Blender Tutorial for Beginners - Hard Surface Modeling - Tertiary Details

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hey guys seru here and welcome to part three of this complete beginner guide to hard surface modeling in blender in part one we discussed you know the main add-ons that you're gonna be needing free add-ons and we talked a bit about basics of blender and some interface stuff etc and then we started modeling in part two we modeled all these all these mid level and kind of like a smaller details like these bolts here etc and in this video we're gonna wrap it up okay so first of all we're going to do stuff that we haven't finished in the last video and also things that kind of came to my mind after uh you know i stopped recording and kind of looked around this model i thought maybe i could do that first things first we need to stay consistent with the design so these bolts should also appear here so what we're going to do is we're going to simply borrow the cutters so shift 2 to grab the cutters and let me just uh enable the user interface i mean not the interface the um we call this the grid and all the what's it called again overlays that's the one i always call it ovaries i don't know why um anyway so are we gonna grab these right on these two and uh shift d them down here and uh i'm gonna plug them in here and select this one and we're going to control plus select this bit uh and move this boolean on top let's collapse it and boom right so now this is a little bit too low so gz and move it up and bob john called shift two and it'll be peachy so you know it just makes a bit more sense and you know looks a bit more believable on the side here it looks a bit boring but i want to keep this clean look however what we can do is create you know either some kind of vents or one panel and one vent and maybe we can do it in a non-symmetrical fashion where where are we gonna create a larger panel and a small vent i think it's gonna look pretty cool um eventually when you you know work um i mean now work in blender every day for hours okay 12 hours you know 14 doesn't matter just always doing something regarding 3d so eventually just becomes a second nature to you but and you are able to see things that not able to see kind of designs that um you know they're not there yet but you can sort of visualize the bit that would fit in the area and other times you just simply need to model something just to to realize well do i really want that or not so g uh gy here and what i'm gonna do right so i'm gonna move this here to the side i'm gonna create a panel here maybe a little bit wider so let's go to face mode select that go to side view and gx and hold shift and move it here right ctrl a and apply scale and i think i'm going to chamfer the top so go to add edge mode and select this and shift select this one control b and chamber this a little bit like that maybe not as much so ctrl z and maybe that will do something like that and then okay i'm going to uh move this but if i'm going to shift the x and then scale it on x axis you'll see that my bevel is going to get buggered so we're going to do it a bit differently all right so we're going to copy this shift d and x here right but instead of scaling this in object mode we're going to scale it in edit mode right so let's go to vertex and then with machine tools we're going to enable something called occlude it's the same same one as in here called x-ray mode all right so if you enable this you can actually see through mesh in edit mode so let's go again to front view and go to vertex mode then press here to deselect everything press b to select these vertices and even if you select this in opt in orthographic mode you see that it goes through the mesh if you don't have this enabled all right and you're gonna try to select this in autographic mode you select only objects i mean vertices that are visible to you which means the front ones so these would not be selected so again you know uh just simply turn the crude mode and you can select it through the mesh right and then with with this selected okay we're gonna go back here to the front view and gx and move it here holding shift so now you see that we're maintaining this kind of a chamfer size and now we have equal you know equal size boxes we can actually combine them so press ctrl j to combine it into one mesh so now this is going to be one mesh and select this one and we can chisel it but before we do that let's shade it smooth and let's add auto smooth and also what we need to do is remove here uh auto smooth and shade smooth there we go shift select this one and control forward slash because what we want is panels right so select this main shape though on this one and go here collapse the modifiers and move the boolean above the bevel here same here collapse the modifiers and move the boolean above the barrel right and then grab this one m cutters now we got two pallets cut on each side which i think looks cool and this one here we can separate it now so we can go to vertex mode right so we can now apply this right so let's apply all these all these booleans so again clean the data go to modifier stack and let's apply these booleans all right and in this one we're going to apply this boolean okay which is basically um this cutout right so i'll select this one go to vert mode select the vert we can turn off this pass through ctrl l to select everything um on this object and then press p and selection right go back here and now we can go to object mode and go to front ortographic so now these two objects have origin point in the middle because they they were cut out from this main shape right now we can move origin points to each of them separately but we can do it together as well so you can select both of them with shift okay then shift s and move to geo and origin point will move to each of these separately right so you can take multiple objects and move origin point to them you can't do it with cursor because cursor is on the one so if you move cursor to these two it's going to move somewhere in between here uh because this is going to be the median kind of middle of this selection right make sense cool so let's grab this one shift a and um shift so let's move quicker to selected shift a and grab a cube and scale it so it's going to be in the middle front view orthographic and let's just scale it on x and then on z and then gz move it up here and now i think maybe on the bottom because i want to create like a grill and i don't want to go all the way up i want to go like maybe somewhere up to here i think it's gonna look cool so let's just apply scale shade smooth and auto smooth and then let's um let's go here and apply array and we're going to clean it on x-axis and move it up with shift here and then create maybe that many iterations and then click here and control minus so ctrl minus select this one and move it above mirror actually above the bevel there we go and now we got a bit of a problem and this is going to be caused by the bevel see bevel is so large in here that simply overshoots these these cuts in addition to this uh probably blender creates some crazy connections you can see the pool on this side i bet you there's a massive you know amount of lines edges connecting each of these to one of these corner points which is insane so let's go to edge mode let's grab front view or the graphic so in edit mode i want you to grab a knife and cut it through press c and enter and this should fix the problem of these i don't want it to go so deep so what we're going to do is we're going to go to main view and we're going to shift 2 and we're going to grab this and gx and sort of gy and move it out a bit what you can do to be able to see through the mesh in solid view press alt z this is again extreme mode in solid mode see this one it goes too deep so simply gy and move it out here so it cuts only through one piece of this mesh without z to fix it now you see it's almost fixed right almost fixed and the problem here is the bevel is still too big using overshooting here so we need to grab this panel right this long panel and we need to change the bevel size all right so just to dial it down or simply put a number in here like maybe 0.2 or something right not 52 0.2 there we go something like this and grab this one and cutters shift two and you're done and it looks really nice you see it doesn't go all the way it looks believable it's really cool now we need to copy this these pallets across right so we need to do is add a mirror okay so mirror and move this mirror above weighted normals and now there is a mirror now there is a mirror here but from some reason doesn't work and it doesn't work before because we move the original point to the object now you can see that it's get mirrored across itself the mirror point by the default is the original point so what we need to do is instead of doing that turn off this y-axis for bisect select this thing and copy it across the main object and same here select that collapse the modifier stack go to mirror turn this off click on that and mirror across and boom you're done you're back in business all right so let's save this right so everything is about details guys okay what i want to do is i create more details in here okay so uh shift s and move uh to select it to grow sort of shift a and that's another cube and scale this and uh let's get it like that move it in here and scale it on z and make it really really small also i want to copy the bevel um size so it's 0.2 same here bevel and we're going to change it to 0.2 okay because this is going to cause us problems so what i want to do is want to create kind of like a notches in here okay like small ones here so i can put a finger or some tool and kind of pull it pull this panel off this device so right click sheet smooth and auto smooth and i'm going to move this one here on x-axis and ctrl minus okay then i'm going to go to this panel and move this boolean on top of uh on top of here the bevel right so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna add the mirror to this one okay so go here and in the mirror and you see we had a problem so add all these three and then bisect it across this shape right and then if we wanted to copy this across z axis okay it's going to get copied across the original point which is here so if i do that it's going to do this right which is not a bad thing but that's not what i want so we either can move origin point or simply go to edit mode and shift easy and you know move it down and move down somewhere here okay it's gonna look a bit better so cutters you see it looks really neat look at this distribution of details you know you got this um asymmetry in here with this um with this panel you got this poly going on here and in fact what we could do let's just go with shift 2 and grab this one okay and shift d and x and move it in here right and change the mirror on this duplicated one okay to a different uh to a different object which is this one and then we're going to make it a bit more wide and let's see if it's gonna work select this one and ctrl minus and this is a bit too wide so let's simply um select this cutter and sx and scale it or we could move it so gx and simply move it out out here like this right and then what we need to do is move this boolean on top here right so you see the bottom of the cutters with the same size looks identical and it's you know all you need to do is just change the object across with your mirror all right so just watch this again if it's confusing it's it's you know you mirror the color to the side and simply switch them and the mirror point to this palace of this panel right and it's going to get mirrored here automatically so no problem so the sides are really nicely done now what we could do here is create a panel on top of it so let's go to edit mode and let's grab a control r here this will not work because uh you see this is an end gun so this is an angle not a square but we can fix i mean not a quad we can fix this by um simply dropping a loop here like this okay and when you drop this loop we can actually change this face knob to vertex snap okay and uh turn up the rotation and then if you're gonna go all with control r and you can actually choose a very twist control to which you wanna snap so if i hold ctrl it's gonna snap to this very gonna be perfectly aligned with it then we can combine this with j so select this shift select this and press j to combine it and then press k with knife and we're going to run a knife here like this so from here uh press c and run this way and enter and we're going to remove this uh this edge so simply press f now we got this interesting bit here this is what i'm interested in okay so we got this bit right so we can select everything here so select this shift select this ctrl click here shift click here and ctrl click here one more time click shift click ctrl click shift click ctrl click so ctrl click gonna select a loop here we're going to shift d this right press p selection and then we're gonna grab this and we're gonna collapse all the modifiers right i don't think these booleans do anything for us so let's try they don't so we can remove them we'll keep these ones okay and then we're gonna add another modifier called solidify uh so solidify we need to move it above and let me see the bevel is a bit too big so we can drop it to 0.2 as well and i think it's gonna be peachy and now solidification can go either way you can go up or down we want to go up here okay and make sure you got this even thickness turned on uh sometimes when you solidify especially on curves it happens so that the thickness of the plating is going to be different on you know either side so okay so let's apply solidification we're happy with that and let's go here and grab this line so just um go to edge mode and i'll click on the line it's gonna select the whole thing ctrl b and you know move it like this and we're going to so now we're going to press ctrl r and drop a loop here and then we're going to press ctrl r and drop a loop here all right and we're going to grab this bit and we're going to press e right mouse button to cancel out s and move your mouse down just to reset it a little bit okay like that we're gonna have an interesting you know kind of like a accent over there and we can actually mirror this to the other side so at modifier mirror so we need to mirror this now in the arrow around so not from left to right but from right to left so we're gonna click on axis and then we're gonna bisect it and it's gonna mirror this across this side and to the other side because we have tomatoes right okay cool and i think that will do guys um that's you know that's gonna be the top of this of this thing and i think we're good to go we could create some pounds here on the top as well but i'm not going to be bothering with this what we could do is actually create a roof here sort of like a pallet here on the top so shift d and p to its own selection and then so now you don't want to apply the boolean because the boolean is these two things on top right so you want to remove the boolean okay and we're going to we're going to grab these cutters but later so let's first go to solidify and let's solidify this and move it up okay and we're gonna solidify it up a little bit maybe a little bit more than the other one so you know until they meet and then we need to definitely drop the battle to 0.2 like that let's apply the solidification okay so we got that and now what we can do is you know cut these in okay so we can press shift to and grab these right and select that and ctrl minus and then select here and move these cutters above bevel and you're gonna have cutouts in that mesh here and they're gonna be perfectly encompassing you know the shape right so it looks pretty cool awesome shift too so we got the top kind of like a piling on top of this and we got the sides now we could do the last thing right is we could add some you know some maybe control lights or something and we could also add some i don't know maybe keypad or some stuff so keypad is really easy guys shift s and move um to selected the cursor now the um origin point again is somewhere down there so shift s and move origin point to geometry shift test move cursor to select it and then shift a and add a cube and scale it down and now we're going to be making keys right so there's something so g x move it out here like a keypad so first we need to create a keypad right so let's make it longer and let's listen don't make it in the middle don't put it in the middle exactly it's going to be boring let's misalign it somewhere here it's going to be fun all right it can be even longer or you could split it into two you know uh sort of a keypad let's say right it's kind of following the design here but in vertical fashion so so shift d z and put up right and simply scale it on z like this and create something like this here right and this is a little bit too much sticking out so g x move it in g s x and scale it and do something like this and apply the scale and then you know let's combine them so ctrl j and then auto smooth and shade smooth and then ctrl plus because you want to combine it right so let's select this one go to edge mode press k for knife and run a knife here with a c click and you're done and then let's move this modifier uh up here okay so boom right now it's mirrored but we don't want that so what you want to do is you want to move this right um move this modifier the bevel right but below the mirror so everything's gonna get mirrored except this right so let's apply all of them right modifier is disabled let me see that what modifier is this uh this doesn't do anything for us so we can turn it off and then let's apply this and then um we can we cannot really apply the boolean before we apply the mirror because if i do that it's going to get applied you see so we need to apply the mirror first and then the boolean otherwise it's not going to work we're going to lower the bevel a little bit okay because it's insane we're going to make it 0.2 right it's a bit more civil and we're going to go to edit mode so we're going to select this edge in this edge this one and this okay this one and this one and these two right and ctrl b a little bit to create this kind of a situation all right so with this done let's select this cutter here and move it to counters okay and then we need to create some keys right so um like you know so you can press them and i don't know open on open this device and just you know do some adjustments and whatnot so let's create a simple keys and you know somewhere here now we can uh apply scale and auto smooth shade smooth then go to edge mode alt control click on these ctrl b and you can actually round them up so we could create uh five you know five days round battles so five um five edges or four segments and um we could also bevel this ctrl b and then scroll down and create like a chamfer you know like this right now when we're going to combine this this bevel is going to be way too big so we will not combine this okay but we're going to array this so let's erade this um and array this on y axis first right here and then we need another array okay so we need another array and we need to write this on on the uh z-axis like this and this should do right and i'm gonna battle this but i'm not going to combine them together okay i'm gonna leave them alone so i'm going through the bevel right and the bevel gonna have to be smaller so you know just much smaller than this let's turn off this clamping because it drives me crazy put something small here like 0.001 okay and we're gonna add weighted normals at the end boom then you got the keypads and this one could be some kind of a screen here so what we could do let's go to face mode so like this one shift d right press p selection and then collapse this bevel and wait it almost adds some solidification to it and move this one atop okay and solidify it outside right here scale it just a little bit in like that and change the bevel to something small like one and you're gonna have this screen on top but we need to uh it's got skilled on this original point so you see get scaled on the origin point which is not what we want so let's actually go back shift s and to geometry then sketch on the written point and we're going to move it here on g y alright go to edit mode vertex occlude b select these g y and move it in here so i got this screen kind of thing going on it looks pretty cool right and i think that's it guys i mean we could um for example run another cut in here if you wanted to that's really easy let's go to edge mode and control r and add a loop here in fact let's see it in the middle it's going to be easier and then let's grab it to local go to side view like this and then press k and press c and run it all the way down here and then press z click and enter and this will cut through okay the whole mesh like everywhere so we don't really need this loop here to be honest so selected with alt and x dissolve edges because we don't need it we don't need this one either to be honest but we need this one so select this one g x and move it in then um ctrl b to split it and then e console with right mouse button alt s and move your mouse in okay this is this is going to create this kind of indentation around it we just think it's going to look pretty cool so you can go either in or out you know up to you basically maybe this one is a little bit too narrow maybe we can make it a bit more thick so click here in face mode out click so it's going to select the whole thing around and then gx and move it in here let's see how this will look maybe it's going to look better we could run a panel here too go to face mode out click this shift d then p selection right select that it's the same thing so i'm going a bit faster now let's apply this boolean here because we'll duplicate um apply this bevel mirror okay um we can apply the mayor and then we need solidify okay and the solid the fight is to go outside like this right it needs to be above the bevel and then we got this kind of a pile in the middle here i think it looks pretty cool and then you can adjust it whether you want it to go outside or not you could go a little bit outside here like this maybe i think it looks pretty cool and in addition to that you could create some additional cuts in here so good to grab another cube and go to you know front view and scale it and scale it on x and scale it on z and let's cut it some more and g move it in here maybe make it a bit bigger and gx gy sorry move it here and let's shade smooth auto smooth shift select this and ctrl minus did it work it did yeah okay and then where is the midpoint here let me just go here midpoint is here so shift s and move to geometry also we need to remove this oh this is boolean that's interesting because it's a main structure piece these got applied so let's select the vert here control l select vert here as well ctrl l and then simply x delete vertices and then shift s into geometry which is gonna bring it in here that's what we want now let's bring boolean up to the top right now let's go back and let's grab this cutter right and then the mirror and we're going to mirror this on z axes across this object boom right across here now we got some weird cuts here i mean we are artifacts here the reason is because the bevel on this one is too big okay it's overshooting so we're gonna simply change it to something like 0.093 and there you go and sort it and it's going to mirror on the other side or not nope so we need to add mirror here as well so let's collapse these stacks add a mirror move it here above the uh well you can put it below the bevel it's fine and let's mirror this on itself um actually across this main object or even on its own um axis because it's in the middle so that's fine across y so bring this one in colors and that's it so there you go guys it's a full design i think we complete here you can still keep adding elements but i think at this point you know we can done right let's select these faces the last thing i'm going to do and let's just insert them a little bit okay and just extrude them a little bit to create a bit more of a thickness here the back just for shits and giggles okay so there's a bit more structure here in the back and there you go guys that's our finished you know kind of a device or whatnot let's save it now all right guys well that's it i think in the next video we're going to be adding some lighting mods and rendering this maybe actually adding some floor as well i'll try to keep it as brief as possible but you see we had so much fun detailing this thing it took us like 40 minutes or close to it and you know but that's detailing is really important you really need to understand how to do it and how to create a really pleasing but interesting design so it looks intricate but it doesn't look you know boring or silly and looks believable because that's you know the most important thing that's how you're gonna get picked up as an artist through your portfolio because clients will look at your portfolio will contact you say hey we like what we're saying we would like to hire you okay that's usually how it happens through the portfolio so it's important to pay attention to details and kind of you know know what you're doing and and how you want to bring that model to conclusion so anyway guys that's it for this one thanks for watching and as usual there's a link to a pdf book a free ebook that we created for you as blender bros if you get that book through our website which like i said it's free you're gonna get some additional free really cool stuff with it in a due course through emails so i highly recommend you get that there's a lot of interesting stuff there to read about and learn and also it's a very good reference place to if you know if you forget something on a your memory so anyway thanks for watching and i'll see you in part four
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 1,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, hard, surface, tutorial, scifi, blender tutorial, blender for beginners, beginners guide, hard surface, blender guide
Id: 1Z6aEL8uGlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 59sec (1979 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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