really need it okay is it necessary that's a good question so let's see how would be how would we attack this from you know a different perspective okay so let's uh let's grab these edges and Gigi and you know let's mirror this unless battle this right so let's go to object mortar let's battle this let's at sharpen that sharpen these two edges whoops not this one so let's sharpen these two edges right and the angle will not catch them which means it's a little bit too shallow fine so let's ah let's move these faces a little bit outside okay so G I mean si s y and scale them out start on to the battle kicks in there we go so now we have a similar situation the only difference is that we know we we we need to make this face a little bit wider and then we need to introduce a bevel here right like this to create this curvature right like we have here now you're thinking okay but you know you can't that easily adjust this curve right well actually you can you can you see because if you really wanted to right even if you have bullion right in it I see the disadvantage of working with non subdivisions you can cut the out of it and everything is life okay everything is life you can you know you can change all these cards okay did they're not permanent in addition to this one you can very easily control bevels because if you using something like hard ops you can go to step which will add bevel arm which is set at half angle so now and I'm gonna cut this mesh right that's a mirror sight now I'm gonna cut this mesh okay this these bevels they cannot be let's come here because I'm not easier to see these methods will not be at half size and now I can you know adjust each of them separately you see so I got this battle and this battle second a very precise bevel on this side okay and really thin thick bevel you know on the on the main mesh see what I mean so they seen you would need to do it manually on sub D because you know you can run automatic bevel a good luck running multiple bevels on a vanilla mesh it's just it's a headache ask clap here's a video on this one is I was watching I was dying inside slowly so if you don't have a machine to measure machine in hard ops you know you're gonna have a bad day but that's why the D settles out there you know that's that's what they fall so again now let's say you're gonna say okay fine but you know he kind of with this match well that's bollocks I can because what I can do if I wanted to right I could go to dice and slice the hell out of it right like this of course I'm gonna have to do some you know damage control around some damage control over here so probably decrease the size of the battle there we go everything is peachy and now I got this much slice correct so now what I'm gonna tell right I'm going to apply a lattice to it so lattice modifier right and let's go with I think he's gonna be on loop is gonna be on Ike's for effect a lot is it's also fantastic was hard up she's so easy to work with this thing so let's slice it like that and actually know what that's too many let's just go up a few learned that money and then I'm gonna go to be select and we can have some fun so now for example I could remove this you know like that and you tell me that I can't deform my mesh of course I can you just need to know how so let's select this and that's like this and go the other way though and I don't need sub D I can do it like this you see of course you're gonna do some cleaning but and the tar limits to which you can push it but let's apply quite enormous but you can deform your mesh don't the advantage of this one of course is right that's all my modifiers are still life which means I can still adjust my stuff see what I mean you can't do it on some team edge so it does a compromise right this one is not going to be you're not gonna be able to increase the resolution by this one you're gonna spend a lot of time and you don't have as much control so you need to choose which one is best for you okay again much needs to have a purpose if you have a clear clear purpose and you know what you want then you know which tools to use you suck in the camera when you're using depth of field sometimes you want it sometimes you don't why would you want to use a channel depth of field so you know very small area focus on the landscape it just makes no sense right you wanna use a narrow aperture to to get as much as in focus as possible unless you do some creative stuff but that's what I mean so in here is the same thing you need to know what you want to do with this mesh if it's gonna be a static element in a bot and what how would you need a sound before in addition to all of this right when I apply all these you know when I apply all of these all the modifiers right and this is with this is with the dice but if I didn't have dice on it's going on right just no dice just a mesh and I'm gonna apply the modifier look look how clean my mesh is you know I mean this like almost no geo in here right and when I apply stuff to this one right you know see what I mean it's just it's a headache right then again not many people apply sub D to a mesh but if you want to run some boolean on it you might have to like for example I have this model of a plane not playing at your ship what's it's called the moon dragon why is it this one right so let's open something like maybe 34 and I'll show you so this is a good example okay let me turn off the demas here not texture object there you go so these all these elements are boolean right all these apples this is being caught however when I cut it in is actually some D match you see sorry I was cutting on a match that was subbed eat and the something was applied because I didn't want to but because for me it was easier to deal with cleaning the boolean rather than running the stupid loops and cutting manually it's just too much work because you see with with stuff like for example watch this with stuff like for example let me duplicate this right and bring it to a local node so if I for example when I caught some boolean in here in this match right so let's let's let's cut an angle okay like this right oops I need to go to View mode give me a sec so view and now let's cut it again okay right so we're gonna cut this and I'm gonna apply it okay so not battle I'm gonna apply it to sharpen right and now I will need to do a bit of a cleanup okay but it's easier for me to do it with for example stuff like mush machine okay because I you know all I do is simply select I select the edge okay around the ball go to vet mode I go to my menu boolean cleanup and it will do it for me you know so all I need to do is change the mode you see and it will just literally clean those verts for me right and all I need to do is simply reconnect stuff that I wanted to be connected right so it's just that easy you know so when you use add-ons this is easier so I do use something much BIOS it differently okay see that that sub-dean it's quite dense too right but I don't need to deform it anymore because I couldn't I committed to a form and I know that I will not be changing the shape because the way you model something you you start with something that's that's a basic shape and you commit to it and once you commit to it and you start adding details you don't really want to change the shape right you still can but you know that there will be a headache on Animesh sub D or no sub D okay so the video because for example in some deep mash you're gonna have these destructive cuts on the non sub D mess you will need to figure how to deal with geometry and you know changing the shape of it which will pull probably some places you know you have to move some boolean so doesn't matter what you do you're gonna have a headache so you decide which headache is gonna you know with which of the methods gonna cost you less headache right and choose that one so it's not about which is you know which method is best no it's about which method is best in this concrete a very specific situation and that's how you should think about some D or non sub T okay you gotta pick your battles in a smart way yeah you're gonna go far so for example if I was to create a simple shape let's say you know let's say something like something like this okay so let's go to side view and let's apply the scale let's really quickly quickly cut some and gone in here like this and let's grab some you know some cuts on the side and let's let's cut some openings here now before I apply this boolean let's run a cut here so I live around the country in the middle with life someone I applied to what I apply this what I do this I said that's not not what I want to do I want to actually knife it so knife and slice it with knife there you go then on they apply it right I'm gonna have this line in the middle perfect so now I can select these edges and and all done okay oops solids penalties all right let's apply some battle to it at the end okay so now watch got some got some issue here we can fix this so what we can do now as you test probably got over shooting bevel it's okay let's go back a little bit select all these go to occlude let's go box select I'd select all these and to move it on the y-axis a little bit at the middle and now it should be peachy so shift G direction and let's level the corners whoops it's pulling the side things okay finally so it's money only so let's pull these select these and these and let's bevel it and let's demo the whole thing right now and that was gonna be catching here in the bottom a little bit but we can fix this so we could go again to our box select and we probably need to move this a little bit let's move it a little bit here like this see you can't do that stuff on sub d mesh when you have life cards you just can't do it because you know you you're baked you done and even before you know before I apply discussed I could have actually use a stamp bevel and get you know different different size of bevel for these you know it's gonna be difficult for you to do it on the sub D mesh as well so why would I need you tell me why would I need sub D on this I what's the point this will not Bend this will not move and the G has just been kept a minimum it's clean right so why would I want to around with it with sub D for this I mean it's just don't bloody point and and they say okay but how about if I'm gonna bend it again you know you can because you just go to let's try this let's see if it's actually gonna work so let's go to lattes right and before you go to LA - let's actually slice it with dice right whoops not this one let's light it with dice so it's gonna be on the y-axis and we can actually precisely see where these lines are falling right so slice advantage it should be fine so now you know if I wanted to to bend it right with lattes can be deformity as we can but our limits to it right so let me show you so if I'm gonna grab this with a box select right and you know to form just a little bit then we gonna be fine right shedding is fine but there are limits to it because you know we have a specified amount of amount of Geo that actually is running across here so at some point this is gonna break but it's still holding look see what I mean it's what the hell would I need some D for this I don't I mean that there is a bending in here okay already right in this area right but you could still you know grab these two and these two and you could still sub the fightin if you wanted to locally see what I mean look and I would smoother so again you just have to think what kind of tools you have at your disposal and what you cannot do with your mesh right thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed the vid hope you learned something useful and hope it helped to answer some questions that you might have had if you do know names of people that you know claimed that you need quads to some d.match then just send them to me and we got a lot of mics and they're ready to go and harvest some kidneys you know so we gonna take care of that anyway thanks for watching if you do need to buy some items and then go and have a look at my video description down links affiliate links to stores machine store and master Zeon storing can bar hard UPS box cutter and machine Adams so I have a look and by doing so you will help the channel as well thanks again have a good one talk to you in the next vid
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 18,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subdivision modifier, subd, subdivided mesh, blender, modifiers, hard surface, modelling
Id: zYuYu41-YGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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